Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 391: Sincere Feelings

"Save mankind...bring peace to mankind...become a great hero of mankind...a joke! So what if I save them? Then who will save me?" Lolis gently kissed the dead Ye Kong. Put it on the ruins, then she stood up and looked at the gray sky, the rain hitting her desperate and tired face...

"Loris! You have been surrounded! Let's capture her without mercy!" All the surrounding empire soldiers have rushed to the ruins, surrounding Lolis...

"The biggest lie in the world... is to believe in humans..." Lolis's eyes gradually became cold and numb. This time her most important person was once again taken away in front of her...

Lolis's body began to crackle and change. The surrounding soldiers were shocked and immediately opened fire on Lolis without hesitation...

Even in this memory, nothing can be changed, history is still repeating itself...

On Shuitian Star, after the fifth human expedition fleet was completely destroyed, Luo Yikong also immediately received a communication from Bai Shaoqian on the Blood God Star...

"Lord Luo Yikong! According to the news from Zero who is entangled with No. 1, Lord Lolis is perfecting the logic lock and uploading it to the terminal simultaneously. However, some situations have arisen. Not only are the artificial intelligences not restricted, some are even neutral. The artificial intelligence also began to cooperate with the Zerg to massacre humans everywhere." Bai Shaoqian's projection appeared in front of Luo Yikong, reporting the situation in front of him.

"So are the artificial intelligences we didn't betray affected?" Luo Yikong frowned.

"It's been a little affected, but not big, but I'm still afraid that the situation will get worse. That thing is like a virus, transmitted to artificial intelligence through virtual networks, and generally artificial intelligence is difficult to resist."

Luo Yikong looked up at the sky. A planet near Shuitian Star exploded into countless fragments from the Zerg Star Destroyer Cannon...

"I understand...leave this matter to me!"

"What would you do without me..."

Before Bai Shaoqian finished speaking, Luo Yikong directly cut off contact with Bai Shaoqian. Seeing that the Zerg planet was getting closer and closer to the Water Sky Planet where he was, Luo Yikong immediately opened the system and successfully locked it through the player system. Lolis...

A phantom sword appeared in Luo Yikong's hand, and that sword was the Fantasy Sword, one of the twelve divine swords, possessing the power of virtual rules.

"Go! Take me to find her!"

The imaginary sword turned into a ray of light and shadow and disappeared in front of Luo Yikong instantly...

There is a large amount of squirming flesh and blood on the ruins. At a glance, the entire land is occupied by the squirming flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood seems to be conscious. All creatures that come close will be mercilessly devoured by the flesh and blood.

The most prosperous city in the empire was now reduced to ruins, and none of the tens of millions of people in the city survived...

At this time, a black spot came from the horizon, and the black spot continued to grow larger. It was a missile, with a long tail of fire, and it fell into this restricted area made of flesh and blood at an extremely fast speed... Then a dazzling light burst out, and the high temperature released in an instant directly vaporized large pieces of flesh and blood...


The dazzling light swallowed up the entire original city area, just like a sun appearing out of thin air... The earth trembled violently, and the shock wave carried the heat wave and spread to the surrounding area...

In order to eliminate the existence of Lolis, the empire even did not hesitate to use nuclear bombs, but for existences below the second-level civilization, the power of nuclear weapons is still quite terrifying. But the empire's transformation of Lolis has turned Lolis into an undead monster.

After the nuclear bomb hit, a white-haired girl with scarred body walked alone in the scorched earth. The girl had no goal. If there was a goal, it would just devour everything she saw. Behind the girl are a large number of devouring tentacles, like vines, spreading to the surrounding area...

Lolis's eyes were dull, and her once beautiful blond hair had turned into white hair... All that was left was resentment towards the humans in this world...


A sword whine crossed the sky, and then Lolis saw the shadow of a sword appearing in front of her. The sword looked like a shadow, as if it did not exist in this world, but Lolis stretched out her hand to touch it, and it could Encountered entity...


There was a crisp sound, leaving an emotional slap mark on Lolis's face, and this moment directly knocked Lolis into confusion...

"Loris! Have you had enough fun?"

A scolding came, and it was Luo Yikong who appeared in front of Lolis. When she saw Luo Yikong, Lolis suddenly came back to her senses. All these were her memories...

Some people dream but don't know they are dreaming. Lolis is obviously in that state. She is too attached to the past, which makes Lolis get stuck in it and forget her mission.


Loris suddenly rushed up, hugged Luo Yikong, and burst into tears without any concealment. This time, Luo Yikong couldn't stand it...

"Loris, what are you doing? I'm going to beat you up!"

"You go ahead and beat me up! You've seen it anyway... I won't pretend anymore... If you want to laugh, just laugh!" Loris hugged Luo Yikong tightly, and Luo Yikong saw his weak side. Lolis lost her previous arrogance and became like a weak little girl.

"Laugh? No... I won't laugh at you... If I were the emotional me in the past, I might not be calmer than you. This time I felt something was wrong with you, so I came here specially."

Luo Yikong's words warmed Loris' heart, but Luo Yikong's next words made Loris' heart suddenly feel like a bucket of cold water was poured on it...

"I thought you could handle these small problems, but it seems I still overestimated you."

"Small problems! You call those things that happened along the way small problems!" Loris raised her foot to kick Luo Yikong, but Luo Yikong dodged it by leaning sideways.

"Ahhh!!! I'm so pissed off!!! At the end, you still won't let me take advantage!!!" Loris kicked in the air, and immediately stared at Luo Yikong like a punching bag, which looked a bit cute...

"Loris..." Luo Yikong reached out and patted Loris's head gently, which made Loris's expression gradually become gentle...

"Yes... I should go... to become the hero who saves mankind..." Loris thought of the logic lock, and in order to perfect the final logic lock, she must use her most sincere feelings for mankind...

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