Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 231: Zhao Youyue who received the love letter

The talented and talented Han Dahua ghostwriter, Zhao Youyue's speech under the flag of course was a great success.

Although Han Leng’s performance has always been poor, because he has made a lot of achievements in the field of composition, he was able to win the first prize of the new concept composition contest in junior high school and became the youngest winner of the contest. This is comparable to Zhao Youyue’s current award. The gold medal of the provincial violin music competition is even more powerful. After all, the new concept composition competition is at the national level.

So of course Han Leng had the experience of speaking under the national flag, and his speech under the national flag was very maverick, completely arbitrary. After speaking, the students underneath laughed, and the principal also wanted to hit someone...

However, he gave Zhao Youyue a ghostwriter, so he didn't dare to mess around like that. Just as he was very serious about helping Zhao Youyue write a review book at the beginning, he would also order Zhao Youyue a perfect speech under the national flag, which seemed to have the righteousness. Energy without losing interest.

For a talented creator like Han Leng, it is not too easy to write a speech in the tone of a girl. Isn't it quite successful for him to pretend to be a female author "Lengzi"?

In a word, excellent creators can change the perspective at will to make the plot, instead of male writers who can only write male essays and female writers can only write female essays.

That is just the mindset of the new writers and readers.

If an author is only satisfied with writing articles from his own gender perspective, he will fall behind.

Han Leng focused his speech on how Zhao Youyue achieved the current achievements through her own efforts, not only in terms of academic performance, but also in violin skills.

He is to let Zhao Youyue's speech convey a kind of positive energy-as long as you work hard, you can all be as successful as me!

However, Han Leng didn’t even believe a punctuation mark in the manuscript he wrote. In fact, he felt that Miss Zhao was actually a genius, not a hard-working player at all, but everyone thought she worked very hard and her experience was very good. Inspirational, this really made Han Lengfu, which one of your eyes saw her working hard?

It was because she had no sense of existence before, and then she flew to the sky. As a result, everyone thought about how inspirational she was working silently before?

It can only be said that human beings are really easy to deceive creatures.

After Han Leng became Zhao Youyue’s tablemate, he realized that Zhao Youyue was more lazy than he thought. There were so many miscellaneous books that had nothing to do with learning. She was still a high school girl?

She didn't know how many stunned things, including all kinds of snacks, were hidden in her desk, so that he was mentally unbalanced. Why can this guy maintain such a good grade?

He really doesn't accept it!

Han Leng still coldly refused to talk to Zhao Youyue in reality, and only used small notes to communicate with her, but sometimes he couldn't refuse the delicious snacks...

But in the evening, he always thanked him sincerely in WeChat, and then said that he actually likes that, so bring a little more next time?

Miss Zhao promised, of course, that she was never afraid of what others wanted, but was afraid of what others didn't want. Once she got used to her existence, she would never want to escape.

This is probably the benefit of becoming Zhao Youyue at the same table. It seems that there will be surprises all the time. You never know that Miss Zhao, who is completely out of school in her spare time, will take out something magical in the next moment.

It’s no wonder that little angel Jiang Qing is not thinking about studying, she is clearly surprised...

And through observation, Han Leng also discovered that when Zhao Youyue was in class, she was almost 200% serious, and even her temperament had changed! What is going on with that state of being extremely obsessed with learning?

The same state also appeared when Zhao Youyue was doing homework. She used to like to play with her mobile phone while doing homework, which was extremely inefficient, but now she wants to squeeze more time to do things that have nothing to do with learning. Will use the highest efficiency to complete all homework perfectly...

Han Leng faintly understood Zhao Youyue's tricks to maintain good grades, but he couldn't imitate it at all, because he certainly couldn't concentrate completely in class, and he would always be tempted to conceive his own novels.

I really want to imitate Zhao Youyue's usual carefree and leisurely look, only in a state of crazy indulge in studying before class and homework plus exams, that absolute pill.

For ordinary students, Kung Fu still has to be spent in normal times, unless you also have a "Xu Jing Card".

Zhao Youyue’s speech under the national flag inspired many students in the school. The principal also looked at Zhao Youyue with admiration. After taking back the microphone, he continued to praise Zhao Youyue, thinking she was a good role model for the whole school!

In this way, no matter what Zhao Youyue does, everyone will take the initiative to help her think about the reasons for doing this. For example, playing mobile phones must be to enrich her extracurricular knowledge. Even playing "Glory of the King" is also to exercise thinking and How flexible is the finger!

The more flexible the finger, the more powerful it is to start the test paper and pull up the violin?

So, for Zhao Youyue, playing "Glory of the King" is profitable and harmless. This is a superb student!

It's like a creator who can even play mahjong can be called "drawing material", everything is drawing material, you can't write a manuscript if you don't draw material, there is nothing wrong with it!

Suddenly, Zhao Youyue, who had a sense of existence, suddenly many boys noticed her appearance!

Unexpectedly, this schoolmaster and talented girl is still a super cute girl with short hair!

Then Zhao Youyue finally enjoyed the treatment of being sent a love letter on campus for the first time!

That's right, the time came to July, and the final exam was approaching. At the end of the semester in the first grade of high school, Zhao Youyue, who suddenly became a man on campus, received several love letters!

There are signed and unsigned ones. Don’t read love letters, it seems that there are very few, but consider that the school is really strict, and this is already the information The love letter is out of date. A few letters are fine.

Han Leng said proudly on a small note that if he is not a love letter writing business, no one cares about him, then he will not help you write a speech for Miss Zhao. His love letter writing is comparable to a review letter. , The speech draft is even more powerful!

Zhao Youyue is of course delighted to receive a love letter, no matter who he sent it, she will not fall in love anyway, but from the side, this is a strong proof of her increased presence!

Come and come, she wants to know how many big guys who have received love letters in their student days?

It shouldn't be much, right?

So, she will keep these immature but true love letters, how can she throw them away at will?

These love letters also show that her efforts so far have yielded great results. Since the first speech under the national flag in her life last time, she should never be the first passerby in the hearts of her classmates anymore? ——

Today's first update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

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