Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 194: The Consciousness of the Nine Nightmares

After several confidants left, the God King's face suddenly darkened. The God King had implanted something in those people, so the God King was not afraid that they would talk nonsense everywhere. In addition, the people in the God City had little contact with the people of the God of Death. If he wanted to guide the virus planet to come, he would need the help of those people.

For the God King, whether it was those people in the God City or those people on the surface, even if they all died, it had nothing to do with him. He had only one goal, that was to become a god, a real god.

In fact, the God King hid a secret. The virus swallowing the planet was actually deliberately promoted by him, and the virus planet was his biggest trump card, the biggest trump card for ascending to the God. The God King did not know Luo Yikong, but Luo Yikong did not know the God King either.

"Hmph! Whether you, Luo Yikong, or the God of Death, are just my stepping stones. By then, I am looking forward to the despair on your faces."


"It's very strange! All the zombies seem to be affected by something and begin to gather in these areas. We found a common point that these areas are all close to the ocean." Bai Fei transmitted the information to the projection panel in front of Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong frowned slightly.

"Something must have attracted them to have such a big impact on the zombies. It may be an extremely powerful zombie mother, at least a zombie mother of 10,000 people." Xuanyuan Luoying's voice came into Luo Yikong's mind. If it is not artificially promoted, it is very difficult for zombies to grow to a thousand people. As for the zombie mother of 10,000 people, there is no record of it in the Fire Seed Base.

Luo Yikong noticed that while the zombies were heading to the target location, they were still killing each other, or perhaps devouring and evolving. This strange scene was even more bizarre. Luo Yikong knew that zombies would only devour their own kind to survive when they were extremely hungry and the virus in their bodies could not survive. There must be something wrong when things are abnormal!

"Our Spark Base and the players have formed a large force to clear out the zombies at various concentration points, but there are too many. We wanted to use nuclear bombs, but the players didn't seem to want to, so I'll listen to your opinions." Bai Fei looked at Luo Yikong in front of him, and Luo Yikong also knew the players' thoughts. After all, it was an excellent monster spawning base, so how could it be possible for others to blow it up at will.

"Nuclear bomb?" Luo Yikong frowned. In fact, those zombies looked a lot, but with the monster spawning efficiency of those players and the mutual devouring of zombies, they could be wiped out in less than a week, so there was no need to use nuclear bombs. And for the players, these are all experiences to become stronger, but Luo Yikong was also afraid of some accidents.

"Launch the nuclear bomb!" Luo Yikong issued an order. At this critical moment, Luo Yikong still chose the safest approach.

"Okay, I understand." Bai Fei nodded and went to execute Luo Yikong's order.

In Atlantis, the God King and the God of Death looked at the scene of zombies gathering on the coast, and a smile appeared on both of their faces…

“I didn’t expect that the God King really has the means to control those zombies! But how come I never heard of it during the Gene War?” The God of Death looked smiling, and was actually asking about the details of the God City and the God King.

The God King naturally knew what the God of Death was thinking, so he put away his smile and said calmly: “This is what our God City has recently developed for zombies, and it’s not worth mentioning.”

The God King is not as arrogant as most people in the God City. After all, he is also one of the top existences in this world, and he has seen much more than most people. As for the God of Death, he is also an old hand. If the God King doesn’t say it, he won’t ask, after all, he still needs the power of the God City.

The God King actually had this method twenty years ago, but the God City had an absolute advantage at that time and didn’t bother to use it. If it weren’t for the monster from the outside world called Luo Hui, I’m afraid the God City would have occupied the surface long ago.

"But Lord Death, are you sure that the Spark Base will use nuclear bombs?"

"Of course, the Nine Nightmares have a precedent of devouring 3.5 million people. This time, a large number of zombies gathered on the coast and devoured each other. These are hints to that kid that the Nine Nightmares may use those zombies as food. To be on the safe side, that kid will definitely use nuclear bombs. Little did he know that when the Nine Nightmares devoured the second 10,000-level biological weapon, they already had the ability to devour the energy and radiation of a nuclear bomb explosion. This time, the concentration of zombies is concentrated in various places, so that they cannot concentrate heavy troops in one point and disperse everywhere. Then after the Nine Nightmares devour the nuclear bomb, we can take the Nine Nightmares and go straight to Huanglong through the jump engine!"

"Spark Base?"

"It seems that Lord God has stayed in the sky for too long, and a lot of things have happened on the ground. The Spark Base has been ravaged by the Nine Nightmares once, so it is not worth destroying at all. Our target is one of the player's bases... Shenzhou City!" The Death God smiled coldly. As long as Shenzhou City is destroyed, it will definitely give the players a heavy blow.

"As expected of the God of Death, you are still ruthless, but does Atlantis have enough energy?"

"Of course, after taking over the God City, the energy is very sufficient, there is no problem at all."

Hearing what the God of Death said, the God King's eyes twitched, but soon returned to normal...

At the same time, in the experimental field where Jiuyan existed, a white-haired girl had come to Jiuyan. Because of the influence of cognitive rewriting, the white-haired girl's entry was not blocked at all, and even triggered no alarm...


Nine huge snake heads stared at the white-haired girl, spitting out snake tongues, but the strange thing was that the nine snake heads did not intend to attack the white-haired girl...

"Is this your method?"

"No, I am not in a good enough state to affect such an existence." The white-haired girl shook her head and responded to the voice in her body.

At this time, the main head in the middle of the nine heads crouched down, and the long hair of the snake group above the head was separated from the middle. A black-haired girl with a naked upper body and a lower body fused with the head appeared in front of the white-haired girl... The black-haired girl who was originally sleeping slowly opened her eyes at this time...

"I remember you...sister...Luo Yiling..." The black-haired girl said in a dazed voice, as if she had not woken up.

"It seems that the part of the consciousness left in her body has affected her, but if it is taken away, it should be very interesting! After all, without a dominant consciousness, the many consciousnesses in Jiuyan's body will fight each other, and I'm afraid he will become a madman! But anyway, it is a killing machine, a controlled existence, it doesn't matter... Do you still want to take it away?"

"I... want to..."

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