Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 104 The black flame that shakes the soul

The flames that seemed to burn the sky caused the temperature of the entire ghost island to soar suddenly.

At this moment, even Jhin, who was called the Flame Calamity, as a member of the Lunaria clan who was born with the ability to control fire, felt the terror of the blazing heat.

After Rayleigh collided with him, the two of them stopped in unison and looked at the sky in the distance.

Jhin's eyes were serious.

Such a flame can be felt even from such a distance. He is still a member of the Lunaria clan.

Just this is enough to imagine the terror of the flames on the long knife in the center of the battlefield.

Lord Kaido...can he stop it?

As soon as his thoughts arose, the iron bar of thorns melted into molten iron with one blow.

Following Kevin, who suddenly teleported and appeared in the form of a green dragon, he cut across the dragon's tail and blew it off.

This scene made Jhin's hands clenched.

On the other side, Rayleigh, who was also staring at the sky, was also shocked by the hot temperature in the center.

Even Sakaski, who is known as the highest combat power of the new generation of the Navy and a user with natural lava fruit ability, would not reach the current level at a temperature of 1,500 degrees.

At this time, Kaido's domination may not be as high as that of the captain and Whitebeard, but only a few seconds after the collision, the weapon was dissolved along with it.

Such a temperature is at least several times the temperature of lava!

What kind of existence is the captain's little boss?

What is the power of such a blazing flame? Or something else?

If there wasn't a Lunaria standing in front of him, Rayleigh would even think that Kevin was a Lunaria at this moment.

On the other side, Roger laughed.

Such power is not the limit of the little boss. If all the Celestial Dragons on Mariejoia are imprisoned in that prison, and the black flames extract all the sin points, then...

What Joey Boy!

What a huge kingdom left the power of the world!

What Neptune and Pluto!

None of this makes sense. As long as the little boss wants to overthrow the world, Mary Joa will be like an origami tiger, shattered with one blow.

"Fat man, do you still want to fight?"

Roger's right arm recovered again, holding the long knife casually and looking at Quinn.


Quinn swallowed, and a spark landed on his broad forehead.


After exclaiming, he slapped Mars down.

Quinn sighed and looked at Roger: "We are all pirates. As a veteran, you shouldn't make things difficult for me, a newcomer, right? I admit defeat, how about letting me go?"

Roger laughed: "That won't work. Either you can fly like that kid Kaido, or else you will be named by the little boss and you won't be able to leave today."

Among the ruins, Oden looked at the blue dragon in the sky, which had only left some wounds despite all his efforts, but was chopped into a cripple at this moment. Oden's eyes were very complicated.

The fallen dragon claws and a piece of dragon tail have returned to their original appearance after losing the power of the original owner's devil fruit.

That was Kaido's left hand and a tailbone of flesh and blood.

Not only that, Oden, who has fought with Kaido, knows very well that the blue dragon form is not Kaido's strongest form.

Kaido is in his strongest state in his half-human, half-dragon form, combined with the three-color Haki.

But at this moment, Kaido is unable to land in the form of a blue dragon. This battle has already reached a decisive conclusion. The flames that seemed to be able to burn the sky just now are too terrifying!

The follow-up plan planned by Lord Kang seemed so feeble in the face of such power.

The previous conversation came to Oden's mind again.

"Your Highness Oden, the Kozuki clan has ruled the country of Wano as monarchs for hundreds of years. This is the honor and responsibility of the Kozuki clan!"

"We all hope that everyone in Wano Country can live a better life, but the people's minds are ignorant and they cannot tell who is the best decision-maker!"

"Only the Kozuki clan, who have led the country of Wano to this day for eight hundred years, can lead the country of Wano to continue to prosper in the future!"

"Your Majesty Oden, you don't want those five years of dancing to continue to be a stain on the Kozuki clan, right?"

"I only need you and Kaido to fight fiercely over Onigashima, and I will help His Highness finish it later!"

Oden looked at the Tian Yu Yu Zhan and En Mo in his hands. With such blazing flaming blades, how could Wano Country dare to break the agreement?


In the future that Laphrud learned about, the world was about to undergo great changes.

Twenty years from now or starting from today, Wano will face huge challenges.

I cannot and will not be an overestimating person who blocks the flow of history.

At the same time, Kevin, who was still in mid-air, found that the coordinates he landed on Kaido had disappeared, and he immediately released the first solution of Ryūren Ruohuo.

