Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 120 Taking the time to create someone?

This guy is simply a monster.

On the first day that the G5 branch took office, only one member of the 06 unit under the branch was killed.

On the warship that sent Kevin and the others from the headquarters to the G5 branch, all the navymen were stunned and stunned.

They knew that Kevin had always been known as the scum of the Navy in the headquarters and was the fourth monster to come out of the youth training camp, but they had never seen the horror of the monster.

And now...


The sound of swallowing woke the major up, and he quickly kicked the communications soldier next to him awake: "Why are you still standing there? Go back to headquarters!"

There was chaos on the warship for a while.

Kevin took a few steps towards the port. The navy on the warship was facing a powerful enemy.

"Why are you panicking? You are not a bunch of scum like them!"

Kevin cursed angrily, and then said: "Go back and report to the headquarters. I have already killed these guys for violating military discipline. The navy of the G5 branch still needs to be cleansed with justice. If the attrition is serious in the future, the headquarters will I still need to collect the support troops myself, and I need a document from the headquarters.”

As for the naval branch, the base commander has the right to recruit troops. Not to mention the branch with a G prefix in the New World, a small branch in the East China Sea can do it, but it needs to be reported.

[Note: Kerby was in the navy in the East China Sea, and followed Garp to the headquarters. 】


The colonel on the warship replied, and soon the warship disappeared into the sea at full speed.

Kevin turned around and glanced at Smoker, who was shot: "You know that the opponent will be domineering and you still elementalize a large area. How can you observe the attacks of so many people with your knowledge and domineering power?"

Smoker blushed: "I was careless, next time..."

"next time?"

Kevin interrupted, reaching out and patting his shot shoulder.


The pain from the wound made Smoker grimace, but the next moment the lead bullet was knocked out of the air by Kevin.

"There are a lot of guys like this in the G5 branch. How about I leave them all to you in a while?"

These words made Smoker's mouth soften and he became silent.

And Kevin looked at Tina: "The power of the sill fruit is a bit weak. At least the armed domineering energy did not cover it and turned it into a black sill. General He asked me to take care of her child."

"Take...take care of the children?"

However, Tina, who is four years younger than Kevin, was stunned for a moment, and then she was equally unconvinced and said: "Tina is not injured! She is also very domineering!"

"Yes, yes, it's great."

Kevin waved his hand casually, then picked up the luggage that Smoker had just put down, and kicked Lilton, the only remaining member of Unit 06, up.

"Go support the old man and lead the way."

Knowing that Lilton had escaped because he was not complicit, he quickly stood up and quickly supported the old man to lead the way. The group quickly arrived at the G5 branch.

As for the dozens of corpses at the port, there is no need to deal with them yet.

Let it dry for two or three days and show it to all the navies in the G5 branch to have a big stick effect.

As for sweet dates...he doesn't have sweet dates here.

The recruits of the New World branch need to be dealt with by the branch itself, which is one of the reasons why most of the G5 side is leftovers.

It is inherently between good and evil. In a place like the New World, you can either be a pirate or a navy, or you can be an ordinary person who is being exploited.

At present, only large franchise countries like Dressrosa are doing better. At least the country's economy is developing well, King Riku does not exploit the common people, and he can afford gold from the sky.


Lildon's voice was still trembling a little, because the scene just now was too terrifying.

In this part of the New World, many people died every day, but this was the first time he saw such ferocity as the one punching his head into the chest.

"Just call me Lieutenant General, or you can also call me Sir. My name is Kevin, your new base commander."

Kevin waved his hand casually.

With his easy-going attitude and youthful appearance, Lidden would never have believed that this was a bloody monster if he hadn’t just seen it.

But this is not a bad thing for G5.

"Mr. Lieutenant General."

Lilton paused, and then continued: "The son of Commodore Saseboda is also a member of the Navy of the G5 branch. He is affiliated with Unit 03 and currently holds the rank of private."

Kevin smiled, then walked over and put his arms around the middle-aged man's shoulders: "Relax a little. Generally speaking, as long as I'm not a scumbag, I'm still easy to talk to. Look at these two, I transferred them to the G5 base commander. They They followed me all the way from headquarters eagerly, which shows that my character is actually quite good.”

As he spoke, Kevin pointed at Smoker and Tina behind.

The old man, who had been supported by Lidden, thought more after leaving the bloody scene just now.

