Since Roger's execution, the navy's advancement in the New World has stalled, and it is even difficult to maintain it to a certain extent.

The main reason for this is not the high-end combat power, but the fact that the number of mid-level combat power is not enough to maintain the security of the radiation island.

In addition, the participating countries in the New World not only rely on their navy to a certain extent, but the larger islands will have their own armies in Dressrosa.

Smaller islands, which are just small population gathering places like towns, need to rely entirely on the navy.

The G5 branch is a simple naval base with a warning area of ​​about a dozen small islands, but its scope of responsibilities also involves large islands such as Dressrosa.

As the navy's frontline in facing the new world, the G5 branch itself has the responsibility to advance. But for now, the Navy can't do it.

Even Sakaski, one person cannot form a deterrent against multiple islands.

There are too many pirates entering the New World. Every year, there are countless newcomers who enter the Grand Line from the entrance to the Upside Down Mountain and then cross the Red Earth Continent into the New World through various methods.

However, there is also an advantage to this kind of base on the front line, that is, everything that happens, the intelligence agency of the Navy headquarters basically needs to obtain it from the base commander in the form of a report.

In my memory, Virgo was the base commander of the G5 branch twenty years later. He cooperated with Caesar to cover up a large number of missing children, and reported to the headquarters that there was a shipwreck.

If it were not for the coincidence of Smoker, the protagonist group and Luo, it is inevitable that this incident will continue to be covered up.

Since then, the revolutionary army has had certain guarantees on the islands covered by G5.

Even if it is finally exposed and the Navy and the World Government want to take action, they will mobilize themselves as the front-line base commander.

Soon, after a few days passed, the warship carrying Kevin, Smoker, and Tina approached the port of the G5 branch.

But not a single navy was seen.

"The notice should have been sent here when I was promoted, and they knew the arrival time, so they didn't take you seriously, Lieutenant General."

Smoker teased.

In addition, the navy responsible for sending them here was also laughing. Thanks to Kevin's reputation in the headquarters, it was obvious that they did not want to remind him.

Tina on the side frowned: "Tina heard before that the navy of the New World G5 branch comes from the New World, so most of them have no military discipline and do not listen to discipline."

Kevin threw the luggage to Smoker, then took the two of them off the boat and went straight to the G5 branch building.

The warship from the headquarters behind him was about to leave, but happened to pass by the outbound G5 branch 06 unit.

"I'll go back to the headquarters later. I think there's something good to watch."

"That's the captain of Unit 06, Brigadier General Saseboda. I heard he's always been a thorn in the side."

"Haha. The last Lieutenant General of the headquarters who was transferred here was not only unable to support him after a hard battle, but he also led Unit 06 to run very fast. Afterwards, it was said that the phone bug was broken. Do you think it is possible?"

"The brigadier general of the G5 branch for the past ten years, his life-saving skills are top-notch."

"Now let's see what our Lieutenant General does. You must know that the entire G5 branch is responsible for a lot of defense lines. He can't even move around alone."

Kevin and Smoker stopped at the port together, because a small boat was closely following behind the warship returning to the port.

There was an old man on the boat. His head was already bleeding, but he still followed him firmly.

"What's going on? Are the people here at G5 coming to the branch to inspect the police in person? Where is the cordon? Where are the phone bugs for emergency communication on each island?"

Smoker was a little confused, and neither Kevin nor Tina spoke.

Soon, members of G5 Branch 06 got off the boat, carrying boxes of green apples, oranges and other fruits in their hands.

"Yo? Isn't this our Lieutenant General who will take office today?"

A navy man with a round face, a big-brimmed hat on his head, and a red bow on his chest walked straight up to Kevin.

Then he took a green apple and handed it over: "Lieutenant General, you have traveled a long distance, do you want to eat an apple?"

After Kevin glanced at him, he looked directly at the port.

Brigadier General Saseboda followed his gaze and looked over, pretending to be suddenly enlightened: " turns out that this pirate has not been dealt with yet. I'm really sorry, Lieutenant General, it's the young guys who were too negligent."

