Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 141 Conversation with the Five Elders: The Weight of the World

"Excuse me for disturbing you, the five immortals on Mariejoia."

Kevin casually complained about the trouble of phone call transfer. After all, Ferrevans' cleaning operation was average, and CP's agents still needed to be transferred between the authorities.

But this sentence of immortality caused the power among the people at this moment to fall into silence.

In the silent atmosphere, the sword of Saint Nashoulang flashed faintly.

Saint Satan looked at the masked phone bug: "Revolutionary Army, cloaked man. This should be our first conversation, right?"

Kevin replied: "Scientific Defense God of War, Jaygo Lucia Satan, this is indeed our first conversation. After all, I was only a child at that time and I didn't have the guts to jump up and punch you."

"Valley of the Gods? We know."

Saint Satan's voice was calm, and he didn't seem to care too much about the sudden attack of the revolutionary army in Ferrevans.

No matter how many bugs there are in a small country, they are just a matter of one or two feet to an elephant.

For eight hundred years, Mary Joa has only cared about thoughts, thoughts that would make the bugs long for freedom and liberation... This is what they fear.

Eight hundred years ago, if it hadn't been for the mistake of the Neferutali tribe, the stone tablets with blank records for a hundred years would not have been scattered across the sea.

They regard all living things except themselves as ants, even Rocks in the past and the big pirate in the new world today are nothing more than this.

Only four years ago, O'Hara's scholars attempted to study a hundred years of blank history. They initiated the Demon-Slaying Order and had a phone call with Dr. Clover in person.

"You must have been very young at that time."

Saint Satan looked at the phone bug: "One year old? Or two years old? At such an age, you shouldn't remember those memories when you grow up. But your hatred for the world's nobles is visible to the naked eye."

On the phone, Kevin chuckled softly: "So you regret that you didn't kill me at that time? Or are you saying that because of hatred, I will go to Marigio and throw myself into a trap?"

Saint Satan pondered for a moment and then said: "We have always been curious about the abilities you have shown. The Devil Fruit ability is restrained by the Sea Tower Stone and sea water, but it has no effect on you."

"This made our operations in the Shampoo Islands useless, and Saint Rodnaz was killed by you because of it. The Navy's Porusalino, the ability of the Shining Fruit cannot stop you."

"It's really a headache..."

Before he finished speaking, Kevin from the phone bug interrupted him.

"I think what I should have said just now is already obvious, right? There should be many arrangements for me on Mary Joa. Do you think I will throw myself into a trap?"

"Before I was handcuffed by the Sea Tower Stone, the ability to teleport fruit was much more convenient than mine, but in the past 800 years, I have never heard of the enemy being able to leave Mariejoia alive after being invaded."

At this point in the conversation, the two sides had the only meaningful exchange.

Prior to this, no one from both sides had answered the key points of the inquiry, and every sentence was intended to extract information from the other party.

Saint Satan even intentionally or unintentionally focused on Kevin's teleportation ability, expressing the intention that the current world government has no way to deal with this ability.

But is this possible?

If only this could leave them helpless, the Tianlong people who had gone through eight hundred years should be dead by now.


Saint Pit's voice sounded: "Transfer the signal to us, but do you want to use the Ferrevans incident to show off your power?"


Under the mask, Kevin's eyes narrowed slightly: "The pain and despair of Feifansi are just like the Valley of the Gods twenty-one years ago. These... are not used to show off one's power."

"As far as I know, the world government has known a hundred years ago that amber lead mine can cause heavy metal poisoning in humans, and this toxin will be transferred from the mother's body to the next generation, and the time of onset will continue to shorten."

"Just like twenty-one years ago, the Celestial Dragons were able to use the people of an island as rabbits for hunting games just for a school trip."

"As a remnant of the Valley of Gods, I want an answer."

Among the powers, Nashou Langsheng, who has the most bad temper, said directly: "As a bug, there must be bugs..."

Before he finished speaking, Saint Satan's crutch hit the ground.


A crisp sound blocked the words behind him.

Saint Satan said: "Is this your purpose? Or is it the purpose of the revolutionary army?"

Kevin, the phone bug imitator, was silent.

At this moment, Saint Nashou Lang, who had only spoken half of his words just now, also reacted.

"Considering our age, you are just a child. So you don't understand that everything the world government does is to maintain the stability of this sea."

