Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 103 Red Flame Slays the Dragon

"Haven't you already tried it many times? Newcomer."

Roger's voice sounded again, causing Quinn to tremble.

"What kind of monster are you!"

Quinn roared, staring at Roger, then gritted his teeth and ejected the head and neck of the brachiosaurus, leaving the limbs and body in place.

Like a giant python, it strangled Roger as the ashes were flying.


Easily, without even exerting much force, Roger, who was strangled in the middle, was shattered into dregs, floating in the air.

But the next moment, ashes gathered.

Roger said helplessly: "The mask is gone. If the little boss gets angry and kills you, then you will really have to face hell."

Picking up the long knife, the terrifying overlord-colored domineering energy burst out again.


Both arms were broken, and there were two bloody wounds on Quinn's brachiosaurus neck.

"Oh!! It hurts, it hurts!"

Quinn screamed and jumped up, straightening her neck and rushing straight down towards Roger, like a bomb.


The ground shook, and the impact area even cracked.


Quinn, who had more than a dozen wounds on his body, looked at the figures that were still slowly gathering and recovering, and almost didn't curse.

Haki has no effect, it really shatters after hitting it. It is not the elementalization that causes the attack to fail due to the advance prediction of the natural system.

So can the other party really be resurrected infinitely?

How can you have such ability? !

Roger, who had recovered again, held up the knife again and asked: "Newcomer, do you want to continue? Or do you want to surrender?"

Roger's answer was a series of rockets. During this period, Quinn's arm was still intact, and all technological transformations were used in the form of a brachiosaurus.

And before he could figure out the opponent's ability to infinitely resurrect, he was going to delay the attack with guns and cannons...

Before he could finish thinking about it, Roger, who was not evasive at all, avoided all the attacks with his wit and knowledge, and the long knife in his hand was about to fall again.


A cold light flashed past, and the previous wound on one of the front legs in the form of a brachiosaurus deepened again, and blood flowed all over the floor.


Amidst the roaring roar, the dragon's tail swept towards him, and Roger lowered his head to avoid the forward thrust.

The recovered right hand once again grasped the handle of the knife, and after swinging it, it hit his left front leg again.

"Ah...Roger, you bastard!"

At the same time, another central battlefield.

Kaido, who had just slapped Oden away, looked closely at Kevin, who was coming towards him.

"Rayleigh, Roger, the cloaked man... Jabba doesn't seem to have eaten the devil fruit. If you were Jabba, Roger wouldn't give me up to his crew. So who are you?"

Kevin ignored Kaido and glanced at Oden in the ruins.

"Do you think you are a qualified monarch?"

Oden gasped and stood up: "Regardless of whether I am qualified or not, I cannot fall down at this time. Give me...ten minutes, I can..."

"No ten minutes."

Kevin said the cruelest words in the calmest voice: "Today, five years later, if you did not choose to die together, then today you can only lead eight retainers and one traitor to meet the enemy's ambush. "

"At that time, when you fail, the country of Wano will be destroyed. You wasted five years. In these five years, the enemy has become stronger, but you have been dancing, and you are moved by the greatness of the country. sacrifice.”

"So... do you think your son, Kozuki Momonosuke, will have a better future than you?"

Just as Oden was about to answer confidently, he was blocked by Kevin.

"Think clearly Oden! This is not a question of your trust in your son, but a question of all the people of Wano Country!"

After the words fell, Oden fell silent.

If you can't compare, how can you compare?

Haki, or what Wano calls the power of Sakura, requires spiritual will caused by inner determination.

Comparing his childhood with Momonosuke's.

It's obvious that Momonosuke doesn't have that kind of determination, and even his first choice when encountering something is usually to retreat.


At this time, Kaido's dissatisfied voice sounded: "Substitute the person, how long will you continue to talk?"

Kevin looked over: "After a fight with this guy, I think I can let you rest for a while."


The iron rod slammed onto the ground, and Kaido said bluntly: "No need. After I kill you, I also want to try the immortality of the Pirate King. Wasn't that old guy executed in Rogge Town? "It seems like you brought him back to life."

