Surrounded by so many people, some of whom were in the same period of the youth training camp, Smoker followed Tina, feeling that this act of holding a banner was a bit silly.

Soon, he noticed the hostility of his own navy.

"This bastard is back!"

"He is the one who obeys the orders of the World Government the most, right?!"

"Weak? We have never been weak! Even the pirates in the New World, we arrested a lot of them, you bastard!"

"Obviously I am a scumbag in the navy, but yet I did this..."

"I heard that this guy is the fourth guy in the youth training camp to win the title of monster. If I go up and beat him up now..."

"You can try."

Al said and glanced at the lieutenant of the headquarters next to him: "You know? There will always be some new pirates in the new world who will target those big pirates without knowing anything. Sometimes they even have bad luck. When encountering three other monsters, he will immediately choose to shoot.”


The lieutenant said sarcastically: "No matter whether Lieutenant General Porusalino, Lieutenant General Sakaski or Lieutenant General Kuzan, even if they attack with domineering power..."

The next moment, the lieutenant reacted and glared at Orr: "Are you mocking me?"

Al smiled: "No, I mean you can go up and try."

"Just try it!"

As he said this, he was about to go out to find trouble, but before he could take the second step, someone had already attacked him.

"Lieutenant General Kevin!"

The flying squirrel's voice sounded, and immediately all the navy in front of it separated to make way.

As he walked towards Kevin, their eyes met.

"You shouldn't have added the word weak."

Kevin faced him without showing any signs of weakness and pointed at the banner: "Can't you understand? What I said is that the navy is not weak and does not need pirates to enforce the name of justice."

"And I feel that whether you are weak or not is not up to you. I will not approve of the Shichibukai system, not now and in the future."

As he spoke, Kevin looked at all the marines: "Perhaps you have thought that I am not worthy of the name of the navy before, but when it comes to pirates, you must have always been aware of my attitude!"

"I am not a vice-admiral here, but just a navy. Legal plunder, the King's Shichibukai. Do you know what these two points mean to our navy?"

"It means that we can no longer suppress this so-called era of great pirates. It means that our navy is too weak. It is so weak that we need to rely on the power of pirates to deal with pirates, and the price is to push away the people who were originally protecting us. Come out and let this so-called Shichibukai plunder you!"

Kevin's husky voice echoed throughout the harbor.

"Are you proud?"

"In order to fight against a group of robbers, you push your relatives out of the way to be bullied by another group of robbers, and then happily unite with them to fight against one of them. Are you proud?"

"I am indeed a scum in the navy, but when it comes to dealing with pirates, I think those indifferent people are even more scum than me!"

The concept of secret exchange that I used in my previous life instantly aroused the indignation of this group of navy.

You must know that even in the age of the information explosion, this metaphor of changing concepts has become an old routine after a long time. It was invincible at the beginning.

At this time, some of Tina's licking dogs in the crowd also began to exert their strength.

"Lieutenant General Kevin's hometown was destroyed by pirates, so he never let any pirates go!"

"Aren't we equally dissatisfied? But only Lieutenant General Kevin dared to stand up!"

"The Navy has never been weak! Oppose the Shichibukai system!"

"We are the Navy! We don't need the help of bastards who are also pirates to destroy pirates!"

"Major Tina is so beautiful and brave, I really... seem to die for her!"

"Oppose the Shichibukai system!"

Something strange seemed to have been mixed into the angry crowd, and even Tina's face turned dark.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who had just stood up, was frowning as he listened to the cries around him, showing signs of being angry.

"Do you know what you are doing? Lieutenant General Kevin!"

The flying squirrel said, holding back the saber: "Let this headquarters fall into chaos and brand the future navy as weak! Guys like you are the source of chaos!"


He drew his sword and slashed like a caress, and the cold light from the blade flashed away.

Covered in armed domineering, the blade swept towards Kevin.


At the moment of the collision, a powerful momentum swept through and the crowd around them suddenly became silent.

But the next moment, everyone, including Seng Guo and He who were observing from the tall buildings, were stunned.

How can it be?

Although Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel may have just made a tentative strike, his domineering power has already been used, and his own sword skills have made him a permanent swordsman teacher in the youth training camp.

Such an attack, with one hand directly holding the blade?

"I have been comfortable for too long, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel."

Kevin casually let go of the blade: "Some things can be compromised, but on issues of principle, as a navy, you cannot compromise."

As soon as he finished speaking, the long knife struck again.

Obviously, even if he agrees with this sentence, something derived from dignity still makes him have to continue to take action.

The flying squirrel's strength was not bad, and the initial blow was just a result of insufficient intelligence.

With the addition of the talented steel skeleton, the hastily armed domineering blade cannot break through Kevin's domineering defense.

The iron fist collided with the blade, and the confrontation between the two was so domineering that even the newcomers who were retreating around them couldn't see clearly.

