Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 942: conflict

Soon after the banquet started, Lin Mengjia took Kong Qinghua and had a good chat with several entrepreneurs from Shanxi Province.

Before, Lin Mengjia and these people were all familiar with each other, and they had more or less business contacts. After the rapid rise of the Mengtang Group, they had more intersections with each other.

This time, Lin Mengjia mainly wanted to introduce Kong Qinghua to these people.

After all, she intends to hand over the management of the entire company to Kong Qinghua. She acts as a shopkeeper. Kong Qinghua, as the executive manager, is not only responsible for managing the internal affairs of the Mengtang Group, but also for this diplomatic aspect.

Kong Qinghua is generous, highly educated, and has worked in a large foreign company. He has an elegant manner and a decent manner, and he is extremely professional in what he says. He immediately won the favor of these business partners.

Also, when the performance was just performed, everyone understood that Kong Qinghua sat next to Kong Liangji and talked with him happily. Seeing Kong Liangji’s amiable smile, and that both of them were surnamed Kong, it was easy to guess. To their relationship.

Therefore, these people are more polite to Kong Qinghua, and there is no lack of beautiful words in the conversation, some younger, or the rich second generation who came with their fathers, are more courteous to her.

In today’s Jin Province, Montgomery Group is considered a dark horse. Marriage with this executive manager is a dream thing for any company. In addition, the identity of this manager is still the daughter of the Kong family. Bargaining chips, not to mention, Kong Qinghua himself is so full of charm.

Seeing Kong Qinghua surrounded by people, she looked at ease in it, and Lin Mengjia's face showed a smile.

This situation made her very happy.

Kong Qinghua's approval from other business partners means that her development in Binh Duong and even in Shanxi Province will be smooth and smooth. At the same time, Meng Tang Group will gradually complete the transformation and open up new businesses under her management.

It was undoubtedly one step closer to Lin Mengjia's dream of throwing her hands away.

However, Lin Mengjia was delighted to see this situation, and some people saw it, but they were secretly jealous.

That person is naturally Kong Qingrong.

The sisters never got along in harmony.

Just as Kong Qinghua felt disgusted when he saw Kong Qingrong, Kong Qingrong didn't have a good impression of Kong Qinghua.

In Kong Qinghua's eyes, Wu Qiu's mother and daughter, like Kong Shuchou, were both responsible for her mother's death.

In fact, in the final analysis, this most hateful person must be said to be Kong Shuchou. If he had not cheated on his marriage, forced his original wife to divorce, and attacked her natal family, he would eventually die depressed and unhappy. Things.

However, even if Kong Qinghua knew this, even if she hated Kong Shuchou again, after all, they still had a father-daughter relationship.

This kind of hatred made Kong Qinghua himself extremely painful.

In such a mood, she would easily be angry with this woman, Wu Qiu, who inserted her family without shame and gave birth to an illegitimate daughter.

If Wu Qiu could treat Kong Qinghua a little better after marrying Kong Shuchou, maybe things wouldn't be so bad.

But Wu Qiu, like all juniors, was born with no good heart and no kindness. Not only did she have no guilt about her ruining Kong Qinghua's family, but she regarded Kong Qinghua as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in her flesh.

Her mentality originated from Kong Qingrong.

Kong Qingrong was born in the period when Wu Qiu and Kong Shuchou lived together. Although Wu Qiu succeeded as a minor third and married into a wealthy family, the fact that Kong Qingrong was an illegitimate daughter could not be changed.

This incident, on the surface, is just a matter of status. If it is in ordinary people, it is almost nothing. At most, it is some gossip from the back.

But in the big family, it's different.

Now that Kong Qingrong is in her 30s, she is still unmarried. It is not that she is unwilling, but that there is no suitable person.

The daughter of the Confucian family naturally cannot marry into an ordinary family, but those big families comparable to the Confucian family, who would marry an illegitimate daughter into the door?

Do not say it is the five big families, even local families like the Zhang family are quite concerned about this.

However, Wu Qiu and Kong Qingrong are not reconciled to those whose threshold is much lower than the Kong family.

Seeing my precious daughter, even if she lives in the Confucian mansion and gets the treatment of the Confucian daughter, the name of this illegitimate daughter will never be washed away, but the daughter of her husband’s ex-wife is the righteous Miss Confucian, Wu In Qiu's heart, don't mention too much hatred.

Wu Qiusi did not reflect on her own behavior and Kong Shuchou's irresponsibility, which made Kong Qingrong an illegitimate daughter, but was so sorrowful of Kong Qinghua that she almost wanted to put her to death and be quick afterwards.

She looks like a virtuous and virtuous person in front of others, and behind her back, she naturally doesn't have a good color for Kong Qinghua.

At that time, although Kong Qinghua was young, she knew how to resist. It was only her resistance. It was limited to the methods that children thought to be powerful, such as putting snakes in Kong Qingrong's schoolbag. This behavior was regarded as a prank by adults. There was no effect, but Wu Qiu had a handle, and he intensified the bullying against Kong's family, especially Kong Shuchou, who denounced Kong Qinghua's "badness".

Under the influence of Wu Qiu since childhood, Kong Qingrong was also hostile to Kong Qinghua in the same way.

When she saw Kong Qinghua being able to do well among the people, and surrounded by a circle of young talents showing great hospitality, she only felt that fire was gushing out of her eyes.

She originally followed Wu Qiu and talked to several female relatives. When she caught a glimpse of Kong Ronghua, she twisted her waist and walked towards her with a provocative expression.

"Oh, my dear sister, I didn't expect that after so many years of not seeing you, you have become a mess, really enviable."

In front of Kong Liangji before, Kong Qingrong still had some restraint. After all, she needed to cooperate with Wu Qiu to make a gesture of family harmony. At that time, she looked at Kong Qinghua with dissatisfaction in her heart.

Kong Qinghua was talking with a few people, and his brows wrinkled slightly when he heard the sour and mean voice rang from behind him.

For these years, she has been hiding abroad because she didn't want to see this mother and daughter. She didn't go to provoke them, but Kong Qingrong came to the door by herself.

However, Kong Qinghua was scrupulous about the present occasion, was unwilling to entangle Kong Qingrong too much, ignored her, pretending not to hear, smiled and nodded to those people, said "disaccompaniment", and then walked forward.

Kong Qingrong didn't let her go, speeded up his pace, chased after her, still using that dark voice and said: "Couldn't it be possible that Ms. Kong's family climbed the high branch of the Lin family, so she didn't recognize people?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: Return, Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 942 Conflict) and open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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