Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 950: Who is lying

"No! It's impossible! How could it be! She beat me! She beat me! It was smashed with a wine glass, right here! Look! Look!"

Kong Qingrong pointed his forehead with his finger, and turned around to let the people around him see.

But the people around them all had a weird look on their faces. Looking at her, some people were already whispering, secretly discussing whether the eldest girl of the Kong family had a mental problem.

Kong Liangji glanced at Kong Shuchou with a stern look.

Kong Shuchou could only come forward by himself, grabbed Kong Qingrong, and whispered in her ear: "Have you had enough trouble?"

Kong Qingrong stopped after being yelled at by Kong Shuchou, but his lips were still trembling, murmured and repeated: "What I said is true, what I said is true!"

Seeing Kong Qingrong like this, Kong Shuchou actually believed her in his heart.

After all, my daughter knows it by herself.

Kong Qingrong is indeed a stubborn personality, and he has been in trouble, but if she deliberately framed Lin Mengjia and beat her, it is unlikely.

There are so many people in the public, with many eyes and ears. Anyone who tells lies will be exposed immediately. Even if Kong Qingrong's brain is not too smart, he is not so stupid.

But what if he knew it in his heart?

Even if Lin Mengjia really played Kong Qingrong?

In Kong Liangji's eyes, Tang Feng was aloof and innocent, even if Lin Mengjia really hit Kong Qingrong in his face, he would apologize with a smiley face.

If you want to manage, you can only blame Kong Qingrong for not having long eyes. He has offended people who shouldn't be offended.

Seeing that Kong Shuchou had controlled Kong Qingrong, Ruan Kangde stepped forward and said with a smile: "It's just a misunderstanding. It's because I didn't entertain him well. I will be here tomorrow. I will entertain you again."

At this time, he planned to end the banquet that had only been halfway through ahead of schedule.

Although his goal has not yet been achieved, and what he wants to figure out is no result, he is worried that if the banquet continues, he is afraid that it will not end well. Taking advantage of Kong Qingrong's no further troubles, he simply let everyone directly. All leave.

Hearing what Ruan Kangde said, Chu Chu was among the crowd and muttered in a low voice: "Just talk nonsense about sister Mengjia hitting people. I haven't figured it out yet, so let's just forget it?"

Zhou Wan also leaned to Chu Chu's side and nodded.

In her opinion, her sister was wronged, and she couldn't swallow this breath more than she was wronged. If Zhou Zhengyang hadn't told her not to go up and make trouble, she would immediately rush to protect Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia looked innocent and looked very plain again.

Even when Kong Qingrong kept pointing at her when she was most crazy, she was indifferent, with a faint smile on her mouth, very dignified, and her expression unexpectedly calm. It seemed that these things had nothing to do with her.

Kong Qinghua gently pulled Lalinmengjia's arm, almost touching her mouth to the base of her ears, and said: "Jiajia, what's the matter?"

The others either didn't come over at the time, or even if they did, they were a little away and didn't see clearly. In addition, it was chaotic at that time, and no one was sure what happened.

But Kong Qinghua knew clearly that Lin Mengjia did smash the wine glass against Kong Qingrong. She remembered that Lin Mengjia made that action when Kong Qingrong pounced on her and wanted to reach out and scratch her.

Lin Mengjia still smiled, but smiled at Kong Qinghua without answering.

Looking at Lin Mengjia, Tang Feng couldn't help being amused.

Then, he took a step forward and said to the people around him: "Take a moment, please take care of your feet and see if there is a wine glass on the ground."

When Lin Mengjia hit Kong Qingrong with a wine glass, Tang Feng was far away, but he knew what had happened.

At that time, when he saw Lin Mengjia smash the wine glass, he used Anjin, which was a hidden weapon technique taught to her by Shangguan.

This power is used ingeniously and can be quickly transformed when contact occurs, making the other person feel pain and strength, but no harm is visible on the surface.

At that time, Tang Feng was a little surprised. With Lin Mengjia's ability, he wanted to teach Kong Qingrong. There were so many ways. Why should he do this? Even if they really hit Kong Qingrong on the spot, the Kong family dare not say anything.

But now, he understood Lin Mengjia's thoughts. She didn't simply want to teach Kong Qingrong a lesson, but had other purposes.

Looking at this cunning little woman, Tang Feng couldn't help but smile, and then it was his turn to play.

When everyone present heard Tang Feng's words, they all looked at their feet consciously.

These people have excellent brains, otherwise they would not have become such a successful businessman. They knew that Tang Feng was going to find that Lin Mengjia smashed Kong Qingrong's wine glass.

However, if a thin red wine glass can smash two people to the ground, wouldn't it be broken?

"Here!" A person found the wine glass on the ground and immediately shouted, bending over to pick it up, and handing it to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng took it with a smile, took it in his hand, and looked carefully, with a Ruowu smile on his face.

Without him speaking, other people are already talking.

"This is the wine glass? Is this President Lin's wine glass?"

"Shicai seems to have seen her holding the wine glass in her hand, and then because of the change too fast, she didn't see it clearly."

"Is it really President Lin she..."

"Don't be kidding, if it is true that the young lady from the Kong family can smash two big living people down, this kind of wine glass is impossible not to break."

"In order to achieve the most thorough effect, the wall of this wine glass is very thin, not to mention that it is smashed hard, even if it doesn't fall to the ground, it will break."

"It's probably because of the carpets and the floor-to-ceiling cups that are so intact."

"However, the cup held in President Lin's hands is so good, how come..."

Looking at this situation, everyone has their own arrogance, but in the final analysis, they are all certain. Of these two people, one of them must have lied.

Listening to the whispers of everyone in the ear, Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia after a long pause, and smiled: "Jiajia, look, this is your wine glass?"

Lin Mengjia just glanced at it, then nodded, and said, "It's this, Miss Kong rushed up before and wanted to do something. I accidentally dropped the cup on the ground, but somehow she suddenly backed away. When I fell to the ground, I was so shocked that I didn’t notice the cup."Longsheng’s return to be the newest dad Chapter address: the full text of Longevity Return to Be a Dad Address: return to be a dad txt download address: returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: https: // the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \" below Favorites\"Record this (Chapter 950 Who's Lying) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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