Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 212: Always remember her cry

What is the strongest contrast?

The scene Jiang Qing sees now is this feeling!

In front of others, with a bright smile forever, like the sun, "Chu Luoxun", who warms everyone, cried!

There is no sense of disobedience, because Leng Zida, with his superb writing style, described in detail "Chu Luoxun"'s sense of despair of losing his lower body consciousness and unable to support his body with his hands, allowing readers to be there too. Environment!

Because Han Leng was in the "upper" state at that time, he could also clearly feel how terrified and desperate "Chu Luoxun" was at that moment, but the environment she was in was also a particularly horrible one. .

It was the hospital late at night. It was silent and surrounded by the smell of disinfectant. She walked on the corridor before and sang "Sweet", which might not have used this idea to expel the horror of the gloomy environment.

Even a man can feel the deep sense of depression in such an environment!

The atmosphere was so well laid out, but "Chu Luoxun" was suppressed and did not cry out, but cried silently. It was already strong enough!

If it's someone else, I'm afraid it's already wailing!

Therefore, Jiang Qing, who likes to replace "Chu Luoxun" very much, was shocked by the environment that Leng Zi described and the horror and despair of "Chu Luoxun" at the onset of illness!

The key is to feed the dog food warmly and sweetly one moment before, and the next moment the style of painting suddenly changes to such an extent, which makes Jiang Qing's carefulness unbearable at all!

Therefore, when "Chu Luoxun" collapsed and beat her kneeling leg with both hands feebly, but couldn't feel it, and then covered her face in despair and wept, Jiang Qing couldn't control it and started crying. !

Goddess Chu's experience is too tragic, this kind of illness seems to be more uncomfortable than killing her!

Jiang Qing even made up a picture. When "Chu Luoxun" relied on her tenacious willpower to pick up the violin bow with trembling fingers, then she couldn't hold it anyhow, and finally fell to the ground...

"Chu Luoxun" can only look at the musical instruments she loves lonely, but can't play them anymore!

What kind of abusive heart is in such a scene?

Jiang Qing was miserably abused by her own brain in an instant!

Then she cried even harder. You know, as a **** "Chu Luoxun" party, she was deeply substituted for the goddess of Chu, but Lengzi was greatly poisoned by such a deadly poison, which made her mentality. Also completely collapsed!

However, this scene of "Chu Luoxun" weeping silently is deeply engraved in Jiang Qing's mind...

The image of "Chu Luoxun" became more three-dimensional in her mind!

Because all the previous descriptions of "Chu Luoxun" are joyful, she always loves to smile, whether it is a smile or a big grin, or a quiet smile immersed in music, you rarely find it Where she doesn’t laugh, I really don’t know what she is silly about...

But you have to admit that where there is "Chu Luoxun", there is laughter, and even when you read about her plot, she hasn't done anything yet, you have subconsciously smiled, because you know that she can always Bring you happiness.

It's amazing. She is obviously just a character in a novel, but her whole person's optimism, cheerfulness, strong self-confidence, as if through the novel, convey that full of positive energy to all readers.

Therefore, she is the most dazzling character in this novel. She is neither pretentious nor pretentious. She loves music strongly, and at the same time she is willing to help others and warm others.

There are always people who don't know the purpose of "Chu Luoxun" to help the male lead, but there is a saying that is also very popular, that is, she is willing!

Because of her nature, she can't see that others are unhappy or unhappy, so she wants to bring her own happiness to others.

It is said that the girl who loves to laugh is definitely not bad luck, but this sentence has not been realized in "Chu Luoxun".

And when the girl who is always full of beautiful smiles crying desperately and helplessly in the silent night, but there is no one to help her or comfort her, how sad and impressive is such a scene? Need to talk?

Jiang Qing was afraid that she would never forget the first time "Chu Luoxun" shed painful tears in her life. "Chu Luoxun" also shed tears before, but it was definitely not such desperate tears!

She shared her sunshine and happiness with others. When she was alone in a ghastly environment, where were those who were healed, cared about, and helped by her?

It turned out to be still in a sweet love, enjoy the warmth of two hearts blending together...

At this moment, no one would think of "Chu Luoxun", a genius violinist who was once dazzling on stage.

Her music is more recognized by the audience, but she has not yet been awarded prizes to increase her reputation. She is only famous among the students, because her performance in campus evenings is more open than her in music competitions. ! So it sounds good! And they are all her original songs...

She seemed destined to be forgotten. No one knew that there was such a genius in the music industry.

Gu Yuan, who was rescued by her from the abyss, will enjoy the glory of the crown, his future is very promising, and his girlfriend who likes each other.

"Chu Luoxun"'s illness worsened so quickly, because she recently tried her best to help Gu Yuan...

Regardless, Jiang Qing can't forget the character "Chu Luoxun" at all. She laughed so many times before, but she couldn't compare to her crying this time. UU reading was shocking!

"Chu Luoxun" is too pitiful. Throughout the novel, she exudes warmth to others, but when she is in desperation, she can only endure it alone.

Jiang Qing clearly knew that she shouldn't hate the loving hostess, but she still couldn't help feeling that "Chu Luoxun" was worthless. Why couldn't their observation ability be stronger?

Now Jiang Qing just wants to know whether there is any hope of cure for "Chu Luoxun"'s disease, because the novel does not say that it is terminally ill, it seems to be a chronic disease, such a disease, it seems that as long as it is well treated, it should be a problem. Not big, right?

Just when Jiang Qing was burst into tears and burst into tears by the latest update, the entire Internet was also wailing, especially the "Chu Luoxun" party, it was like a bereaved concubine!

What is quite interesting is that as soon as this issue came out, many Lin Meiyue parties turned out to betray their opponents! —

The fifth shift is complete! ! It's not easy, I cried~~~

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