Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 130 The Beginning of the Conflict

Mrs. Toki seemed to have not heard Momonosuke's shouts, and still quietly helped Momonosuke to remove the dust.

Finally, he picked him up and stood beside Oden: "We will stay with you until the end."

Oden sighed: "According to the information sir brought, the navy has blocked the waters around Wano Country, and no one can survive an attack that can completely wipe out Wano Country with one blow."

"All I can do is apologize to the lecturers of the Revolutionary Army. Now, even the ability to float ships into the sky may be too late."

After the words fell, Momonosuke, who was still angry in Mrs. Toki's arms, was stunned.

What did he just hear?

What would Wano be completely wiped out with one blow? What's too late?

how so?

The Lord of the Kang family said that Wano Country can drive out the revolutionary army by relying on the World Government. At that time, he will still be the sole heir of the general, right?

But why did Father say that Wano would be wiped out?

"Are you lying to me?!"

Under the threat of death, Momonosuke suddenly turned back to look at Oden.

But at this moment, Oden didn't want to look at him, but said to Mrs. Toki: "For many years, the name of the Kang family and the others have only known about the outer seas from the newspapers sent by seagulls, but they do not understand the nature of the world government, nor do they understand the peace and harmony of the world. The country’s natural position.”

"Based on their loyalty to the Guangyue clan, and perhaps some selfish motives, they are not willing to give up their rights. I should have thought of this."

Mrs. Shi bowed slightly: "This is not the fault of the General. Isn't Sir not in the country of Wano? Those who can change the world in the future will definitely be Sir and them."

Oden pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty, trying to say the same thing with a smile, but he couldn't laugh no matter what.

Because that kind of future has nothing to do with Wano Country.

The mission that the Kotsuki clan had been guarding for the past eight hundred years was ruined.

"Momonosuke gave them a name, which I knew but didn't interfere with. The blame lies with me, but he can't get away with it either, so..."

Mrs. Shi closed her eyes, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

After a while, he squatted down, placed Momonosuke on the ground, and showed a gentle smile.

"Whether you have the name of Backlight Moon or not, you are still a man. As a man, if you make a mistake, you have to take your own responsibility, so that you can be worthy of your heart."

Momonosuke was frightened, waving his hands randomly and falling to the ground: "No. I don't want it! Mother, mother, please help me!"

Hiyori on the side remained silent and clenched her hands after beating Momonosuke.

The floor was wet.

From the conversation her parents had just had, and after attending school for several months, she was able to understand the meaning.

"I go."

Hiyori raised her head and looked at Oden with red eyes: "Father, the men of the Kozuki family shouldn't be like that! So I went and apologized to the lecturers of the Revolutionary Army. This is what Kozuki should do."

The firm voice made Mrs. Oden Kotomo feel a little dazed.

Oden even remembered what his husband had said jokingly before. Perhaps at that time, his husband saw that Hiyori was stronger than Momonosuke.


As he said this, Oden stretched out his hand and rubbed Hiyori's hair: "Don't worry, I have father with you!"

Hesong, who had been in a daze to this point, now understood something: "General, I..."

Oden breathed out: "Let's go together. The name of the Kang family is a person with plans, and what he planned has now been settled."

He Song's heart tightened, and then he said calmly: "I...will also be with Wano Country."

At this time, a black stream of light flashed past Oden.


"Yo? What's going on? Are you crying?"

Kevin, who was wearing a mask, looked at a few people. When he saw Momonosuke lying limply on the ground, he was almost startled by the swollen pig head.

However, his clothing made Kevin recognize him as Momonosuke.

"It seems you also know?"

Oden turned around, knelt down and touched the ground with his forehead: "I have a heavy responsibility, which caused thousands of revolutionary troops in Wano to die. I can only... die to apologize!"

Xiao Hiyori on the side ran over at this moment and grabbed Kevin's sleeve: "Mr. Tinder, leave quickly! Wano Country is in danger now!"

Kevin reached out and rubbed Xiao Hihe's hair: "Don't worry. The problem you are worried about has been solved by me three hours ago. When you know that a person has a problem, if you don't have any precautions, they will be there at the critical moment." Bad things come out.”

Three hours ago.

"There are samurai dispatched from Baiwu Daming Mansion, heading to the shelter and the residence of Huadu World Government agents. There are a total of six groups of samurai and three groups of ninjas. They have all been cleared so far."

Kevin's shadow clone is with the CP0s, and his real body is currently paying attention to the developments in the shelter.

In fact, when the Wano Country investigation incident was confirmed, Kevin guessed that the Shigetsuki family would take action.

After all, this will be an opportunity for them, an opportunity to completely get rid of the revolutionary army and safeguard their own class interests.

Before that, Kevin had not thought about killing these guys once and for all.

But the state of Wano is already very different from the past few months.

For several months, schools and lectures have been held non-stop in Wano. The samurai and nobles with high-level backgrounds have begun to conflict with a small number of people who have awakened their minds.

The other nearly 80% of ordinary people also feel that the matter has nothing to do with them.

