Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 233: Blew up as a male

Zhao Youyue has been thinking about the form of exit. She hopes to leave the suspense about whether Chu Luoxun will die or not until the end.

How can readers leave the deepest impression?

Maybe it's the despair after hope...

The creator of Leng Zi can feel what "Chu Luoxun" is thinking and thinking. Because he is so addicted to "Chu Luoxun", he can always get "Chu Luoxun" when he is "upper". All the dynamics seem to be in a spiritual communication with her.

Therefore, Han Leng felt that he was completely in love with "Chu Luoxun", because he could feel that the mental state of "Chu Luoxun" was really desirable. She was optimistic, strong, and confident. How could it be possible in reality? Is there such a perfect and powerful woman?

With the goddess Chu as a reference, Han Leng is boring for all three-dimensional girls, but Miss Zhao is an exception, because he thinks that Zhao Youyue’s sage mentality that is above everything and above everything is not inferior to the goddess of Chu. Anyway, he couldn't see through Zhao Youyue, even if he was lucky enough to be at the same table with her for so long.

It's a pity that it's only this semester. They probably won't be in the same class in the second year of high school. After all, Zhao Youyue's grades are so good, he must have entered the intensive liberal arts class, and he has entered the ordinary class.

But Han Cooling felt that it was the luck of his life to be at the same table with Miss Zhao for such a period of time-it was really enjoyable to mix with Miss Zhao!

The message "Chu Luoxun" conveyed to him was that she would insist on living, even if the whole body was paralyzed and only her fingers could move, she would definitely be able to live!

Lengzi, who trusts "Chu Luoxun" so much, only thinks that he will respect "Chu Luoxun"'s wishes, and will definitely not write her to death. After all, Goddess Chu has such a strong will to survive, how can he be a creator? How about writing her to death?

So when Lengzi faced the questions about Chu Luoxun's ending from many fans in the group, he patted his chest and made a promise-Chu Luoxun, the goddess Chu will never die!

Her illness was a foreshadowing planted at the beginning, and it was only revealed before, and then only needs to be cured. At the same time, he also pointed out that the sickness plot only further shapes the character's image of optimism and strongness, and is definitely not for abuse. Torture, lunch is made for the sake of making lunch, so please rest assured!

Lengzi's statement is still credible, mainly because Lengzi himself is not sure about writing Chu Luoxun to death, and he is convinced that he loves the goddess Chu so much, how can he be willing to write her to death?

Lengzi is not like some old thieves, his bones are too bad, he has clearly decided in his heart to write down a popular character, but he still patted his chest and said that he respects the reader, and will never write her to death, and will add drama.

When the old thieves make such promises, they always have ghosts in their hearts, and their tone will not be so firm.

But Lengzi is different. His self-confidence and determination have infected all fans. Some fans also said that if Lengzi is really cheating, then he must have been cheated. If this is the case, what is this " "April is Really Beautiful" should be renamed "April is Your Lie"!

Not only did the characters lie to the end of the book, but even the creators lied from the beginning!

Han Leng is really confident in himself, because he will not disobey the goddess Chu's own choice. He completely indulges this character. According to Zhao Youyue's words, it is called following the feeling...

How could a perfect girl like "Chu Luoxun" cheat him as a creator?

Many group friends expressed their support for Leng Zida, and praised Leng Zida’s recent dog food writing getting better and better. It seems that he is often fed dog food, so I can always write that kind of love and happiness. The wonderful feeling in it.

In addition, the portrayal of the heroine Lin Meiyue is more vivid, and she has the courage to actively kiss the hero Gu Yuan!

In these series of serials, Chu Luoxun has hardly appeared on the scene, but focuses on the description of the hero and the hero. They go to the playground to date together. During the period, they finally overcome the obstruction of the heroine and girlfriends by their own efforts. In the evening, the fireworks bloom and the Ferris wheel. Next, when the two were about to kiss, they were interrupted by the bear kid, which made the readers angry!

Later, the family of Lin Meiyue, the hostess, had a problem again. It turned out that her parents did not agree with her taking the conservatory of music, thinking that her talent was limited and there was no future for her to go to the conservatory of music!

But because of her love for the male lead, Lin Meiyue resolutely chose to walk with the male lead, and on a bridge under the setting sun, she proactively kissed Gu Yuan, who was completely moved by her...

There is no need for tragedy. Lin Meiyue's image of being soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and quite assertive, was also established at once. Many Lin Meiyue parties expressed their satisfaction, and this dog food was really delicious.

The male and female lead is still so stable!

The two of them proved that even without Chu Luoxun, they can solve the problem by themselves, and they are a perfect first love couple.

But it must be admitted that there are more readers on the Internet who follow the goddess of Chu who do not know what to do with her illness! It can only be said that no matter how perfect the love is, it can’t be equal to a deep sadistic plot...

For them, the main line of love between male and female protagonists has long become "water". Yes, they condemned Leng Zida, saying that the daily love of male and female protagonists is too boring. They just want to look at the music line and the goddess of Chu. They who didn't have the goddess Chu appeared on the stage, they were about to die!

And after learning that Lengzi greatly assured that Chu Luoxun would never die, the "Chu Luoxun" party was of course energetic again, but they never went to join Chu Luoxun and Gu Yuan's CP anymore, just simply wishing that Leng Zi Da writes that Chu Luoxun has re-emerged in the field of music through his own efforts...

These "Chu Luoxun" parties have clearly regarded Chu Luoxun as the protagonist of the novel!

The daily life of Lengzi’s fan group is UU reading www. uukā let the legendary beauty writer Leng Zi explode, but Han Leng finally said that he was actually a male author! So there is no need to explode the photos, what's so nice about the male author? Although he is actually pretty good-looking, after all, he was transformed into a handsome little meat idol writer by Zhao Youyue...

The main reason is that Han Leng guessed that everyone almost forgot about his use of the voice changer. Later, he also kept diving into the screen and hid it deeply. Many new fans didn’t know whether Lengzi was a man or a woman. He is just a female author.

And he doesn’t need to use the identity of a female author to get close to Zhao Youyue. He has a very good relationship with Miss Zhao, so he is really suffocating him, so he finally voluntarily admits that he is a male author, and the beautiful author is fake. That doesn't exist!

However, Han Leng blew himself up... but no one believed it!

Some old fans also vowed to claim that Lengzi was definitely a female author who made a big hit at the beginning! —

Today's third update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, referral tickets, monthly tickets~~~ I hope that friends who read the book at other sites can come to the starting point of the Chinese website to support the author, thank you everyone! !

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