Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 147 Shanks's Fear

In the East China Sea, a single-masted pirate ship is sailing, with a flying pirate flag and two Western knives behind the skull. There are three scratches on the left eye of the skull.

"Very strong, Beckman."

The pirate ship was approaching Windmill Village, but Shanks was looking at the clouds on the sea level in the distance.

Jesus Bu, who had just joined before, also looked over and asked doubtfully: "What does the captain mean... is it done by humans?"

Beckman patted Jesus Bu on the shoulder: "This sea is full of new snipers, so if you stay in the East China Sea, you won't be able to see these."

Jesus Bu snorted and replied: "Did such a powerful guy appear in the East China Sea? But it's really exciting. One's own power can actually change the sky."

Shanks looked at the sailor at the helm, and Beckman knew what his captain meant before he even spoke.

"We have children on board, Shanks. Our original plan was to go to Dawn Island Windmill Village."

"Ah la la..."

Shanks waved his hand casually: "It won't be a problem if we go and check first. Anyway, we may not be able to fight, and maybe we can even hold a banquet."

Beckman rubbed his forehead: "If it were Garp with that kind of power, we would be in a lot of trouble."

"Not Mr. Karp."

Shanks suppressed his smile: "You need to pass through Dawn Island to get to that island from the Red Continent. If Mr. Garp returns to his hometown, he will go directly back."

"And I can feel that there is no aura of collision. It should be just a person. There is such a strong presence in this sea area. If I don't figure it out, I will be very worried about Beckman."

Nearly eight years ago, the World Government's operations in the South China Sea were leaked. The source of the intelligence was because the Navy's candidate general was dissatisfied with the World Government's behavior towards his hometown, so he secretly leaked information about the operations in advance, which resulted in a large number of pregnant women in the South China Sea being exempted. In one difficulty.

Shanks later learned that Vice Admiral Garp, who was hailed as a naval hero during that time, was on vacation and returned to his hometown in the East China Sea.

So... you have to go and take a look to feel at ease.

"Turn the helm! Target: the island in the northeast!"

The order came from the captain, and Beckman could only support it.

The newcomer Jesus Bu on the side was a little flustered at this moment and said: "Do you really want to go? If the terrifying momentum just now was the navy, wouldn't we have fallen into a trap?"

At this time, a four-year-old girl ran out of the cabin.

"Is it because the newcomer is afraid? If so, Uta can sing to you. In that case, the newcomer will have the courage."


Jesus was speechless.

But the companions on the whole ship did not hesitate to laugh, and some even made faces at Jesus.

"Hahaha! Is the genius sniper from Donghai also afraid?"

"We are the red-haired pirates!"

"Come on, new sniper, my chest is still reliable...hahaha!"

Jesus Bu's face was suppressed and turned red: "Laki, your chest is too greasy!"

While they were fighting, the pirate ship that was already approaching Dawn Island turned around and headed towards Shuangyue Village.

Shanks looked at his noisy companions with a smile, but his mind was already thinking about who the guy who burst out with strong domineering might be.

The East China Sea is known as the weakest sea among the pirates of the Grand Line because Mr. Garp often comes back.

Even Xihai, which was raided several times a few years ago because of Executioner Kevin, has now recovered.

"What are you worried about?"

Shanks looked at Beckman: "The weight of this world has changed."

At the same time, Kevin from Frost Moon Village also returned to the dojo with two little ghosts.

Koushiro was reading today's newspaper when he heard the noise and looked up at the three of them.

"Sir, did you gain anything today?"

Kevin sat cross-legged directly opposite him: "Isn't this all your plan?"

Koushiro replied: "Sir, you also like Kuina very much, don't you? Now we have to add Zoro."

As he spoke, Koushiro looked at the two children, his eyes that had been squinted all year round opened slightly.

Three seconds later he smiled.

Her mood has already changed. It has only been a few days, and Guina no longer avoids looking at her.

"Kuina takes Zoro to apply some medicine on the wound. After eating and resting for a while... let's continue training."

The two bowed slightly and agreed, Zoro still glaring at Kevin the whole time.

Even though he had just heard the teacher say that his husband liked him, he snorted disdainfully.

Does this weird uncle like to trip himself up every day and beat himself up in different ways? If this is the case, I will also like him when I become a great swordsman! Beating three times a day, no one is the same!

After Zoro left with an unconvinced expression on his face, the green algae-headed boy still turned around frequently and looked at the gentleman fiercely.


Kuina slapped Zoro on the head: "Don't be ignorant, okay?"

Zoro turned his head and looked at Kuina with swollen eyes: "That bastard uncle doesn't like me. When I become powerful, I will be the first to seek revenge from him!"

