Become a Passerby Heroine

: At the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass! ! !

There are still a few days to pass this month. Today is the 27th. A total of 250,000 words have been updated this month, which is close to 4D updates every day. Yiluo can proudly say that this is the hardest month since writing the book. , So sincerely ask for a monthly pass! ! !

In addition, Yiluo claims to be just to cooperate with everyone, but not because she is really a loli, nor is she a 16-year-old high school girl, so don't think too much! ! !

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

If you subscribe to the monthly pass and don’t vote again, because of the daily voting limit, you will not be able to vote in your hands. So if you have a monthly pass, don’t hide it. If you don’t vote again, it will be automatically voided next month~~~

There is no limit to rewarding the monthly pass, but that is the waywardness of Hao~~~

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