Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 146 The Shichibukai System, Sauron’s Determination

Malinfando, Navy Headquarters.

Early in the morning, the students in the youth training camp noticed that the chief instructor's face was ugly, but fortunately, under the premise that everyone completed the training seriously, Teacher Zefa did not reprimand anyone.

Soon, the morning lecture at the youth training camp ended. General Zefa, who would always watch the students in the youth training camp, also left early today.

In the corridor leading to the marshal's office, two figures, one large and one small, walked side by side. Although one of them was a general and the other a lieutenant general, they were old comrades in arms.

"Did you come back also for that Marie Joa notice?"

Zefa frowned: "Legalize pirates! And the navy is not allowed to attack them. Legal plunder! Do you think this is reasonable?"

[Note: The original work of the Shichibukai system is not clear, but Crocodile said that he became the Shichibukai when he was in his early twenties. In addition, Dover is just starting to gain momentum, and the time to seize the heavenly gold and become the Shichibukai should be approaching. 】

Lieutenant General He lowered his head and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I came back to persuade you."

As soon as he said this, Zefa stopped and turned back to look at his old friend: "Do you know what you are talking about? Crane."

Lieutenant General He opened his eyes and said calmly: "Then you should also know that neither we nor the Warring States have any way to stop the World Government's decision."

After the words fell, Zefa tightened and relaxed his hands.

Yes, he knew it.

The Navy Headquarters had no way to refute the order given by Superior Marie Joa and could only execute it.

Zefa closed his eyes, and a scene from many years ago flashed through his mind.

He was originally called a general who would not kill, but after his wife and son were killed by pirates, his will was shaken, and his combat power declined and he became the chief instructor of the youth training camp.

Over the years, he has never forgotten the grief of that day.

Turning around, Zefa continued towards the marshal's office.

Crane sighed and followed.

Sometimes, a character like Zefa, even though he knows the reason why he has to obey orders, still needs to vent his inner resistance.

She just hoped that Zefa would not be too extreme. Whether it was the navy's youth training camp or himself, staying at the headquarters and continuing to serve as the chief instructor was the best outcome.


The office door was pushed open directly.

Warring States looked at Zefa who walked in and breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn't want to kick down the door like that bastard Garp, which meant that the problem shouldn't be serious.

But when he saw He following behind him, he immediately understood the reason why Zefa didn't explode.


After breathing a long sigh of relief, Warring States directly found the notification order issued by Mary Joa and handed it to Zefa.

Zefa didn't speak. He just read the notification document, put it down, turned around and left the office.

This situation made Warring States a little surprised. He looked at He and said, "I thought he would make a big fuss, but he ended up leaving so quietly."

He sighed: "There was a boy named Luomi in the youth training camp of Kuzan. The Chambord Islands incident was just an offense, but the voices of 80% of the senior leaders of the entire Navy Headquarters were just to save one life. "

"A slave is still a slave, and his death is in vain. To them, the Navy is nothing more than a good dog."

Warring States frowned: "With this statement, why do you feel like you are learning from that bastard Kevin?"

He shook his head slightly: "I didn't learn from him. I heard from Tina that the boy transformed the G5 branch quite well. Although the Wano incident cost some money, I can guess some things."

As he spoke, He brought the topic back: "The establishment of the King's Shichibukai system is already an order, so maybe we can operate on it."


Sengoku picked up the document. It was obvious that the two wise generals at the Navy Headquarters had their own understanding of the World Government's order.

Although the appointment power of King Shichibukai rests with the World Government, the navy also has the right to recommend them.

Given the weight of a good dog in the Navy Headquarters, there is no problem in recommending two or three positions.

And the appointment of this order cannot be executed immediately. After all, if the world government appoints seven pirates today to become the King of the Shichibukai, and tomorrow these seven guys are killed by pirates who don’t like them, then this position The original meaning is lost.

The King's Shichibukai system is a balancing strategy introduced to counterbalance the increasing number of pirates on the sea and the fact that the navy's military strength is dwarfed by comparison.

The biggest significance of this is deterrence, and if a Shichibukai's position is replaced every three days, then the title will be worthless.

"Then the candidates we recommend..."

Warring States was a little hesitant. In fact, all he had been thinking about for so many years was how to catch those bastard pirates instead of turning them into his own.

Lieutenant General He was also thinking about candidates. After thinking for a moment, he said: "It is mentioned in the documents of the World Government that priority will be given to people who have been defeated by big pirates in the new world. And those who meet this condition..."

"Sand Crocodile Crocodile, who failed to challenge Whitebeard, once had a close battle with Barrett of the Roger Pirates."

"Gekko Moria was defeated in the war with Immortal Kaido in Wano Country a few years ago, and is currently relatively stable in the Devil's Triangle."

Warring States frowned: "Among the two of them, Moonlight Moria is currently relatively stable. Crocodile, although he doesn't know what he is doing after leaving the new world, he is not a peaceful person."

