Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 234: If you write her to death, you will apologize for women's clothing!

Of course, Zhao Youyue didn’t believe that Lengzi was a male author. She talked with each other for so long, and the impression in her mind was always a literary girl, and even recently she was able to discuss some skin care experiences. How could this be a male author? ?

If Lengzi is really a male author, then she will force him to wear women's clothing!

Of course, Zhao Youyue didn’t count how it counted, because Han Leng was her deskmate. Sometimes, after hearing Miss Zhao’s popular science and what brand is the best, he wrote it down. There’s no way. He has a good memory. Of.

This is also accumulating materials!

And Han Leng now thinks he has a lot of experience in portraying the role of the eldest lady. Although Zhao Youyue is not the typical eldest lady, her low-key luxury and compelling details all open up Han Leng's vision!

How can Zhao Youyue pretend to be approachable, she can't conceal her superiority in her bones!

Therefore, the Zhao family is the most uncomfortable at this point!

But Han Leng has tried to get used to it...

Han Leng was actually too embarrassed to always eat Miss Zhao's snacks. He was not as comfortable as the little angel Jiang Qing, and all kinds of things took advantage of Miss Zhao.

So he later habitually ran errands for Miss Zhao, helping Miss Zhao to hand in homework or something. In fact, he felt that stacking his papers with Miss Zhao’s was a little sweetness.

But when he reacted, he would immediately chant "Chu Luoxun", joking, how could he be tempted to Zhao Youyue, a very troublesome eldest lady, obviously he has already stepped out of the adolescent commotion!

Accompanied by "Chu Luoxun", Han Leng severely restrained the urge to be captured by the eldest lady's charm every time. At the same time, he also thought about the eldest lady's various shortcomings-extravagance and waste, lazy style, picky, hypocritical , She is completely self-centered, everyone has to listen to her, but she still pretends to be very gentle and caring about others. In fact, the heart of the lady is absolutely black when it is cut!

Han Leng said that he has seen through this wayward lady with countless shortcomings! She is just pretending to be low-key, in fact she really likes to be pushy!

Then he came to the conclusion that Goddess Chu was the best.

In addition to helping Miss Zhao run errands, Han Leng also digs out the "common people snacks" that Miss Zhao likes at the school commissary, and buys them for Zhao Youyue with his own contribution fees. Although Miss Zhao sometimes dislikes it very much and doesn't want to eat it after one bite, but There are some that can please the eldest lady, at least eat two more bites.

On Sunday afternoon, Miss Zhao had a desire to shop. Han Leng, are you embarrassed not to follow along with your bags? Is there any gentlemanly demeanor?

Of course it was not Zhao Youyue and Han Leng, and Jiang Qing. Jiang Qing had been displeased with Han Leng. Who let him grab her seat at the same table, it turned out that this superficially cold-faced talented Han Dawei, After listening to Miss Zhao's words, she also wanted to take the opportunity to call her, but she was slapped in the face. Han Leng didn't even bother to care about this vulgar woman with **** and brainlessness. He didn't know why Zhao Youyue became good friends with Jiang Qing.

Han Leng has nothing to do with Jiang Qing. Since Chu Luoxun was born, his attitude towards girls is really eating jujube pills and injecting orphans...

He believes that Jiang Qing is too eager to be in the limelight!

How can an arrogant literati like him listen to the orders of the eldest lady, just because of the gentleman's demeanor and the accumulation of writing materials!

He is not Miss Miss's lackey!

How could he be the running dog of the Zhao family?

All in all, in the process of accumulating materials, Han Leng recorded Zhao Youyue's preferences.

So, this is the reason why Zhao Youyue and the female writer Leng Zi have become more and more speculative. She thinks Leng Zi is too fond of her!

If Zhao Youyue finds that Lengzi is Han Leng, this will definitely make her very angry!

This fellow Han Leng actually cheated her Miss Zhao one day?

It is absolutely unforgivable!

Really going to rebel!

Women's clothing, only women's clothing can calm her anger!

In fact, many fans coincide with Zhao Youyue's ideas. They don't believe that Leng Zi is a male author, but even if it is, it's okay. If he violates his promise, he will apologize for women's clothing!

Someone who has something to do has taken screenshots of Han Leng’s chat records in the group, including the remarks that he blew himself up as a male. Combining the two, many fans will be enthusiastic, saying that it’s Leng Zida. If you really write it down in the end, Chu Goddess, let's explode women's photos, or don't try to get through!

Han coldly smiled, and said to his heart how he could write his favorite Chu goddess to death. He wants to keep her living in the world of his own works. In this way, every time he recollects the words he wrote, he will be loved by her. Intoxicated.

Therefore, he categorically agreed. If he writes about Chu Luoxun dead, then he will apologize!

Don't think that he is a pervert, he just loves her too much, this kind of spiritual love, I don't know how much stronger than dirty desires, three-dimensional women are all useless hot chickens!

Han Leng always despises the three-dimensional woman infinitely every time he "tops up"...

Finally, it's time to write about the plot of "Chu Luoxun" again. Han Leng himself is also very excited. Now that the summer vacation is over, he can finally continue to write more attentively!

That's right, when he was in school, in order to hide his identity as a cold child, he didn't write down-to-earth in the classroom!

Miss Zhao just looks quiet on the surface. Once she gets acquainted with you, her curiosity will suddenly explode, and she will find the roots. For example, for a while, Zhao Youyue was particularly interested in what Han Leng’s online novel is. So all kinds of money seduce...

And after Zhao Youyue and Han Leng became at the same table and got acquainted in reality, Zhao Youyue began to wonder, who is the goddess you have a crush on, the talented Han, she still remembers what she said was better than Miss Zhao. Beautiful, naturally made her a little uncomfortable, but she was still a passerby at that time, so she endured it.

But later, Zhao Youyue has become a character on campus and has received many love letters. It can be said to be very high-spirited. Looking at the world, she only feels that no one can compare to her. She has expanded. Everyone should understand that ordinary female high school students like Zhao Youyue suddenly suffer. The feeling of walking after the welcome, of course she re-adjusted it in a short time, and the saint's mentality is still very stable.

Of course, Zhao Youyue in that swollen state especially wanted to know who the goddess was.

Of course Han Leng did not let go, but Miss Zhao was not easy to dismiss. In the end, he could only say that the other party also has a violin technique that shocks the world, and I am afraid that Miss Zhao can't match it.

On the surface of Zhao My heart said you wait and see, when I get the Chu Luoxun character card, absolutely kill everything in seconds!

All in all, after Han Leng and Zhao Youyue became at the same table, he was uneasy in writing. While preventing Zhao Youyue from being curious about what he was writing, he also helped Miss Zhao serve tea and pour water, even if she could harvest her every time. I sincerely thanked and smiled with praise and encouragement, but he always felt that he was serving now!

No, it's not right. He is just collecting materials and accumulating materials. How can he be called a servant of the moment?

He is very literati!

Don't underestimate him!

When Han Leng thought of writing a plot about Chu Luoxun at this moment, the familiar feeling of "upper" finally came!

And Zhao Youyue's final performance in "April is Really Beautiful" is about to begin! ——

Four more! ! !

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