Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 230: How do you look as good as you?

Zhao Youyue really served Han Leng. This guy chats on WeChat and can communicate smoothly. Why does he completely lose the ability to speak in reality?

Zhao Youyue is a generous girl with good interpersonal skills. Although she doesn't know much about boys, boys are always humans, right? They are the same species, right? Then you can communicate.

So she is still very confident that in reality, she also has a good relationship with Han Leng. In this case, if there is anything, she can directly ask him for help, just like the speech draft of the speech under the national flag.

After all, the other party is a talented person and has a great effect.

Therefore, although Zhao Youyue didn't pay much attention to Han Leng on the first day, she took the initiative to talk to Han Leng on the second day, and she treated Han Leng as a girl...

However, it turns out that Han Leng is even more girly than a girl. He seemed to be particularly afraid of her and tried his best to avoid contact with her, so his mouth was always closed tightly and he only wrote a small note in response to Zhao Youyue.

Zhao Youyue talked for a long time each time, for example, she asked Han Leng, saying that Han Dazhi's old book is over, when will the new work be released, what type of writing is going to be written, and can she write something that she can import.

Then Han Leng wrote a small note and handed it over, concisely and concisely-in the conception, she said a lot anyway, and he returned just two or three words.

At the same time, Han Leng deliberately piled up the textbooks high and placed them on the border of the "38th Line", as if they had forged a fortress with powerful firepower to prevent all invading enemies.

This really convinced Zhao Youyue, this guy is really sick!

Obviously, in the beginning, he was quite normal, right? What has gone through to make him such a delicate and sensitive guy now, isn't it much different from autistic patients?

Zhao Youyue collects Han Leng's small notes every day and puts them in a jewelry box. She wants to see how long this guy can be sick!

At this moment, Han Leng heard Zhao Youyue's offer of five hundred thousand words. He was a little shaken. Zhao Youyue couldn't help showing a playful smile when he saw it, and said: "Okay, one price, one thousand yuan! You help me get the speech. The draft requires that it be full of positive energy and new ideas. Anyway, it can make me show a glorious image in my speech under the flag! Let’s do it, you can do it, talented Han!"

Zhao Youyue wanted to pat Han Leng's shoulder again, but he dodged this time. He started to write a small note again, saying, "I don't lack money, just want to ask, how can I look so good like you?"

Zhao Youyue took the note with confidence, and when she saw it, she was stunned. She looked at Han Leng in surprise. Could it be that this guy is the legendary lady-dressing boss? Want to be as good-looking as a girl like her?

Han Leng looked at Zhao Youyue expectantly. He wanted to learn from Miss Zhao and become a quiet beautiful girl. No, he was a beautiful man!

In fact, Zhao Youyue's thoughts are also relatively peculiar. If she is a normal girl, she might think that Han Leng is teasing her and complimenting her for her beauty, but Zhao Youyue feels that Han Leng has awakened a remarkable attribute...

Zhao Youyue changed her mind to think about it, isn't this just reminding her that this talented Han can be treated completely in the same way as a girl, but he is more difficult to reach than ordinary girls.

Zhao Youyue is still more attentive, paying attention to Han Leng’s small changes. His hair seems to be less messy, his dark circles seem to be less thick, and even acne has decreased a bit. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t cultivated immortality in the past two days. ?

She thought about it and took out a fashion magazine that teaches girls how to dress up from her desk drawer, pushed it over, and smiled and said: "Follow the dress up above, you can look as good as me!"

Han Leng was dumbfounded, and in a hurry, he blurted out: "No, I mean...hey, I don’t know! I wrote the speech for you, no money, so let’s do it! Can you do it in the future? Talk to me less?"

Zhao Youyue understood now, and she suddenly said, "You want to make yourself more handsome, right! You have a favorite goddess in other schools. In order to pursue her, you have to transform your image, right? You said earlier Well, I’ll use my mouth to say later, isn’t your voice very nice? You don’t talk to you because you like that goddess so much, so I’m afraid she will misunderstand it? Actually, it’s really unnecessary. I’m not interested in boys, or in other words, In my eyes, whether it's a man or a woman, it's actually the same, understand?"

Han Leng blushed immediately, but his heart was even more shocked, this Miss Zhao is too smart, can this be guessed?

It is Zhuge Yue!

And her remarks that there is no distinction between men and women in her eyes also shocked Han Leng. This Miss Zhao, is she completely above all human beings, treating mortals with the eyes of higher creatures? A detached saint?

It really deserves to be Miss Zhao family with extremely strong sense of superiority!

But one thing she made a mistake was that his favorite goddess Chu Luoxun was in the world of his works, not in other schools...

He changed his image, mainly because he didn't want Zhao Youyue to be displeased.

Because he knows that Miss Zhao always has a good impression of all kinds of beautiful things. She not only pursues the enjoyment of taste, but also pursues the enjoyment of hearing and vision.

Whether it is handsome or beautiful, Zhao Youyue will appreciate Zhao Youyue. For example, Zhao Youyue once said that she likes listening to math teacher Gu Yaoyan the most, because Gu Yaoyan is the most handsome of all male teachers.

Han Leng had always felt that Zhao Youyue's face control was really superficial, how could he judge people by appearance like this?

But now, he just feels that this kind of face control seems to be okay. Are there really people in this world who don't care about their looks at all?

Miss Zhao is frank and sincere, pointing straight to her heart!

So Han Leng decisively began to take the initiative to reform himself...

Han Leng's efficiency is very high. He finished his speech almost the next day. It was full of words. There were various sentences in a composition that resembled a full score. The examples cited were the kind that ordinary students had never heard of, but But it is very interesting, it can also show Miss Zhao's compelling character.

Therefore, Han Leng was quite qualified as a literati.

And Zhao Youyue was also very good. The next day she brought a set of skin care products and anti-acne products for tall boys. At the same time, several men’s fashion magazines were given to Han Leng. At the same time, she said, which set of clothes he fancy~ Pick whatever you want, and make sure to transform him into a male **** and chase the goddess he secretly loves!

She can be in charge of staff at any time, because she is quite confident of slap-up girls.

How, is Miss Zhao enough for her friends?

Is it loyal enough?

It's so atmospheric!

In fact, when Zhao Youyue and Jiang Qing had a good relationship at the beginning, it was this kind of tried and tested method...

Zhao Youyue also wanted Han Leng to tell her who the goddess was. She could ask him for news, collect information, and reduce the difficulty of his strategy.

Of course Han Leng didn’t say anything. Just kidding, no matter how powerful you are, Miss Zhao, you can’t go to my "April Really Beautiful" to inquire about the news——

Three shifts~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

This is an increase of 8000 monthly pass last month~~~

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