"Hahaha... If this information is known to the world government, I'm afraid your 2 billion bounty will skyrocket again."

"It's getting more and more interesting!"

Kaido's eyes were fixed on Kevin.

He also experienced the battle in the Valley of Gods. That time, he got a glimpse of part of the power of the World Government, and just part of it was enough to chill people's hearts.

The words of Roger before his execution in Rogge Town completely set off a wave of pirates in the world, and countless people rushed to the sea to become pirates.

Among the good and bad, there will always be a few that stand out. These pirates control the power of the navy and are naturally on the opposite side of the world government.

But Roger probably didn't expect that even if he died, he would be resurrected and become a fighting force.

At this time, Kevin reached out and held the handle of the shallow knife.

"Oden, the future of this world is not all smooth sailing!"

Oden was suddenly shocked.

The future of this world...

Since Raftel learned the secret of this world, Oden knew that the future of this world in more than 20 years would also be related to the future of Wano Country.

The mission of Wano Country's founding was set 800 years ago.

And the last sentence on the stone tablet.

What are you hesitating about?

After saying the last sentence that hit Oden's heart, Kevin no longer paid attention to him, but held the shallow hand tightly and faced Kaido.

In memory, they had argued endlessly because of the same level as the general emperor. At this moment, the oppression brought by Kaido was completely different from that of Sakaski and Borsalino.

The future three admirals of the navy did not have the domineering color domineering, just this point alone was enough to explain a lot of things.

But later Sakaski was special. After becoming the admiral of the navy, he had the courage to face the reprimand of the five elders and refute.

Although this is not the attitude of a dog, such a state of mind is likely to awaken the power of domineering color domineering.

"Caped man, cooperate with me!"

In the first sentence of the confrontation, Kaido threw out his sincerity: "Join the Beasts Pirates, I can make you the vice-captain of the pirates! Everyone in the Beasts Pirates, except me, needs to obey your orders."

Kevin looked at Kaido: "It is indeed sincere, but your philosophy is different from mine. Or rather, my philosophy, in this world, except for those poor oppressed people, most of the strong do not agree with it."

In a world with supernatural powers, the strong agree with everyone on the basic right to life, which will not be recognized.

Even Roger, when his partner is insulted, he will be furious and will destroy the army of a country.

Whitebeard cares most about his family. The crew son burned, killed and looted. As long as there is no betrayal, it is what a pirate should do.

Kaido does want to overturn the world, but he wants to become the king of the world and become another evil dragon.

BiGMOM wants to establish a world where all races coexist peacefully in one country, but she will destroy islands one by one because of her appetite.

These strong men are fundamentally different from the central idea of ​​the Revolutionary Army in terms of the basic right to life.

In other words, from the very beginning, the revolutionary army changed by Kevin stood on the opposite side of the whole world.

"What a pity!"

Kaido, who had drunk half a gourd of wine, sighed: "Let's start. Although I can feel that your domineering is not as strong as that Kozuki Oden, since you are their leader, you must have your own means."

Kevin did not speak, but the next moment.


The powerful domineering domineering suddenly erupted, but unlike Oden and Roger Rayleigh, this domineering domineering did not spread and intertwine with Kaido's domineering domineering, but...


The Asado held in Kevin's hand hummed, as if having a conversation with Kevin.

"The sins of the world will all return to ashes. Flowing Blade Like Fire!"

The liberation language was chanted, and the domineering domineering that erupted was instantly absorbed by Asado.


The blazing flames rose from the blade to the sky, and in the red flames, wisps of black flames flowed in it.

"With such a temperature, how could it be just a flame?!"

Kaido's face was more solemn than ever before. At this moment, he finally knew why the other party was offered a bounty of 2 billion berries.

He also understood why Oden, Roger and Rayleigh all centered on him.

Obviously, his opponent was him at the beginning, and Oden just got ahead.

"Huh... Are you ready? Kaido!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long sword slashed horizontally.

Under the initial release, Kevin could not afford such a terrible consumption, and a quick battle was the best choice.


