Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 149 Warring States wants to retire

"Didn't Mr. Lieutenant General see yesterday's newspaper?"

"I probably saw it this morning. Just now, the entire table in the base director's office was smashed to pieces."

"If it's Mr. Lieutenant General, it's understandable that he would be so angry. After all, Mr. Lieutenant General hates pirates the most."

"You don't hate it?"

"According to Mr. Lieutenant General, those bastards are the troublemakers on this sea!"

"Then we are...shit?"

At the training ground of the G5 branch, the marines of Unit 03 were startled by the sudden loud noise, and after hearing the curses coming from the windows, they began to talk in low voices.

It's just that in the current G5 branch, nearly 70% of the navy is a revolutionary army, and most of the islands within its jurisdiction have become hidden strongholds of the revolutionary army.

The other 30% are also feeling disgusted by what was reported in yesterday's newspapers.

Beside the training ground, Smoker, who had also finished his daily training, glanced at the base director's office upstairs: "The situation at the headquarters should be similar. Teacher Zefa should be very angry."

Tina frowned: "It's useless to be angry or angry. The navy can only abide by the orders issued by the World Government. Even the Marshal of the Warring States Period can't get the higher ups to change the implementation of this system."

Smoker glanced at her: "You are getting calmer now. If you were before... you still seemed to be much calmer than me."

"Not calm, Smoker."

Tina continued: "In comparison, you and I are not as knowledgeable and wise as Lieutenant General He and Marshal Warring States. So even we know where the real root cause of the sea is, wouldn't they know? ?”

After the words fell, Smoker fell silent.

It has been nearly two years since he was transferred from the headquarters to the G5 branch following Mr. Lieutenant General. He has seen much more than he did at the headquarters.

The powers of the naval branch in Sihai are simple. Although due to distance and communication reasons, the base commander may dominate the branch and bring disaster to one party, but compared to the New World.

There is a huge difference between sin and darkness.

In the past two years, the Navy has established another branch in the New World.

But just like the original G5, those navy should probably be called pirates.

Because they will... plunder non-franchised countries.

There are countless islands in the entire sea, and there are many that can be called countries, but among them, there are only a hundred or more countries that can pay heavenly gold.

This number changes every year. Some people quit because they can't pay, and there are also new people who join after massacring the population and being able to turn it over.

But those who cannot afford to pay and withdraw will have a 50% chance of destroying the country later, either by being robbed by neighboring countries, or by pirates or navy.

Yes, the navy can also raid non-franchised countries.

In countries where the population has dropped sharply after the massacre, after the labor force has declined, there are only two options, either to rob others, or to become a non-franchised country and be robbed by others after being unable to pay.

The cycle repeats itself, causing misery and despair to recur. Only places with large territories like Dressrosa or Alabasta in the middle part of the Grand Line, and the king is still a human being, can survive.

In the past two years of the new world, Smoker and Tina have truly seen the darkness of this world.

"Yeah, they know."

Smoker sighed, then took out a cigar and lit it: "So sometimes I think that I can be simpler. After all, I am just a navy man. I can only do the navy classification, right?"

Tina glanced at him: "Do you want to be as righteous as Lieutenant General Garp? You are just deceiving yourself and others."

After saying that, Tina turned around and headed towards the base director's office.

In her memory, Mr. Lieutenant General had never been so angry.

Even when he first came to the G5 branch, he slaughtered batches of the remaining navy here, and Marshal Warring States from the headquarters personally communicated and scolded him, but he was still pushed back by the Lieutenant General.

Mr. Lieutenant General, there is little sign of banging the table.

Base Chief's Office.

When Kevin saw Tina walking in, he said directly: "Prepare the warship, let's go back to the headquarters!"

These words made Tina stunned, but when she saw Kevin's eyes were slightly red, his hands clenched and Qing Jin burst out, she understood immediately.

As the fourth Marine in the youth training camp to win the title of Monster, he became a Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the Base Commander of the New World G5 Branch in just his twenties. Kevin's past is also spread among the Navy.

When I was born in the West Sea, my family and the village where I lived were destroyed by pirates. Only Mr. Lieutenant General survived among the dead.

Wandering and begging, he finally joined the navy in the town of Ruthgap, and this was how the name of the Executioner of the West Sea began to come about.

Because of his childhood wandering experience, he climbed up the ladder at all costs and obeyed the orders of the World Government. During the youth training camp, he said that he was Marie Joa's dog.

But also because of his life experience, he has been merciless to pirates since the beginning of the West Sea. Even those with fruit abilities who should be sent to Impel Down City according to the rules will still be killed without hesitation. it hatred of pirates that overwhelms loyalty to the World Government?

"Mr. Lieutenant General."


When going to the port of the G5 branch, Tina followed Kevin all the way. At this time, she seemed to have made up her mind: "Tina wants to go back with you."

Kevin shook his head slightly and said: "Your current military rank is only a major in the headquarters. Your return will not be of much use."

Soon the two of them were under the boat, and the navy on board was ready to set sail.

