Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 131 One Death, One Imprisonment, One Imprisonment

Do you know that result?

The result has been pointed out, and I am not stupid, so I naturally know what the result will be.

Oden glanced at the bottle of sake on the table, drank it in one gulp, and held it in his hand.

At this time, the husband had left, but he could not calm down no matter what.

The Shigetsuki Yasu family is a Hakudai daimyo who was kind to him in the past. Part of what he has always insisted on comes from his allegiance to the Kouzuki clan.

Kozuki Sukiyaki, that is my father, a former general of Wano Country.

Finally, there is his son.

Human beings are born with feelings. Even if he had been cynical before, he now knew that his decision would be the difference between their life and death.

Pick it up high and put it down gently?

The gentleman has already given the result of doing so, without any coercion, but the several reminders have already shown the attitude of the revolutionary army, and at the same time, it has also shown the attitude of Wano Country in the huge changes in the future. .

Veins popped out on Oden's forehead.


The wine bottle in his hand was crushed to pieces.

If my father allowed Orochi to become a general for various reasons, causing the Beast Pirates to invade the country of Wano and causing many casualties among the people for several years, he was not a qualified general.

So this time, motivated by interests, Shigetsuki Yasujie and others attempted to cooperate with the World Government and put the entire Wano Country on the brink of destruction.

This is not a question of whether he is qualified or not. To this country, he is a sinner.

For several months, Kozuki Oden never missed a single speech or lecture given by the revolutionary army in Huadu.

So he could understand what his husband meant and what he should do.

In the future, Kozuki will be like many people in Wano. There will be no nobles or generals.


Oden stood up and glanced at the broken wooden door, then walked to the window and looked at the entire Wano Country that had become quiet.

So I am really not suitable for the position of general.

From beginning to end, the happiest time was the years when I went to sea.

You can look forward to new islands and new experiences every day, with friends, sometimes, and cooking...

So living in this huge general's mansion and being called "sir" by everyone, is it really that good?

Momonosuke was born on the sea nine years ago, and scenes flashed through Oden's mind. At that time, he was very happy. For the first time, as a father, he began to think about how to educate the next generation.

The result is today.

But this child thinks that the country of Wano belongs to Kozuki and belongs to him.

Such thoughts are never allowed by the revolutionary army. It is also the bright future in that record, the feudal thoughts of the past that have been crushed. have to make your own decision.

Between the powers of marie george.

It was already late at night, but this place that represented the ultimate power of the sea was still brightly lit.

The Legal Martial God, Wuchurisheng, was the first to speak: "The investigation results of Wano Country show that the revolutionary army did not stay in Wano Country. The current ruler of Wano Country is still Kozuki Oden, whom they call the general."

"Kozuki Oden."

Financial Goddess of War Nasjuro Sei still carried the long sword: "This guy was once a member of the Roger Pirates, and he was also rewarded. So... is it possible that he and Roger have been to that island?"

Saint Satan replied: "Not everyone in the Roger Pirates has been to that island, but as a person from Wano, he has a high possibility."

Maz Saint: "Then do you want to report it to Lord Im?"

Peter Saint looked over: "The unknown of attacking the Country of Wano is too great. Destroying a country is not worth mentioning to us, but the Country of Wano is too special. Once the balance is completely broken, it will be troublesome to clean it again. ”

Having said this, Saint Pit looked at Saint Satan, who was in charge of scientific defense: "Has there been any progress in weapons against the cloaked men?"

Saint Satan replied: "After Vince Moggaji came to MADS, he has been working on the research of cloned soldiers based on blood factors. Among them, exoskeleton armor and a series of equipment with special abilities are already available in Beihai. A certain basis.”

"Currently, the results of materials that can insulate against high temperatures of 6,000 degrees have been achieved. The CP agency has distributed eight pairs of wrist snares."

"As for the space isolation device, we still have no idea. That bug is very cautious. After killing three Draconians, he still didn't choose to visit Mary Joa."

Peter Saint said: "Although I don't know how this bug is immune to the restraint of Substance P, the ability to teleport the fruit has already existed, and coming here will be the day of his death."

"Dong dong dong."

The long sword of Nasushiro Sage struck the floor: "Since the revolutionary army is afraid of these bugs, what needs to be decided now is the issue of Wano."

Bringing the topic back to the original topic, Wu Laoxing was silent for a long time.

The World Conference had just been held, and on the premise that the revolutionary army had left Wano, they also did not want to disturb Lord Im for this simple question.

Even using that weapon.

"Let's maintain the status quo for Wano. What we need is stability."

Saint Satan was the first to give the conclusion, and said: "The Punk Hassad Institute will continue to conduct targeted research. According to the information brought by Porusalino, the basic strength of the cloaked man has not reached the top."

Saint Nashoulang looked at him: "So as long as we develop a device to isolate the space on the spot, when he appears again, it will be time to die."

Peter Saint: "Then I agree. Wano without a revolutionary army is not enough to cause too much trouble."

Huadu, the mansion where World Government agents are accommodated.

Because the order had not yet been issued from above, everyone, including Rob Casey, did not sleep, but waited for the phone bug to ring.

