Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 166 Whitebeard Newgate’s Invitation

Because of Tiger, Jinbei and Aaron, the Giloncourt Square on Fish-Man Island was surrounded by fish-men, and each one of them was malicious towards Kevin.

Some of the female fishmen just held the children in their arms and covered their eyes, not wanting the children to see the bloody scene that followed.

The noise of killing humans all around made Aaron in the center even more complacent.

Jinbe frowned. Although he also hated humans, he didn't want to kill them.

"kill him!"

"Avenge your compatriots!"

"Evil humans!"

"Boss Tiger, this human is not with you, right?"

Amid the commotion, Tiger felt his head buzzing.

Although he knew that his compatriots were not friendly to humans before, the current situation was something he had not expected.

It seems that in recent years, they are not the only compatriots captured by humans on Mariejoia.

But... Mr. seemed to be letting the situation escalate, and stopped himself from stepping forward in the first place.

While Tiger was pondering Kevin's thoughts, Aaron, whose past dissatisfaction with humans was ignited by the atmosphere, clenched his hands and walked out.

"Human, you shouldn't be here. You cruelly enslaved my compatriots, and now we also want you to know what pain is."

Kevin looked at him: "You haven't answered my question yet: Do you think the law of the jungle is the truth? Who is stronger, then the resistance of the weak is meaningless? Building your own happiness on the pain of the weak is what you agree with ”

As he spoke, Kevin looked at all the fishmen surrounding this place: "Is this what you think?"

For a moment, the noisy fish people froze in their enthusiastic expressions.

Just like what Kevin said to Princess Otohime in Ryugu Castle, there will be good and evil in every race, but more good and evil come from the experience of developing cognition and the knowledge received.

Among the murlocs gathered here, the female murlocs with emotional inner feelings were the first to show their unbearable expressions.

I want to say something but I can't.

"Demagogue people! Kill this human being for the sake of his dead compatriots!"

A voice sounded, and soon a conformer appeared.

Given a reason, when the reason is still hatred, the pain in the past will naturally be infinitely amplified and the original empathy will be persuaded.

"Human, do you want to pray? It's a pity that your plan failed."

Aaron's webbed hands were varicose: "Next, I will make your body full of holes and die in pain while wailing!"

Under Kevin's feet, a black space coordinate swam, attached to Aaron's neck and disappeared.

At this moment, Kevin appeared directly behind him.

At the same time, a hand was pressed on the back of his neck.

"So now, you think I can take your life at will, right?"

For a moment, the touch on his neck made Aaron's whole body stiffen, and his eyes were fixed on the place where Kevin disappeared just now.

How... how is it possible?

There was no trace, he just disappeared in front of him and appeared behind him.

How could such speed be possible?

Human beings, how could that happen?

Hit the water!

The next moment, several water droplets hit Kevin.

Next to Aaron, Jinbei's eyes were extremely solemn at this moment.


A hand was waved, without even any trace of the hardening of the armed domineering force, and when it didn't come into contact with the water droplets that were rushing towards it, it smashed them all into pieces.

This scene made Jinbei stunned. He also didn't see any trace of the speed just now, and he also guessed that this human being might be very strong.

But such an understatement...

So the previous questions were all mocking them?


Kevin's hand casually patted the back of Aaron's neck, then took it back and walked to the opposite side of Aaron and Jinbei.

Look around.

"So now can you tell me, I have the power to kill all of you. As a strong man, can I kill you at will?"

After the words fell, the fish people, who were also shocked by the scene just now, came back to their senses.

The fish people looked at each other, and then...

"No matter how fast he is, we have already surrounded him! No matter what, we cannot let a human bully us on Fish-Man Island!"

"Everyone, come together. With Boss Tiger here, we will definitely kill him!"

"Arrogant humans! We are not cowards!"

"Kill him!"

There were many such roars in the crowd, but the next moment...


A strong momentum erupted, and red thunder exploded.

Everyone seemed to be facing a terrifying monster, and the beating of their hearts could be clearly heard at this moment.

At the touch of a button, Kevin's eyes under the mask remained calm: "So now, you should believe that I do have the power to kill all of you. So according to your logic, do I have the power to dominate your lives?"


A series of murlocs fell to the ground, gasping for air.

At that moment, they really felt the fear of dying.

Fierschteiger also looked at Kevin in surprise, but then he was relieved.

For a man with the will to change the whole world, isn't it inevitable that he has the aptitude to be domineering and domineering?

Jinbei on the side was also panting. He had not experienced many changes yet, and naturally he had not grown to the level he would be in the future.

"Human...what do you want to say?"

Jinbei glanced at Aaron who was slumped on the ground next to him: "You didn't kill him, and your momentum just now didn't make everyone faint. What was your purpose?"

Kevin spread his hands: "I was just passing by here, wasn't I? But you and he stopped me, and placed on my head the suffering that fishmen suffered from humans in the past, and planned to kill me here for revenge, right? ?"