As soon as he finished speaking, among the dozens of marines who were watching Kevin behind him as if they were laughing, a plane leader drew his sword and walked towards the old man.

Everyone else was looking at Kevin at the same time.

"Pirate? How is that possible! Tina doesn't believe it!"

Tina, who was behind Kevin, was the first to explode. Just as she was about to pass, she found that the opponent had more than a dozen guns pointed at her.

Furthermore, the sight color Haki is locked, and the Armament color Haki is also covered with lead bullets.

"Ah la la... what are you doing? This is Miss Captain who came with our distinguished Lieutenant General. We finally have a woman in the base. Don't you like it?"

After Sashiboda's words fell, the dozens of marines behind him immediately restrained their murderous intent, and each of them looked at Tina with lewd eyes.

"I like it, of course I like it, boss!"

"A woman can come to this place where there is no shit in us, and she is also a beautiful woman."

"It's just a little tender, but it's better to be tender."

At this time, the navy who had walked towards the old man was almost there.

At this time, the old man also reached the shore and got off the boat. His body was shaking with fear, but his eyes were firm.


The old man fell to his knees and said, "Those fruits are the only hope for our family of three to survive. Lord Navy, please take pity on me and return them to the old man, okay?"


The long knife was drawn out, and the old man's body trembled obviously even more.

"You're a pirate. We didn't kill you because of your old age, but you still followed us to the branch? What do you want to do? Get information?"

The old man was frightened and shook his head repeatedly: "No! I'm not a pirate! You robbed my fruit and just hit me with rocks on the boat for fun. I just want my things back!"

"Those are all borrowed money, just to make a little money and support my grandchildren..."

Before he finished speaking, the old man saw that the other party's knife had been raised.

"Would anyone believe a pirate's words?"

The long knife fell.


The head was raised high and soon fell on the wooden plank of the port with a thud.

Kevin put the sword back into its sheath, and then blocked the old man behind him.

From the special perspective of the prison, the basic sin points of this group of G5 branch 06 naval forces are over 300. Among them, the sin value of captain Saseboda is over 900.

"Starting today, the G5 branch does not need a navy that plunders people's property."

Kevin's voice was very calm, and he looked at Smoker and Tina: "Kill them all."

Smoker and Tina were stunned by such an order, and then they looked at the navy in front of them.

Saseboda also looked at Kevin with wide eyes. He couldn't understand how this guy dared to do this.

The G5 branch is a naval branch, and it needs more than just a strong individual to be able to defend the entire G5 defense line.

"Do you want to be held accountable by the headquarters Kevin?!"

While scolding, he also pulled out the long knife in his hand: "This guy and that pirate are together, shoot!"

"Bang bang bang..."

Without hesitation, one round of lead bullets was aimed at Kevin under the lock of knowledge.

The armed color attached to it also makes the lead bullet more penetrating.

However, the next moment, in the sight of everyone present, the aura belonging to Kevin moved very quickly, as if it had disappeared.


The cold light flashed away, and the port was dyed red with blood.

Kevin walked slowly towards Saseboda.


The long sword was covered with armed domineering force, and the black blade struck down with force, and the combat power passed by.


The slash was caught in Kevin's hand, and it was broken into pieces with another force.

"There are high and low levels of armed domineering... Stupid guy, you think you can make me throw a weapon with a crowd, after all, the law does not punish the crowd, right?"

Kevin still walked towards him unhurriedly.

Saseboda panicked, looked around and roared: "What are you afraid of?! Don't you know what we people have done? This guy wants to drive us all away!"

For a moment, the navy, who was originally frightened by Kevin's slow slash of the sword, swallowed his saliva and chose to take action.

Commodore Saseboda is right, they violated too many things in the navy's regulations and laws.

Although the world itself is so sinful.

In the past, as long as they worked together and acted without restraint, the newly arrived base commander, Lieutenant General, would not be able to complete the security mission of the base alone.

