Night, prison space.

When he walked into the passage, Rodnaz, who had already accepted the rules of the prison inmates, was like a humble reptile, begging Kevin for forgiveness.

When he was alive, he was frightened by the tragic situation of Samit's body, but now he originally thought he was in hell, but now he found that even his soul was in the hands of the devil.

The education he received from birth made him think that he was superior and a descendant of a god who was different from ordinary people.

Everyone is a pariah, and everyone should serve themselves. The Navy, CP, and the Army on the Red Earth Continent of the World Government are nothing more than dogs.

But this understanding was broken by the body of Saint Samit who was cut into pieces with a thousand cuts.

Only when facing this demon, they no longer stand aloof, because the other party doesn't care about their bloodline or their identity as Tianlong people.

But now, death is not the end, but just the beginning.

Outside the cage, Kevin looked at the pleading Rodnaz, and what he thought of was the scene in the Valley of the Gods eighteen years ago.

As prey, even if it is just a baby, the people are marked with points and become the target of hunting.

The swaddled child, when the gun was pressed against his forehead, thought it was a new toy and giggled as he tried to play with it.

After the gunshots were fired, it was this bastard's maniacal laughter that could shatter the life that had just come into this world for just points.

And now, the Tianlong who laughed unbridled eighteen years ago was kneeling in the cage, begging for his forgiveness.


Kevin reached out and took off the mask, and his original face appeared here.

"Look at this face. Do you think an orphan who survived the Valley of the Gods eighteen years ago can accept your plea?"

Rodnaz Saint froze on the spot.

Eighteen years ago, Valley of the Gods.

Such a country with a special name is the most special among the islands destroyed by their school trip, and it is also the most memorable.

But I remember it deeply because of the pirates causing trouble, not because of how many untouchables they killed.


Kevin exhaled: "Although I know you can't remember it, I think you should know that this is revenge from the Valley of Gods before you experience real pain."

Real pain?

Rodnaz collapsed to the ground, then rushed towards the cage, pleading continuously.

But Kevin ignored him.

The crime value of 620,000 yuan would take more than a year to burn.

But this time there was an unexpected surprise.

Kevin looked at the other cage in this passage.

This passage where the Celestial Dragons are imprisoned has a high crime value, and the guy with the codename Chameleon, a general-level combatant affiliated with CP0 of the World Government and a user with animal devil fruit abilities, is also here.

Sin value: 123,000.

Adding in the other zeros and zeros, as well as what was left after the diamond treasure chest was drawn, the current sin value after one year is 1.39 million.

Three Celestial Dragons died on the Shampoo Islands. When the Sea Tower Stone doesn't work on them, it won't be that easy to hunt anywhere.

There are a lot of big fish in Mariejoia, but there must be those who develop their knowledge, knowledge, and sex to the point of foreseeing the future. There are even five immortals in power, but that's not necessarily the case.

The most important thing is that a sneak attack on Marie Joa is a complete declaration of war. If Im among the flowers directly launches a purge, even if he can be safe and sound, the power of the revolutionary army will be directly wiped out.

Ninety-nine percent of ordinary people will even die. This is not the outcome Kevin wants.


In a cage? The soul of the CP0 guy was shaken, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

And his voice also brought Kevin back from his thoughts.

After waving his hand, black flames enveloped Rodnaz's body, and his pleas suddenly stopped, followed by howling pain.

The black flame is the pain that goes straight into the soul. Before the sin value is absorbed, it cannot be comatose or broken. It can only bear such pain.

Kevin walked to the cage aside, ignoring Saint Rodnaz's wails and curses.

"you know me?"

The guy at CP0 seemed to have understood something: "So you knew from the beginning that the Shampoo Islands were a trap, and the source of the intelligence was our CP. Is that guy at CP9 Spandyne right? You were his person from the very beginning. When you get promoted..."

Such words of tiger and wolf were interrupted by Kevin.