It seems that what I guessed when I obtained the Flying Thunder God Technique was not wrong. The level of the golden treasure chest is close to teleportation.

In the world of Naruto, the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God still existed decades after they fell on Obito and Kirabi. It was not until Obito absorbed the life of the Ten-Tails and jumped to the Six Paths that the coordinates were eliminated.

But in the world of pirates, the Flying Thunder God Technique is similar to the devil fruit ability. It requires physical strength to use, and it will also be limited by the domineering energy formed by physical strength.

It cannot be restrained by P substance, but can be cleared by the top armed color domineering.

There were two strong men whose coordinates had fallen, but last time the Chameleon of the Shampoo Islands was unexpectedly killed with one blow.

It seems that from now on, we can only catch one by surprise, but just a sharp blade like fire is enough to form an absolute deterrent to the world's top combat power.

The Zanpakutō's initial solution is currently based on its shortcomings in overall combat power.

The three-color domineering energy consumes the spirit and will, as well as the physical energy consumption of a series of abilities, which all require a strong foundation.

Huo Ju, Song Ming, Huo Fen Cheng Guo, etc., who are as sharp as fire, will drain themselves dry with one strike.

At present, just relying on the basic blade flame temperature of the initial solution is a long-lasting fighting method.

Kevin, who landed on the ground, looked at the blue dragon in mid-air.

Kaido, who had a dragon claw and a section of dragon tail cut off, blood dripped from mid-air, but he had no intention of falling down and fighting for his life.

The high temperature that seemed to set the entire sky on fire was impossible to touch head-on.

Although he is a little reckless sometimes, he is by no means an idiot.

The opponent withdrew the flame after the [Fire] mark disappeared, but it does not mean that it was exhausted and unable to use it.

The greater possibility is that after the other party knows that teleportation cannot get close, it immediately ends that state and can start it again.


Kaido did not retreat, heat energy gathered in the huge dragon's mouth.

Hot breath!

The blazing flames hit the ground directly, but Kevin used his knowledge and speed to do so. The hot breath did not hit him, but only made the already crystallized ground red again.

Followed closely by countless wind blades and violent winds.

However, the power of these sweepers is obviously unable to cause effective harm to Kevin? Kaido in mid-air obviously realized this.

"The state you were in just now can't last, right? Under such circumstances, you can't hit me in the sky with the state you were in just now."

Kaido swung half of his burnt dragon tail, turned around and headed towards Onigashima Port.

"Clean up the trash and let people like Wano know who is the one who truly controls their life and death!"

In the ruins, Oden suddenly rushed over, waving the two swords in his hands, and slashed towards the sky with two slashes.


A dragon claw clenched tightly, crushing the slash directly.

"Don't panic."

At this time, Kevin put a hand on Oden's shoulder.

However, Oden could not calm down: "The daimyo of the Kang family, brother Hao Goro, and daimyo from various regions are all there! Not only that, a thousand of the revolutionary army's support forces are also in that direction."

Kevin's men pressed hard and sighed: "So this is my habitual thinking. I may keep talking about how the people of Wano are doing, but in real times like this, all I think about is the safety of the powerful. "

"Those warriors who were summoned were not here to protect this country? Do you think the hereditary rule of nobles really has any meaning for the people?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kevin threw down a kunai and disappeared.

The next moment, Kevin appeared again, holding in my hand a small hexagonal stone with a lifelike rooster carved on it.

Chicken Talisman: Basic self-strength, theoretically unlimited floating power.


Amidst the buzzing sound, Kevin floated into the air, and then stepped on the air at extremely fast speeds, forming an airborne gallop that far exceeded the speed of a moonwalk.


The sound of air explosions sounded, and Kevin caught up with Kaido in flight with a shallow gun in his hand.

Fu Zhan!

The domineering aura of the overlord color is condensed, and the light attack covered by the armed color passes by at an extremely fast speed.

Kaido turned over and swept back, holding the blade tightly with his sharp claws, and a wisp of blood broke and fell.

"You...can fly too?"

Kevin did not answer his obligation, and at the moment he was knocked away due to the contrast in strength, the chant sounded again.

"The sins in the world will all turn into ashes. The blade flows like fire!"

The flames erupted again, and the heat swept through the entire ghost island.


