Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 940: Reiterate

Ruan Kangde gave a brief speech when everyone was seated, nothing more than a polite speech.

This time, because of his fatigue, he only said a few words briefly and arranged for the back kitchen to start serving dishes.

This banquet is mainly based on Chinese local dishes, and all the very famous chefs are invited. All kinds of dishes, frying, frying, and deep-fried, all are unreasonable. With the dishes coming up, in this banquet hall, it is already filled. The aroma of vegetables and wine.

All the dishes are delicious in color, fragrance, and taste. Just looking at it is a sensation.

The wine on the table, in addition to China's famous white wine and yellow wine, is also equipped with wine. Any bottle is very valuable and can cover the cost of ordinary people for a year.

However, these people present have all met the world. They came to this dinner party not to eat or drink. For them, what they see in their eyes is the wealthy businessmen in China, and many of them are well-known entrepreneurs. Normally, but there are few opportunities to gather such many people together.

For these people, such a good opportunity is naturally not used to drink and eat, but to seize the opportunity to exchange feelings. Some people do not recognize each other, but they invite people to be referrals to build friendships. .

Suddenly, the scene of this dinner party became lively. The people in the business field were good at talking. So many famous entrepreneurs and rich people gathered in one place, and they are likely to cooperate afterwards. Naturally, everyone. With a smile, the mouth can be bright lotus.

Many people were holding wine glasses in their hands, coming and going, shuttled between the various wine tables, coveted and laughed, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Lin Mengjia and Kong Qinghua were also called over by the bosses of several big companies in Pingyang. They talked about some topics about future development.

At Tang Feng's table, Mr. Shen and Kong Liangji were also smiling and talking.

In the beginning, the two of them only talked about their physical conditions, but as the discussion deepened, they started to talk about the situation of Yenching.

When talking about this, the voices of the two of them were very low.

Chen Jianfei was aside, not speaking, but looking at the surroundings with a vigilant look, lest someone would come over.

However, these people present are all savvy people. Seeing this situation, they also know the secrets they talked about. Who would be so indifferent when they came across? Even if you want to talk about friendship with Kong Liangji, you should stay away from it so as not to be suspected.

The conversation between these two people couldn't be heard by others, and Tang Feng could hear clearly.

What they are talking about is nothing more than the official's on topics such as business trends, which can be regarded as very sensitive in these places, but Tang Feng has no interest in this.

After all, Lin Mengjia didn't plan to go to Yanjing for development in the short term, and the news was of little use to Tang Feng.

Ruan Kangde approached Tang Feng and smiled and said to him: "Mr. Tang, is this dish unpalatable?"

He saw that Tang Feng had barely moved his chopsticks, and a drop of wine had not been touched, so he was a little puzzled.

Although he doesn't know much about Chinese cuisine, his food is the same all over the world. As long as it is delicious, it is a feast. Who cares about the culture behind this food?

He is quite picky about eating, but he can't fault the table full of dishes.

Tang Feng glanced at the dishes on the table and said faintly: "It's okay."

In the face of these dishes, such evaluations are not high.

Tang Feng didn't care about eating Ben. Even if Bigu had no effect on his body, he didn't care whether the food was delicious or not.

Seeing this topic, Ruan Kangde obviously couldn't bring Tang Feng's interest, so he smiled sullily, sat next to him, and said: "Mr. Tang, Shicai, you said, what's wrong with that painting, can you tell me more about it? Talk about it?"

Tang Feng looked towards Ruan Kangde and said lightly: "How did you get this painting?"

"At an auction." Ruan Kangde quickly replied. He had said this before.

Moreover, that auction was public, and many people present probably knew about it.

"Have you always been interested in Chinese paintings and calligraphy?" Tang Feng asked, "You said that you also collected another picture of Tang Yin's lady. In addition to this, are there others?"

Ruan Kangde showed a hint of shame on his face, and said, "Mr. Honestly, among all my collections, there are only two of these Chinese paintings."

Tang Feng tapped the corner of his mouth lightly, and said lightly: "I knew it was like this."

Ruan Kangde was a little puzzled, and said: "I wonder why Mr. Speaks like this?"

"The price of Tang Yin's ancient paintings has always been high on the market. The overseas market, even more than the domestic one, can buy such paintings as treasures. If it is not for a very special situation, I am afraid that all It will not be auctioned."

Tang Feng's gaze fell on Ruan Kangde's face, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Ruan Kangde opened his mouth and said hesitantly: "I don't quite understand what Mr. Tang meant."

"This dinner is charitable in nature, and if you offer such a low price, you know that this painting will definitely be taken away, but there is nothing distressed about it. You want to give the picture of the lady I didn’t hesitate and didn’t think about it. Does this mean that you don’t really care about these two paintings. There are only two Chinese calligraphy and paintings in your home. Waiting for calligraphy and painting, in fact, is not interested."

Ruan Kangde seemed to feel that the banquet hall was a little hot and sweat leaked from his forehead. He took out his handkerchief and wiped it, then said: "Mr. Tang is right. Actually, I am more interested in oil painting. Yu Huaxia Chinese Painting."

Tang Feng nodded.

Ruan Kangde was born in the West, grew up in the West, and inherited the title of a certain Western country. Under such cultural influence, it is normal for him to be more interested in oil painting than Chinese painting.

However, there is one thing that is abnormal.

With a faint smile at the corner of Tang Feng's lips, he said, "Then why, at that auction, you had to spend a lot of money to take a painting that you are not interested in?"

Ruan Kangde wiped his sweat again, then said: "At that time, I didn't know much about Chinese paintings. I just heard that the horizontal axis of the landscape was a masterpiece by a master. So I took it and wanted to taste it carefully. For the same reason, I took another painting by Tang Yin, but in the end it was counterproductive. After all, I didn't appreciate these paintings very well, so I was shelved, and that's why I brought it this time. "

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