Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 216: In the past day, people finally remembered...

Habits can be a terrible thing sometimes.

The previous Su Li was of course very resistant to such a thing as a back pot. She is obviously the kind of creator who cares about the reader the most, so why is she slandered as a fraud? Poison King?

Of course, Su Li feels complacent that "Drug King" is a good title, which means that her work can be addictive, like a drug addiction.

Now, she has a sacred sense of mission.

She, Su Li, is contributing to Miss Zhao, don’t forget, but I don’t know how many readers have been in the hole under the recommendation of [You Yue] Hao, but now [April is really beautiful] has come up with such a big News-The most popular female character is suddenly tortured to death. Shouldn't the [You Yue] Hao who recommended this work take some responsibility?

In all fairness, Su Li feels that the plot development of Chu Luoxun in "April True Beauty" is more natural than Yu Shengfan in "The Strongest King", both of which are sick, but Chu Luoxun's illness is obviously from the beginning. Existing, there was a foreshadowing when she played, and then she fainted after the performance, and there were all kinds of pills that she had always carried with her...

Moreover, cases of Chu Luoxun’s illness can also be found in reality, and Yu Shengfan’s terminal illness, if he insists on delving into the details, he will feel that it is full of loopholes. It is a special kind made for Yu Shengfan to kill Yu Shengfan. Terminally ill, can be regarded as "Yu Shengfan limited."

No matter how good Rosemary's pen is, it can't cover up, he just wrote the fact that Yu Shengfan died on purpose.

But "April is Really Beautiful" is not like this. First of all, Chu Luoxun's disease is not terminally ill, there is hope for treatment, and now everyone is not sure what will happen to her next.

Moreover, from the perspective of character creation alone, such a disease that Chu Luoxun appeared on the scene can deepen Chu Luoxun’s optimistic and strong image very well. After all, he has such a terrible disease, but he can still smile at the world. This kind of nerve can no longer be described as strong, right? What an amazing willpower is this?

Then she, who was laughing all the time, finally cried. The huge contrast that the scene forced, of course, bombarded the hearts of all readers in an instant!

This is really a scene that can shake the reader's mind, so it will also stimulate Su Li's painting inspiration!

Su Li suddenly discovered that backing the pot had not reduced her income, but also increased her reputation. At the same time, she could please Miss Zhao, so why didn't she recite it?

After all, Su Ideal should have a good reputation, purely to let more readers enter her pit and bring her more income, but now she finds that it seems that the title of "the pot of this world" is also very good. The gimmick, after making it easy for her to catch the heat, she accepted it calmly...

She Su Li is such a real person!

I don't care about the false name that can't increase her income at all!

Su Li also feels that being able to become a stalk in the world of two-dimensional comics will also promote her fame, which is very gimmicky!

One of the popular stalks on the Internet is that everything is Su Li's fault!

Of course, many people still argued for her at this time...

It was not until three days later that in the plot discussion about Chu Luoxun, when various fermentations and disputes reached a climax, Su Li once again released the illustrations of Chu Luoxun crying in despair!

Su Li's depiction of the details of the characters is always great. The mental state and physical condition of Chu Luoxun in the illustration are completely different from those of Chu Luoxun in her previous illustration. As for her beautiful flowers, then she is close to withering and withering...

From the perspective of illustration alone, this is also a very visually impactful illustration. If this illustration was placed in the article at the time and seen by many readers, it would be possible to earn more tears. Several times!

Sometimes the combination of text, pictures, and sound can truly make people feel on the scene.

So you can imagine how amazing the many fans of "April is Really Beautiful" after such an illustration that is still beautiful and intoxicating!

This Su Li is definitely retaliating against society, right?

Does she still think that Chu Luoxun doesn't make enough tears?

There was a wave of depression in the novel. Now when I look at this illustration, I instantly remember the content of the novel. Some readers with well-developed tear ducts want to cry again!

Some fans with a good memory suddenly thought that three days ago, Su Li shouted that she was innocent, but it was completely useless. Many fans still treated her as someone who helped Lengzi’s back. After all kinds of ridicules about Su Li, Su Li Let me talk-don't blame me if you do this!

Unexpectedly, Su Li is really ruthless, and the honest man and the backpot man will have an outbreak one day! It's like Xu Jing, the three-no-learning bully under her brush!

If you keep saying that everything is Su Li's fault, then she will blacken Su Li once and make you a lot of trouble!

Fans are divided into two factions. One faction is of course hard-hearted. It strongly condemns Su Li's character as the "Poison King" who puts poison at every disagreement, and threatens to boycott her work. Who made her jump like this? Revenge against society...

The other faction is subdued and hopes that Teacher Su Li will receive magical powers. Now this is not that Chu Luoxun has not died. If you continue to suckle like this, she is afraid that she will not die and will be as disabled as Hawking. It is impossible to imagine that the goddess Chu has One day I would sit in a wheelchair so weakly that I couldn't even speak!

This time, Su Li was really into the limelight, frantically taking the pot and covering himself, completely covering Miss Zhao.

And her titles of "King Huo" and "Poison King", which were about to be picked off, are stabilized again!

On this day, everyone finally remembered the horror of being poisoned by the poison king to feed shit, and the shame of being depressed by the blackened hatchet and good boat...

So don't look at Su Li's bullying, just want her to take the blame, and offend a soul painter like her, you will feel better!

Don't underestimate the cartoonist Su Da, who once became madly mad and became almost all the characters in one work, and reached the end of annihilation. If she becomes crazy, she will even be afraid...

However, Suli is still far away from the title of "Old Thief". After all, the treacherous and cunningness of the old thieves is not comparable to that of the new and honest Suli, just like the original Rosemary, so is the skill of dumping the pot. It's literally.

And today's Lengzi, whether it is on the Internet or in the group, is noisy, he does not bother, even the local tyrants send out the exclusive red envelope of 200 yuan in the group, he does not come out to receive it!

This kind of creator who completely ignores readers, sits on the nine heavens, overlooks all living beings, and does not take their happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy seriously, is truly terrifying!

Because readers never want to sway him No matter what he writes, readers have to accept it obediently.

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Physical youth novels are not online articles. You have to care about subscriptions. No matter how many magazines are sold, the price of the manuscript will not increase on this one...

This is why, in youth novels, there are always so many depressing plots.

The most reader-friendly works in the world should be web articles. After all, few web writers don't care about subscribing at all.

Web articles are works that creators and readers can communicate in the first time. When there is a problem in the plot, the creator can get feedback in time, and then immediately adjust and modify——

Today's first update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

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