Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 140 Excuse me, the old immortal on Mariejoia

Devil Fruit, even the most common animal type, can be worth 100 million beli!

At this moment, Barrerus's heart was beating a few minutes faster. In a place like the North Sea, a Devil Fruit could create a powerful pirate.

Although it will be disgusted by the sea, it does not prevent this thing from being valuable, and it has a price but no market.



A wooden stick hit Barreiros on the head, but even though the wooden stick in Anne's hand had broken, the guy in front of him still showed no sign of fainting.

"Kid, do you want to die?"

"Mr. Soldier!"

The nun rushed over and hugged Barreiros' feet: "Mr. Soldier... please! Please! No matter what you are doing, I can give it to you and take these children away. Please."


Barrerus sneered and stepped directly on the nun's head with his other foot: "Do you think you can leave? The fate of everyone in this country has been doomed after the Per lead mine was discovered by the World Government! "

"There is no cure for lead disease. It was a toxin that penetrated deep into the bone marrow in your body a hundred years ago, you idiot!"


With a kick, Barreirus continued to taunt: "If it weren't for this Devil Fruit, do you think I would be willing to come into contact with you guys who are infected with the aphrodisiac? Although it is not contagious, look at the disgusting things on your bodies The white spots, let go, you idiot!”

The nun's head was kicked open and blood was flowing from her head, but she still hugged the other person's feet and refused to let go.

This was the only hope for the children to survive. She had no choice but to give up even if she knew she had been cheated.

"Please! Please save the children, they..."

"Let go, stupid woman!"

As the words fell, the gun was pointed at the nun.

"go to hell!"

For a moment, the children screamed, and Annie picked up a stone and threw it at the back of each other's heads.



As soon as Kevin appeared, he threw a kunai.

The huge force pierced the wrist of the soldier in obviously protective clothing. The trident hooked the hand bones and nailed his palm to the wall, carrying the whole person with him.


It was also at this time that Kevin was hit on the back of the head.

He could have easily avoided it, but such an attack couldn't even break his skin, so he killed the guy who was about to shoot first.

"Asshole! Who is it!"

Barrerus endured the severe pain in his palm and turned his head to look over.

However, the scene in front of him almost scared him to the point of peeing. The small church was packed with four hundred people, and everyone looked at him who had just roared.

Those long spears and even cannons!

Then he looked at the person he had obviously just scolded.


Even though his palms were still nailed to the wall, he still collapsed and fell to his knees.

Fight... the cloaked man!

The masks, the cloaks, the way they suddenly appeared, and so many armed men.

Under the fear of life and death, he suddenly thought of the reward order for the person in front of him.

The cloaked man of the Revolutionary Army has a bounty of 2.6 billion beli, which is worth twenty-six Devil Fruits.

Kevin ignored him, but turned around and said to the revolutionary army behind him: "Let's take action, liberate the people of this country, and let them know that they have not been abandoned."


The whole church was deafened by the voices of four hundred people.

Then the teams began to disperse one by one, and all the plans had been arranged.

Rescue, video recording, retreat, gathering point, retreat.



Kevin ordered: "Although the new communication device can achieve short-distance real-time communication, in order to avoid being too late, you still need to provide timely support at high altitude."

Karas nodded: "Understood, sir."

As soon as he finished speaking, Karas' whole body turned into dozens of crows and flew into the sky, flying from the church window to the sky above Ferevans.

The little kids were so stunned by this scene that they even forgot that their nun's head was still bleeding.

Kevin helped the nun up: "Revolutionary Army, code name Fire, you can call me sir."

The nun was stunned.

But the next moment, tears welled up in the eyes where blood had fallen, as if they couldn't stop as if a dam had burst.

"You...are you here to save us?"

She went from despair to hope, and finally hope turned into deception, but even if it was deception, she was still unwilling to let go, even if she was killed, in order to allow these children to leave Feifansi.

Because at that time, she had only one hope.

Kevin's eyes were a little complicated.

At this moment, all the children, including the little girl Annie who sold flowers to him in Ferrevans more than two years ago, were looking at him.

The eyes of all the children were full of desire for life.

How similar to myself in the Valley of Gods twenty-one years ago.

"We...will save everyone who is still alive."

Kevin said softly, and then looked at Annie: "Only those who have the courage to resist can gain the power to resist. That rock just hit was good, you are very brave."

Annie scratched her head in embarrassment, bowed to Kevin, crossed her hands and said, "The Lord will protect Mr.

Kevin shook his head slightly: "No. The Lord you said has not protected you, right? Whether it is the illness or the soldiers who are trying to massacre everyone in Feifansi, the Lord has not protected you."

As he spoke, Kevin looked at all the children: "The ones who saved you were people who also faced despair in the past. So I hope you can remember the powerlessness and pain you feel today, and in the future it can become the driving force for your growth and control your own destiny." "

For a while, most of the children were confused, while the older ones were thoughtful.

After a while, Annie remembered something, and then picked up the small bag from Barreiros' feet.

And the heart-shaped fruit also caught Kevin's sight.

The fruit of the operation...why is it here?

There is no reason. The moment he saw the fruit of the operation, Kevin did not have a desire for the immortality surgery in his heart. He was just wondering that the time when the fruit appeared was not right.

According to the information in the memory, the results of the operation appeared very early, at least around the time Luo Kuai became ill.

After escaping as the sole survivor of Ferrevans, Law joined the Don Quixote family nearly a year later.

Then the time of onset would have to be pushed back three years.

So, how did this fruit appear in Ferevans now?

My butterfly effect shouldn't have changed Ferevans much.

"Do...Lord Cloaked Man."