Kevin's shadow clone yawned: "So why not do it directly? Trading is not as convenient as surrendering."

Rob Casey glanced at Kevin: "That's what the adults above consider. We just need to follow orders, whether it's CP0 or the Navy."


Kevin waved his hand and then scratched his head: "It's just that I have been wary of Tianfa for so many days. Now it seems that the revolutionary army is not in this country, so there is no difference between Kaido and their current general, who they cooperate with."

In the conversation between the two captains, no one else has the right to interrupt.

At this time, the phone bug that everyone had been waiting for rang.

Not long after the caller hung up, Rob Cassie exhaled and said: "Withdraw from the country of Wano tomorrow. Next, the country's submarine port will open trading channels for CP0, and nearby waters will be monitored from time to time to ensure that the revolutionary army is not Will come here again.”

Hearing this, Kevin smiled and stretched: "Go to sleep, you have been nervous for a few days, so you should rest as soon as possible."

Leaving the hall, Kevin went directly to the bedroom.

Afterwards, when Jian Wense confirmed that there was no surveillance, the shadow clone was released and the main body teleported back.

In the toilet, he dialed the anti-monitoring phone number in the Admiral's Office at the Navy Headquarters.

"Everything goes well, we will return tomorrow."

After just one sentence, the call bug was hung up.

But even this sentence made Warring States at the headquarters breathe a sigh of relief.

You must know that destroying an island will not only affect the island disappearing from the map. Under such an attack, the entire world will be affected.

But those who are superior on Mariejoia never understand how many bugs will die in this disaster.

Just like the Valley of Gods nineteen years ago, those Tianlong people launched such an attack just for a school trip.

Also awake that night was Lieutenant General He. The two of them had been waiting for Kevin's report.

As for Garp, who also belongs to the older generation, he was already snoring and blowing a few bubbles from his nose.

"This is the best possible outcome."

Lieutenant General He rubbed his forehead: "The revolutionary army is not in the country of Wano, so Mary Joa gave up her plan to destroy the country of Wano. It seems that the proportion of the revolutionary army is too large."

Sengoku's expression was equally tired: "No matter how powerful the pirates are, they will not be so afraid. Back then, they were as strong as Rocks. If it hadn't been for the Valley of Gods incident, they would have just let it go."

"What the revolutionary army really cares about is their thoughts..."

"O'Hara was destroyed three years ago. The power of those scholars is nothing compared to Rocks or some big pirates. But the World Government will notify the navy to destroy the entire O'Hara with the power of the Demon-Slaying Order. "

"The reason is that the group of scholars have been studying the blank for a hundred years. The conversation between Dr. Clover and the Five Old Stars also shows that they only care about ideas."


Crane thought about the meaning of this word.

As a navy, whether it is her, Sengoku, or Garp and Zefa.

I have always disagreed with the behavior of the Celestial Dragons on Marie Joa. But the world needs a navy and relative stability to allow more people to survive.

Marine Marie Joa basically doesn't know how to stand on the human escalator, that's their only insistence.

Because I know more, I can't be as right or wrong as the lower-level navy.

"They're too dangerous."

"But the cloaked man didn't go to Mary Joa."

"So he's pretty smart."

General Hezhong crossed his fingers: "The ability to teleport the fruit is not unsolvable, not to mention that he still has the restriction of coordinates. After the incident in the Shampoo Islands, the World Government already knew that the Sea Tower Stone was ineffective for him, so naturally there will be another s arrangement."

"We asked Kevin to join the Wano Country to prevent the world from entering the process of destruction, but they have been warned by those people. If they show up, they will be destroyed."

Warring States was silent for a while.

"The navy's job is to maintain the stability of the sea, and that is still the case now. If they are smart, they will continue to lie dormant."

Lieutenant General He sighed and looked at Garp, whose snot bubble had burst: "It's too early. Only people like you can find peace in this world."

Garp raised his head suddenly: "What? Is there any result?"

As he said that, he looked at Warring States and picked his nostrils: "Let me know the results as soon as possible. I have to go back to sleep. That guy Zefa is still smart and semi-retired early. Now it seems that he is not a lieutenant general. "

These words made the veins in Seng Guo's forehead throb again, and finally he took a deep breath to stop the urge to hit.

"The results are in, everything goes well."

Upon hearing this, Garp stood up and yawned, turned around and slipped out of the office without even saying hello.


The office door was closed, and Seng Guo rubbed his temples.

"That's it for now."

Lieutenant General He also stood up: "Have a good rest. There are some things that we should not consider now. There are more and more pirates on this sea, and the pressure on the navy is also increasing."

Warring States replied: "I understand."

The next day, Wano was a closed country, and agents of the World Government could only leave through the hidden port.

Subsequently, the navy surrounded by the waters of Wano also began to evacuate, leaving only a part of CP's agents paying attention to the waters surrounding Wano.

Immediately one month later, Kozuki Oden of the Wano Shogunate, in the name of the general, deprived the Shigetsuki Yasu family of the Hakudai Daimyo status and was about to be executed.