Tina stopped and looked at Kevin: "But it won't be much use for Vice Admiral to go back, right? The order of the World Government cannot be changed even by the Navy Headquarters. Didn't Vice Admiral say that during the Youth Training Camp?"


Kevin grinned and laughed dryly. He hadn't drunk water for a long time for this image. Fortunately, the sun was very strong in the G5 branch today.

"Tina...some things must be done by someone. If no one does it, then such absurdity will become a habit in the future."

"Let everyone know that someone is fighting with the gains and losses of one person. Some people fight desperately because the system of the Seven Warlords is wrong. This is the meaning."

"Then Tina can help you!"

Tina's expression was firm: "Vice Admiral should know that even if I was transferred from the headquarters to the G5 branch, the number of letters I received has never decreased!"

This made Kevin silent.

Facts have proved that there are really many licking dogs in this world, and the pink-haired girl is really beautiful. It seems that she has been licking dogs since the Youth Training Camp.

Only Smoker, a straight man, could be friends with such a pretty girl.

But then again, if Smoker wasn't a straight man, Tina might not have become friends with him.

Putting aside the thoughts that had gone astray, thinking that her reputation in the headquarters was indeed not very good, the plan would be much better with such a group of licking dogs.

"Let's go."

Kevin waved his hand and turned to get on the ship.

Tina hurriedly followed the cloudy and sunny weather, and when the warship began to sail, a figure carrying a suitcase rushed out of the base.

The reason why it was called rushing was that Smoker was holding a cigar, except for his head and the hand holding the suitcase, his entire body and back were covered with white smoke.

"Wait for me!"

"Stop the boat! Come together, you two!"

A stream of white smoke rushed onto the warship. Smoker put down his suitcase and looked at Kevin and Tina: "We came together when we came here. It's okay when we report back to the headquarters, but we have to come together when we are looking for trouble! You are really not nice!"

Tina rolled her eyes: "When you were in the youth training camp, you relied on the natural system challenges every day. What do you think you can do? Do you have as many connections as I do in the headquarters?"

Smoker choked for a moment, scratched his head and replied: "I am very strong now!"

Kevin on the side glanced at him: "This time when you go to the headquarters, Marshal Zhan Guo will be left to you to deal with."

( # Д)

Smoker was stunned: "You will rebel directly when you go back?"


Tina waved her hand and slapped him: "What are you thinking? You said you are very strong. If your personal force is useful, you can go and deal with Marshal Zhan Guo."

Smoker, who reacted, muttered, thinking that he should be isolated.


Three days later, Marine Headquarters, Marinford.


Zhan Guo hung up the Den Den Mushi in his hand with a face full of anger: "What does this bastard want to do! He directly abandoned the G5 branch and returned to Marinford. Does he want to come back to rebel?"

Kuzan, who had just returned, was brightened, but soon became lazy.

"It shouldn't be a rebellion. Kevin is not a fool. It is probably still the matter of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Haven't many officers and officers returned to Marinford in a hurry recently?"

Kuzan yawned and said: "I have done a lot of things recently, and I want to rest for two days. This month's vacation will be here. I will go down first, Marshal Zhan Guo."

Ignoring Zhan Guo's murderous look, Kuzan got up and left the office on his own.

Zhan Guo sat on the armchair and raised his hand to rub his forehead.

Of course, he knew why Kevin ran back without permission, and he also knew why many officers and officers of the headquarters returned to Marinford after completing their tasks during this period.

Even Kuzan, the bastard, took two days off at this time, also for the problem of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

But what can I do?

There is no way at all! The World Government issued a notice to the Navy, but there was no discussion.

Sengoku felt that he was increasingly nostalgic for the days when he was the admiral. Although he occasionally deviated from his original intention in the Sabaody Archipelago, he definitely didn't have as many troubles as he did now.

So that old bastard Garp is really smart!

Yes, and Garp!

The veins on his forehead bulged and throbbed slightly, and Sengoku looked at a piece of ordinary intelligence he had just received today.

This was an ordinary intelligence about the suppression of new pirates from the East China Sea, which strongly demonstrated the heroic reality of the navy hero Garp, who had solved pirates in the East China Sea in the past few years.

The head of the East China Sea branch obviously wanted to praise Garp in this document, but the time point in this document, combined with the other documents that Sengoku knew, showed new content.


How dare he? !

He really dared! Is there anything else that old bastard dare not do?

He has even scolded the Celestial Dragons more than once or twice. If it weren't for the influence of the title of Marine Hero, this old bastard should have entered Impel Down ten years ago!

[Note: In the original work, Ace was actually rescued by Whitebeard. After he went out to sea and became a supernova that year, Sengoku was about to take action but was interrupted by Whitebeard. In addition, Garp scolded the Celestial Dragons in front of Sabo's younger brother Stelly. This kind of behavior is often mentioned later. It was the influence of the Marine Hero that saved him. ]


Three documents in a row were taken by Warring States and handed to the goat with a bell beside him.

The document was quickly chewed and eaten, and Sengoku exhaled and looked out the window.

"Live a good life as an ordinary person. This is the best choice for you."

