Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 167 Jinbei is thoughtful and understanding

Although sometimes he would lend a helping hand to Sanji and Lujiu because of the characters in his memory, and he would give Trafalgar Law the fruits of his surgery and explain the hidden dangers because of his potential.

But his determination to change the world has also kept Kevin from taking his anger out on others because of the anger he remembered from his previous life.

For example, Aaron in front of him, or Jinbei who also took action against him before.

If you want to make this world what you want it to be, force is indispensable, but force is only part of it.

It is true that he could kill the murlocs surrounding him in a rage, or break his hands and feet, but even if he threw him at the entrance of Dragon Palace City, Neptune could not do anything to him.

But if you do this, your strong will will become a joke.

Murlocs hate humans, ordinary people are afraid of murlocs, and slave-catching teams capture murlocs. In fact, the good and evil in this situation are clear and simple from the perspective of a person with the values ​​of the times.

Kevin glanced at the two doorkeepers behind Tiger: "Don't stare at me like that. Although this face is almost as handsome as my real appearance, it is definitely not what I really look like."

Aaron hummed in a low voice: "Humans who are as timid as mice."


The next moment, a big bag covered the back of his head, causing him to stagger.

"Who? Bastard!"

Aaron, who was covering the back of his head, looked around, only to find that the mermaids in the cafe were far away, looking at him blankly.

Kevin, who flashed back and forth, looked at this fool with a half-smile but not a smile: "Although life is neither noble nor cheap, as a guest of Dragon Palace City, there are also guests who are much better than you. I think you should learn to respect it, right?"

Jinbei covered his face and didn't want to look at the opponent next to him who grew up in Fishman Street. He just cursed in a low voice: "Idiot."

On the way here, Boss Tiger had informed him of this person’s identity.

A big shot with a bounty of 3.2 billion... What kind of courage allows you to speak like this?

Although the voice was low, it was obvious that Aaron heard it.

He just rolled up his sleeves and said, "What did you just say, you bastard? You want to fight, right?"


As soon as Tiger, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth, he suppressed Aaron's anger that was about to burst out.

Tiger looked at him with a serious look: "You must respect your husband. He saved my life and it is also related to the future of Fish-Man Island."

"You hate the condescending attitude of the humans on the Chambord Islands, so now you have become like them, condescending to those who are weaker than you..."

"So now...haven't you become what you once hated?"

After the words fell, Aaron's face turned ugly, but he did not dare to refute.

Fish-Man Street was once a place to take in the orphans of Fish-Man Island, but later it became a illegal zone in a sense on Fish-Man Island due to various reasons.

Under such circumstances, the fish-men children who are orphans naturally need to fight fiercely if they want to survive.

Even Jinbei, who was very principled and moral in his memory, still had a ruthless reputation from Fishman Street at this time.

"Human...Mr. Human, this is your coffee."

The female mermaid waiter was a little nervous.

Kevin casually thanked him and nodded.

Hmm...very beautiful.

It seems that there are no young female mermaids who are not beautiful, but after they get older... you can refer to the one in the Seven Waters Capital.

"You and your sister have completely different personalities... This mermaid cafe is located in Coral Hill. The waiters are mermaids, but many of the manual laborers in the kitchen are murlocs, and they are not very old."

Kevin said and looked at Aaron: "Your sister is only fourteen years old, right? In contrast, you don't seem to have done anything meaningful other than being competitive."


Aaron was still unconvinced.

The waiter carrying the dinner plate was a little panicked. She knew the store manager's brother, and even knew Jinbei and Tiger Boss.

"It's okay. Also, if your store manager comes back, can you notify me? I want to see her."

The waiter glanced at Boss Tiger and nodded frantically: "Okay... okay, Mr. Human."

After leaving, the waiter quickly entered the kitchen. It was obvious that she had a mission to bring the coffee, and now she was going back to report.

There have been no humans here on Fish-Man Island for a long time, not to mention the fact that Tiger, the leader of Fish-Man Street, is accompanying him.

The chat returned to the main topic. Kevin took a sip of the specialty coffee here and felt that it was not as good-looking as the mermaid sisters.

"The unknown creates fear. This sea is cut between the red earth continent and the windless zone. Ordinary humans have never seen fish-men. There is no reason why they think they are monsters without communication."

"The human trafficking organization in the Shampoo Islands captures fishermen. Ordinary humans are afraid of you, so they naturally form an opposition."

Kevin instilled new knowledge into Tiger: "But after traveling for several years, you should also know that there are more human beings in this world with more tragic fates than you on Fish-Man Island."

"The population of Fish-Man Island is over five million. With this number, the number of people who die every year in the world due to various reasons may be more than this number, Tiger."

The coffee placed in front of Tiger remained untouched. At this time, the red-skinned fishman in front of him frowned and clenched his hands.

Before he was taken to Mary Joa, he had indeed traveled on the sea and seen many things.