"Do you think that as the core of the revolutionary army, he will be a CP person? He is just a pawn that I use. After all, whether it is food supplies or special instruments that Vegapunk needs, his help is needed. Able to flow freely.”

Such words made Chameleon's expression change, and he understood many key points in an instant.

"So Begapunk was abducted by the revolutionary army, so those five countries were able to be couped so easily. The transportation of supplies and weapons was all your fault..."

"Wait! The biggest reason why you stayed there to stop me and Porusalino before..."

Kevin took over: "In order to evacuate all the revolutionary armies from those five countries and take away all valuable supplies. Let me think about it, there are nearly 60,000 people and the wealth of the palace."

After the words fell, the CP0 guy fell silent.

He had never thought that this person who was so proud within CP and believed that he could join the navy and even be promoted to general in the future would be the core of the revolutionary army.

After a while, Kevin yawned: "Is there anything else you want to ask? If not, let's get started."

Chameleon glanced at Rodnaz Saint who was crying in the cage next to him. He recalled the information injected into him by this prison and couldn't help but shudder.

"I...I can join you."

Hearing this, Kevin chuckled.

"Join? I don't think you have the prerequisites to join the revolutionary army. Your will does not belong to most people in this world from the beginning. You are used to being a dog."

"Only by taking the fact that the Heavenly Dragons are above me as the truth, can your armament reach the height it is now. If you want to preserve your strength, you need to take my being above the people as the truth, otherwise the will you have been insisting on will be shattered. "

Kevin's eyes were full of ridicule: "If you change it, you are still a dog. If you cannot change it, you will be a dead dog without teeth. So... you are useless."

Under such ridicule, CP0's chameleon did not give up.

Because he heard something different from these words, the other party could really resurrect him, even if he was already dead, he could still be resurrected.

He was even able to use the body of Rodnaz Saint as a shield during the final attack in Area 1 of the Shampoo Islands. He would do anything to survive.

"I...I can be a good dog, believe me!"

"From today on, you are the only one who is right! You are the supreme god! I can do it! Believe me!"

Looking at the guy kneeling on the ground, Kevin asked: "I remember that you were very strong when you died? Didn't you say you would wait for me down there?"

Chameleon was still kneeling, but his thoughts were already surging.

Over the years, he has become accustomed to the touted response when facing the Celestial Dragons, but the chance of survival in front of him is not a fool like the Celestial Dragons.

Executioner Kevin, this person who has come step by step from Xihai to now, and even targeted Marie Joa, how could he be such an idiot as the Celestial Dragon.

"When you thought death was the end, it didn't matter what you said, sir. If you were tougher at that time, you were just lying to yourself."

The kneeling CP0 continued: "I know many secrets inside CP, and I am a great swordsman, and my two-color domineering power is also the top combat power..."

Kevin waved his hand: "I'm not interested in the secrets of CP. I guess you don't know the information about the five immortals on Mariejoia, let alone Im among the flowers. Are you done?"


Just as he was about to turn on the black flame, Chameleon hurriedly said: "I know the arrangements for collecting gold from the sky, and there is also! There is also a special passage that was abandoned because of the distance, a special passage across the Red Earth Continent!"

"You need Bailey for the development of your revolutionary army. You have Bega Punk for the machinery of the special channel gondola. That location is very secret, and the Army's searches rarely go there!"

After the words fell, Kevin fell silent.

Perhaps I misunderstood this guy's will. It should not be to put the Tianlong people on top, but to survive.

If this is the case, perhaps it can be resurrected through reincarnation in the dirty earth, and the weapon color and knowledge color can still be retained.

The great swordsman's sword skills may have declined due to his lack of wrist and arm strength, but he is still good enough as a dog.

He could not keep the two pieces of information, the gold in the sky and the abandoned special passage, secret under the burning of black flames, but his understanding of CP was what the revolutionary army needed now.

With the death of a general-level combatant and the ability to teleport, the five immortals on Mariejoia will definitely be wary of themselves and the revolutionary army.