So they have survived until now and dragged the previous base commander to death.

"There are only three of them!"

"As long as we kill them and the warship behind them, we have the final say on how to report!"

"Take someone and stop those people too!"

"Others! Kill this guy!"

A puff of white smoke filled the air, and Smoker appeared behind the navy after becoming elemental.

The smoke restrained several people, and ten hands were waving.

"Asshole! It's the natural system!"

Just after knocking down three people, a lead bullet struck, catching the entity and piercing Smoker's shoulder.


Ten hands flew out and pinned the opponent to the ground.

Only then did Smoker understand the meaning of the saying that people who are skilled in using armed domineering energy in the new world are like crucian carp crossing the river.

They are just upper-class soldiers of the 06 unit under the branch, but these guys have both armed and knowledgeable domineering.


The reminder sound sounded, Tina waved her hand, and her arm spread out of the prison sill, restraining the G5 Navy behind Smog in place.

"Is Superman a person with the power of the Cage Fruit? But if it's just a cage like this, it can't stop us, our beautiful captain."

Before he could finish his words, the dark sword light cut off the prison sill.


The cold light flashed away, and Kevin's long knife cut off the opponent's neck.

"It's really troublesome."

After Kevin exhaled, he sheathed the palm in his hand.

My swordsmanship is not up to the level of a swordsman, and I cannot start to burn these residues into ashes. I am really not used to using a sword at this level.

Kevin twisted his neck: "Everyone, are you ready?"

"Kill him!"


"Bang bang bang..."

The moment the words fell, Kevin fired one lead bullet after another, but none of them hit.

One punch.


The plane's head was hammered directly into the chest, and Kevin disappeared again.

"What are you looking at? You can't capture what you see, hear, hear, and see, right?"

Kevin appeared in front of a sniper and punched out his weapon, blowing it up. The weapon's domineering energy penetrated his body and shattered his heart.


Blood spurted out, his pupils dilated, and he collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

At this moment, Kevin's whole body seemed to flash in the shooting, and no attack could be missed by his domineering power.

Every blow he struck was filled with violence and blood.

This scene stunned Tina and Smoker.

When the two met Kevin, he was already practicing swordsmanship in the swordsmanship class. Although he had heard of the name of the fourth monster in the youth training camp, it had never been so intuitive.

The kind of violence that punches a person's head into the chest is more like a monster than cutting off the head with a knife.

Faster, there was no one left standing at the port.

Even the guy who was assigned to prevent the headquarters warship from leaving was thrown down by Kevin and his skull was crushed under his feet.

The four people who finally collapsed to the ground and trembled all over had no courage to resist.

As for Brigadier General Sase Boda, his head was twisted off by Kevin. He was holding it in his hand and walked towards the four people.

"Hai...Navy Lord!"

A voice sounded, and Kevin turned around and found that it was the old man who had begged for the fruit to be returned.

"After killing these four scraps, I will return your property later. If any of them have been eaten by them, the G5 branch will also compensate you according to the price."

Hearing such a promise, the frightened old man seemed to relax a little, and after looking at a middle-aged man among the four people, he said: "Forget about those who have eaten them, Lord Navy, what I want to say is this. He didn’t bully us ordinary people. Although he would take some money every time, he always kept some money secretly.”

Following the old man's gaze, Kevin looked at the middle-aged man.

"Is he the only one?"

For a moment, the other three people looked at the old man at the same time, with pleading and hope for life in their eyes.

But the next moment.


The three people's necks were cut off. Kevin looked at the only remaining middle-aged man in Unit 06: "Report your identity."

The middle-aged man stood up tremblingly: "Li...Lilton, a private in the 06th unit of the Navy's G5 branch, report to the lieutenant general!"

Kevin nodded, his originally violent face softened, and he smiled gently.

He stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder: "It seems that the G5 branch is not bad. Knowing that you have to pay for food proves that you still have a certain bottom line."

At this point, Kevin approached and whispered: "But if you have other things, you might have your head screwed off by me, you know?"

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