Not only Bai Wu's daimyo, but also the daimyo of three regions in Wano Country were deprived of power and imprisoned.

Charge: Intent to collaborate with the enemy and betray the country.

Not only that, the General Mansion in Huadu later issued another notification.

Kozuki Sukiyaki, the former general of the Kozuki clan, appointed Orochi as acting general, causing Wano Country to go through several years of oppression and turmoil. However, he himself survived and was deprived of the name of Kozuki and imprisoned.

Also: Kozuki Momonosuke almost destroyed the country of peace due to his own selfishness, so he was deprived of his surname. However, because he was not the main conspirator, he was not jailed.

With this move, the entire Wano people were stunned.

You must know that daimyo such as Shigetsuki Yasujia's reputation is not low in Wano country, and they have sufficient supplies and can be self-sufficient, but daimyo in Baiwu and other places are still respected.

In addition, Kozuki Sukiyaki is still alive, which makes the people of Wano country dissatisfied with the Kozuki clan for the first time.

Among them, the families whose family members died in mines and weapons processing plants, and the people whose relatives died in the Onigashima War are the most incomprehensible.

In those years, they were always looking forward to the appearance of the Guangyue clan to save them from their suffering.

But the former general who made wrong decisions at that time did not stand up and take responsibility for his mistakes in order to survive.

And now their relatives are dead, because Orochi was appointed by him as acting general, because he chose to trust that black charcoal Orochi.

For a time, these people's hearts were complicated.

Their loyalty to the Kozuki clan, their current dissatisfaction with them, and the revolutionary army's speeches over the past few months all combined together to make them think about themselves.

In addition, the notice posted on the outside stated that the collaboration with the enemy and treason almost led to the destruction of the country of Wano. The inside story of this is also anyone's guess.

On the podium in Huadu, every recent speech would cause chaos in the audience.

"It is wrong to tie the fate of all people in a country to one family and one surname!"

"The Kozuki clan has heroes like Oden-sama, who can dance for five years for the sake of fate, and can attract foreign aid to bring order to chaos. Naturally, there will also be survivors like Sukiyaki, who will ignore the lives of the people in order to survive."

"Asshole! So you want to betray the Lord of Wano?"

"No matter what, the Kozuki clan is the monarch of Wano!"

"You disloyal and unjust people, I will fight to the death with you!"

"Does the prince and general Xiang Ning have any idea? The country of peace is the country of peace for all people, not the country of peace for the Kozuki clan!"

"This bastard on the stage is demagoguery, get him off!"

"You are such disloyal and unjust people..."

"Who's next?"

"Hit them!"

In the chaos, eggs, lettuce, and stones were thrown onto the podium, and the Revolutionary Army lecturer above quickly avoided it.

When they saw that the lecturer was almost hit, the relatives below, whose relatives died in the mine, were also angry. They felt that it was their own fault that caused the lecturer to be hit, so the friction between them escalated.

A melee was staged in various places in Wano. It was not until the samurai from the Shogun's Palace arrived that the chaos was slightly stopped.

But the seeds of antagonism have been planted, and the antagonism between the ideological class and the social class will take root from now on.

And in the place of detention at the Huadu General Mansion.

Oden and the two people in the cage looked at each other, and both sides fell silent for a moment.

After a while, Oden did not face his father, but looked at Shigetsuki Yasujia: "Six years ago, I learned about Wano's past eight hundred years ago in the sea, and I also learned about Wano's natural attitude. "

"If the World Government really learns that the revolutionary army is in Wano, combined, they will choose to destroy this country."

"Your Majesty the Kang family must also know the identity of the cloaked man. The reward order explains his abilities. And the World Government has weapons that can destroy an island with one blow."

Shuangyue Kangjia was stunned.

He knew nothing about the antagonistic relationship between Wano and the World Government.

I only learned a little about the situation outside the sea, including the revolutionary army, from newspapers and Shigetsuki Hikoichiro's mouth.

"is that so?"

Shuoyue Yasujia's hands were trembling a little, but he did not doubt that Oden would deceive him.

At this time, there is no need to deceive. Moreover, the Masked Lord of the Revolutionary Army did not kill himself, but instead handed himself and others over to Kozuki Oden.

It was obvious that the Masked Lord of the Revolutionary Army also knew that they could not escape the responsibility for the serious crime that almost destroyed the country of Wano a month ago.



"Your Excellency Kang, please speak."

Shigetsuki Yasujia raised his head and looked at Kozuki Oden.

"I almost made a big mistake, and I have nothing to say even if I am executed. But as a member of the Guangyue clan, why do you agree with those lies of the Revolutionary Army?"

"I know that you have never been attached to the position of general, but why? You should know that the rights that that position represents are not just you, but the rights of the Kozuki clan for hundreds of years to come."

"How can you... be willing to give up?!"

After the words fell, Kozuki Sukiyaki, who was next to Shigetsuki Yasu's house, also looked at his son.

But at this moment, he seemed to no longer understand his son. From the moment he came in, he only glanced at himself.

At this moment Sukiyaki clenched his hands.

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