Saint Satan paused as he spoke: "Compared to the pirates, you are the source of chaos caused by revenge."

"There is no point in recording this phone call with ulterior motives. The World Economic News will not allow it to appear, or even if it does, so what?"

The tone was extremely calm, as if he was just telling a fact.

Kevin was silent for a moment.

"do you know?"

"When the dim light of dawn begins to appear, it is also the time when sleep is deepest. We, insects, who are regarded as ants, should have lost our lives in the past, but now we are just working hard for the arrival of dawn! Idiots!"


The phone bug was hung up.

In the church of Ferrevans, Kevin threw a body out.

The purpose of the call is many, but only the two basic points have been completed.

The first is to prove that he is aware of the dangers targeting him on Mariejoia, so he shows that he will not take risks. This is to pave the way for the subsequent infiltration.

The second is to record this call.

Although the phone bug that was talking to Wulaoxing was just an ordinary phone bug that was protected against eavesdropping, with only audio and no video, he recorded the entire process.

This video will be used as material for lecturers within the Revolutionary Army, including the recording of the Revolutionary Army's rescue operation against Ferrevans.

As for other tests, such as the specific information on Marie Joa's defense against him, the other party also did not reveal the slightest bit.

After exhaling, Kevin put away the recording phone bug. The video files inside needed to be taken back to Baldigo's research institute for reproduction.

"Dong dong dong."

"Come in."

There was a knock on the door, and the nun from the church opened the door and bowed slightly: "Sir, the children are ready, but the child who said he would bring his sister over this afternoon has not arrived yet."

After Barreiros' identity was deduced from the name Drake, Kevin also knew that the nun should be waiting for Trafalgar Law.

In his memory, Luo can be said to have inherited the entire will of Ferevans.

And now, after a few years of going around in circles, the fruit of the operation was finally eaten by him, curing the only patient with lead disease who was still alive.

So... was it because of Dr. Ferevans' will that this fruit appeared in Ferevans?

So why the church again?

The will to save people?

A few months have passed. At this time, even the doctors who were full of confidence at the beginning began to lose their will due to emotional breakdown.

"The child may have been taken by our people. The Revolutionary Army will search for the living people in Ferevans and bring them safely to the extraction point."

Kevin said as he walked out of the room and looked at the child carrying a small bag and lying on the trailer in front of him.

"You should evacuate first. After all, if those five old immortals are ruthless, they may be gone in no time."

Just gone?

The nun was stunned for a moment, but didn't ask any more questions.

Then Kevin asked everyone to hold hands. Finally, Kevin reached out and ruffled Annie's hair as usual, and everyone disappeared into the church.

Marie Gioia, Between the Powers.

"You're being too cautious Jaygo Lucia."

The voice of Saint Nashouro sounded: "There is no way for the whole world to hear this conversation. The bird in the World Economic News will not be unclear about the meaning of these."

"It doesn't matter."

Peter Saint looked at the phone bug on the table: "A bug is always just a bug. Even if this conversation is known to everyone, it is insignificant. But now it seems that this bug will not come to Mary Joa easily."

Saint Nashoulang frowned.

"There haven't been such bold ants for many years. If we are sure that the other party is in Ferrevans, maybe we can..."

Saint Satan shook his head slightly: "Ferevans is different from Wano. If Wano is occupied by the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army will not be able to move in a short time. But for small towns like Ferevans, I will wait there. When I asked Lord Im for instructions, they had already left."

"And under such an attack, the amber lead mine contained in the underground of Ferevans will also turn into dust."

At this time, Saint Wuchuli looked over: "Twenty-one years ago in the Valley of the Gods, that island was finally wiped out. How did you get rescued at that age?"

After the words fell, the four of them looked at Saint Satan at the same time. This was the person who traveled to the Valley of Gods twenty-one years ago.

"A slave of the Bakania tribe ate the meat ball fruit in the chaos, causing about five hundred people to escape from the Valley of the Gods incident."

Saint Satan raised his head slightly as he spoke: "Because of my temporary interest and my desire to conduct an experiment with those slaves, I did not execute him."


Saint Wauciuli seemed to be reminded of an experiment that had repeatedly failed twenty-one years ago on Marie Gioia.

The test subject will become photophobic after failure. Whether it is sunlight during the day or moonlight at night, cyan stones will grow on the body of the test subject and eventually die.

But the purpose of this experiment...

