Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 199: Out of the adolescent commotion

Han Leng is considered to have taken Chen Haoran’s second classmate, but when he thought that if Chen Haoran really called for Zhao Youyue to donate, and finally Zhao Youyue got a donation box, he couldn’t help but want to laugh...Miss Zhao , Do you have such a day?

Is the donation money enough for her to buy a bag?

Speaking of Han Leng, he still didn't understand what this Miss Zhao thinks. From his limited contact with Zhao Youyue, it is obvious that Zhao Youyue is not the kind of girl who is willing to be low-key.

She also took selfies in the circle of friends. She seems to be very good at matching various clothes. The selfies are also very beautiful and the angles are perfect. She is good enough to just have a beautiful face, and she immediately becomes a goddess. But why did she do it at school? Do you always wear school uniforms low-key?

Could it be because she looked down on her peers at all, so she had no intention of showing off in front of her classmates?

Because she was no longer on the same level with them, that kind of superiority exuding from her bones made her disdain to show her true side in front of her classmates...

These are probably Han Leng's brain supplements.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Zhao Youyue finds it very convenient to wear school uniforms. She doesn't need to think about how to dress herself. As for how other students think, she doesn't bother to care.

Because Zhao Youyue is used to being a passer-by, who would pay attention to her specially.

There is also a saying called "women are the ones who please themselves", but unfortunately, Zhao Youyue, a dead single dog, does not have a "self-pleasure".

It's just that due to Zhao Youyue's rise in academic performance recently, her attention has increased greatly, and then rumors will spread.

Maybe someone just said, Zhao Youyue seems to be Xu Jing, the man in the comics is from a particularly poor family, but loves to learn very much...have it, but after other people listened to it, when they spread the rumor, they removed it. What about Xu Jing's comics? Just say that Zhao Youyue's family is really poor. Her mother is still a street stall and was beaten by the city management. It's so pitiful!

If the eldest lady's temperamental Wang Hua heard this rumor, he would probably hit someone. She is such a bully goddess of learning that she would be reduced to setting up a stall?

As a result, the gossip spread out. Even Zhao Youyue's good academic performance seemed to be a proof. Otherwise, if the family has money, why study so hard?

It can only be said that some students have a rather low level of thinking. In their minds, it seems that poor people want to study. In fact, there are many rich children who have better academic performance...

Han Leng also likes to think a lot about it. After all, he is a creator, and his thoughts are extreme. He is inexplicably upset about the identity of Zhao Youyue's "Zhao family", so he guesses like that.

In fact, Zhao Youyue herself didn't think so much by others.

Why do you feel poor when you wear school uniforms? What kind of mentality is this?

At this time, Han Leng couldn't let Chen Haoran do this after all, it would definitely make a big joke.

So he said: "Don't mess around. Anyway, you have a straightforward temper. If you want to know about Zhao Youyue's family, don't listen to those nonsense rumors. You can ask her yourself. There is a class WeChat group, you can Add her WeChat friends directly..."

Chen Haoran hurriedly waved his hand and said, "My phone is only used during holidays, and I didn't bring it to school... Besides, it's not good to go to expose people's scars."

Han Leng then remembered that Chen Haoran did not bring his cell phone to the school. He used the public phone on campus to call home.

"Now you know not to expose people's scars. After the exam..."

Before Han Leng could finish speaking, Chen Haoran quickly interrupted: "Don't talk, don't talk! I didn't know how to commit a second crime at that time, I really thought I could comfort her!"

When Han Leng saw Chen Haoran like this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He realized that he was still a boy and he could communicate as much as he could, but if it was a girl, it would be very annoying to have to worry about this and that.

"Lengzi, how about this? Go and ask for me. Just show me the chat history. You can add her as a friend first." Chen Haoran's heart moved and thought of a good way to confirm whether Zhao Youyue's family is poor.

Han Leng subconsciously wanted to refuse, because he never wanted to talk to Zhao Youyue anymore, he and she weren't the same!

But at this time, the beautiful figure of "Chu Luoxun" suddenly appeared in his mind, as well as her voice and perfect posture when playing the violin. He smiled faintly and said, "Well, I'll help you. Hello."

"Lengzi! You really are my good brother!" Chen Haoran moved.

"I really don't know why you like her. There are so many girls who are better than her in this world. Now because of her good grades, you like her even more. I really don't understand you." Han Leng said There was no disobedience once, and this is how he really felt.

Han Leng knew that he had completely walked out of the previous adolescent commotion, and he had also found true love. As for Zhao Youyue, that was already in the past!

When Han Leng stopped paying attention to Zhao Youyue, he realized that he seemed to be able to communicate with Zhao Youyue peacefully. It seemed that there was no need to worry about anything. He decided to continue to contact Zhao Youyue and also decided to put himself in the starting point novel. Wang’s work tells her, isn’t she always curious?

Han Leng once cared about his personal image, so he couldn't let go, but now the situation is different. He is already obsessed with the "Chu Luoxun" in the world of his novels. He feels that the girl in reality, There is no way to arouse his interest!

But Han Leng will definitely not expose his identity as the creator of "April is Really Beautiful" He still has a little bit of integrity, after all, he uses the identity of "Lengzi" to open the voice changer...

Han Leng's "April is Really Beautiful" has been serialized for several more issues. After all, it is now in June. He started serializing in April. It has already exceeded ten issues with more than 80,000 words, which is almost half of the entire book. He expects the book to be over 200,000 words, which is in line with the character count standard for youth novels.

"Chu Luoxun" has always had a lot of plots. She has shown her amazing musical talent, proficient in a variety of instruments, and has been guiding the male protagonist to play with imagination. To give life to music, she also straightforwardly The male protagonist signed up to participate in a national-level music competition, which forced the male protagonist to move forward.

The effect is of course very significant. Gu Yuan, the male protagonist, has not forgotten the piano in his heart. With the efforts of "Chu Luoxun", he finally embarked on the road of music again...

However, this has also led to an increasingly fierce battle between the heroines. This work is really peculiar. It is clear that the three people in the novel are very good friends. There is no grudge, and there is no sign of a love triangle. But in reality, the readers We are arguing over the relationship between the three! ——

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