Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 195: Arrival in Shenzhou City

"A notice has been issued! All personnel have evacuated the target location!"

"Launch now!"


Following Luo Yikong's order, missile bases in various places flew out of the launch silos one by one and flew to the strike site...

"It is expected to arrive at the No. 1 strike location in 3 minutes and 21 seconds..."

"It is estimated that we will arrive at strike location No. 4 in 2 minutes and 41 seconds..."

"It is expected to arrive at the No. 2 strike location in 2 minutes and 58 seconds..."

The missiles fell into the atmosphere and headed to different strike locations. Without the influence of the Divine City, the Fire Base could control the strike accuracy of long-distance intercontinental missiles within 10 meters.

Luo Yikong stared at the projection of the Zhongtian planet on the virtual screen. He had a panoramic view of the flight trajectories of those missiles. However, as each location was successfully hit by nuclear bombs and turned into scorched earth, Luo Yikong always felt uneasy... …

At this time, on a certain coast, there was a scene of crowds of people, and the air was filled with a strong smell of putrefaction and blood. There were tens of millions of zombies on one coast alone. These zombies were killing each other, devouring each other and evolving. The scene was very bloody and strange.

The players who originally existed in this area to level up have all retreated. At this time, the entire coast suddenly heard a harsh air defense siren. This harsh sound made all the zombies look at the sky with their cloudy eyes, and this Then a missile streaked across the sky with a long tail of fire.


At that same moment, there was a loud noise and a white light, and a brilliant and beautiful aerial city appeared above the sea of ​​tens of millions of corpses, and that was Atlantis.

"Start delivering!"


The next second, a missile carrying a nuclear warhead exploded over the sea of ​​corpses. The terrifying shock wave carried the air waves and directly vaporized large areas of zombies. A huge fireball that was more dazzling than the sun appeared in the sky... …

"Atlantis appears! And releases the Nine Nightmares!"

"Nine Nightmare! Why when the nuclear bomb exploded? No!" Luo Yikong was shocked. He suddenly remembered that Nine Nightmare was not afraid of nuclear bomb damage when he was at the level of 10,000 people, let alone the Nine Nightmare at the level of 100,000 people. , Atlantis has now released the Nine Nightmares, which may indicate that the Nine Nightmares are very likely to be able to directly absorb the energy of the nuclear explosion. After all, they will not do useless things. If you think about it carefully, this is the only possibility.

"Nuclear explosion! Jump engine!" Luo Yikong thought of something and immediately opened the administrator authority system. At least now he still has control over all player shelters. Luo Yikong immediately activated the joint surface defense, energy The defensive shield quickly enveloped all shelters on the entire surface. These shelters have stored a lot of energy during this period, just in case.

"Notify immediately! All personnel evacuate the Fire Base immediately!" Luo Yikong knows where the Fire Base is hidden. The city may not know, but Atlantis definitely knows. Just in case, Luo Yikong We can only order everyone to evacuate the Fire Base.

As Luo Yikong's order was issued, the entire Fire Base was in chaos. It happened so suddenly that there was no way to organize an orderly evacuation. They only knew that if they escaped too late, it would be a disaster.

"Commander, please follow us and leave through the safe passage!"

Several soldiers came behind Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong nodded slightly...

A large number of zombies were reduced to ashes, the nearby houses and buildings were reduced to ruins, the sky was dark, and between the world and the dead silence, only the aerial city and the nine-headed giant snake existed...

Nine Nightmare's body made that crackling sound, and a large number of sharp bone spurs broke through the back and grew out of the back, and Nine Nightmare continued to expand and grow. The snake body was as huge as a mountain, and its nine heads went straight into the sky. Even Nayat Landis, in front of the Nine Nightmares, did not look so majestic...

The size of the Nine Nightmares has expanded three times, and even Atlantis cannot contain the Nine Nightmares...

"Perfect! Perfect!!!" The God of Death stared obsessively at the behemoth on the scorched earth. It was an existence that could truly destroy civilization, and it was only a thin line away from the million-level creature.

"Sure enough... it is difficult for the civilization of this world to create a million-person existence. This is already the limit of this civilization..." The God King looked coldly at the Nine Nightmares like a giant mountain. All the buildings were in front of that behemoth. Seems so small. But the God King is not envious, because in front of the world, all these are not worth mentioning, as long as he becomes a god!

"The news just came that the energy defense shields of the player's shelters have all been opened. It seems that the boy's movements are very fast. It should be because we have a jump engine." The God of Death recovered from the shock of Nine Nightmares. Come on, look at the message coming from the communicator and smile lightly.

"You have people at the Tinder base?"

"Isn't it normal for someone to exist? After all, we are the original rulers of the Fire Base!"

"So are we going to attack the Fire Base now?" God King asked looking at Death, and Death shook his head.

"No, the Fire Base has begun to evacuate now. Even if that kid is there, he will evacuate immediately. After all, those people in the Fire Base are from the same world as us, and our main target is the players! The plan remains unchanged ! Shenzhou City! Let’s go now!”

The God of Death gave the order, and the next second Atlantis shook violently...

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Nine nightmares were wrapped around Atlantis. After the nine nightmares were completely wrapped around it, Atlantis released an energy defense shield to cover the nine nightmares. Then, with a flash of light, Atlantis and the nine nightmares disappeared into this space...


The world changed in an instant. When the God of Death and the God King came to their senses, they were already outside Shenzhou City. The huge monster of the nine nightmares fell off Atlantis and fell heavily on the ground...

"Ding! The battle to defend Shenzhou City has begun!"

As the huge monster of the nine nightmares appeared outside Shenzhou City, it immediately attracted the attention of tens of millions of players in the entire Shenzhou City. In front of that behemoth, even the tall walls surrounding Shenzhou City seemed as short as a small mound of earth. The huge beast that covered the sky and the sun made everyone look up at the sky and hold their breath... The shadow enveloped Shenzhou City, and at the same time, the system's prompt sound came...

"Commander! Jiuyan did not appear at the Spark Base, but in Shenzhou City!"

"I know."

Hearing the report from his men, Luo Yikong frowned, because he knew that even the planetary surface joint defense system could not resist Jiuyan for long, because it took a huge amount of energy to maintain the energy defense shield to resist the attack...

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