As he spoke, Kevin looked around: "I just asked you about your logic, so now it's obvious that I am stronger than all of you. Can you say that your lives are controlled by me?"

For a moment, the murlocs who had just been stirred by the atmosphere fell silent.

Some of them still looked at Kevin angrily, but most of them were really thinking about his words.

"In fact..."

Kevin paused, then continued: "I can understand your resentment. After all, in the past, many of your compatriots and even relatives were captured and sold as slaves by humans."

"You who live under the sea, as intelligent beings in this world, also yearn for the sunshine and blue sky on the sea, as well as the trees and flowers on the land... That is a scenery that many of you have not seen since you were born."

"But it wasn't me who arrested your compatriots and relatives, wasn't it?"

Aaron, who sat up on the side, stared at this place: "They are human beings just like you!"

Kevin turned back: "But there are also humans among the captured slaves, and the same is true among the slaves killed by the Draco on Mariejoia. Your relatives were captured and sold into slavery, and you are not the only ones who hate them. , and a lot of ordinary humans.”

"So do you think that all human beings are the same?"

Jinbei frowned and looked at his big brother Tiger.

Tiger also understood Kevin's thoughts at this moment, and used this unexpected incident to explain the good and evil in the race.

"There have been extremely heinous criminals on Fish-Man Island, and the same is true among humans. Those who capture slaves do not represent all humans."

Tiger looked at his fellow humans around him: "In the past few years of traveling in the human world, I can feel the fear of ordinary humans towards me, but it comes from the unknown. In the Grand Line, there are also humans who understand fishmen who treat me indifferently. Treat each other.”

"Of course, because of money, there are also human trafficking organizations who want to arrest me. But isn't this a normal manifestation of a race? There are both good and evil, and the same is true among us fishmen."

Kevin stepped forward, pulled Aaron up, reached out and patted his shoulder: "If the strong can kill the weak at will, then the world will be full of blood. And even if the Fish-Man Island is 10,000 meters away, The seabed below will also be targeted.”

"I remember that the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates is currently flying on Fish-Man Island, right? The pirate known as the strongest man in the world is also a human being, and he is also a pirate, but because of his empathy, he can I’ll lend you the pirate flag.”

"So do you think the Whitebeard Pirates should also bear responsibility for those human trafficking organizations? There is no such reason..."

Aaron was pulled up and clenched his hands into fists, but under the impact of the domineering aura just now, he could not muster the courage to show off.

His stubborn character made it difficult for him to agree, but he had some brains that told him that this statement was reasonable. doesn't make sense.

Jinping was the first to agree with what Tiger said, and he bowed sharply towards Kevin: "I'm very sorry for your malice. What you and Boss Tiger just said made me understand that there are also kind-hearted people among human beings." People, like ourselves, have both good and bad qualities.”

"So... I am not praying for life because of your strength, but I hope to be forgiven for my recklessness just now."

There are very few people who can apologize immediately after being persuaded, such as Aaron and the fishmen who were watching at this time.

He couldn't lose face, and he still apologized to a human being.

Kevin smiled, looked at Tiger and said: "There is a good prospect among your younger brothers. Being able to face one's own heart is a prerequisite for a strong will. I'm afraid his combat power will not be weaker than yours in the future. "

Said and ignored the group of fishmen who were still in embarrassment, Kevin patted Jinbei on the shoulder, and then continued to leave the square with Tiger and headed towards Fishman Street.

Jinbei behind him had a somewhat complicated look in his eyes, and after glancing at Aaron, he followed him.

He felt that this human being had wisdom that he had never understood before, and he wanted to follow it and maybe get more insights and knowledge.

The originally surrounding murlocs dispersed, and Tiger and Kevin headed toward the murloc street, followed by Jinbei.

In the end, Aaron, who was standing still, also ran over, leaving only the angry murlocs, still thinking about what they just said.

Ten minutes ago, at the entrance to Fish-Man Island, a ship that looked like the mouth of a whale was entering.

On the coated ship, a pirate flag with a white beard was hoisted. At the same time, slightly younger pirates were lying on the deck, trying to get a clear look at Fish-Man Island immediately.

"Is this Fishman Island? It's really beautiful!"

"Is there a mermaid? Have you seen it?"

"Where are the mermaids? Where?"

The newcomers were full of curiosity, while the old people on the side looked at everything with smiles on their faces.

They weren't much better back then, but now they are well-informed old people and won't yell so much.

King Neptune and Princess Otohime of Fish-Man Island, as well as the newly born princes who came last time, are all mermaids.

Hmm...but the female mermaids at the Mermaid Cafe are really beautiful.

It’s not easy to come here. No matter what, I have to have a cup of coffee soon.

"Halta, be careful not to fall."

Margao gave instructions to the newcomers.

Jozi on the side smiled and said: "When you first came here, you were no better than they are now. It seems that someone almost fainted when he saw the beautiful mermaid girl for the first time in just two sentences."