The black knife fell, and Kevin's side was also covered with armed colors, and he blocked the blade with one hand.

The next moment, a punch was thrown.


The figure flew out upside down, and Kevin stepped forward to face him.


There was another punch, and the flying squirrel blocked it with a long knife, but it flew out again.

Such power...

It is indeed a monster!


With his internal organs bleeding, the flying squirrel stood up and wiped the corners of his mouth: "No one is willing to accept such an insult, but our existence is also the reason why the sea can be stable. But what you do will cause the navy to fall into chaos!"

Kevin looked at the flying squirrel: "Then you should also know that the passage of time will not make everyone forget it, it will only make everyone take it for granted in the future."

The collision at the port made all the admirals' blood boil with excitement. Even if they couldn't see it clearly, they felt like they could be part of it.

Of course, except for a headquarters lieutenant.

The lieutenant who wanted to rush out and beat Kevin up at the beginning swallowed his saliva and looked at Al next to him: "Is this the power of monsters? Is this guy... really a human being?"

Al ignored him and stared closely at Kevin's collision with the flying squirrel.

How is such strength and defense possible?

Although there are strong and weak levels of armed domineering, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel's sword skills, coupled with the black sword wrapped in armed colors, are even enough to cut off glaciers.

Much stronger than myself!

Does such a character deserve the name of a monster?

By this time, what was originally thought to be a fierce battle was over.

After receiving two punches that damaged his internal organs, the flying squirrel knew that he had lost and there was already a gap.

This is not a life and death fight, and the flying squirrel does not disagree with the conversation just now.

When the system of the Shichibukai under the king formed a habit due to the silence of the navy, and this subtly believed that it was reasonable to grant legal plunder to pirates, it was a disaster for the navy.

"I still don't agree with your approach, but I am convinced by your intentions."

The flying squirrel stood up, sheathed his sword, turned and looked at all the navy: "I lost."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was ready to leave.

However, at this time, a burning feeling spread across the entire place.

Kevin also stared at the center of the sudden rise in temperature, a guy in a shirt and hat, whose right arm had turned into lava.

"No matter what the reason is, causing chaos in the navy in this headquarters is unforgivable!"

When the voice fell, the surrounding navy retreated again and again.

Compared to Kevin who is not a person with abilities, everyone knows Lieutenant General Sakaski's natural disaster ability, which is a terrifying power that can change the battlefield environment.

Among the crowd, Orr also retreated.

"A duel between two monsters? Facing such an opponent, can you still win, Kevin?"

Muttering in a low voice, there was another person beside Al.

Dibalu said: "We are no longer on the same level. Sometimes I feel that these guys who are called monsters are not the same species as us at all."

Knowing that he had the same feelings at the same time, Al felt much better at the moment.

I once taught the same class, but only a few years later, I couldn't even touch the other person's back. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Didn't this guy obey the World Government's instructions when he was in the youth training camp? But now..."

Dibaru interrupted Orr: "Because this time it's pirates. To a certain extent, it's not just one or two pirates, but the future navy's insistence and doubt on justice, and the Shichibukai's Institutions form habits.”

"You didn't go to the New World to garrison, so you don't know how bad the navy is on the front line. The G5 branch has been completely transformed under Kevin's management, but more of them will plunder non-franchised countries like pirates."

"The pirates are plundering legally, why can't the navy plunder legally? It's not a member country anyway, right?"

"Ordinary people won't be able to stop if they smell too much blood. The looted wealth will make them even more wanton."

A passage made Al stunned: "It's so chaotic over there? We don't have many tasks in the new world. It seems that Sihai is really a paradise."

Dibalu reached out and gently brushed the scar on his chest. If he hadn't taken a step back at that time, he would probably have been split into two pieces.

At the window of the building, Sengoku and He were also looking down.

"Sakaski is here, this little bastard has achieved his goal."

Warring States was filled with hatred: "I want to know now how this bastard will deal with the World Government after this place is over. If the position changes, the World Government will even target him."

Crane on the side shook his head slightly: "The explanation is too simple. The Shichibukai system issued by the World Government is not welcomed in the navy itself. This is a fact."

"Kevin is making such a fuss, do you think the five people on Mary Joa will give him a face to take back the system? He doesn't have that much face."

"Winning the Flying Squirrel was an unexpected surprise, but losing to Sakaski was part of his plan. Because he lost, he couldn't continue the fight, but he shouldn't lose anytime soon."

Warring States was stunned when he heard this.

"It shouldn't have reached this level yet, right? Sakaski is much older than him. They are both monsters, but even monsters need time to grow up."

He said: "If he is defeated in two or three blows, then his plan will be in vain, and he will only be the new clown of the department. So do you think this smart boy will not think of this?"

At this time, in the open space near the port of Marinefando, the surrounding navy retreated again and again.