He sighed: "A pirate will always be a pirate. No matter how we choose, we can't choose someone we can be completely satisfied with."

These words made Warring States eyes light up: "Maybe..."

Before he could say anything, He interrupted him directly: "The CP agents of the World Government are not idiots. They betrayed the navy and became pirates, and then created a battle to escape from the big pirates. They naturally became the Seven Kings." Wu Hai, do you think they are idiots?"

Warring States was choked.

The world government in this sea not only has the good dog Navy, but also has CP agents on Judiciary Island, and Impel Down City where pirates are imprisoned.

The people in the CP agency have much better intelligence capabilities than the Navy to some extent.

However, although the last bit of the arrangement mentioned by He just couldn't be implemented, he was already making preparations.

"One thing I'm curious about is what prompted Marigio to make such a decision. Although compared to the Great Pirates era, the navy's suppression of pirates is indeed becoming increasingly weak, but it shouldn't have reached this point. right."

Crane looked through the documents again.

And Sengoku replied: "It's not just pirates. A year ago in Ferevans in the North Sea, the revolutionary army suddenly appeared and took away all the survivors."

"The world hasn't heard about Ferrevans yet, but the navy is aware of the whole incident."

"The Revolutionary Army has disappeared for so many years. Even the cloaked man has not appeared in the Chambord Islands again. The bounty is no longer the highest."

"But Marie Joa will not relax her vigilance against them. You must know that the revolutionary armies of the five countries of the Olga Kingdom evacuated in the first place, and their numbers were quite large."

"The current situation of disappearing, the world government also knows that it is just dormant. What is caught is only small fish and shrimps, and some are rescued and some are determined."

"It was this firm will that allowed the higher-ups to make this decision."

Hearing this, He was silent for a while.

"They are afraid. Remember the last time this happened, it was O'Hara, right? Notify the navy as quickly as possible to cooperate with the demon-slaying order. Even ordinary people are not willing to let it go."

"The disparity in combat power is so alarming. We haven't seen much of it in recent years. So the revolutionary army is thinking of awakening..."


Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Warring States. The two looked at each other and dropped the topic.

Afterwards, the two lowered their demands to the next level and once again discussed the candidates to be recommended by King Shichibukai.

At the same time, Newsbird sent newspapers to the Navy Headquarters and all over the world.

The whole world learned about the Shichibukai system promulgated by the World Government in one day.

Within the Navy Headquarters, more than 80% of the generals and commanders have an attitude of indignation.

As a navy, I must be disgusted with this system. But like the top brass of the Navy, they had no way to stop it.

The students in the youth training camp also received the news after training, and immediately understood why Teacher Zefa was in such a mood early in the morning.

In the waters near Fish-Man Island in the New World, Kuzan was lying on the deck sleeping with a blindfold on.

After turning justice into ambiguity, he has been in this state for more than a year. What he does depends on his mood.

For example, 99% of the pirates you encounter are basically committing crimes by burning, killing, looting, etc., so they will all be frozen into ice cubes and crushed to pieces.

When you encounter poor spots along the way to move your treasure, just throw coins. Occasionally, when you encounter a stronghold at home, just give it away.

As for the pirates except for 99%, there are one or two pirate groups with the purpose of adventure. This candidate general who sleeps very well can basically not wake up at that time.

"Cuckoo! Goo!"

Newsbird explained that today was big news and there was no bargaining. Kuzan’s constant cooing made Kuzan helplessly sit up.

He looked at his adjutant and said, "It's just one hundred beli. There's no need to be so frugal, right?"

The adjutant scratched his head, took out the coin and gave it to Newsbird, and gave it a look of contempt.

"Would you like to see it, Mr. Kuzan?"

Kuzan opened the newspaper and was surprised by the large banner on the first page.

Pirates with legal rights to plunder?

What is this?

Obey orders?

Would a scum like a pirate really obey orders?

It’s almost the same if you don’t put in the work.

However, Teacher Zefa should be very angry, right? At this time, Marshal Warring States should be sprayed with saliva, and Mr. Garp should still be the same as before.

at home...

Once the King's Shichibukai forms a deterrent to pirates, the World Government will be able to devote more power to investigate the family.

It seems like I need to contact Kevin. That bastard hasn’t introduced his family to me yet. Every time he asks, he waits for the next time, and he doesn’t know when the next time will be.

And Mr. Tinder, who was the first to summarize the central idea of ​​the Revolutionary Army, really wanted to see a real person.

The adjutant on the side saw that Kuzan looked wrong, so he looked at the contents of the newspaper and was stunned.

Kuzan handed the newspaper to him: "Read it if you want. Show it to all the navy on the warship."

"Ah? Got it!"

The adjutant took the newspaper, and then a discussion about the King's Shichibukai system began on the warship.

The dissatisfaction in his words and the worry about his hometown if he was targeted by the Shichibukai were all shown on his face.

"Legal right to plunder? In this case, wouldn't it mean that we can rob ordinary people at will?"

"What if these people go to my hometown?"