Im would not choose the purge before he attacked Mary Joa alone, but it was inevitable that the world government would use most of its power to investigate the revolutionary army.

Then a dog that cannot betray, a dog that wears teeth and has no reservations about its owner, may be of some use.

Thinking of this, Kevin had a thought in his mind.

The next moment, black flames burst out, burning the guy in the cage.


The shrill screams were superimposed on the wails of Saint Rodnaz, and Kevin turned and left the passage.

The moment the passage was closed, the world finally became clear.

If you use your own survival as your will to persevere, then you must let him know whose hands his life is in. Burn it for three days first, and then the dog will be truly obedient.

In addition to being obedient, you also need to be sensible.

On a new day, after Smoker was knocked away again, Kevin started a new training with the knife in hand.

At noon, food for twenty people was swept away in the canteen of the Navy Headquarters, leaving the kids in the youth training camp stunned again.

Not long after, a figure sat next to Kevin.

"came back?"

Kevin knew it was this guy Kuzan without even raising his head.

"Something happened on the Shampoo Islands. Polusalino was questioned by the World Government, and I was also called back."

Kuzan's eyes were a little deep as he spoke, and the big book in his hand made him feel that maybe he should do something.

But at this time, he knew nothing about the situation over there, and the cloaked man never looked for him again since that time.

For some reason, he found Kevin after he came back.

You must know that Kevin has a bad reputation in the Navy Headquarters. He is often called a lackey of the World Government. This name originally came from exposing Kuzan in the South China Sea incident.

Because of his old friend Lomi, he always felt that there was something wrong with Kevin's character, including some coincidences and the Kevin he saw, but he couldn't grasp what was wrong.

"Over there at Shampoo Land? Something happened to Mr. Tianlong again?"

Kevin turned around and met Kuzan's eyes.

That’s it!

Kuzan frowned.

Lord Tianlong?

No, the boy's first thought was that something happened to the Tianlong people.

But it is normal to think of it because of Porusalino.

Kuzan lowered his voice: "Another one died. This time Porusalino teamed up with a high-end combat force from CP, but it still had no effect, and one more died."

Kevin frowned, then threw the bone in his hand: "I'm going to Judiciary Island!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kevin left the canteen directly.

Behind him, Kuzan kept looking at Kevin's back.

Going to Judiciary Island in such a hurry should be to find Spangdine from CP9. This is the correct approach for his character design, but why do you always feel that something is wrong?

The next afternoon, Kuzan once again found Kevin who had just beaten Smoker.

"You went to see someone from CP yesterday?"

Kevin glanced at Kuzan: "You and I are not in the same camp. The relationship between superior and subordinate will end when I am promoted to lieutenant general. Why are you staring at me every day?"

Kuzan was a little surprised, and said slowly: "Because I think your attitude towards pirates is not like that of the World Government, or very different from CP. Lomi is a good friend of the same period as me, and I am not I don’t think anyone who can be recommended by him will be a loyal dog of the World Government.”

Kevin paused after hearing this, waved his hand and replied: "Something happened to CP9. That guy is very busy now, probably because of what you said yesterday."

Speaking of this, Kevin's heart moved, and Kuzan smiled: "I have never been a loyal dog, it's just to achieve my goal. This is the biggest reason why the World Government can help me get promoted."

After dinner in the cafeteria, perhaps because of what he just said, Kuzan started to follow Kevin.

This made Kevin, who originally wanted to go to the East China Sea, have no choice. After all, if this guy gives his shadow clone a whim and blows it up into smoke, the secret will be exposed.

"Kevin, I remember you were born an orphan, right?"

"People at the bottom have a very difficult life, right?"

"Have you ever thought about changing everything after you gained power?"

"Does the suffering we have seen make you uncomfortable? For example, do you think of it when you were a child?"

"Do you think they have tried their best just to stay alive?"

I beg you all to subscribe.

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