The pirates plundered the human town, and the old man was taken away because he couldn't pay the Tianshangjin.

Although he was born in Fishman Street, unlike Aaron, he still has his bottom line and kindness.

He saved the village that was robbed by a group of small pirates. The young people were afraid of his appearance, but there were also old people kneeling on the ground to thank him for his help.

He was betrayed, and someone notified the navy afterwards, and someone in the navy notified the slave-catching team for money.

He was truly grateful. The villagers took out the only food to entertain him. When they learned that someone was catching him, they let him escape from the mountain road behind the village. An old man was knocked to the ground by the slave-catching team.

It was precisely because of these experiences that he empathized with humans with the same tragic fate on Mary Geoise, and if Kevin hadn't appeared, he would have made up his mind to climb the 10,000-meter-high Red Earth Continent to liberate all the slaves.

Not everyone can have this courage, especially after experiencing the slavery of the Celestial Dragons, the fear of being unable to resist will go deep into the bone marrow.

Even the future empress would tremble and become vulnerable because of the hoof mark of the Sky Dragon on her back.

"Sir... good and evil have no racial distinction, right? Or, good and evil should never be distinguished by race."

Tiger's words made Jinbei's eyes light up.

And Kevin also looked at them: "Along. I never said that it was wrong for the fish people to avenge their enslaved compatriots, but it shouldn't be said that they were enslaved by humans, right? The human trafficking organization in the Sabaody Archipelago, I killed batch after batch earlier, do you think I am in the same group with them?"

"The root of distinguishing right from wrong is the inner values. Incompetent rage, because you can't defeat the people who hurt you, you pour your anger on the innocent weak, and find an excuse for yourself, they are all human."

"But you should also know that those sins also enslave humans, right? They are all oppressed lives in this world. Instead of uniting to resist them, they have to hurt each other. Who do you think will benefit from this approach?"

After the voice fell, Aaron, who had been indignant at this moment, no longer showed disdain, but was really thinking about what Kevin said.

Sometimes, force doesn't have to be used for killing. It can also make people with rigid ideas calm down and listen to you.

If Nami from the future Cocoa Village talks to Arlong at this moment, she will be greeted with ridicule and a beating.

But after seeing Kevin's force in the square, both Arlong and Jinbei were able to calm down and listen to Kevin's words. This is also the necessity of force.

These words made the three fishmen in front of him fall into their own thoughts.

The power of Fishman Island, in addition to Shirahoshi, who is only a little over one year old in Ryugu Castle, Neptune's guards are also a force.

But compared with them, the group of fishmen who grew up wildly in Fishman Street, the backbone of the next two generations of fishman pirates, were born here.

Of course, what we are talking about here is not the fishman pirates of Arlong in Cocoa Village, but the fishman pirates who first became famous in the New World with Felsher Tiger as captain and later with Jinbei as captain.

"First... sir."

Jinbei hesitated, and finally his eyes gradually became firm: "I think... I think all oppressed... no matter the race, no matter human or fishman, should unite! Only by uniting can we have the power to resist."

Kevin laughed when he heard it.

This trip to Fishman Island, getting such a response is the most gratifying moment.

Even Little White Star is not as cute as the fathead fish in front of him at this moment.

"Not bad."

Kevin stood up and pulled out a chair next to the round table for him: "Sit down. What you just said is exactly what our revolutionary army has been doing. Unite all the oppressed races and overthrow all the oppressors who step on our backs and suck blood and marrow!"

The fathead fish killer whale fishman blushed a little, but was pressed by Kevin to sit down.


Kevin smiled and looked over: "Now do you know why I said those things in the square? Compared with the indoctrination of others, the thoughts you understand will be more firm."

At this time, Aaron, the only one standing, looked at Jinbei with disdain.

"Even if I'm 10,000 meters under the sea, I can see how huge the World Government is. Those so-called slave traders are definitely not the oppressors you mentioned, right?"

Kevin looked over with a smile: "So you're giving up the hatred of your compatriots just because they're strong? Even if your compatriots will continue to be captured and sold as slaves in the future?"

Aaron was stunned when he heard this.

He didn't want to admit that he was weak, but he also knew clearly how powerful that group of people was.

The so-called fishmen's strength is ten times that of humans, but it's just self-deception.

The group of humans on the sea, the strong ones are like natural disasters. The admiral stationed in the Sabaody Archipelago, the laser fired at will is as powerful as a cannon.

Kevin ignored him and looked at Jinbei: "Will you come? Come and see the thoughts of the Revolutionary Army and the reality of this world. How to choose, it all depends on you in the end."

Jinbei was really stunned at this moment.

The fathead fish's eyes widened, as if surprised that he was invited.

Although he resigned from the King's Army in order to travel with Boss Tiger, he never thought that so many unexpected things would happen in one day.

After the previous conversation, he already knew the gentleman in front of him, but the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army, who were newly offered a bounty of 3.2 billion beli, neither the World Government nor the Navy could do anything to him.

