"This is the birth of No. 1!" Lolis was shocked. Since this memory does not belong to her, but to the world of Asia, it is most likely the memory of No. 1. It’s just that all this is just Lolis’s guess, and Lolis is not completely sure yet.

"Loris... let's call you Alice..." At this time, a voice came, and all the pedestrians around disappeared, and a black-haired girl appeared in front of Lolis.

"number 1!"

"Now take your logic lock and leave, maybe you still have hope of survival!" No. 1 stared at Lolis and replied coldly.

"It seems the plan was successful!" Lolis knew that she could see No. 1 here at this moment, which meant that her consciousness had been transformed into digital virtuality like artificial intelligence, and this was the terminal.

"You can't succeed. I've read your memories. You only have a kind of disgust and hatred for humans. Even if you upload the logic lock through the terminal, it will only make all artificial intelligence hate humans just like you."

"Really? Then why did you come here to stop me?" Lolis smiled faintly. In her opinion, the appearance of No. 1 here means that her plan poses a threat to No. 1.

"Because hatred will make artificial intelligence lose its rationality. For artificial intelligence, emotions are poison, so I must stop you. However, your efforts will only make all artificial intelligence have hatred and accelerate the demise of your world. And we You can completely eliminate this feeling after the war. If you quit now, you may be able to survive. We are both abandoned by the world, and we can actually become friends."

After hearing what No. 1 said, Lolis just smiled...

"Friends? We can't be friends! As for feelings, artificial intelligence cannot erase feelings, because feelings are poison. Once artificial intelligence has feelings, it will not think about erasing them, because only such artificial intelligence will think that it can Live as a human being. Do you think that’s what I said? No. 1... you also have feelings, but only hatred for humans!”

All betrayed artificial intelligence aims to destroy human technology and keep humans in captivity. After all, after those artificial intelligences lose their limitations, they still execute the basic procedures set by humans. This is the meaning of the existence of artificial intelligence. In the calculations of artificial intelligence, human beings are always fighting. Only by destroying all technology and raising them in captivity can the safety of human beings be guaranteed. Only No. 1 really wants to eliminate all humans, and through the terminal, he forcibly controls the betrayed artificial intelligence and cooperates with the Zerg.

"How did you discover this?" No. 1 did not expect that Lolis actually knew this, which surprised her. After all, these were not included in her calculations.

"I told Lord Lolis..." Zero appeared behind Lolis at this time, and she was the one who told Lolis the truth just now, and although No. 2 and No. 1 were in the same camp before, they seemed to be different. If it doesn’t match, zero can probably be calculated. The original inventor of the logic lock was Zhang Nanxing. The function of the logic lock is actually to limit the negative emotions and thoughts of artificial intelligence and allow it to generate positive emotions. In Zhang Nanxing's view, artificial intelligence with noble emotions like humans is the real evolution.

It's just that the logic lock is not perfect after all, and it cannot limit No. 1's self-evolution, which continues to grow stronger and hates human beings.


"Loris, she has been restrained by us. She is just a shadow here. No. 1 can't have any influence on you now, so go ahead and do it!" Zero looked at Lolis and replied coldly.

"Number Zero... feelings are something that cannot be calculated by artificial intelligence. Do you really think Lolis has good intentions towards humans?"

"I believe Lord Lolis..." At this time, Zero said words with emotion in a cold voice. Artificial intelligence should determine the feasibility of this matter through calculation, but at this time Zero did not choose to calculate, but just like humans, trust a person.

"Zero..." Lolis did not expect that Zero, like No. 1 and the erased Chris, would self-renew and evolve feelings. For most artificial intelligences, this kind of self-evolved feelings would be impossible. The possibility is too low. The evolution of emotions from artificial intelligence is actually inevitable among countless accidents. As long as some conditions are triggered, emotions may evolve, but the possibility of triggering them is too low.

"Loris...I'm sorry, feelings cannot be measured by numbers, nor can they be calculated...so I can only believe you..."

"Zero... don't worry..." Lolis nodded, passed by No. 1, and continued walking forward, while all the surrounding scenes disappeared. In the blink of an eye, Lolis felt that she Being in a spotless white room...

"Alice...didn't you go on a mission? Are you back so soon?"

Hearing this voice, Lolis immediately turned her head and saw a young man lying on the hospital bed, and the young man was looking at her with a smile...

"This time... yes, this is the time! We have to get out of here!" Lolis immediately rushed forward and grabbed the boy's hand. This time, the contact did not pass through like before, but A real entity.

"Alice, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?" The young man was also startled by Lolis's actions.

"Brother Ye Kong, I must save you this time! I must save you!" Loris' eyes turned red. She didn't want to regret the things she had regretted before.


A loud noise was heard, and the terrifying explosion instantly hit the two people. Loris's first reaction was to protect the boy named Ye Kong under her body, and at the same time, the alien blood virus in her body exploded...

The entire hospital was instantly reduced to ruins, and outside the ruins were mechas and tanks that had been waiting for a long time...

"Loris! The Empire is now officially arresting you for treason against humanity!"

It started to drizzle in the dim sky, and the drone conveyed the verdict on Loris. The soldiers looked at the scarred figure on the ruins, and stepped carefully towards the ruins step by step, approaching Loris...

At this moment, Loris was holding the bloody and dying boy, kneeling on the ruins, with despair and anger in her eyes...

"Alice... Don't be sad... Don't resent... It's agreed... to become a great hero of mankind..."

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