The thorn iron rod was covered with armed color domineering, and even the domineering color was intertwined, but even with such power, it could only melt in the face of the terrifying high temperature.

With one blow, Kaido retreated.

In just a few seconds, the iron rod in his hand had melted into molten iron, and the hand holding the weapon was also burned even with the protection of domineering.

"Such a terrible temperature can't be an ordinary flame!"

Kevin did not rush over in a hurry.

Because while he was shocked by the temperature of the Ryujin Ruka, the spatial coordinates on the ground also moved to his feet, and the black [Fire] character climbed up.


"This is the fire formed by the anger and resentment of all the bottoms of this world after being oppressed for 800 years. It will burn the sins of the whole world and liberate the world!"


The next moment, Kaido directly withdrew from the dragon man form, and a blue dragon hovered in the air.

After just one fight, he knew that if he fought hard for the second time, he would definitely be dissolved by the terrifying high temperature.

The opponent's obvious consumption was huge, which also made him see the weakness of this method.

Just like the ability of the devil fruit requires physical strength, the same is true for the three-color domineering. The opponent uses the fire ability that can evaporate the sea, and naturally consumes more.

The next moment, the blue dragon gathered a storm in its mouth, and under the interweaving of thunder, the storm swept over the ground with countless wind blades.

The battlefield was centered on the blue dragon, and the ground was flattened.

The dragon head's eyes were still solemn. Just as the wind blades approached the cloaked man, they were directly eliminated into nothingness by the high temperature.

But in this way, all the weapons that the cloaked man scattered around the battlefield at the beginning were cleared away.

Next, just pay attention to the positioning and teleportation weapons, and you can fight a war of attrition with him at high altitude!


Longyan suddenly widened because the guy he was staring at just now disappeared.

The next moment, a terrifying blazing heat appeared behind his dragon body, and the sight of the police officer magnified in his mind.

Run away!

The black flame cloud erupted very quickly, but no matter how fast it was, it would never be faster than Kevin's hand lifting the knife.


Amidst the roar, a dragon's tail swept across regardless of the scorching heat.

Kaido didn't dare to let the opponent's flame blade fall. No amount of domineering power could resist the terrifying temperature, and it could cut into the body the moment it fell.


The dragon's tail roared towards him, and the long knife changed direction and cut across.


The flames seemed to be able to burn the sky, making the sky above Onigashima look like a wave of fantasy.

The sweeping flame blade was only hindered for a moment, and the entire dragon tail was split into two under the explosive flames.

The tail that fell to the ground turned into ashes!


Amidst the roar of the dragon, Kaido's overlord-colored Haki continued to explode, and his armed-color Haki kept blocking the wound at the severed tail.

Even so, there is still a section of the body that is charred, so that the entire body is not burned up.


The flame cloud flew in the air and accelerated, and Kaido's flowing body rushed into the sky, very far away from Kevin.

He was full of domineering power and was always on guard against the other party's sudden appearance again.

At the same time, Kaido was also thinking about the opponent's ability to teleport, and why he still suddenly appeared behind him even after he had cleared all the special weapons just now.

The dragon's head turned back, and a black symbol on its body appeared under the stimulation of armed domineering.

The next moment, Kevin also appeared at the same time.


Kaido's dragon claw suddenly attacked, and his entire body spun to dodge at the same time.


Fiery flames erupted.


Under the swing of the explosive flames, a dragon claw was blown off and burned into black charcoal, falling from a high altitude.


The pain of broken claws and extreme anger caused Kaido's roar to spread throughout the ghost island!

The armed Haki exploded strongly in Kaido's body, and the extreme heat flow continuously washed away the space coordinates.

Kaido's other dragon claw is ready. If it cannot be removed with Haki at the next moment, he will dig out the flesh and blood.

No matter what, you cannot give the opponent a chance to strike again, otherwise you will really be killed.

Even BiGMOM's steel balloon body is unable to compete with such terrifying flames!

The near-teleportation speed coupled with the irresistible flame temperature makes it impossible to fight!

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