Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 90 The Silence of the Five Old Stars

Porusalino didn't know how Kevin knew about his past, but that memory was indeed the most unforgettable memory in his heart.

Compared with having no worries about food and drink after joining the navy, and the glory and power of being a candidate for general, the cheers in his ears at that time seemed to make him feel more happy.

Smart person?

Were you also a smart person in the beginning?

No, the year he joined the Navy with Sakaski, his original thought was to protect those smiles!

Destroy all pirates so that those children can continue to laugh and ordinary people can live in this sea.

This is the original idea...

Later...then again and again, it seemed like compromise after compromise, and finally it became what it is now.

Complete the task meticulously, and do whatever you can. It is impossible to wipe out all the pirates, because Mariejoia needs pirates. There is no need to kill all the human traffickers because the slaves on the ship are dedicated to the Celestial Dragons.

The escalator on Mariejoia, the skeletons in the Kingdom of Bridges, the wailing of the Champaign Islands every time the Draco travels...

These scenes flashed through Porusalino's mind one after another, and finally they became his own appearance, which was completely different from his own.

With a hand shining with golden light, Porusalino took out a pair of sunglasses from the lining and slowly put them on.

"I should have worn it all the time, thanks for the reminder."

Kevin spat: "That's why I said you are a smart guy, but you can hide the emotions in your eyes, but you can't deceive your heart."

At this time, the phone bug in Porusalino's arms rang.

"Bulu Bulu... Bulu Bulu"

The moment it was connected, a golden flash hit the ruins.


"Yeah, it's really scary!"

"Shua! Boom..."

There was another flash of light, and Porusalino said: "The Sea Tower Stone has no effect, and it even has new abilities. I almost died..."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone bug was crushed directly by him.

Along with this, flashes of light fell all around, and some even shot out from the battlefield and exploded in mid-air.

Kevin didn't move even half a step, and none of these attacks were aimed at him.

The laser kept falling, and Porusalino looked at Kevin below: "Everyone I come into contact with has their own choice, right?"

The two people looked at each other, and the laser kept destroying everything around them, as if they were venting their anger.

After a while, Porusalino said: "The battle will not end before you leave. This is the task they gave me as the navy."

The roar beside him was deafening, but Kevin smiled.

So this monkey is the smartest guy. He has his own position, but he also has his own choices.

In the memory of the war, the laser that could penetrate Luffy's heart was aimed at a smaller key. This was to give Garp face.

Lazy captures Supernova in a playful manner, which is his ambiguous justice.

It was natural for him to let Rayleigh block him because he was blocked. The reason was as simple as that.

This guy was never Luffy's second uncle, he was just a smart guy who got the job done.

As time passed by, the exploding lasers still did not stop, and Kevin was also shocked by his general-level physical strength.

Kuzan's ice can connect the islands, Sakaski can rain lava and fire, and at the same time, Porusalino has used his abilities for nearly three hours, but his physical strength still has not bottomed out.

Night had begun to fall, and Kevin, who was counting the time, estimated that it was almost over.

"Porusalino, I look forward to your position in the future."

As soon as the words fell, Kevin disappeared directly from the spot.

In mid-air, Porusalino exhaled and reached out to take off his sunglasses. There was fatigue but also some expectation in his eyes.

After landing, he didn't get close to the two charred corpses. He was afraid that Kevin would suddenly come back and give him a hard blow, even if he had just formed a little bit of tacit understanding.

But the future position...who can know?

Porusalino looked in the direction of Mariejoia. If it was just the fiery power just now, it would definitely not be enough.

Since eight hundred years ago, there has been an endless stream of people resisting, but in the end no one has truly succeeded.

Half an hour later, the CP and the Navy, who were prohibited from approaching because they needed to limit Kevin's teleportation ability, rushed in.

However, at this moment, apart from the two coke bodies, there was only Porusalino.

The report is a bit difficult to write. I am the only one left. As a navy officer, no matter how I write it, I will be doubted.


Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

After returning from the Shampoo Islands, Porusalino immediately went to Sengoku's office to inquire and report.