"One hundred and seventy participating countries should not be robbed, but non-joining countries will be unlucky."

"How could such a decision be made?"

"There's nothing you can do about it..."

At the same time, Kevin, who was far away in Shuangyue Village in the East China Sea, slapped two healing dandelions on the foreheads of Kuina and Sauron.

"Hurry up, get up and continue. I've given you all the benefits. I'll serve you with big fish and meat every day. I'm not here to let you rest."

Kevin said, twisting Zoro up, shaking him to wake him up, and then punched him on the ground to let him start.

Zoro, who had recovered his condition, was still a double-knife master, and he came straight to Kevin with the knife in hand.

Half an hour later, he was let go after being bruised and swollen from the fall, but he really didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

Followed closely was Kuina, who was two years older and persisted a little longer. It took her an hour to be exhausted, but the main thing was Kevin's different treatment.

This difference made Zoro on the side unable to stand it: "Uncle bastard, why don't you stretch your legs to trip Kuina?!"

Kevin knocked back the green algae head's big face with one finger: "Are you a girl? I really don't know how Xiaorihe fell in love with you. You are a roadie? Or are you a straight man?"

Zoro, who didn't understand, bared his teeth and claws, but after three or four times he simply lay on the ground and couldn't get up. After all, he had just endured half an hour of inhumane torture.



Kevin had just dealt with the little gangster Sauron, and turned to look at the well-behaved and sensible Kuina.

"If possible, I would also like to train like Zoro."

Kuina bowed, but her words were firm.

"Is that so? No problem, you will receive the same treatment tomorrow."

Kevin agreed directly because he knew the reason for Guina's request.

Anyway, there are some problems with this girl's father's education method. It is similar to the old thinking of Wano country and needs to be corrected.

Guina obviously noticed Kevin's attitude towards her and bowed to thank her again.

"I hugged you when you were a baby. There is no need to be so reserved, Kuina. Politeness is important, but for those close to you, being more casual will make the relationship better."

Kevin stretched out his hand and gave her a smile: "That's good. Don't look sad every day. Your dad is so ignorant that you don't have to listen to his remarks."

Guina paused: "Sir... what father said, I can feel it now."

As she said this, she looked at Zoro who was still lying on the ground panting: "In just four or five days, he has made great progress, even more obvious than me who just started learning kendo."

Kevin looked at Zoro.

In my memory, this future true man was so determined that he was the only one among the protagonists.

After saying that I will never lose again from today on, I will really never lose again.

And Kuina's will seemed to have been almost broken by Koushiro's conversation not long ago.

"There are many women among the top strong men in this sea..."

Kevin looked at Guina: "There are indeed differences in the physical structure between men and women, but these differences do not determine the level of being top."

As he spoke, Kevin slowly stood up, and the next moment the domineering heat in his body began to erupt.

Overlord's domineering control accurately prevented the two brats from fainting, but black thunder exploded in the sky above Shuangyue Village.

The right hand is not covered by any black armed domineering energy, but the heat of domineering energy in the body has already gathered on the arm.


He punched out, and the domineering energy from his body penetrated the clouds in the sky.

After a while, everything was calm.

Kevin looked at the stunned Kuina: "Such power is also possessed by a female pirate named Charlotte Lingling in the new world in the second half of the Grand Line."

"In addition, there is a daughter island in the Windless Zone. All of them are women, and they have armed and domineering power. Each of its female emperors is a great pirate whose name is resounding across the sea."

"Vice Admiral Tsuru of the Navy Headquarters and Momo Usagi Gion, the candidate for the Great Swordsman, are also women."

"Do you think their names are due to men's charity? Whether it is the candidate general, the empress, or Charlotte Lingling, who is currently dominating the New World, these women all have a large number of men piled on their names. of corpses.”

Just as he was thinking about continuing his education, a green figure suddenly rushed towards Kevin. Since there was no malice at all, Kevin just stretched out his hand and threw it away.

Zoro got up and continued to move forward: "Teach me, teach me! Can you teach me the move that can penetrate the clouds just now?"

The excited Zoro had just recovered from the shock. He really didn't expect that this was what a person could do, and that this person was still with him.

Kevin pinned Zoro to the ground and let him struggle and ignored him. He looked at Kuina and continued: "Healing Dandelion will bring you better physical growth, but in my opinion this is not necessary. "

As he spoke, Kevin slipped Sorlonti up: "What really matters is the spiritual will like this kid. Only faith and the will to never give up are the foundation to truly reach the top."

Zoro, who was still struggling just now, stopped and pointed at himself with a proud face: "Of course I know that I am gifted! In the future, I will become a swordsman, a great swordsman, and the best swordsman in the world! "

"Uncle bastard, put me down! Otherwise, when I learn your moves, I will definitely make you fall ten thousand times a day!"

Kuina looked at Zoro, who was bruised and swollen but still full of energy, and seemed to see the determination in his heart.

And what Kevin just said flashed through his mind one by one.

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