Kuina sighed: "I will be like you from tomorrow on. Do you know? In order to be like you, I need to work twice as hard."

Zoro said disdainfully: "Didn't the bastard uncle say that? There are so many powerful women in this world, there is nothing to worry about."

The two passed through the corridor of the dojo, and Kuina climbed up the stairs to find medicine for Zoro's injuries.

"But sir, he didn't say that those powerful women all have innate talents, Zoro. I envy you, really."

After taking off the medicine, Zoro, who had a bruised nose and face, raised his fist and waved at Kuina: "So the bastard uncle also said that what can really make people stronger in this world is will!"

"I've lost to you nine times. If you are still such a troublesome woman, it won't be long before you are defeated by me!"

"When the time comes...hehe!"

The grinning Zoro scratched the wound, and Kuina slapped him again: "What do you want to do?"

Zoro said confidently: "I'll hold you down and beat you! I'll definitely beat you until your nose is black and your face is swollen, so you know how powerful I, Lord Zoro, am!"

After applying the wound medicine, the cool feeling made Zoro feel much better.

"I don't know how the bastard uncle got that ball of light. If he presses it on his head, his injuries will be healed. He can still fight again."

Kuina sighed: "Do you know what that ball of light means to us?"

"What? Isn't it just that you can recover from your injuries?" Zoro disagreed.

Guina looked at her hands.

It had only been a few days, but she could clearly feel the improvement in her basic strength.

It was not obvious on the first day. She thought it might be due to the double high-intensity training and the supplement of the huge fish that her husband brought back from the sea.

But even though it was the meat supplement known as the King of the Sea, other children in the dojo also ate it, but it was far behind her and Zoro.

So what really gave her confidence was her husband's help.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was the sound of hurried running outside the door.

Kevin and Koushiro, who were about to drink some tea and go back to the G5 branch, stared at each other, but they both looked over when they heard the sound.

Those who opened the door and walked in were also students from the dojo.

"Huhu...Teacher, there are...there are pirates!"

Koushiro didn't panic at all: "So you were defeated?"

The student calmed down and said: "They are very strong. We let them leave, but just one person defeated us all."

He didn't kill anyone, and he didn't want to leave.

In the past, there were no pirates visiting Shuoyue Village, but because of the reputation of Shuoyue Dojo, there were very few pirates who dared to openly land from the port.

And most of them will be defeated by the students of the dojo.

In the past few years, there have been almost no cases where Koushiro went there to do it in person. However, Kevin, who often came here for half a day in the morning to practice swordsmanship, would occasionally kill them without incident.

"Then let's go."

Saying this, Koushiro stood up.

But Kevin on the side said: "It's already here, and it's really strong."

The two of them walked out together, and the red-haired man outside the dojo was leading the crew to look at the Frost Moon Dojo.

"Boss, it seems he used a knife."

"It seems that the captain can give it a try."

"But is the owner of this dojo so powerful?"

"Jesus Bu, do you know?"

After being teased on the boat, Jesus Bu nodded and said, "At first, the captain just pointed in the direction, so I didn't expect it. However, this dojo is very famous in the East China Sea, and many pirates will not treat it like this." The island is considered a target for plunder.”

"But... the momentum that broke through the clouds just now, I really never thought it would be here."

The red-haired man still had a smile on his face. He walked forward and said to the dojo students who had just been beaten around him: "Can you help inform the owner of the dojo that there is a visitor?"

However, the red-haired man's inquiry did not receive a response.

"You bastard pirate, you will be dead when the teacher comes!"

"I advise you not to take any chances on this island. It's still too late to leave now!"

"The damn pirate actually made us need to ask the teacher to take action."

"Leave this island pirates, this is not a place for you to plunder!"

Shanks scratched his head and was about to knock on the door in desperation, but the door of the dojo was opened directly.


Kevin looked at Shanks who was greeting him. Compared to the year when Roger was executed, he had indeed matured a lot. At least he had begun to grow a beard.

"Pirates are not welcome on this island. So...are you okay?"

Shanks still smiled with a coveted face: "Except for the Whiskey Peak on Cactus Island, there should be no place that welcomes pirates. However, I have a reason to come here."

"There's no need to test it like this."

Kevin replied directly: "I do come from other sea areas. I just came here to meet old friends, the owner of this dojo."

As he spoke, Kevin let Koushiro out behind him.

Ever since, a squinting monster with narrowed eyes and a smile met a red-haired monster with a sullen smile.

"Ah la la, it seems I misunderstood."