The hot air was broken, and Kevin's long knife slashed towards Qinglong's body.


Kaido's roar sounded, and his whole body shrank sharply, transforming directly into a half-human, half-dragon form. Only then did he avoid the attack that was split in two.

"You can't run away!"

High in the air, Kevin, who was falling rapidly, held a flaming blade and slashed down towards Kaidoli.

Kaido, who lost his iron rod, instantly put all his weapons on his right hand.

Black thunder exploded in mid-air. This was the anger from the king, and it was also an unwilling explosion.

Thunder! Gossip!

The black iron fist intertwined with thunder, and then collided with the flaming blade falling from the sky.


A huge roar sounded, the rocks around the center of the battlefield exploded, and the blazing flames crystallized the surrounding land.


A smell of meat appeared, and green smoke came out of Kaido's right arm. There was no blood in the hideous wound. When the wound was cut off, it had been carbonized and disinfected to stop the bleeding.

"If you don't evacuate when you have such a good opportunity, I'm afraid it's too late to run away now."

Kevin said as he kicked his feet and headed towards Kaido again.

Next, Kaido, who didn't dare to take a hard-on approach, could only face the reality and try to avoid it with his sense of seeing and hearing.

However, even if the sweeping flames avoid the blade, they will still be burned.

The terrifying high temperature turned the surrounding environment extremely hot, and the oxygen inhaled into the lungs was filled with flames.

Kaido even found that his spiritual will was even loosening.


The flames swept past, and Kaido, who was in dragon form, slapped his tail to avoid the attack, and was just about to be hit in the neck by the flaming blade.

"Huhuhu... It's just a little bit off. This is disrespectful to you who was in a trance just now."

The flames swept through again, and this time Kaido saw it.

The wisps of black mixed with the red flames penetrated into his body as if they were alive.

The black flame did not make him feel burned, but it caused incredible fluctuations in his mental will.

No! Not spiritual will!

Kaido pulled back again and glanced at Roger who was watching the battle in the distance.

What is the soul!

The next moment, that sense of trance struck again.

At the same time, there was a suffocating burning heat.


The flaming blade slashed down from the shoulder to the waist.


Amidst the roar, Kaido tried his best to retreat.

The black flames shook his soul, and his body and will seemed to be incompatible at this moment, and the three-color domineering energy was also weakened by more than one level.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Kaido looked down at his upper body.

The wound extending from the shoulder to the waist was burned into coke, and the internal organs were also affected by the blazing heat. Even half of the kidneys were cooked.

It is impossible to fight again with such an injury.

Kaido turned to look at Yan Calamity.

I have betrayed your trust, Jin. I promised you at that time to turn this world upside down.

But he died here in the end.

"call out!"

A black figure passed by, picked up Kaido and fled towards the sky.

The flames swept across, but they didn't care or even improve their defense to sacrifice speed.

The Lunarian Jhin exploded to his limit, and he wanted to take Kaido out regardless of the injuries on his back.

At this time, the Blade Ruohuo in Kevin's hand had withdrawn from Shijie on its own, and Kevin sat down on the ground, gasping for air.

The domineering power and physical strength are not enough to maintain the initial state of Liubianruohuo. The last sword strike towards Jin was already a last-ditch effort.

But why was Kaido distracted just now? And twice.

Facing the 6,000-degree high temperature of Ryūren Wakahu Shijie, it is impossible for him to support him like King Luffy. You must know that under such high-temperature flames, domineering will also melt away.

After calming down, Kevin stood up and sheathed the sword.

In this battle with Kaido, it is obvious that after the Flying Thunder God is discovered, the strong will find a way to restrain him. Although it is still a life-saving magical skill, it is a bit difficult to use it as a battle speed like Namikaze Minato.

In addition, the level of physical and mental will is still weak. The Zanpakutō's initial level cannot be maintained for too long, and it can only use basic flames.

If you use an explosive skill, you may not be able to stand firmly, and you will be like the memory of Luffy who had to sleep for ten minutes after gear 4.

The attribute cards in the golden treasure chest are of little use and meaningless. After the sin points of Rodnaz Saint are extracted, you can see if you can draw physical or bloodline cards.

If not, it means that the treasure chest does not contain constitution and bloodline.

After all, whether it is the Flying Thunder God that requires chakra or the Zanpakutō that requires spiritual pressure, blue is converted into physical strength or spirit.


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