Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 198: Donate to Zhao Youyue

"Hey, I didn't expect classmate Zhao Youyue from such a poor family background. I really love her..." Chen Haoran suddenly sighed.

This is a self-study class. Since there is no teacher in the class, the self-study class is also messy. After all, the exam has just been completed, and it is now in June. The weather is getting hot and electric fans have been turned on in the classroom. Under the cover of the sound of the electric fan, everyone can talk to their heart's content and relax the previously tense nerves.

In May, Zhao Youyue participated in the provincial violin competition and passed the preliminaries smoothly. The judges all spoke highly of her. They believed that she was the violinist who respected the original composer the most, and she was able to play the designated repertoire with such precision. , The skills are equally superb, like a human metronome!

Such a player may not be able to become an excellent performer, because she can't please the audience, but she can definitely become a prize winning machine. She is liked by the judges, and the selection of awards has nothing to do with the audience.

This is classical music. The ignorant masses still go aside. They are not in charge of shouting 666, but only a tasteful audience.

In fact, in today's era, classical music has long become a niche among the niche, and its meaning is as if it is a niche.

Obviously, Zhao Youyue perfectly cosed Gu Yuan, the male protagonist in "April is Really Beautiful". Of course, he was the male protagonist when he was a child. He is also known as the "human metronome". The difference is that Gu Yuan plays the piano. To play the violin, she opened "Xu Jingka" to play. It is simply a textbook-style performance without any personal feelings...

If Gu Yuan also had "Xu Jingka", perhaps he would not be scolded by his mother for adding emotion to the piano subconsciously.

In fact, being able to play completely without emotion is also a great thing, because music is inherently more emotional.

Therefore, Zhao Youyue’s music played in the competition, in the words of Zhao Youyue’s violin teacher Liu Yuxi, is dead, but the judges still appreciate this style. After all, this is a music competition, not a concert.

It was also because Zhao Youyue did not incorporate her spirituality and emotions into the music. It was a little disappointed that Ye Hai and his wife who went to watch the Zhao Youyue competition were a little disappointed. They realized that this violin competition was really boring and made people sleepy...

Ye Hai’s wife Li Mengyao also watched Lengzi’s "April is Really Beautiful". After all, this is highly recommended by Miss Zhao. In addition, as a woman, Li Mengyao still likes youthful romance.

As a result, Li Mengyao went into the pit and caught up with the latest serial in one fell swoop.

Then Li Mengyao was shocked by the character "Chu Luoxun" inside. When watching the plot about "Chu Luoxun", it seemed that the sound of her violin playing in the world of novels appeared in her ears...

Li Mengyao originally thought that he could enjoy a performance comparable to "Chu Luoxun" in a violin competition similar to that in a book. If Zhao Youyue could perform it, that would be great.

In fact, when Li Mengyao heard that Zhao Youyue played the violin very well, the first thought in his mind was, who is better than the character "Chu Luoxun"?

Obviously, the reality of the three-dimensional is so cruel. Many of the players who participated in the competition, in the novel, are estimated to be the kind of miscellaneous fish that don't even have a name, even Zhao Youyue is no exception.

If it were an animation work, their performances would be as static as a slide show. Only when the real main character appeared on the scene would the characters in the screen move. The animation cost is limited, and of course it has to be spent. In the main role, it is a kind of luck that those miscellaneous fish can appear in the form of a slideshow.

Su Li applauded Zhao Youyue loudly and praised Miss Zhao’s piano skills. In fact, she didn’t know anything about music, but through observation, she saw that the judges kept nodding their heads when Zhao Youyue played. She knew that. Zhao Youyue's piano skills must be good!

Of course, if the judges don't approve, Su Li will only think that they have no eyes. Anyway, Zhao Youyue is awesome, Miss Zhao is invincible in the world!

Never underestimate the determination of Su Li, an unscrupulous fellow, to kneel and lick Miss Zhao...

With a little regret for Zhao Youyue, Ye Hai and his wife left the Jiangnan provincial capital and returned to the capital.

Ye Hai also asked Zhao Youyue to wait for his good news. In any case, he would make Zhao Youyue the voice actor of "Yu Shengfan".

As for the audition?

Does not exist!

Ye Hai had ordered Zhao Youyue, and instinctively told him that this Miss Zhao might have been upper body by "Yu Shengfan", and he did not dare to tell the mysterious things that happened when he was "upper".

As for Zhao Youyue's classmates, they didn't know that Zhao Youyue went to participate in the provincial violin competition and also entered the finals, which will probably be held in mid-June.

Of course, Chen Haoran didn’t know that Zhao Youyue would participate in this competition. In fact, if you just pay a little attention to the details of Zhao Youyue’s performance, you will know that Zhao Youyue’s family background is not at all as rumored among the boys...

But Chen Haoran believed. Since he told his good brother Han Leng about what he liked about Zhao Youyue, he would chat with Han Leng about Zhao Youyue from time to time.

When Han Leng heard Chen Haoran's words, he immediately smiled: "You really believe that Zhao Youyue's family is poor, she is the eldest!"

Han Leng is now getting more and more dismissive of his inexplicable feelings at the beginning, and now by writing the work "April is Really Beautiful", he said that he has successfully let go of everything. There is only one goddess in his heart, and that is Chu Luoxun.

Chen Haoran heard Han Leng’s words and said, “Lengzi, don’t believe the rumors among the girls group, these girls like to spread the gossip! Someone told me that he saw Zhao Youyue’s mother set up a street stall. Being expelled and beaten by the city management is really miserable! No wonder I always feel that Zhao Youyue is always bored alone. This is too much pressure in life..."

Han Leng's mouth twitched and said, "I said, Brother Chen, have you watched "Pure Love"?"

"What "Pure Love"? Love novels? Hahaha, UU reading, you know, I am not interested at all, science fiction novels I really like..." Chen Haoran responded.

Han Leng was helpless. This innocent Chen Haoran had never seen a little yellow man like "Pure Love", but he was too embarrassed to say clearly.

He is also hard to say, he also had a py deal with Miss Zhao...

And Han Leng also knew that Chen Haoran was also a confession to death. Once he confirmed something, unless there was hard evidence, he would not change his opinion at all.

"Then what do you want to do?" Han Leng said in a bad mood.

"Why don't we call on the whole class to donate to Zhao Youyue, in fact, the whole school can do it too, after all, Zhao Youyue's academic performance is so good now, we must make sure that she has no worries!" Chen Haoran said seriously.

Han Leng was even scared of the pen in his hand—

Today's second update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! !

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