Shanks scratched his hair and laughed loudly, then took two steps back and lowered his head to apologize: "I'm extremely sorry, because we were worried about a big pirate appearing in the East China Sea, so we came here to understand the situation. My name is Shanks , the captain of the red-haired pirates."

As he spoke, Shanks looked at Kevin, obviously waiting for Kevin to give his name.

However, the appearance changed by the transformation technique is just for practicing sword practice every day without wearing a mask.

Everyone calls themselves just sir, and they never even think of a name for the vest.

So...withdraw now?

But I really have difficulty naming it.

However, as soon as he hesitated, Kevin saw the distrust in the eyes of Shanks, who was still smiling.

"I am Koshiro, the teacher of this Shuangyue Dojo."

The other party didn't care about Koushiro's words and still looked at Kevin.

next moment……


The buzzing sound swept through the door of the entire dojo like a sweep, and for a moment, a wave of air surged out with Kevin and Shanks as the center.


A student in the dojo couldn't bear it and fainted to the ground, followed closely by students one after another.


Kuina and Zoro, who had just heard the sound and rushed over, sat down on the ground.

"What...what's going on?"

Zoro raised his hand to block something, but the violent beating of his heart almost made him faint.

Kuina on the side was also panting and put a hand on her chest: "No... I don't know. But this kind of momentum is like facing an extremely terrifying monster."


The famous sword Griffin was slightly unsheathed, and Shanks' domineering force became even more intense in an instant.

The smile that was originally on his face gradually faded, but he found that the guy opposite him still had a relaxed look on his face.


Zoro slapped his forehead and leaned back, fainting easily and happily.

Guina glanced at him and finally couldn't hold on and fainted.

At this time, Beckman behind the red hair said: "Stay away from the newcomers, if you don't want to faint."

Jesus Bu quickly pulled back, but the sniper rifle in his hand was vaguely aimed at Koushiro next to Kevin.

The captain cannot interfere in the duel, but he also cannot let the captain's battle be disturbed by the opponent. This is the responsibility of the sniper.

Soon, the point centered on the two people was cleared, and the only ones left were Koushiro and the red-haired Beckman and Lackey.


Overlord colors and domineering energy collided, and red thunder flashed in the sky.

Shanks, who exploded, found that the opponent still seemed to be using his full strength.

How is it possible that such a guy is unknown? !

"They all use knives, how about a competition?"

Kevin felt that there was some trouble. After thinking for a while, he said directly: "After forming my own pirate group, I made rapid progress."

The corners of Shanks' lips raised: "You are indeed a guy I know. But why don't I have any impression of your appearance?"

At this time, a black mark swam away on the ground.

But when he got close to Shanks, he was suddenly noticed by his appearance and pulled away to the right.

"It's good to see and hear."

Kevin's voice came from behind Shanks, and the shallow blow in his hand was ready to go.

The spatial coordinates did not fall, but Kevin activated Flying Thunder God at the moment the other party noticed.

A strong sense of fatality came over him, and Shanks felt that all the hair on his body stood on end. It was the domineering policeman who had seen and heard.


Suddenly retreating, Shanks' Griffin instantly pulled out his shield and moved it in front of him.

Two seconds later, the domineering atmosphere between the two dissipated.

Shanks' breathing was a little confused.

At that moment, he really felt like he would be cut in two. This fatal feeling made him understand the gap between the two.

But it is also obvious that the other party has no real murderous intention even though he knows his past.


The ability to suddenly disappear and reappear just now is by no means a reflection of speed!

That's teleportation!

In an instant, Shanks knew Kevin's identity.

Yes, only the cloaked man at the top of the Revolutionary Army who can change his appearance can be so unknown yet powerful and terrifying.

Unlike other pirates, Shanks's intelligence channels are not just Newsbird's newspapers.

The Shampoo Islands killed three Celestial Dragons, and the last time they killed one of CP's top combatants, and made the navy's candidate general, the one with the Shining Fruit ability, dare not land.

According to the intelligence, the two had a grudge against each other.

I just don’t know if the other party is clear.

The thoughts in his mind flashed by, Shanks sheathed his sword, showed a smile and said calmly: "I lost."

Kevin didn't speak, still looking at him.

At this time, all the students in the dojo had been emptied out and moved to the bed by Koushiro. Except for one or two newcomers in the red-haired pirate group who fainted, Beckman and others had already gathered around.

This time they did not tease their captain, but looked at Kevin extremely carefully.

Jesus Bu swallowed his saliva after finding a shooting spot not far away.

What was that just now?

How could there be someone with such speed?

Even he didn't see clearly, and he was behind the captain in an instant.

When the master of the dojo was transporting students, his attention was completely focused on that guy. How did he do it?