At this moment, he bowed to Kevin and said: "The Lieutenant General is a good man. If the old man is needed to testify later, I can come at any time."

"no, I'm fine."

Kevin smiled: "The people above are not much better. As long as the Warring States Marshal doesn't come in person, it's useless for others to come. Old man, there are people above me too."


These words made the old man a little confused.

Smoker and Tina behind them looked at each other and remained silent.

How high is it?

Most of the Navy Headquarters is still good, but as for Marie Joa, it's taboo.

But just to clean up the navy scum in the G5 branch, with the power behind Lieutenant General Kevin, it is indeed enough.

The marshal will only care about the defense line, and those remnants don't matter.

And the world government…

This lieutenant-admiral was originally a member of the World Government's naval headquarters.

"Okay. Lilton, right? Introduce me to the six units of G5. It's best to tell me which ones should be killed and which ones shouldn't be killed."

Kevin continued to talk to Lildon until he reached the gate of the G5 branch and stopped.

Then Kevin showed a just right smile: "Lilton... you will be ready to confront those guys in a while. If you tell lies, such as taking the opportunity just now to avenge yourself, then you may be dead tomorrow." He was killed because he stepped into the branch with his left foot first."

Lilton: ( # Д) "Mr. Lieutenant General, I am absolutely not talking nonsense."

With absolute strength, the cleanup of the G5 branch went smoothly.

Sase Boda's son is named Sase Kunito. His extremely ugly appearance reminds Kevin of this guy, who seems to have served as the brigadier general of Unit 06 twenty years later.

The guy who helped Vergo conceal the disappearance of the children and robbed them on the street.

The G5 branch is notorious for its lack of military discipline. Fortunately, the worst ones are all in Unit 06, and there are more and less in the other five.

After basically killing 40% of the people, the remaining navy with a crime value of less than 50 became honest and re-established the rules.

It's a new day, and Kevin clicks on the new rules taped to the wall behind his back.

"It is strictly forbidden to take action against ordinary people. Remember, it is in any sense of the word. Stealing things, occupying, using power to collect benefits, in any sense!"

"In addition, 50% of what was seized after the pirates were wiped out. Don't worry, I don't want 50%. 50% will be returned to the pirates' plundered objects. If they can't be found or are too far away, they will be distributed directly to the people in the jurisdiction."

"The remaining 50% will be shared equally between you and me."

"Finally, remember, the heads of pirates with bounties on their heads must be kept. According to the regulations of this department, they were killed by pirate hunters. You have to ask the superiors for the bounty."

"You can only earn this part of the money because of me, so you only have 30%, and I get 70%."

"Any comments?"

The navy below has been gutted by the killings in the past few days, and they spent the entire night digging holes for those idiots.

No one dared to object at this moment.

Only Lilton stood up after Kevin's previous signal: "We have no objection to what Mr. Lieutenant General said. It's the pirates in the New World. We are not opponents in many cases... Those who were domineering before were all because If you make a mistake, you will be killed.”

Kevin replied: "So next, the navy of the G5 branch needs to undergo rigorous training. Those who have not mastered the domineering force will all be demoted to miscellaneous soldiers and will not have the right to share the spoils."

"Also, don't you know how to shake people when you encounter someone you can't beat? Run and shake people. When I rush over, are you afraid that you won't win?"

"Patrols along the cordon are still required, and training is conducted on a rotation basis. Troops 135 and 246 train separately and are conducted every morning."

"Besides, don't think you are important. There are many people queuing up to get a job in the Navy! Post the recruitment documents to me. If you can't make it as a soldier, you can choose to become a pirate."

Be a pirate?

These words made the guys below, who were wearing navy uniforms today, tremble.

They say you can become a pirate, how can you still live?

But being able to share the loot and 30% of the bounty is quite a lot of money.

The premise is that you can defeat the pirates of the new world.

But with such a monster around, as long as you hold on and wait for the Lieutenant General to come, won't you just be chopping melons and vegetables like yesterday?

The first day of training was over, and the special training of the 1, 3, and 5 troops began.

There's nothing special about him, he just chases after him with a knife and chops at him. If he can't keep up, he just stabs him in the butt.

Everyone was running with heavy loads, and they couldn't stop even if they were vomiting. After running, they went straight to the cafeteria to eat Neptune-like meat.

