Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 939: Wu Qiu mother and daughter

Wu Qiu’s mother and daughter were at odds with Kong Qinghua. Before Kong Liangji’s face was hindered, they had to make a family happy look. Now seeing Kong Qinghua sitting at the main table, Kong Qingrong’s heart is full of emotions. Suanshui, even the look in her eyes became wrong.

However, there were so many people here, everyone was talking about themselves, but few people noticed Kong Qingrong's vicious eyes.

But among these people is Lin Mengjia.

Because of Kong Qinghua's sake, Lin Mengjia was very wary of Kong Shuchou's family, lest they do anything against Kong Qinghua.

Seeing Kong Qingrong roll his eyes to look at Kong Qinghua, Lin Mengjia's mouth curled, revealing an expression of disdain.

Tang Feng saw it and smiled and said in her ear: "President Lin, your appearance is not like the expression of a successful female model, but like a jealous little woman."

Lin Mengjia pinched Tang Feng's leg under the table, somewhere invisible to others, and said, "You didn't see it. The appearance of Kong Qingrong just now is very annoying."

Lin Mengjia never had a good impression of this mother and daughter.

Tang Feng smiled and said, "You have been prejudiced against them."

Lin Mengjia disdainfully said: "What prejudice, these two people are unscrupulous in their actions, and they are extremely mean. In Yanjing's circle, their mother and daughter have a very poor reputation. Everyone talks about them behind their backs, but there is no good word. ."

"At that time, you were still young, and you wouldn't have been in these circles. How could you still know this?" Tang Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised.

After graduating, Lin Mengjia arrived in Binh Duong, and did not have much contact with Yenching's circle. Before that, Lin Mengjia was still a naive girl who was not interested in such gossip.

"It's just because they are related to Qinghua, that they will care more," Lin Mengjia smiled and said, "Also, because of their great reputation, they are notorious."

When Tang Feng saw the mother and daughter, he could judge that they were not fuel-efficient lamps, and between his eyes, he could see that they were not kind.

Tang Feng glanced at the two of them, and saw that they were whispering. What they were saying was nothing more than the words of Kong Qinghua who could sit at the main table.

With Lin Mengjia's current ear power, the distance is so close, despite the noise, she can still hear what she wants to hear, and there is a look of disgust on her face.

Her gaze swept over the mother and daughter, and then looked to the side of Kong Shuchou, muttering to herself: "Before in the circle, it has always been preached that Kong Shuchou is pretty good and will be fascinated by such a woman. The reason for living is because of what means she used. Now it seems that it is just gathering people and groups by things!"

Tang Feng smiled slightly.

What Lin Mengjia said is very reasonable.

People and people are of different classes and living environments, which will create a big gap, but no matter how big the gap is, if they are of the same type, they will eventually attract each other.

After Lin Mengjia said that, she suddenly thought of something, and quickly looked at Tang Feng with a gossip face, and said: "Look at Kong Shuchou, will his condition be like the Xu family?"

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it will disappoint you. No matter it is Kong Shuchou or Wu Qiu, there is nothing unusual, and there is no magical aura in them."

Lin Mengjia showed a disappointed look on her face, sighed, and said: "Many people say that Kong Shuchou forced to death his wife, who was excellent in both family background and moral character, and married such a woman. Even the origins are quite controversial. It must be an evil. Now it seems that the two are really in love?"

"Didn't you just say it, don't things gather together?" Tang Feng didn't answer, still smiling.

The voices of the two people were so low that it was impossible for others to hear them.

However, Lin Mengjia's gaze frequently swept towards Kong Shuchou's family of three, which also attracted Kong Qinghua's attention.

Kong Qinghua was quite concerned about Kong Shuchou, and seeing Lin Mengjia like this, he couldn't help but whisper to her: "Jiajia, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing." Lin Mengjia waved her hand quickly and concealed it with a smile. "I don't think I have seen your father for many years. Looking at his appearance, it seems that he hasn't changed much. That is to say to Tang Feng that he is well maintained. Yan's prescription does not seem to be understood by Tang Feng."

In fact, Lin Mengjia's words were nothing more than anxious student Zhi slanderous, just for fear that Kong Qinghua would find out that she was gossiping about her stepmother.

But what's wrong, but it's crooked.

Kong Qinghua also looked in the direction of Kong Shuchou before saying: "He always pays attention to maintenance. When he was in his forties, he continued to exercise every week, and he also had a strong ability to control himself. Ashamed, besides, there is a genius doctor beside him who helps him with the treatment. This maintenance must be good."

Lin Mengjia gave a soft "Oh" and said, "But Jupei?"

Tang Feng just said that the living Peena treatment plan is beneficial to Kong Shuchou, and she is naturally very sensitive to this.

Kong Qinghua nodded.

Lin Mengjia turned her head again and looked at Tang Feng.

With a faint smile on Tang Feng's face, he said, "Ju Pei is indeed a good doctor."

When he said this, he always kept a smile on his face, with a calm expression, and couldn't hear the meaning of the words.

Kong Qinghua didn't know what had happened before. Hearing what Tang Feng said, he looked at Kong Liangji's side and whispered: "I can get your evaluation, I'm afraid he will be ashamed at that time."

As Kong Liangji's family doctor, Ju Pei was helpless with the deterioration of his condition. In the end, it was Tang Feng that made Kong Liangji stand up again.

Tang Feng didn't take it seriously, and said, "He did the best he could do within the scope of his ability. The reason why it didn't work was not because he didn't try his best."

"It's because you don't have the ability?" Kong Qinghua quickly added a sentence, with undisguised sarcasm in his tone.

Lin Mengjia knew that she was very repulsive to everything about the Kong family, and she didn't feel strange to her reaction like this. She just smiled and said, "Don't talk about it, Master Kong just looked at you and laughed, don't let him Hearing, now he has ears and eyes. He sees six ways and listens to all directions. It’s better than our ears."

"This is not your Tang Feng's credit." Kong Qinghua glanced at Tang Feng with a complicated expression in his eyes.

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