Unlike Jesus Bu, who had just joined, Beckman walked up to Shanks and looked at Kevin carefully. With the ability shown just now, he also guessed the identity of Kevin's cloaked man.

"I was wondering...if I should keep you all here."

As soon as Kevin's words came out, the atmosphere at the entrance of the dojo suddenly solidified.

Only Shanks said awkwardly: "Your Excellency, you didn't have any murderous intention just now, did you? And my crew members are not people who talk nonsense."

Beckman spoke in a deep voice: "The fundamental reason why we came to this island is that we also don't want big events to happen here in the East China Sea."


Kevin exhaled.

It's obvious that Shanks is a smart guy, and so is his co-captain Beckman.

Both of them understood what they meant.

Shimozuki Village is where Koushiro's dojo is located. Kozaburo has left Wano and settled here for many years. There is no reason to move away for his own reasons.

If his relationship with Shuoyue Dojo is known by the World Government, this place will be a perfect trap.

Even in order to erase herself, the five immortals that Marigio scolded a year ago might really be able to attack here directly.

After thinking for a moment, Kevin looked at Shanks and said, "If this place is discovered, you will be my first suspect."

Shanks raised his hands and said with a smile: "No, no. We are pirates, so we won't have anything to do with the World Government, right?"

Kevin met his smiling face and also showed an exaggerated smile: "That's not good, Shanks. Speaking of which, we should be the same age."


Just this sentence made Shanks confused.

He knows, he really knows!

How can it be? !

Everything that happened in the Valley of the Gods, even if he only knew about it because of Captain Roger's information, he was just a baby at that time, how could there be memory?

He was stunned for only a moment, and then Shanks scratched his head: "Although I know a little bit about you from the reward order, I really don't know that we are the same age. For this, how about we hold a banquet?"

Hahahaha, trying to get through.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, the red-haired pirate crew members on the side immediately began to boo.

Seeing that the scene became joyful, Jesus Bu also ran back.

He touched Lachilu: "What's going on? If we don't fight, we don't know each other?"

Lakilu chewed the bones and meat in his hand and whispered: "The boss has given in. This is the first time. But it is not embarrassing to face this person."

Jesus' face was full of doubts: "Who is this person? I didn't even notice the speed just now."

Lachilu, who was munching on meat, knew how to look at the formality. He held up the bones and meat in his hand and started the banquet.

As for Jesus Bu's doubts, there is no mention of them here that can be guessed. This is what the boss just promised.

And with the current strength of the pirate group, it is too early to go head-to-head with a guy with such a record.

In addition, the person opposite him is not alone, and the power behind him is not simply the strength of a pirate group.

"Banquet! Banquet..."

At this time, Koushiro, who had just settled all the students, also came out, narrowed his eyes and asked Kevin: "Are we becoming friends? I thought you had already solved it."

Kevin turned to look at him: "There are many people on the other side. If we start fighting, by the time I get here, I guess your dojo won't be able to open anymore."

Koushiro shook his head slightly: "It's true that it can't drive, but you don't need to shake people. Since more than a year ago, your sudden change has been too great."

"With such terrifying basic strength, even a simple swing of the sword can produce a slash. I don't even think you are a human being."


Kevin looked displeased: "If you don't know how to speak, just speak less. How come your words of envy turned into curses when they came to your mouth? Do you believe it or not that I tricked your daughter into joining the Revolutionary Army? I will leave this dojo for your retirement."

These words made Koushiro decide to shut up.

The conversation between the two made Shanks relieved, and then the members of the red-haired pirates went to the town to buy wine and meat.

Koushiro was happy and gave him seven or eight barrels of wine, but declined Shanks' invitation.

Shuangyue Village is just an ordinary village and cannot be related to pirates, but it can secretly be related to the revolutionary army.

[Note: Jesus Bu joined when Usopp was two years old, and Usopp was the same age as Luffy. In addition, Uta Luffy was two years old and was a baby when the treasure chest was discovered by Shanks. Moreover, there were Lachilu and Beckman in the picture. A wavy figure with a figure on his back was suspected to be Jesus Bu, but the time of addition was wrong. 】

[It is also said that Jesus joined a few years after Roger was executed, but this does not match the time of Usopp. 】

[This last point is not the time when Shanks stopped at Windmill Village, but combined with the time when Jesus Bu joined, the red-haired pirates were in the East China Sea at this point, so there is a high probability that they came to take a look. 】

[Also, the time when Red Hair became the Four Emperors was six years before the original time point, which was still very early. Overlord color and domineering is a natural talent, but when it comes to fighting right now, he should not even be as good as Kaido right now. 】

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