After the Beasts Pirates left, they had returned to the past and life could go on. They felt that it was meaningless who was right and who was wrong.

In this case, the Shigeyue Yasu family, the white dance lord who was acceptable to the people as a noble in the past, could not be killed so easily.

It is easy to kill a member of the Shigetsuki Yasu family, but after that, the 80% of the people of Wano, who make up the majority, will become alienated from the revolutionary army, and some of them will even engage in confrontation.

So continue to kill?

It's not difficult to kill, and the next diamond chest is only about a year away.

But after killing all these people, those who had already awakened their minds, and even the revolutionary army's own troops, would have doubts about their persistence under this level of massacre.

Because they are of the same class. Because the ideological and will they have always believed in does not allow them to massacre people like this.

So Kevin chose to wait, waiting for these people to come out on their own, and let Oden, the general of Wano, make his own decision.

"Then it's time for me to go there."

As he spoke, Kevin stood up and disappeared in an instant, appearing not far from Bai Wu's Daming Mansion.

The revolutionary army that surrounded Daming Mansion bowed slightly, and one of the captains came over.


Kevin nodded and said: "The navy has surrounded Wano Country. If our existence is exposed, Wano Country will face a devastating attack from the World Government."

"And for the benefit of their own nobles, they made stupid choices. The liberation of the minds of the people of Wano must continue."

After the words fell, the eyes of the surrounding revolutionary troops were full of perseverance.

They want to liberate the people of Wano. It is inevitable that the nobles with vested interests will block their way, but they are not afraid.

The thought of empathy even reminded them of those disgusting nobles in their own country in the past.

"Sir, we can help too."

Kevin shook his head slightly: "No need. The country of Wano is still in the transitional stage, and General Oden will stand on the side of the people."

After speaking, Kevin walked forward to the door of Daming Mansion, reached out and knocked on the door.

For a moment, Kevin could sense what he was seeing, and the atmosphere inside the door became tense at this moment.

The door was opened, and Kevin, who was wearing a mask, was recognized immediately. The servant who opened the door even tried to close the door.

However, Kevin had already appeared behind him at this moment, walking towards the only room with the light on.

The surrounding warriors and retainers gradually gathered around, no one asked questions, and no one tried to fool around.

Coming here at this time already shows that the other party is aware of their actions, and even those who were sent out before are probably in danger.

"Let him in!"

The door to the lighted room was pushed open, and Shuangyue Kangjia looked at Kevin without hesitation.

Then, a gap appeared in the siege of samurai and ninjas, and Kevin walked directly over and entered the reception room.

At this time, there was not only the Shigetsuki Yasujia in the reception room, but also a Kozuki Sukiyaki wearing a Crow Tengu mask.

"So this is also your back-up plan?"

Kevin looked at this cowardly general: "A person who abandons his countrymen in the face of danger just so that he can live has only one surname that can fool the people, so he still has some value."

Kozuki Sukiyaki's breathing quickened, but he didn't say anything.

Instead, it was Shigetsuki Yasuie who spoke: "At that time, Sukiyaki-sama couldn't defeat Kaido no matter what. In this case, in order to save his life, it was the right choice to wait until later."

These words made Sukiyaki nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

Kevin didn't want to get entangled in this issue and said directly: "From now on until the World Government's investigation is completed, you cannot leave this Daming Mansion."

The Shuangyue Kang family was not surprised by this, and he didn't even ask those people who were sent out to inform him before.

When this gentleman from the Revolutionary Army appeared here, it meant that the Revolutionary Army had been staring at him.

In this case, no one can get out.

"Won't you kill me?"

Shuoyue Yasujia asked another question.

Kevin looked at him: "The current general of Wano is Kozuki Oden, and he needs to decide whether you should die or not. What the revolutionary army wants is to liberate the entire Wano, not a hell of flesh and blood."

"You deserve to die, but the revolutionary army should not have done it."


Shigetsuki Yasujia frowned, and Sukiyaki on the side clenched his hands.

"You want Oden to execute us?"

"Why would he agree? Even though that bastard is unconventional, he is also from the Guangyue clan."

Kevin looked at the two of them and said, "In fact, if I hadn't made arrangements in advance, then the entire Wano Country might have disappeared by now."

As he spoke, Kevin looked at Sukiyaki: "You should know what is buried underground in Wano Country, right? The ancient weapon Pluto, I heard it was a huge battleship that could destroy an island with one blow. Why would such a weapon appear? In Wano Country, you don’t know the reason.”

"After Oden went to sea, he learned many truths about the world, including Wano's mission in the future, and he is in natural opposition to the world government."