But in fact, with this kind of tit-for-tat confrontation, it was impossible for Sakaski to use terrain-changing moves like Meteor Volcano.

"No matter what purpose you want to achieve, you cannot escape the responsibility for causing chaos in this department."

Sakaski looked at Kevin: "At the same time, the name of justice must never be insulted."

After the words fell, his figure suddenly rushed forward, and the lava-like fist of his right arm was blasted out the next moment.

Kevin turned his head to avoid it and kicked him out, his armed domineering energy suddenly erupting.


The lava in its abdomen opened in advance, and its huge power was habitually released, shattering the wooden planks of the port.

"Canine-toothed Red Lotus!"

The dog's head turned into lava fell down, and Kevin also punched out.


The lava flew and scattered, but was gathered by Sakaski before landing.

The violent impact shook the entire Marine Fando. Sengoku squinted his eyes, and the light on the lenses flashed away.

The blow just now was evenly matched.

"Domineering is good."

"the same as you."

Sakaski's condescending compliment was thrown back by Kevin.

Immediately afterwards, the two fought together again, and the collision between the armed domineering force and the lava even caused the entire island to shake.

Kevin's fist is much smaller than that of Lava, but every blow can bring out his weaponry and compete with the entire giant arm of Lava.

When there was a slight pause, every sailor around him could see his exertion, his dry and peeling lips, and his constant breathing.

Obviously, there is still a gap between Kevin, who is so much younger than Sakaski.

The collision continued, but the two people at the window were wondering.

"It seems that I really underestimated this bastard. I originally thought that like Kuzan and the others, he would need a certain amount of time to grow before he could become the navy's highest combat power."

Warring States said and glanced at He: "Do you think he is still acting? If he can deliberately control the situation in the battle with Sakaski, maybe it won't necessarily be Sakaski who becomes an admiral in two years. "

He replied: "In fact, after this incident, maybe the higher-ups will really consider what you said. After all, Kevin is one of their own, and he will also form his own appeal in the navy in the future."

"Tina's child, as well as the rebirth of Smoker and the G5 branch, are all due to his influence to some extent."

Sengoku frowned.

He knew about the domineering power of knowledge and knowledge that could influence the hearts of others, but it was obvious that Kevin was not to this extent, so was he just relying on himself?

At this time, lava was already scattered in the open space, and the fire created an isolation zone around it.

Kevin gasped and looked at Sakaski: "It's really scary. Is this kind of power the highest combat power of the future navy?"

Sakaski replied: "Just go ahead and capture Kevin. The flying squirrel is right. You have become the source of chaos. This is something that justice cannot allow!"

Kevin chuckled: "So Lieutenant General Sakaski's justice is to allow the emergence of legal plunder rights?"

The sound passed through the surrounding lava flames, allowing everyone to hear it clearly.

And Sakaski also frowned: "You're so clever."

As the words fell, a stream of lava erupted from the ground, trying to devour Kevin like a vicious dog.


He turned back and punched down, and his armed domineering energy blocked the lava. But in his lifetime, Sakaski was closing in.

"You lost! Kevin..."

Crossing his arms to block, a huge force and heat came over him.

But compared to the confrontation a few years ago, Kevin could clearly feel that in this collision, Sakaski could no longer keep up with him in terms of pure physical strength.

But you still have to fly out, otherwise how can you lose?

Although I don't know if it can kill the opponent in its full state, but now the pure physique and dual-color domineering of this vest can be used 50-50.


Kevin immediately relaxed and was knocked out, breaking two trees before stopping.

"You... are the real monsters."

Seeing that Kevin didn't get up, Sakaski also knew that the other party meant to admit defeat, so he waved his hand to let the medical department enter.

"Being without permission has caused chaos in the headquarters port. Your crime will be determined by the higher ups."

Sakaski looked at Kevin and said, "Although I won't be imprisoned in Impel Down, you need to calm down for a while."

Kevin, who was being carried on a stretcher, coughed: "Confinement is inevitable, isn't it? But this way the Navy will know that someone is protesting. This is the biggest gain."

Without speaking again, Sakaski left here directly.

He implements absolute justice, and he is dissatisfied with the Shichibukai system, but in comparison, he also feels that Kevin's approach is not justice.

The window of the Marshal's office.

"it's over."

He's eyes narrowed slightly: "The power of Sakaski's blow just now was his full strength, but Kevin paused before flying out."

Warring States was stunned: "If it was intentional, then Kevin's progress seems a bit scary, and he has not eaten any Devil Fruit, and there is no risk of falling into the sea from the Sea Tower Stone."

With a simple sentence, He already understood what Sengoku was thinking.

After the first cooperation with Wano, Kevin gained the trust of the navy to a certain extent.

Coupled with the emergence of the Shichibukai system, the navy's three highest combat capabilities must be formed as soon as possible, otherwise the navy will gradually lose control of the sea.

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