"This time I changed my approach. After all, the slaves on Mariejoia don't have that strong will to live, and many even feel that it would be better to die."

Saint Satan's voice was very calm, so calm that he didn't seem to be talking about anyone.

"Some of those slaves still have hope, but this hope has not reached the level of will. So I selected a group of people, carried out the initial stage of the experiment, and then let them escape from the Valley of the Gods."


The Five Old Stars are all very aware of Saint Satan's experiment, in which the generation of negative emotions, hatred and fear are the key.

But all the while, the experiments were failing.

The Jade Scale disease spread in the lower world was named after the failed products on Mariejoia that were abandoned to the lower world and became known to the world.

"Is it time to collect?"

Saint Peter asked.

"Some are arriving, but not enough to make comparative data."

Saint Satan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Some people have not yet completed their understanding of happiness. If the experiment is started under such circumstances, the desire for life will not reach the level of testing required by the experiment."

In an extremely natural way, those slaves who wanted to live were allowed to escape from the Valley of the Gods, and then in an extremely natural way, they were captured back after ten or twenty years.

He broke away from his status as a slave and sought survival from death in the Valley of Gods.

Under such an extreme reversal, after finding a way to happiness, these people's desire to live will be more determined than ever. Even if they face extreme pain, they will still want to live.

So how to survive?

A body with strength far beyond that of ordinary people, and a body that is not afraid of being cut by sharp blades?

No, these are not enough.

It's not enough to at least contribute a trivial amount to becoming a legend.

"The cloaked man is not a slave, but a native of the Valley of the Gods. He was not subjected to the initial stage of the experiment."

Saint Maz said with a puzzled look on his face: "So about everything that happened in the Valley of Gods, was it the Bakania who told him?"

Saint Satan replied: "This is unclear. After all, we still don't even know the true identity of the cloaked man."

"However... Judging from the corpses after the first Tianlong people were killed in the Shampoo Islands, just hearing about it is not enough to form such resentment."

Saint Samit, the first Draco who was killed by the cloaked man, had the same surname as Saint Sartan, but it was obvious that his life was still peaceful in Saint Sartan's mouth.

However, after Saint Satan's words, there was silence among the powers for a long time. The five monsters who were less powerful than one person in the world all looked solemn at this moment.

"At that it possible?"

"If you are only one year old, you may not even understand what hatred is. How can you awaken?!"

"But if it is not awakened, then the source of its special abilities cannot be explained. The ninjutsu of Wano Country has not reached that level."

"After all, it is the ability not to be disgusted by the sea..."

"If it is really the initial awakening, then it will not be a simple ordinary ability."

"Teleportation, fire, freezing, disguise... the combination of these four abilities may be able to find out his name."

"This is a direction. But I still don't think that a one- or two-year-old child can burst out with such a firm will to realize the initial awakening of his desired vision."

After the words fell, the power fell silent again.

"Let's go back to Ferevans' problem, and the surgical fruit. If nothing else goes wrong, the fruit has already fallen into the hands of the cloaked man."

Maz Sheng said and looked at the other four people: "The surgery for immortality. Although it is still a secret for now, if it is obtained by the revolutionary army, they will definitely look for doctors to become people with abilities."

Saint Satan said: "Feirefansi's lead disease, only the surgical fruit can remove the toxin of metal poisoning. After the revolutionary army obtained the surgical fruit, the group of people from Ferifans..."

One word to the point.

Ferrevans has been experiencing despair for almost a year.

They were not surprised that the fruits of the operation would appear in Ferevans. But if the revolutionary army is involved in this, then the will contained in these ants' nine months of despair will be a bit huge.

Coupled with the suspicion just now, Wu Laoxing's frown deepened.

Is the other side of the world beginning to emerge?

The opponent's weight is beginning to grow.

But currently, they don't seem to have any way to catch these rats from the sewers, and the only things they occasionally catch are small fish and shrimps.

Ferrevans sent the children and nuns in the church away, and Kevin returned to the white town again.

The prosperity of the past has been turned into waste in the chaos. Flames burned all the white buildings, and the smell of burnt corpses filled the town.

The fierce battle was coming to an end. The mid-level combat forces selected by the Revolutionary Army's Northern Army might not be able to deal with the generals of the Navy Headquarters, but they were able to deal with the troops attacking Ferevans with ease.