Margao scratched his pineapple head helplessly: "I just want them to pay attention to their safety, captain, and dad also reminded me, didn't I?"

At this time, a fish-man with shark fins also looked in the direction of Fish-Man Island and knelt down, his eyes filled with tears.

Seeing this scene, the white-bearded Newgate, who had been sitting back, glanced at Margao.

So, as the traditional leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, Margao stepped forward to comfort him.

Although he was almost sold into slavery, isn't he back safe and sound now?

Soon, the Whitebeard Pirates, who entered Fish-Man Island through regular channels, were greeted by King Neptune and Princess Otohime.

Whitebeard stood up: "Sons, cheer for Namur to return to his hometown!"

In an instant, everyone on the pirate ship raised their arms and cheered, and some old people even lifted Namuir up.

After disembarking from the ship, Whitebeard and Neptune walked together and expressed that their trip to Fishman Island was mainly to bring back a fishman who had been rescued from a slave trader.

However, the fishman was obviously affected by the atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he knelt down and called daddy without much hesitation, giving Whitebeard another son and Margao another task of bringing up new people.

So this time it can be said that I am sending Namuel home, or it can be said that I am sending him back to have a look, and after explaining, he will return to the new world with the Whitebeard Pirates.

In Ryugu Castle, the new pirates were shouting on the giant bubble flounder's vehicle.

However, as soon as he arrived at the banquet hall, Whitebeard noticed the domineering and overbearing aura of Fish-Man Island that was about to end.

"King Neptune, it seems that a very strong guy came to Fishman Island today. Ku La La La, it's really interesting. Didn't you know that this is my territory?"

Whitebeard laughed, thinking that the other party should be a pirate who came to take advantage of the mermaid.

Just when he was about to take his sons to kill the other party, Neptune quickly explained: "That person is also a guest of Fish-Man Island and a compatriot who saved three Fish-Man Islands. His momentum just now may be a misunderstanding."

"Is that so?"

Whitebeard lowered his aura: "I haven't seen such a domineering look in a long time. Do you know the name of that guest, King Neptune?"

Neptune shook his head slightly: "Just call him sir, wearing a mask. You should know Newgate, the man whose bounty was recently increased again by the World Government to 3.2 billion beli."

The cloaked man of the Revolutionary Army?

What is that guy doing in Fish-Man Island?

The Whitebeard Pirates had no contact with the Revolutionary Army, and most of their knowledge of the Revolutionary Army came from newspapers.

In fact, Newgate didn't even care much about Ralph Drew. In his life, only his relatives were the only things worthy of his care.

However, Fishman Island is now his son's hometown. If the revolutionary army plans to do something here, he feels that it is better to find out.

"Jozi, Bista and Izo."

After the words fell, three of the sons who followed him came out: "Dad."

Newgate said: "Go to the place where the domineering power just broke out, and make an appointment with the revolutionary army in the name of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Jozi wondered: "Dad, do you want to see him? If so, can we just bring him here?"

Bista on the side said: "The Revolutionary Army is not a small player, Jozi. Although his reputation has not always been prominent, the bounty of the cloaked man has increased repeatedly but the World Government has never explained the reason. There is a lot in it."

Izo, who has never returned to Wano Country since he and Oden separated on the Whitebeard Pirates' ship, agreed with Bista's statement at this time.

They firmly believe that the Whitebeard Pirates are the strongest, but the Revolutionary Army is also no small player.

If you take people with you according to Jozi's statement, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

"Ku la la la... Bista is right, the revolutionary army is not a small player who has just entered the new world."

Newgate smiled happily, but also said to Jozi: "Of course, you who bear the name of me are not small characters either! Go ahead and make an appointment with him in my name."

The Extra Large Bubble Flounder took the three of them back to Fish-Man Island, but Neptune did not interrupt.

Fish-Man Island is protected by the Whitebeard Pirates. He has already explained that the gentleman is a guest of Fish-Man Island, so Newgate naturally has his own considerations in wanting to meet him.

At the same time, Kevin and Tiger sat at a table in the Mermaid Cafe.

Tiger was in high spirits. Just after leaving the square, he introduced the surrounding environment and what happened in the past.

After sitting down, Tiger thought for a while and then asked: "Did you do that on purpose, sir?"

After looking at the two door gods who came over and stood behind Tiger, Kevin took off his mask, and behind the smoke his face turned into a fairly handsome human being.

"When we met by chance, I just wanted to be able to explain the truth to your compatriots. After all, not every fishman has the experience of suffering with humans."

[I’d like to ask you guys a favor. Monthly tickets will be doubled on the 28th. Can you let the author of the street fight draw a prize? One thousand is enough, but there are still more than 500 left. 】

[8,000 updates a day, 10,000 updates a month, 20 days of updates a day, I beg you all to show mercy to the author, and cast your monthly vote on the 28th. 】

[Boss Dragon God, and all the other bosses, on the 28th, the day after tomorrow! Double the day after tomorrow! 】

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