Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 237: The awakened heroine

It is very interesting that the melody used by the male and female masters on this occasion was composed by "Chu Luoxun". It is called "The Wings of the Qin". It is a very smart and pleasant tune.

The male protagonist Gu Yuan did use such a piece of music to use the piano as the wings to convey what he wanted to convey, which could not be expressed in words... sentiment.

It can only be through music. As for what it is, he himself can't figure it out, and he is even afraid to figure it out.

Does he really like her?

No, no, how is this possible? He already has a girlfriend, and he can be sure that he loves Lin Meiyue deeply!

But what is "Chu Luoxun" to him?

It's really hard to tell, he can only pin everything in the music.

In this ensemble, the heroine Lin Meiyue was not really playing for "Chu Luoxun". She also expressed her deep love for Gu Yuan in the music, and she was also in front of "Chu Luoxun". Show the results of her hard violin practice.

Yes, some of Lin Meiyue's behaviors, in the eyes of readers, may be too sensitive. Since becoming Gu Yuan's girlfriend, she has become more cautious, but she cannot underestimate the power of love!

She knows that her talent in music is limited, so she devotes all her time to music while dating Gu Yuan. Yes, she is competing with "Chu Luoxun", anyway, in the field of music. , She also drove "Chu Luoxun" out of Gu Yuan's world!

In a word, love is selfish and blind, coupled with a woman's natural keen sixth sense, made her act.

The music festival soon arrived. "Chu Luoxun" was alone, watching the live broadcast on a tablet computer on the hospital bed. She looked indifferent. In private, she couldn't laugh anymore because she was really uncomfortable. I'm in the torment of illness all the time.

"Chu Luoxun" soon noticed Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue who were present in their costumes, they were like a pair of bi people.

Lin Meiyue's long green dress was quite eye-catching. Her appearance was not bad. Now when she has someone to play for, she is no longer a passerby, but a real heroine!

Under the power of love, Lin Meiyue's performance broke out!

Gu Yuan played well at the beginning, but since he was influenced by "Chu Luoxun", he has become a strange pianist. In order to convey what he wants to convey, he is in chaos again!

Of course, Lin Meiyue was caught off guard by Gu Yuan at the beginning, and even complained to Gu Yuan in her heart, asking him why he kept adding difficulty and pressure to her performance in this way...

In terms of music, he doesn't care about her feelings at all!

He only cares about Chu Luoxun...

But this time, Lin Meiyue did not compromise!

She seemed to realize something, she couldn't compromise anyway!

Once compromised, she will lose everything.

When "Chu Luoxun" heard Gu Yuan's chaotic music, she couldn't help but worry about Lin Meiyue...

But this time, Lin Meiyue's certain kind of fire that was suppressed in music broke out!

At this moment, Lin Meiyue seemed to be "Chu Luoxun" possessing her body, and she also relentlessly competed with Gu Yuan, making the audience look at her with admiration!

She was on the stage for the first time, incarnate as the protagonist!

She is not reconciled to being a passer-by again, and no longer a passer-by, is she still the heroine of this work?

Zhao Youyue was very surprised at this time. Of course, Chu Luoxun who was possessed by her would definitely not show a surprised look, but still listen to the ensemble of the two.

Zhao Youyue was surprised that this Lin Meiyue seemed to have a soul too!

In other words, Lin Meiyue was written alive!

This is not a character who was drawn alive because of her possession, but the creator Leng Zi used his own strength to write alive!

Zhao Youyue immediately admired Leng Zi, the creator of this work. Although Lin Meiyue was actually awakened under the stimulation of Chu Luoxun, it is also a perfect embodiment of Leng Zi's writing ability.

She has a strong hunch that the two main female characters in this "April is Really Beautiful" will become classic characters!

Even because the two female characters are portrayed so well, the supporters of both sides will continue to argue. When Chu Luoxun is mentioned, Lin Meiyue must be mentioned, and when Lin Meiyue is mentioned, Chu Luo will of course be mentioned. Kaoru...

Zhao Youyue actually didn't understand that Han Leng had learned more about her in reality and went to a music competition with her, so this also allowed him to combine the characteristics of Miss Zhao in reality when he portrayed Lin Meiyue!

Miss Zhao is usually a passer-by, and the demeanor of the protagonist at the critical moment, is it similar to Lin Meiyue's outbreak this time?

This is the real reason why Lin Meiyue was written alive! In reality, Zhao Youyue is actually no worse than Chu Luoxun!

The outbreak of Lin Meiyue made this ensemble no longer a solo show by Gu Yuan, but a double waltz!

But this time Lengzi still focused on portraying Lin Meiyue's psychology.

She thought this way in her heart, she would not let him go, concentrate all her energy, react, and bite Gu Yuan tightly!

If it was before, I might just let him go, because I always felt that in music, only she was worthy of him...

But I am not convinced!

I'm Gu Yuan's girlfriend, I want everything from him!

The hard work and pain I have paid have not been wasted. The time devoted to the piano is alive!

Chu Luoxun said that Gu Yuan is a genius with a steel heart, but I think he works harder than a genius, and I understand his efforts better!

Chu Luoxun doesn't understand him without me!

Because... the hands I hold are so warm, every moment when I hold my hands tightly, I feel so nostalgic...

Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue looked at each other on the stage, and he discovered for the first time that his first girlfriend had grown to such a point. He showed his tenderness and finally started to take care of Lin Meiyue, as he originally wanted to convey to Chu Luoxun. His feelings were completely thrown aside.

Gu Yuan was willing to retreat to the rear. He went to cater to Lin Meiyue. Because he knew Lin Meiyue's character and her habits, he could spur her, guide her, and even let her step on her own to promote her growth.

And he had never done this for Chu Luoxun.

Lin Meiyue blushed. So this is the resonance in the music. She saw the scene of the two sweet dating, eating the same ice cream together, so sweet, they walked on the campus holding hands...

She knows that she has conveyed it, and at the same time she understands more that this kind of musical genius is such an intoxicating thing.

At the same time, the creator Leng Zi did not portray the facial expression of "Chu Luoxun", but only wrote her back, which seemed more lonely and lonely at this moment.

Maybe the only thing she is fortunate is that they played the music that she composed?

From the beginning, "Chu Luoxun" seemed to be a lucky girl with the blessing of the whole world, but fate slowly took away everything she had...

At this moment, "Chu Luoxun" suddenly became the most useless person.

She is like using a waste product of zero value, being completely kicked away, and stomping her feet severely, humbled into the dust.

Chu Luoxun stood up trembling, looking at the beautiful and harmonious scenes in the live broadcast, and imagined that she would be playing with him. She couldn't hold the bow or the piano, so she could only pose imaginarily...

It turns out that she can only play with him in her imagination.

What is the pain in the body, the pain in the soul that is severely torn apart and snatched away is the most torturous——

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