After all, the five people on Mariejoia must be the first to ask Warring States, and even give the new marshal a warning.

Before that, the Tianlong people were killed for the first time, causing Gang Gukong to take the blame and resign. Although he was later appointed as a general marshal, it was still an explanation for the Tianlong people.

After that, two more Tianlong people died this time, adding up to three killed. The newly appointed marshal cannot be removed immediately. In addition, the CP and the power were involved in the next two times, which made the navy's pot a little smaller.

After Porusalino finished his report, Sengoku asked him to stay in the office directly, and then waited for the phone bug to ring.

Sure enough, not long after, the phone connecting to Marie Joa started ringing.

"The only person alive is Porusalino, and the World Government needs to know why the Sea Tower Stone didn't work."

Warring States frowned: "What the Navy can confirm is that the Hailou Stone has been attached, but the opponent's teleportation ability can still be used. I think the specific reason should be investigated by the CP, rather than questioning the Navy, which only serves as a support! "

There was silence on the phone for a while, and then another voice appeared: "Ask Porusalino to cooperate with the inquiry, and all the Navy's files on the cloaked man will be sent to the World Government."

The command was given in a tone of voice, and the caller immediately hung up.

It was clear that Marie-Jones had doubts about Porusalino's justice.

Warring States sighed. In fact, let alone those five people, even he couldn't figure it out at this time.

Teleportation, changing appearance, freezing, and the addition of new ultra-high temperature flames, the kind that burned the ground into crystals, and even the land can still steam people under the explosion. Is it really just a flame?

It is impossible to burn the fruit one thousand percent. The temperature that Porusalino felt was hotter than the lava in Sakaski. How could it be the lower burnt fruit of the lava fruit?

The four abilities are not restrained by Hailou Stone.

Simply outrageous!

"Next, the World Government will question you and retell the process directly. They need pirates, but they also need a navy."

After appeasing Porusalino, he asked him to stay at the Navy Headquarters for the time being, waiting for questioning.

After leaving the office, Porusalino's eyes under his sunglasses were very complicated.

Do we need pirates as much as we need a navy?

Although after becoming a candidate general, I knew some of the secrets of this world, but after that guy's words, I couldn't suppress it this time.

mariegeio, between powers,

"The Sea Tower Stone containing P substance is the nemesis of all ability users. Even if your hands and feet are not paralyzed, you will never be able to use your abilities again."

"Is there something wrong with justice in Porusalino?"

"That's a smart guy, he wouldn't make that choice."

"Then why?"

"The combat power of the three generals will be implemented soon. Before that, they need to be reminded of their status as dogs."

"The tide of pirates is rising, and the navy's power must also be strengthened, but they must know who is the master."

"So about the cloaked man..."

"There are only two situations. Either he is not a Devil Fruit user and cannot be restrained by Substance P. Or he is isolated from the sea floor stone."

"In Porosalino's preliminary report, the other party's hands were always wearing seastone handcuffs in the later period, so contact was inevitable."

"Maybe it's some kind of racial talent."

"Like the Lunaria."

"There is no existence of such multiple abilities among the races we know of."

"What needs to be discussed now is not his details."

For a moment, there was silence among the powers that be.

The mobility of the teleportation ability makes encirclement and pursuit empty talk.

Coupled with the fact that it can kill a general-level combat power, it is obvious that Mary Joa will also fall into the situation of being attacked by the opponent.

Being unable to catch and round them up is the biggest problem at the moment.

After a long time, Saint Satan said: "We seem to have forgotten his identity as a revolutionary soldier. Not everyone in that group of rats has the ability to teleport."

Saint Nasshoulang nodded: "Those five islands on the Grand Route can be his burial place. As long as those people are still there, he will not be able to use the teleportation ability to escape alone."

Peter Saint: "There is a difference between walking alone and being in the army. Even if he escapes in the end, he will be blown to pieces when he appears again."

After the words fell, the other four people in the power room looked at Peter Saint.

"Do you want to report to Lord Im?"