The lieutenant general went directly to the sea to fight. One head is enough for the entire branch to feed for four days, allowing everyone to recover the next day and continue to complete the patrol mission.

Grand Line, Baldigo.

"So now the G5 branch is under the control of Mr. Fire?"

Kevin glanced at Dorag, who had just returned, and asked curiously: "Where did you go if you weren't in charge of Baldigo? Wano Country is still in its initial stage, and other places are also developing latently..."

Kevin was stunned when he said this, and then blurted out: "You won't learn from Roger and take the time to make a baby, right?"


Dorag obviously didn't want to answer this question: "If this is the case, within the radiation range of the Navy's G5 branch, our people can develop safely and fully."


Kevin sneered: "If you don't want to say it, forget it. But not only for development, you also have to arrange some people to serve as the navy. By then, the entire G5 navy will be your own people, and many things will be easy to handle."

Dolag nodded: "Yes. I will make arrangements later. They will not know your identity. All I will tell them is that there are people within G5."

The main things had been arranged, and Kevin stood up and prepared to leave.

But before leaving, he still looked at Dolag with a playful look: "It would be interesting if you gave birth to a son who wants to be the Pirate King."

One Piece?

Dorag was stunned.

I haven't settled my affairs yet, when will I have a son? One Piece?


Dorag suddenly thought that Kevin seemed to be able to see some future, and suddenly felt nervous.

Currently, the revolutionary army is targeting various oppressed countries. Among them, in addition to nobles and pirates, ordinary people are oppressed.

The revolutionary army killed quite a few pirates.

"It seems that if there is one, it needs to be well educated."

Kevin, who returned to G5 with the flying thunder god technique, was a little dazed.

It is currently less than a year before Wang Lufei was born in my memory. It is quite possible for Dogra to go out and sow seeds at this time.

However, there will no longer be a Pirate King in this world in the future. There are many peculiarities in this sea, and it is not advisable to prohibit access to it.

There is an Adventure King, it depends on whether he wants to be one.

Kevin looked out the window. At this moment, Smoker was holding a knife and chasing after the specially trained navy in his elemental form.

Those who are running slowly will come up to them and laugh at them.

But this kind of taunting is not comparable to the loudspeaker phone bug next to the training ground, which is a taunting quote that Kevin records and plays on a loop.

The brain circuits of people in this world are very novel, and most people cannot stand stimulation. They can easily trigger anger and dreams in their hearts.

And the fragments unearthed from this group of residues actually long for recognition most.

Just like what Vergo did when he served as base commander in the future, he recognized this group of fragments, so he also gained their admiration.

It's just that what Kevin wants is not worship, but to awaken his own spiritual will, and then increase his domineering power in the battle with pirates.

Those who stand out will stay, and those who give up will become miscellaneous soldiers. Anyway, the revolutionary army will come to make up for it later, so it doesn't matter.

Given the opportunity, it's up to them whether they can stay.

Time passes day by day.

The naval image of the G5 branch has changed drastically, and it has also received favorable reviews from the surrounding patrol areas.

Sometimes people are like this. If there is rubbish everywhere in a square, then you will throw away the rubbish in your hand with peace of mind.

But if there is not a scrap of paper in the square, then you will hesitate to throw away the garbage in your hands at this moment.

The same is true for this group of people now. After seeing the people's changed attitude for the first time, many people are even embarrassed to accept thanks.

At the same time, Sengoku's call came from the Navy Headquarters.


"If you kill those bastards, who will help you patrol such a large area?!"

"Who do you think you are?! Who gave you the right..."

There are a lot of them, and the phone bugs imitate them perfectly.

Kevin waited until Warring States had finished venting, and then said: "We have begun to recruit troops, and the headquarters' material supply must keep up. In addition, the report has been handed in, and it should arrive in two days."

The understatement of the answer silenced the caller for a while.

Lieutenant General Kevin was promoted according to the documents issued by the World Government. Sengoku needs to consider many things if he wants to withdraw.

Another future general-level combatant, and a connection with the World Government CP, it is impossible to remove him easily.

What's more, this guy also submitted a report to the World Government, explaining why the number of heavenly gold payments per person has decreased in some areas recently.

"You'd better ensure that there will be no problems in the areas G5 is responsible for!"


The phone bug hangs up.

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