Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 949: "I didn't hit anyone"

"Kong Qingrong, this child, is simply inadequate and more than defeated!"

As an outsider, Zhang Qingyu was so angry that he could not help stomping his feet heavily.

With a look of disdain on Chu Chu's face, he said: "Sister Mengjia is such a gentle person, she doesn't speak loudly, and it is nonsense to say that Sister Mengjia hit her! This woman is really hateful! "

"You little girl, did you see it with your own eyes? How dare to say so categorically that she didn't do it?"

At Chu Chu's side, an old man's voice that was not too high sounded, with a slight smile.

"Did you see Sister Mengjia doing it with your own eyes?" Chu Chu rolled his eyes and sneered.

While she was speaking, she turned her head to the voice, and wanted to say a few more words, so she was pulled aside by a hand.

Zhang Qingyu was pulling her.

Zhang Qingyu pushed Chu Chu to the side to stop her from speaking, and smiled and said to the other party: "Shen old."

With a slight smile on his face, Old Shen nodded to Zhang Qingyu, still smiling at Chu Chu and said: "I haven't seen her do it, but I can make a bet with you, she did do it."

As soon as Chu Chu wanted to accept it, Zhang Qingyu had already glared at her, and then hurriedly said to Old Shen, "Old Shen, the little girl is not sensible, so don't take it seriously."

Chuchu pouted, and muttered in a low voice: "Is it a bet? Who is afraid that it won't happen!"

Zhang Qingyu pretended not to hear, but still smiled and said to Shen Lao: "Old Shen, when I saw you in Yanjing, more than 20 years have passed, and your body is still so tough."

"It's rare that you remember what happened so many years ago. When it comes to body, I can't match that person."

Old Shen was talking, pointing into the crowd with his fingers, with a smile on his face.

The direction of his fingers is naturally Kong Liangji, who is already sweating profusely at this moment.

Ruan Kangde thought that Kong Shuchou would be able to settle the matter, even if he was happy, he didn't step forward, and he didn't expect the situation to get worse. At the critical moment, Kong Liangji arrived again, and he was relieved again.

But what he didn't expect at all was that Kong Qingrong would have to do something more whenever things could be solved.

He doubted whether Kong Qingrong had an enmity with the Kong family!

In the face of Kong Qinghua's relaxed tone, Kong Qingrong was even more angry, and said bitterly: "How can you not understand! In your heart, it is the clearest!"

Kong Qinghua spread out his hands in puzzlement, showing a confused expression, and said: "I am naturally clear. I just didn't talk and made a few quarrels. It's just a small matter. Why are you so excited?"

"You, you scold me! You protect an outsider, help her scold me, you just watched her beat me, you don’t care, and now you are still pretending to be someone in front of Grandpa!"

Kong Qingrong shivered with anger.

Wu Qiu complained repeatedly in his heart,

But then I thought about this matter today, although Kong Qingrong offended Lin Mengjia, but Lin Mengjia did it, it was ultimately wrong. If it can be proved in front of Kong Liangji that it was because Lin Mengjia beat Kong Qingrong that he could not speak, he might win some points. sympathy.

Therefore, she also took a step forward, pulled Kong Qingrong, and made an aggrieved look, and said: "Although my daughter offended Miss Lin in words, it was her fault, but Miss Lin, she can't beat people, right?"

"Hit someone? Where did I hit someone?" Lin Mengjia's face showed a look of astonishment, which looked very inexplicable.

Wu Qiu was taken aback.

Lin Mengjia smashed the cup at Kong Qingrong, causing her to fall on the spot. She was also with her. This was seen by many eyes at the scene. It was impossible to deny it. She did not expect that Lin Mengjia would deny it.

Even Kong Qinghua was slightly startled.

At that time, she was there and witnessed it with her own eyes.

"Who did I hit? How did I hit it? Left hand or right hand?"

Lin Mengjia raised the corners of her mouth lightly, with a faint smile, while speaking, she raised her hands and showed them in front of everyone.

Her face was calm and relaxed, her eyes were clear, and there was a small smile in the bottom of her eyes, without any lie.

"You, you splashed me with wine! Look on my head, on my body! The wine hasn't dried yet! There is still wine stains!" Kong Qingrong pointed to his body and said loudly.

Kong Shuchou really couldn't tolerate her being so embarrassed, and whispered at her, "Shut up!"

"She hit me, you still told me to shut up?"

Kong Qingrong was a little hysterical.

Compared to being scolded by Kong Ronghua and being beaten by Lin Mengjia, it was Kong Shuchou who beat her and did not give her a chance to defend her.

She completely ignored Kong Shuchou's prevention and anger, pointed at Lin Mengjia with hatred, and shouted at Kong Shuchou: "She hit me with a wine glass and hit me on the head! My mother and I were smashed to the ground! So much! Everyone has seen it, but she still doesn't admit it! She is so shameless and blatantly lying, you still protect her!"

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia with an innocent look and smiled suddenly. Then, he stepped forward and said to Kong Qingrong: "You said Jiajia smashed you with a wine glass? He smashed you on the ground? This strength is probably not small. Right? Excuse me, where did she hit you?"

"Of course! She used a lot of effort, not only me, but also my mother!"

Kong Qingrong turned his head to Tang Feng, gritted his teeth and said, "Here, right here!"

While speaking, she pointed her forehead with a finger.

In her opinion, it was showing where she was injured and exposing Lin Mengjia's lie.

When other people saw it, naturally they all accused Lin Mengjia.

Even if you don't accuse her of beating, you should condemn her for lying.

But to her surprise, the people present, looking at her forehead, showed doubt in their eyes, as if they were looking at a lunatic. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 949 "I didn't hit anyone"), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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