And there is Karas watching in mid-air. Crows are spread all over the town, always paying attention to the battle in every corner.


At this time, in an alleyway, the revolutionary army placed the surviving people in the middle. Everyone held common weapons such as kitchen knives or wooden sticks in their hands.

The team leader recognized Kevin, saluted and reported the battle and casualties.

There were a total of twenty people in the team, one was seriously injured, six were slightly injured, and there were no casualties.

Kevin walked towards the seriously injured revolutionary army, stretched out his hand, and the stretcher was transferred to the stronghold for emergency treatment.

Kevin, who reappeared, said: "We have been sent back for treatment, but you still need to go to the evacuation point."

"Thank...thank you, sir. He is the only one left in the Multon family. Thank you very much."

The squad leader's eyes were red and he quickly bowed, but Kevin helped him up: "I just did what I should do, it's not necessary. If I die one day, you can do this again."

After speaking, Kevin looked at the group of people protected in the middle: "Don't worry. The cure for lead disease has been found. I will take you all away later and tell you the cure."

After the words fell, the survivors of Ferevans, who had originally had gloomy eyes, all raised their heads and looked at Kevin with hope.


"Can lead disease be cured? Is there really a way?"

"We can be saved...the child can be saved!"

"Can you survive?"


With suppressed cries, Kevin nodded: "I will tell you the specific situation after I leave here, and it is up to you to decide how to choose."

Passing by the evacuating team, Kevin turned on the communicator in his ear after thinking for a moment.

"Karas, can you hear me?"

"Sir within earshot, do you have any orders?"

"Use the communicator to tell all the operating teams that I have found a cure for the lead disease, and ask them to tell the evacuated Ferevans survivors."

"Okay sir, thank you for your efforts."


Kevin shook his head slightly.

This is not because of my own efforts. The fruits of the operation can appear in Feifansi because of the efforts of the doctors who have been suffering for several months.

And I am just a selfish person.

Afterwards, Kevin's knowledge spread out again, feeling the atmosphere around him.

The operation in North Sea Ferevans is a long-prepared raid. The people of Ferevans who have experienced hardship will be the best revolutionary army seeds.

Their deeds and sufferings will be widely circulated among the Revolutionary Army, inspiring everyone to rebel against the World Government.

"Rami, Ramy!"

A small figure was observing the street outside in the alley, carrying his sister on his back.

His father and mother have been killed, and he must protect his only relative.

The soldiers who entered wearing protective clothing had already begun to massacre Feifansi. Now there was only the church, the only place where there might be hope of survival.

He tied his sister behind his back from home, but perhaps it was the black smoke that filled the air around him that made little Lamy silent.

After Luo shouted a few words in a low voice, he finally received a response.


Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered: "Don't fall asleep, cover your mouth and nose with the towel you prepared, we will be there soon..."


Before he finished speaking, gunshots were heard not far away.

Soon, a series of shooting sounds and screams came, and there seemed to be the sound of cannon bombardment.

After a while, the fighting in the streets seemed to be over.

a voice sounded.

"Captain! There are survivors here!"

In an instant, all the hair on Luo's body stood up in a cold sweat.


The next moment, Luo stretched out his legs and started running towards the other end of the alley.

Their parents were shot dead, and no matter why the group fought, their attitude towards the people of Ferevans was the same.

Maybe for the trophies?

These are not important now, the important thing is to escape!

As a child born and raised in Ferevans, Luo turned the corner three or four times and quickly got rid of the guy chasing him.

"Whirring whirring."

The gasping stopped suddenly, and Luo turned to look at his sister on his back.

"Lami, Lamy..."

He shouted in a low voice but received no response. Luo ignored the soldiers he had just shaken off and hurriedly untied the rope from his back.

After placing his sister on the ground, Luo began a series of physical examinations.

Why at this time?

Luo clenched his hands, but there was nothing he could do except give him water.

"You must have misunderstood something."


A voice sounded, causing Luo to sit down on the ground, but he rolled and crawled in front of his sister.

At this time, a man wearing a mask and a cloak was looking at him condescendingly.

There were no protective suits, and no guns.

"You...who are you?"

Facing the question, Kevin said: "You can call me sir for the revolutionary army who came to save the survivors of this town. But now...her situation is very dangerous."

"If you are willing to believe me, just hold your sister over here and hold my hand. I can take you away first and stabilize the child's condition."

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