At this time, Barerus, who had been forgotten all this time, could no longer hide himself, because the kid who had just given him a stick was looking at him and was about to talk about devil fruits.


Kevin looked at the guy who was kneeling on the ground, one hand nailed to the wall, and his head was sweating in pain.

"Navy? Or an agent of the World Government? This fruit should be your goal, right?"

Barreiros did not defend himself, but said: "I know that there is a location on the blockade with the fewest soldiers, and I can lead the way. As long long as you can let me go, I...I can join the revolutionary army."

Kevin looked at him with disgust: "The Revolutionary Army doesn't want people like you, and we don't need the blockade position with the fewest soldiers either."

Having said this, Kevin stepped forward and took off the kunai directly. Barrerus screamed in pain and curled up on the ground.

"But... I'm a little curious about your name. What's your name? Are you from the Navy or from the World Government or a neighboring country?"

Barreiros did not answer, but still begged to be let go and asked if he could be let go.

The look of the meat on the hob gave Kevin a headache.

Then he said to the nun on the side: "The next scene is not suitable for children under five years old to watch. Can you please take children under five years old to the room to avoid it?"

The nun woke up with a start and guessed what would happen next.

However, she wanted to bring all the children into the room.


Kevin's voice sounded.

"The country is destroyed, and the body is suffering from the incurable aphrodisiac. People over the age of five have begun to remember things. I think they will be stronger in the future because of today, don't you?"

After the words fell, little Annie was the first to walk out of the children.

"First...sir, I want to stay."

Kevin ruffled her hair.

Soon, the six children over the age of five who were not sick all chose to stay.

The other little kids were taken to the room by the nun, and she walked out and looked at Anne's six children worriedly.

"So...are you ready?"

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, Barreiros, who was paralyzed on the ground, quickly said: "Di... Dies... Barreiros!"


This name is not familiar to me, but I can’t remember the name of the idiot who tried to sell the results of the operation for 5 billion.

However, that idiot's son does know the name.


Kicked him over and turned him upside down.

Kevin asked: "Your called Drake?"

Barreiros was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

Why would the cloaked man know his son's name? You know, Drake is only fifteen years old now, so...


The other party's sudden strong curse left Kevin a little confused.

But I did know the other person’s answer.

Obviously, the idiot in front of him was the pirate who traded Devil Fruits, and was originally a navy member of the North Sea branch.

All speculations were connected at this time.

As Barrelus of the North Sea Navy, he was arranged by the World Government to blockade Ferrevans. He accidentally discovered that the surgical fruit was in the church, so he deceived the nun and said that he could take people out.

And if he hadn't appeared, then after he got the fruit of the operation, the entire church, including the children, would have been killed by him.

He himself would betray the navy and become a pirate. After waiting for the limelight to pass, he would learn the value of the surgical fruits.

Then... the devil fruit that flowed out of Ferevans was eventually eaten by the only living orphan of Ferevans, Trafalgar Law.

The speculations were connected here, and Kevin thought of more.

According to Vegapunk, the Devil Fruit in the memory is the result of the dreams and will of past humans.

As for the country of Ferrevans, this period of time should be the time when the will of doctors is strongest.

This fruit has gone through many people, but it was still eaten by Luo in the memory, and Luo was the only survivor among ordinary people in Ferrevans.

So... is it inevitable that Luo will eat the fruit of the operation?

Thinking of this, Kevin waved.


The kunai passed by, and a ray of cold light slashed through Barrerus' neck, and the huge force directly killed him.

"Death is not the end. No one can still keep their secrets after being killed by me."

Kevin stood up and looked at Annie: "If you don't want to be oppressed, then you must be able to do whatever you want when you stick to your true intentions."

At the same time, Marie-Joy's power is on the rise.

Saint Satan first said: "The poisonous lead disease in Ferevans has begun to break out. It will take a long enough time for all the bugs to forget about the poisonous lead disease and continue mining."

Saint Nashoulang wiped his saber: "We have a lot of time, and we have notified the army and CP who blocked Ferevans to completely cleanse Ferevans."

Peter Saint on the side said: "As long as those untouchables are dead, the true situation of Feifansi will not be known to the world, and it will not take long before mining can continue."

Saint Wuchuli was about to say something when the special communication on the desktop rang.

After passing through, even the expression of Saint Wuchuli changed slightly.

"Master Wu Laoxing, this afternoon our people discovered the surgical fruit recorded in the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book in Ferevans."

After the report from the Beihai side, Saint Vauchuli said to the other four: "The fruit of the operation appeared in the Beihai. Location: Feirevans."


Saint Satan said: "Ferevans is indeed a place that is consistent with the fruits of surgery. The extreme emotions and will are indeed similar to the fruits of surgery."

Peter Saint said directly: "Let CP find it. Ferevans will be killed soon, so it shouldn't be a big problem to find the fruit of the operation."

Saint General Nashoulang finished training his sword and returned it to its sheath.

"Amberite is the greatest value of that group of bugs. Without the amberite, they will lose their value. But it is great to be able to make the fruits of the operation reappear after such a long time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone bug on the table rang again.

After being connected, it was again the person in charge of the operation just now.

"Lord Wulaoxing, there is a revolutionary army in Feifansi. They have entered Feifansi somehow, and they are rescuing the people in Feifansi."

"The escort team in the clean-up operation is no match for them, and their weapons and equipment are far behind."

Revolutionary Army?

The emergence of this word made the five old men in power turn their attention to the phone bug.

However, the next moment, the phone bug suddenly changed and turned into a mask.

"Excuse me for disturbing you, the five immortals on Mariejoia."

Kevin's voice came from it: "It's really troublesome that I need to transfer the call to you."

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