"If he uses that kind of power, it would be an honor for a bug to be buried with him on an island."

"Order the CP agency to keep an eye on those five countries and start planning operations when they are ready."

"Before that, don't disturb Lord Im."

"Marie Gioia is the last line, otherwise it would have to be purged."

Subsequently, the authorities issued orders to the CP agency.

However, half an hour later, the words on the phone made the five old immortals in power look at each other.

The angry voice made the CP leader sweat profusely. No matter what, he never expected that just when all eyes were focused on area 1 of the Chambord Islands, the five countries targeted by the revolutionary army began to evacuate on a large scale.

There was no exposure, no blatant withdrawal.

The big ship floated into the sky, and the Meatball Fruit's ability slapped it away, without even knowing where it was going.

All the telephone bugs used for communication were dead, and the CP who was responsible for tracking were also discovered by the other party's high-altitude reconnaissance, and they were all killed.

Clouds that can take people flying?

There is also the fluttering fruit of Shiji the Golden Lion, and the meat ball fruit lost in the Valley of Gods.

The phone was hung up, and there was silence again among the powers that be.

"That bug is stalling for time."

"When Hailou Shi couldn't restrain himself, he could leave directly after killing Rodnaz Saint, but he didn't."

"Golden Lion Shiji joined the Revolutionary Army after escaping from Impel Down. He is already getting into more and more trouble."

"According to CP's later investigation on the island, there is no Shiji on the other side."

"There is also a cloud that can carry people flying. Even if it has the ability to inject Devil Fruit into dead objects, is this a Piao Piao Fruit?"

"The other side has power we don't understand."

"It's not a Devil Fruit. Except for the Bakania clan, all the other abilities displayed may not be Devil Fruit abilities."

"Perhaps Vegapunk's disappearance can be understood."

"The same group of bugs did it."

"Have Marie Joa's Draconians banned from entering the Chambord Islands. In addition, the intelligence department will investigate the traces of the revolutionary army with the highest priority."



Three days later, all the members of the Revolutionary Army who had completed the ideological and training courses were divided into parts, each line was connected separately, and the final list was gathered at Dorag.

The ideological classes and training classes for new members are also distributed on deserted islands in the sea. No one in Baldigo can reach them except the top cadres and a group of researchers.

All permanent pointers recorded before this are recovered.

After this battle, the revolutionary army turned to more underground work and quietly developed and traveled in various countries.

And part of it is high-end combat power. They were gathered together and poured into the new world, flying the skull and crossbones flag, and started a campaign in the new world with the captured pirate as the background.

At Navy Headquarters, Kevin was lying on his bed, fast asleep.

My physical strength was exhausted. After returning from the Chambord Islands, I ate a hearty meal and went straight to bed without even going to the prison.

He is really too tired. With his current overlord's domineering energy and physical strength, judging from the power base of the pirate world, it is true that he cannot fully exert the power of Ryuken Wakahu Hajie.

As for Swastika, that is still a distant dream.

The night passed, and it wasn't until noon the next day that Kevin woke up.

After resting, Kevin looked at the shallow shot in his hand.

The shallow strike state of the Blade Ruohuo is not much different from that of an ordinary standard long knife, and it does not have the bells and whistles of a famous sword. Even in this state, the blade has no knife marks.

However, after being able to start the solution, in the non-initial solution state, only a shallow injection of overlord-colored domineering energy can also burst out a moment of extreme speed.

Help and cut!

In a shallow playing state, it can be used as a foundation.


Hungry again.

Kevin took the knife and went directly to the cafeteria. After a good meal, he went to the youth training camp to listen to the class.

There is also a swastika behind Shijie. You still have to listen to how to use the knife. Otherwise, if you swing it randomly from behind, you won't be able to use the flame tornado.

In order to attend the lecture, Kevin spent all the crimes in prison at night. Such a huge sum would probably last more than a year.

The next treasure chest must contain something that enhances one's own physique.

Physical attribute cards, or bloodlines that have never appeared before.

Maybe just let the non-bloodline category go?

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