The bloodline of the Pirate King remains in the world, and the South China Sea incident that year had already caused an uproar.

Fortunately, the final action was leaked, and the group of pregnant women were finally released due to the impact. The dissatisfaction of the middle-level leaders of the Navy was also concentrated on Kevin, and finally calmed down.

If that child could live an ordinary life, Sengoku would choose to keep this secret in his stomach as long as he did not become a pirate.

But as long as he chooses to become a pirate, he must be killed as quickly as possible before the secret is exposed.

The era of great pirates is becoming more and more turbulent. The Pirate King Roger, who was once executed in Roger Town, has become a legend in the hearts of all pirates.

If his bloodline becomes a pirate and this secret is exposed, this child's appeal will be unparalleled and terrifying!

As a naval marshal, my greatest responsibility is to ensure the stability of this sea.

But now, both Garp and Kevin, that little bastard, are doing things to mess up the sea.

None of these guys understand me, they are all bastards!

"Dong dong dong."

"Come in."

There was a knock on the door, and Sengoku looked at his goat. He had already eaten the documents.

"What's up?"

"That... Marshal... Lieutenant General Kevin from the G5 branch... is back."

The navy who came in hesitated a little.

Warring States frowned and said: "That bastard left his post without permission. I asked him to come to my place when he arrived at the headquarters. What happened?"

The navy who came in didn't know what to say: "Marshal, it's better to go and see for yourself. Lieutenant General Kevin may not be able to get through now."

? ? ?

What does it mean?

As a naval marshal, I still need to greet that little bastard in person.

After thinking about it, Seng Guo walked towards the window on the other side and was stunned the moment he pushed it open.

At the port of Malinfando, a bastard kid wearing a cloak of justice was holding a banner with another kid, surrounded by the navy of the headquarters.

[The navy is not so weak that it needs pirates to enforce justice! Oppose the implementation of the Shichibukai system! 】

On the red banner that looks like a joke, there is this paragraph written in the same funny font.

But just such an outrageous behavior caused the middle and senior management of the Navy Headquarters to get into trouble.

Among the younger generation of the navy, no one is willing to admit that the navy is weak, and no one is willing to admit that they have reached the point where they need pirates to enforce justice.

It seemed like a funny sentence, but it directly pointed out the essence of the Shichibukai system.

In the era of great pirates, the navy's military strength pales in comparison. Using pirates to deter pirates is essentially letting pirates enforce justice.


Warring States slapped himself on the forehead, and the veins on the back of his hand that had just softened jumped even more fiercely this time.

He, who is known as a wise general, knew what kind of disturbance this little bastard was about to cause just by saying this.

And when did the headquarters major who was originally sent by Crane to keep an eye on that bastard rebel? Didn't you notify the headquarters of such a big move?

If he had known it in advance, even if he went to G5 on a moonwalk, he would have locked Kevin, the bastard, in the G5 branch to prevent him from coming back to act like a monster!

At this time, Lieutenant General He walked into the office, raised his hand to signal the navy who had just reported to go out, and then stood by the window and looked at the port in the distance.

"At this time, arresting him directly is not a good option."

Warring States sighed: "It's easy to rush down now and pin down this little bastard and imprison him, but this will confirm that we, the higher-ups, agree with this statement."

"But if you ignore it..."

After the next words, Warring States paused, as if he thought of something.

The crane behind him glanced at him: "If you don't pay attention, nothing will happen, right? This kid is very smart. He doesn't and dare not lead a group of people to attack Mary Joa, and no one will be willing to follow. "

"It is certain that the middle-level generals of the headquarters will be dissatisfied with the system of the Shichibukai, but having reached the level of the headquarters, they will all understand what the world government means to the navy."

"Even Zefa will agree to follow him in his mischief? Or the two lazy guys who insist on ambiguous justice, Kuzan and Porusalino will follow him to Marigioa to protest?"

Warring States eyes narrowed slightly: "Is returning to the headquarters in such an outrageous way part of his plan... In this case... Sakaski!"

"Did you think of it?"

He looked at Tina who was holding the banner for Kevin at the port: "Earlier today, Tina asked if Sakaski was at the headquarters. Because of Zefa, many people have come back early to report on their work recently, even Sakaski, who has a normal relationship with Zefa, is also back."

Warring States breathed out: "It seems that he wants to make progress too much. This bastard has a really bad reputation in the headquarters."

At this time, Kevin came down from the port with his head held high. He had not drank water for a day and had been in the sun on the boat all day. His skin was already white, dry and peeling.

The peeled lips were stained with blood, mainly because he tore them off himself. Otherwise, with his current physical condition, Kevin would find it difficult to look exhausted both physically and mentally.

As soon as we got off the boat from the port, a group of people saw the banners they held.

Among them, the word "weak" stimulates the sensitivity* of the younger generation.

No one wanted to admit this, so many people gathered around. However, despite the law, more and more naval forces gathered at the port.

"Why do we feel like we're going to be beaten?"

Smoker originally felt embarrassed, but now he was a little panicked.

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