Such a powerful being was inviting him at this moment.

"Jinbei, it seems that you are really different. Even I took the initiative to ask to join the revolutionary army."

Tiger looked at his little brother with relief, knowing that Jinbe's fishman karate was taught by him personally.

"Big Brother...I...can I really do this?"

Jinbei was a little embarrassed. At this time, he did not have the courage to dare to take action against BiGMOM in the future.

At this time, the door outside the private room of the Fishman Cafe was pushed open.

A strong human almost scared the mermaid girls, but soon behind the strong human, a smiling man with a beard came out.

"Jozy, I told you you'd scare these beautiful ladies."

"Are you saying I look scary Bista?!"

"How could it be? But these mermaid ladies don't know how gentle you are, Jozi."

Bista was explaining, and at this moment, Yizo started talking to the mermaid ladies by virtue of his outstanding appearance.

After Bista showed up, the senior waiters at the Mermaid Cafe all knew him and were relieved.

But there are so many humans on Fish-Man Island today... Boss Tiger just brought one in.

"I would like to ask if a human came here before?"

Not in the same group? Wasn't that human from the Whitebeard Pirates just now?

The mermaid lady was stunned and subconsciously glanced at the single room in the cafe.

Yi Zang nodded and thanked: "Thank you."

Then he waved to his two companions simply and directly, indicating that he had found the target.

Bista walked in front of Jozi this time: "We'll go in first later, otherwise Jozi's expression might make that guy think we're here to fight."

Qiaozi said dissatisfied: "I know what dad told me. The one who can be rewarded with a reward of 3.2 billion beli. Although we are not afraid, there is no need to have conflicts."

Izang, who was walking at the front, helplessly held his forehead: "Let me negotiate. That person represents not just him personally, because of the Revolutionary Army, and this is the territory protected by Dad, so he should want to ask The other party’s purpose.”

Just as they were talking, the three of them had already walked to the door of the single room.

However, just when Yi Zang was about to knock on the door, the sound inside piqued his interest, and his hand did not drop to knock on the door.

A few seconds later, Jozi grinned from behind: "What a terrible idea... Although I have always known about the opposition between the Revolutionary Army and the World Government, but such a clear expression..."

Before he finished speaking, a voice came from the single room.

"You three should come in. If you leave like this, I might leave you here for the safety of Fish-Man Island."

A big shot with 3.2 billion Baileys, the three of them knew that such a being must be proficient in domineering.

The reason why I didn't knock on the door in time just now was because I was attracted by the conversation in the private room.

But now, in addition to feeling that the other party is a bit arrogant, there is also the embarrassment of being caught eavesdropping.


The door to the single room was pushed open, and Izo, who was at the front, bowed and said, "I'm really sorry. I overheard your conversation because I hesitated for a few seconds."

Kevin looked at the man in front of him who was clearly wearing Wano costumes.

Sure enough, it is the same as Kiku no Cheng. No, Kikuchi Cheng is more androgynous than his brother.

"The...captain of the Whitebeard Pirates? If it's you, there's no problem."

There was some misunderstanding in these words, which made Bista frown behind him: "You seem a little arrogant, right? There is no problem with the Whitebeard Pirates. Do you want to say that you can keep all of us?"

Kevin waved his hand: "I misunderstood. I just want to say that Fish-Man Island is Whitebeard's territory, so you will not take what I just said to the World Government from the standpoint of Fish-Man Island."

Hearing this, the initially tense atmosphere relaxed, and Bista scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I just understood it wrong."

Qiao Zi behind him squeezed him away: "You also said that I would cause misunderstanding?"

After the three people came in, the single room became a bit small.

However, Tiger and Jinbe still stood up and said hello. Although they did not have much interaction with the Whitebeard Pirates, they both knew that the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates protected Fish-Man Island.

In the slightly crowded single room, Yi Zang said: "Because we just arrived here when Your Excellency burst out his domineering power, and after realizing that I heard from King Neptune that Your Excellency also came to Fish-Man Island, I wanted to talk to You Make an appointment."

Make an appointment...

Kevin mused.

Make an appointment to talk? Or a fight?

In fact, Kevin doesn't have many thoughts about the white-bearded Newgate, who is currently known as the world's strongest man.

You must know that Roger had mentioned everything about Rafdru to him, but for this big pirate who had always been obsessed with collecting his godson, many things seemed unimportant.

Relatives and hometown, only these two points, nothing else matters.

Only when Ding Shang was about to die in the war, did he finally push the wave of the times with his cry that proved Roger's onepiece.

"I was already planning to leave..."

Kevin looked at the clock on the wall: "Currently I have to wait for the manager of this store. If your captain has time before the matter is over, how about he come here?"

Yi Zang nodded, and then said to Bista: "You go back and talk about it. After King Neptune's banquet in Dragon Palace City, Dad probably didn't like the environment there."

Bista was stunned, pointed at himself and said, "Why me?"

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