Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 236: Play for her

As I said before, Han Leng was already in the process of writing "April is Really Beautiful," and he was obsessed with the original supporting actress "Chu Luoxun" and couldn't extricate himself, so when he wrote the plot about "Chu Luoxun", he would be unconscious. To her.

When the creator has a bias in his heart, he will subconsciously belittle when he writes about other characters. Of course, he does not think it is a belittle, but the truth is more important...

Han Leng had been writing about how good the relationship between Lin Meiyue and Chu Luoxun was and how deep the sisterhood was, but that was before Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue had confirmed their relationship.

He believes that love is the most selfish thing, and it can also change a person and make people grow. Under the power of love, even Lin Meiyue, who was originally pure, will change for love.

This is not the problem of Lin Meiyue alone, and the male protagonist Gu Yuan has a problem. If there is no overlap in music between him and Lin Meiyue, anyway, in daily life, Lin Meiyue owns all of him, but once music is involved , Gu Yuan could not help but mention Chu Luoxun...

It is because "Chu Luoxun" is so good that she cannot be replaced.

Lin Meiyue cannot be compared with "Chu Luoxun" in music anyway.

Gu Yuan's emotional intelligence is not very good, but his victory lies in his firm will, clear choice, and no vacillation. If he changes to another male protagonist, he will definitely swing between "Chu Luoxun" and Lin Meiyue.

Gu Yuan, who has poor emotional intelligence, would always say frankly how fascinating the music of "Chu Luoxun" is. He also confessed to Lin Meiyue that he has repeatedly achieved musical resonance with "Chu Luoxun", including his and "Chu Luoxun" played four hands together, and the moonlight was so beautiful that night.

So it’s really terrible to say that EQ is low. He actually doesn’t say anything, but Gu Yuan feels that he has to be honest with Lin Meiyue. Anyway, between him and "Chu Luoxun", there is only music, which is very pure. Relationship.

He has a clear conscience.

Even if he said that "Chu Luoxun" was his confidante, he didn't recognize it. He felt like he was the kind of comrade in arms who played gangster games together. Sometimes he would solo and compete.

This is a tacit understanding between geniuses.

As a girl, Lin Meiyue couldn't bear it. Maybe it was because she loved him too much, so she could only choose to use her own way to maintain her love.

It's just that there is always an indescribable sense of guilt in her heart. She clearly knows that Gu Yuan likes her, but what about his music?

Sometimes music tells the truth.

She has always known one thing, that is, because Gu Yuan mistakenly believed that she was the girl playing the violin next door, he further liked and fell in love with her. Otherwise, they would only have a good feeling for each other at best.

What if Gu Yuan met "Chu Luoxun"?

Lin Meiyue didn't dare to think about it anymore...

Lin Meiyue admitted that she and Gu Yuan could finally get together. "Chu Luoxun" didn't know how many assists he had. This always gave her a feeling that the other party had given her something that originally belonged to her, but belonged to it. Quan is still with "Chu Luoxun", and one day, "Chu Luoxun" will take it back.

Women always like to think so much. In order to reflect the greatness of the goddess Chu, Han Leng adjusted Lin Meiyue’s personality to be more realistic, which further deepened her character image, making her no longer so thin, as if she was innocent in addition to being pure and kind. Kind, but for love, women will change themselves.

Therefore, in order to be able to replace "Chu Luoxun" in music, Lin Meiyue used the music composed by "Chu Luoxun" to ensemble with Gu Yuan, further entering his heart, and also established the image of "genius composer", but All this belongs to "Chu Luoxun".

Lin Meiyue obviously thinks she is drinking poison to quench her thirst, but she can only do this. Anyway, "Chu Luoxun" will still help her, won't she?

There is nothing wrong with what Lin Meiyue did, she just cared about him too much, so she likes to be jealous, and she has a strong desire for monopolization.

When such a realistic Lin Meiyue is presented to the readers, there will be more readers who like "Chu Luoxun". This has achieved Han Leng's goal. He just wanted to portray "Chu Luoxun" into his mind. The most perfect goddess, the heroine Lin Meiyue compared with her, she was nothing but a mortal.

Gu Yuan was completely unaware of the problem between Lin Meiyue and "Chu Luoxun." To be precise, it should be Lin Meiyue who had a problem.

Gu Yuan went to visit "Chu Luoxun" again by himself, even though his heart was extremely resistant, but whenever he played, he would think of her again, and he still couldn't rest assured of her.

Along the way, he recalled the countless moments of getting along with "Chu Luoxun" in his mind. It was obviously much shorter than Lin Meiyue's time together, but the impression was so deep!

This made him feel very hesitant, but he always seemed to be coaxing himself. The intersection between him and her was limited to music.

"I thought you would never come again." "Chu Luoxun" said with some ill spirit.

"Bring you your favorite sweet cake." Gu Yuan responded like this.

"Do you practice piano well?"


"Where is the school?"

"As usual."

"Where did you get along with Meiyue?"

"Very well, she composes great songs, she is a composer genius! I like every note she writes! I like to play with her."

"Really... Sure enough, you guy came to show his affection in front of me, right?" "Chu Luoxun" smiled, and then pretended to be very angry.

"How come! In fact, I have always wanted to see you, but I don't know what to say to you..." Gu Yuan's tone became gloomy again.

"It's fine to go back to the past, and it's fine to forget the previous things. In that case, the heart will be much easier. After all, it is meaningless to keep in mind. My music is not irreplaceable. I can't pick up the strings. The violinist is meaningless at all." "Chu Luoxun" said lightly.

It seems that it is not a big deal for her to lose the ability to play.

Why...why do you want to say that kind of thing, you obviously let me return to the world of music, and engraved those unforgettable scenery on my could I forget your music!

Gu Yuan left alone, his heart was blocked, and he was obviously unwilling, but he could only be sad and sad. It was obvious that she had given him so many things, but he couldn't do anything for her?

His mind was full of her dazzling figure on the stage. She turned her head and stared at him deeply, with a sunny smile on her beautiful cheeks.

He made a decision to play for her at the upcoming music festival.

He also told his girlfriend Lin Meiyue of the decision. Lin Meiyue only hesitated for a moment and said that she wanted to be together too. After all, she was also "Chu Luoxun"'s best friend.

The two will ensemble for "Chu Luoxun", using a live broadcast...——

Today's second update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

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