Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 941: Dangerous man

Tang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ruan Kangde with a smile.

Ruan Kangde had wiped off his sweat and looked at Tang Feng with a smile.

The two looked at each other quietly for a few seconds.

In the end, Ruan Kangde was defeated first, his smile on his face became a little embarrassed, and he explained: "Mr. Tang, I am still a bit inferior to the ancient Chinese culture in the next. I can't get a glimpse of the subtleties of these paintings It is limited in capacity."

Tang Feng always felt that Ruan Kangde's smile was a little bit ridiculous.

Obviously, he was hiding something.

Although Ruan Kangde is very rich, he does not have to spend tens of millions at will. Buy two paintings that he is not interested in at all, right?

And, at his age, he has already passed the age of doing things like this regardless of the consequences.

Buying a painting is not a very worrying thing for some reason, but Ruan Kangde's cover-up is even more suspicious.

Tang Feng looked at Ruan Kangde's very clumsy performance, and only thought it was ridiculous.

Ruan Kangde seemed to calm down in such self-talking, and even smiled, and said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, you asked me what is wrong with this painting before, can you please tell me about it."

Tang Feng picked up the corner of his mouth lightly and said, "This painting is very good."

Ruan Kangde was still waiting for Tang Feng to continue speaking, but saw him stretch out his hand, holding the teacup, and drank the tea slowly. He had no intention of continuing, so he swallowed his saliva and asked quickly: "Also, anything else?"

Tang Feng looked at him with a faint smile, and said, "It's gone."

"Nothing? Just now, didn't the husband say that there is something wrong with this painting?" Ruan Kangde gaped.

"No, there is nothing wrong with it." Tang Feng drank his tea with a very relaxed smile.

At this moment, Ruan Kangde was anxious. The smile that was too late to disappear before immediately condensed on his face, with a slightly long mouth, staring at Tang Feng blankly.

Tang Feng didn't speak, but just smiled and drank tea.

Just when Ruan Kangde wanted to say something more, he heard a sharp scream, which broke the harmonious atmosphere in the banquet hall.

People who were smiling and talking to each other stopped when they heard this call and looked at the place where the sound was made.

On one side of the hall, a few people were already surrounded, and among them, there was a very sharp female voice, a loud voice with a lot of guns, and the tone was very unkind.

As the host, Ruan Kangde is naturally the most concerned about this matter. Although his Chinese language is good and there is no problem in daily communication, he can't tell what is being said for a while when he hears such fast speech. Just looking at this situation can tell that it is not a good thing.

Ruan Kangde immediately got up, said apologetically to Tang Feng "disaccompany", and leaned on the cane, and hurriedly walked over.

Tang Feng collected the noise in his ears, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He stood up calmly and walked over there slowly.

Although he was not very familiar with this noisy sound, he had only heard it once in his super memory, and he would not forget it, and he had only heard this sound a few days ago.

Just now, Lin Mengjia had gossiped about the owner of this voice with him.

It's Kong Qingrong.

Kong Qinghua's half-sister.

At this moment, she was yelling and cursing endlessly. From what she said, she couldn't tell at all that she would actually be the daughter of a big family like the Confucian family, and she could not see her education and manners at all.

Kong Liangji, who was talking quietly with Mr. Shen, also heard the noise.

Kong Liangji raised his head and glanced over there. Then he didn't make much movement. He just turned his head and searched for Kong Shuchou's figure among the crowd.

Kong Shuchou was also talking with a few familiar business partners. He had heard Kong Qingrong's voice before Mr. Shen, his brows were slightly frowned, and he walked straight towards the surrounding crowd.

As he passed the main table, he looked at Kong Liangji with a displeased look. Kong Shuchou hurriedly stopped and whispered in his ear: "Father, it's just a small misunderstanding. You don't need to care, I will deal with it. ."

Although it seemed to be an understatement, Kong Shuchou's face did not show the slightest ease.

What kind of occasion is this now, and what kind of characters are there?

As his daughter, Kong Qingrong, no matter what the reason, the public yelled so modestly and even cursed a few swear words, not only lost her own face, but also made the entire Kong family follow. Shame.

When Kong Shuchou got closer, he could see the situation among the crowd clearly, and he was about to squirt out a mouthful of blood.

Kong Qingrong’s head and face were dripping with water, and the drops of water dripping from her hair were still running down her exposed shoulders. She didn’t even care about wiping, but instead pointed her finger at the person on the other side, still indecisive. Yan cursed loudly.

This is nothing.

What really made Kong Shuchou feel that his scalp was numb was the person who was being pointed at by Kong Qingrong, it was Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia's face was sinking, and behind her stood Tang Feng with a faint sneer on her face.

There was a conflict between Kong Qingrong and Lin Mengjia. Kong Shuchou relied on his relationship with Lin Mengjia and his seniority in front of Lin Mengjia could easily settle this matter.

But Tang Feng was daunting him.

Tang Feng didn't do anything or speak. He just stood in the crowd behind Lin Mengjia, staring faintly, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

When Kong Shuchou walked over, Tang Feng glanced in his direction.

Only that glance made Kong Shuchou only feel cold all over, and even his mind paused for a moment.

His first reaction was to immediately turn around and run away.

As the young master of the Kong family, Kong Shuchou is aloof everywhere, and everyone is polite to him, and he is always gentle and gentle, always full of joy and anger.

But at this moment, his face was shocked.

He instinctively felt that the man in the crowd who did not look surprisingly ordinary, was now revealing an extremely dangerous aura all over his body.

It seemed to be a beast that was dormant in the forest, always ready to violently hunt. It was motionless, but it was creepy enough.

Kong Shuchou felt that he had lived to this age and had never been so flustered. If he had a choice, he would definitely run away.

Yes, escape.

The first thing that came up in his heart was this word.

But at this moment, he had no choice but to step forward. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 941 Dangerous Man) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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