Kevin then looked at Shimotsuki Yasuie: "In this case, Wano Country, which had been closed and isolated before, was not valued because of its natural dangers, and the stonemasonry technology of seastone processing." "These reasons have led to the World Government turning a blind eye to the special Wano Country. But now the specialness of Wano Country has been added to us, the guy who killed three Celestial Dragons." "What do you think...what will they do?" The words hide some secrets of Wano Country and the World Government, and as the Daimyo of Bai Wu, he also understood these at this moment. "Sir Sukiyaki, the World Government...also has ancient weapons?" Sukiyaki took off the Crow Tengu mask on his face: "I don't know. All I know is that there is indeed something hidden under Wano Country. Its meaning and the reason why Wano Country has been closed are not clear." At this point, Sukiyaki hesitated and said: "But...the Kozuki clan and the entire Wano Country do inherit a certain mission, but time has passed too long, and many things have been forgotten by the Kozuki clan and Wano Country." "I have no idea what Oden learned in the outer sea I learned that, but..."

"That huge stone tablet that records history was indeed made by the stonemasons of Wano Country."

Kevin on the side smiled softly: "The main text of history records the blank 100-year history 800 years ago. Three years ago, scholars from Ohara in the West Sea studied it, and finally the entire Ohara was destroyed by the Demon Slayer Order."

"In addition, studying the blank 100 years is a serious crime in the laws of the World Government. This is well known to everyone in the outer sea. Perhaps the retainer of the Yasu family, Shimotsuki Hikoichiro, is clear about it."

At this point, Kevin stood up and prepared to leave.

After pushing open the door, Kevin said without looking back: "When the people's thoughts begin to awaken, all the old systems and feudal rule will be crushed into dust under the rolling wheels. Take care of yourself."

[Note: Even one chapter cannot be suppressed... Dear big guys. In this chapter, the protagonist later gave Oden three decisions, which is itself a reminder. In the next chapter, one of the two people here will die and the other will be imprisoned, and Momonosuke will also be deprived of the name of Kozuki. In addition, the surname Kozuki will also be tainted by Oden. 】

Flower City, Shogun's Mansion.

"The basic situation is like this. The Hakumai has been dealt with. The Shimotsuki family has two other daimyo in other regions, as well as a group of samurai. In the end, it is up to you to decide their punishment."

Kevin said and looked at Oden: "The specifics are all up to you. The Revolutionary Army will not interfere."

After Kevin finished talking about what happened three hours ago, Momonosuke, who found that he didn't have to die, breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground and fainted.

But no one paid attention to him.

Even Kawamatsu felt that this child was not like Lord Oden at all to some extent.

But His Highness Hiyori was not afraid of the threat of death at such a young age.

After listening to Kevin's story, even Oden, whose heart was originally tightened, breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he wanted to ask the Revolutionary Army for their opinions, but now it seems that the gentleman really doesn't care, and he himself is also entangled.

The daimyo of the Kang family had helped him many times more than ten years ago, and even the original no-man's land was formed into the Jiuli area, and most of the money was supported by the daimyo of the Kang family.

What's more, there is also his father among them, the father who has been living in hiding after doing something wrong.

His thoughts were very chaotic, and time passed by.

Under the ups and downs of emotions, Xiaorihe, who had already been unable to bear it, was taken to rest by Mrs. Toki, and Momonosuke was also taken away.

But before leaving, Oden took a look at his son and seemed to have made some kind of decision.

In the end, only Kevin and Oden were in the reception room.

"It seems that there have been some fundamental changes in the attitude of the gentleman in dealing with problems." Kevin replied: "Wano Country is the only country in the current enlightenment plan of the Revolutionary Army that has not experienced too much suffering." "Wano Country is not a member of the World Government, and the people are not under the pressure of heavenly gold. In addition, the rich resources have satisfied the interests of the nobles to a certain extent, and ordinary people can survive." "During the years when Kaido and Orochi ruled, although many people died, weapons factories and mines did not increase everywhere because of you." Kevin took a sip of tea: "In this case, the enlightenment education of Wano Country is difficult for adults. So the purpose of handing over Shimotsuki Yasuie and others to you is naturally to exclude the Revolutionary Army and not cause greater conflicts." Only when people encounter suffering and cannot continue to survive, and people who are already numb, will they begin to try new ideas. This is the result of Wano Country's enlightenment action for several months, which has brought Kevin a change in cognition. For eight hundred years, the World Government has been like a behemoth pressing on the entire world. Ordinary people who can survive will not be crazy to join the Revolutionary Army and resist the World Government. At present, all the potential developments of the Revolutionary Army have been directed to the new generation, and there are still many war-torn and desperate countries.

After Kevin finished speaking, Oden kept drinking tea, and the room became quiet for a while.

After a long time, Oden said: "I really don't know how to deal with it. My father is also among them, and the secrets of Wano Country 800 years ago are not suitable to be told to everyone."

"The name of the Kang family has been kind to me in the past, and even those warriors made such choices because they were loyal to the Guangyue clan."

Kevin chuckled softly: "It's not just because of loyalty to Guangyue. To abolish the hereditary system, for them, their descendants will no longer have the title of nobility."

"With such huge interests, they will naturally rise up to resist. Wano will take time, no matter what you choose to do with them, but once the world government confirms its relationship with the revolutionary army, then you know the result. "


The result was naturally that the country of Wano was wiped out.

The will that Guangyue has persisted in for eight hundred years will also collapse.

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