Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 217: It's best to follow the feeling

As the initiator of all incidents, Han Leng is also silently paying attention to the dynamics on the Internet, and of course there are letters from fans. In summary, he is basically asking him to let Chu Luoxun make a living, even if he wants to abuse it...

Some were begging in a low voice, some were threatening with malicious words, and others were questioning him, didn't they say it was a joyous work? Why is the promise before the book is completely fed to the dog?

Of course, there are also brain-dead fans who express admiration, saying that no matter what he writes, he will always support it.

When Han Leng saw the questions, he was actually very embarrassed. After all, he was really bad and his face was tender, and he actually hated the creators who deliberately cheat readers!

He can only comfort himself, all this is not his fault, because when he wrote the character "Chu Luoxun", the other party also had a personal will, and he could not control what she did...

Especially when the work became more and more popular because of the character of Chu Luoxun, his feeling of being led by her nose became more serious, as if his pen no longer belonged to him.

He himself could only watch her in the silent hospital corridor, crying hopelessly and helplessly.

Then use a pen to record this scene and present it to all readers.

He couldn't bear to delete the depiction of this scene, because if he were to write it again, he couldn't guarantee that he could write it like this.

As for whether Chu Luoxun will die or not, he himself is not clear until the last moment.

This is not to shirk responsibility, but a fact, a fact that is unbelievable to readers...

Why is it that the creator, who exists like a **** of creation, can't influence the life and death of a character in the world of works?

Because that character is no longer a mere character in the world of the work, but rather like a character in reality, if you want to control her, you can't just use words.

Han Leng also paid attention to the cartoonist Su Lisu who was lying with a gun inexplicably.

To be honest, Han Leng's impression of the cartoonist of Su University is quite good, because Fang Ming is also his loyal reader, and he also voluntarily painted illustrations for his goddess Chu, which can be said to greatly promote his work, which of course makes Han Leng’s favorability has skyrocketed...

And what made Han Leng want to laugh inexplicably was that Su Li, an enthusiastic cartoonist, actually helped him back. Many readers did not go to him as the initiator, but instead went to beat Su Li, which was also drunk.

Later, Su Li's backlash also made him dumbfounded, mainly because the illustration of the goddess Chu crying was too teary, but if you read it with the novel, the taste is really sour and refreshing!

Many fans cried in an instant after seeing the second illustration. Some fans who were arrogant before have bowed their heads to Mr. Su Li! Please let Mr. Su Li let them go...

Han Leng saw the effect of illustrations so well that he even wanted to ask Su Li to help him draw illustrations for the single-line book of this work after the work was finished. Although the illustrations mostly appeared in light novels, he was so youthful. For novels, in order to increase the sales of single-line books, it is also possible to have illustrations, which are more attractive to readers.

It’s just that it’s not easy to find a good illustrator, at least you have to read the entire book. However, some illustrators often don’t read the specific content of the novel, and just draw according to a scene in the novel, and do not pursue the details at all. Perfect and fit.

This is not the case with Su Li’s illustrations. She did it perfectly in line with the original work. Coupled with her reputation of “full respect for the original author” accumulated in the work "The Strongest King", Han Leng can completely trust Su Li. She is actually the artist that many original authors most want to cooperate with, because she is serious, responsible, and respects the original work and the original author.

But Han Leng thought carefully, and soon thought of the relationship between Su Li and Zhao Youyue. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Perhaps the person he should be grateful to most should be Zhao Youyue.

If it weren't for Zhao Youyue, Su Li would really pay attention to "April is Really Beautiful"?

He really didn't believe it.

Now that Han Leng came out of the adolescent commotion, and looked at Zhao Youyue objectively, he felt more and more that this girl might be better than he imagined. To portray her as "Lin Meiyue" was completely underestimating the other party. ...

This girl named "Zhao Youyue" is clearly a book with deep connotation. It seems simple on the surface, and the number of pages is not thick, but after she really settles down to read it, she can naturally realize that she is far superior to her peers. The realm of thought.

Han Leng remembered the many second and awkward behaviors he had done in front of her. He really wanted to roll around with his head. It was too ashamed. If he is the present, facing the past, he must want to beat the past. Pause, it's really too much punch!

Why is this girl Zhao Youyue so good that she can not get angry or angry at him at all...

Now Han Leng felt like Zhao Youyue stood still, and only felt that the other party was too deeply hidden.

Obviously before this, Han Leng felt that Zhao Youyue was nothing more than this, completely inferior to the Chu goddess in his works.

It can only be said that Han Leng is such a fickle guy. Because she can't read Zhao Youyue at all, she can only fill her image with various brains. Sometimes she thinks that she is not a passerby without any sense of existence, but sometimes I think how this girl can be so powerful, she is not a passerby at all, but is hidden away!

But one thing Han Leng can be sure of is that he finally won’t feel uncomfortable when communicating with Zhao Youyue. Anyway, he just needs to mute the name of his goddess Chu, otherwise he will still feel that he has a mentality for Zhao Youyue. Disadvantages...

Thinking of Zhao Youyue, Han Leng subconsciously used Lengzi’s QQ account to send a message to Zhao Youyue. His "Lengzi" identity, and Zhao Youyue get along better than his real body, and the relationship is extremely speculative, making him want to stay. Keep the identity of "Lengzi" secret.

Once "Lengzi"'s true body is exposed, he will die after seeing the light!

"Ms. You Yue, I accidentally wrote this plot of abusive heart. I don't know how you look at it. I want to hear your suggestions." Han Leng sent a message like this.

When Zhao Youyue saw this message, she smiled and replied: "Leng Zida, you wrote very well! It is best to follow your feelings in the future... In addition, the hero and the heroine must have a happy ending, but you promised Of."

When Han Leng saw this reply, he said that Zhao Youyue really didn't care about the experience of the goddess Chu. When did he still pay attention to the male lead and the female lead, he, the creator, was completely attracted by Chu Luoxun. Most of the attention, I really want to know how he will write next.

With this sense of unknown, other creators will be scared to death when you say it, but there are still creators who don't know what they will write next? Is it so unreliable?

Han Leng didn't know that all the pain of "Chu Luoxun" was caused by Zhao Youyue's "self-abuse". There was no way, she had to fight like this for the classic character card!

She is also using her life to gain abilities!

Zhao Youyue herself is now a little afraid of entering the "Dimensional" because as soon as she enters, she will experience Chu Luoxun's pain. Of course, she can also choose to shield her senses and temporarily withdraw.

But she thinks that if that's the case, Leng Zi will not be able to really appreciate the suffering of Goddess Chu, how can she perfectly describe her strength?

And she also thinks that doing this is the most respectful choice for Goddess Chu. She can't just think about the abilities of Goddess Chu, but she doesn't have the courage to bear her pain.

The more painful she is, the more she can express her strength.

This is also a kind of tempering for Zhao Youyue's own spiritual will!


Today's second update~~~ For rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

Two days have passed this month. If you don’t vote for a monthly pass, it’s really wasted. So everyone should vote. After all, the monthly pass will only be added in the first month when it is on the shelves. Later, when the monthly pass is added, it may be It was in those days of the double monthly ticket battle~~~

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