Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 93 Rayleigh's Test

Chambord Islands, night.

Kevin has left here at this time, and launching an action against Wano requires not only his own strength, but also the strength of the revolutionary army.

He needs to explain to Dorag and Daxiong, which is necessary for the existence of high-level meetings.

In addition, because there is a stupid young man in the youth training camp of the Navy Headquarters who is beaten at a fixed time every day, so the main body needs to go back to the headquarters tomorrow morning.

There are swordsmanship lessons to take, and Smoker also needs to be beaten.

Only Roger and Reilly were left in the rip-off bar.

Shigezuki Hikoichiro, who had been in a state of excitement all afternoon, had already gone back to his residence to lie down. Xia Qi also knew that the two of them wanted to reminisce about old times, so they left early.

Besides, it’s not just about reminiscing about old times.

"Resurrection or soul resuscitation should have various restrictions, right?"

Rayleigh's eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a sip of wine and continued: "Actions or words spoken will be controlled by that revolutionary army?"

After the words fell, Rayleigh stared at his captain, and he would notice anything that was unnatural compared to just now.

However, Roger just laughed, put his arm around Rayleigh's shoulders and said, "So sometimes you are much smarter than Jabba. Well... and Lujiu is also very smart."


Reilly was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Even if you die once, you still have this kind of character. What we discuss now will determine our subsequent actions."


Roger's beard trembled: "From today's meeting until now, what I have said is what I want to say, not what the person asked me to say. We will not have our own actions, only a joint revolution The army went to rescue Oden."

Instead of using the title "Little Boss", he followed his own example and called the cloaked man by that name.

Reilly seemed to be relieved: "Although I have confirmed your identity, Captain, I still had doubts about whether you were under control."

"But from what you said, captain, with this ability to resurrect the dead, the other party does have the ability to control the resurrected, right?"

Roger did not deny it, just said: "Being able to control actions and battles, but it is much different than letting go of my will and controlling it on my own. In addition, he can restrict me from speaking, but he can't control me to say what he wants me to say. . Uh... that’s a bit of a twist.”

Reilly, who understood, was silent for a while, and then asked: "Then Captain, is this so that you can see the future with your own eyes? Or is it true..."

"I don't know either."

Before he finished speaking, Roger interrupted him.

"The World Government hides a deep power. Even the scene in the Valley of the Gods is not all. The five old immortals on Mariejoia appeared in person. Those five evil ghost-like existences are really ironic. "

[Note: Saint Satan landed on Eggjian Island to summon the Five Old Stars. He also appeared in person in the Valley of Gods and had a conversation with the young bear. 】

"The destruction of the Rocks Pirates was not only caused by me but also by Garp. That pirate group that gathered monsters once even suffered a big loss for us."

[Note: The biggest reason Roger went to the Valley of the Gods was to seek revenge from Rocks, but he just suffered a loss. 】

Rayleigh: "So you just rely on this kind of resurrection to see the future twenty years later with your own eyes? The king of Fish-Man Island will not be born for a few years."

Roger shook his head slightly and looked at the wine bottle in front of him. Unfortunately, in this body, he could no longer taste the taste of wine.

"It's not that, Rayleigh."

"In the afternoon, do you think what the little boss said is right? If everything is attributed to destiny, then in order to change the world, what is the meaning of the people who sacrificed in the process?"

Roger breathed out: "We like the feeling of adventure. We have been to many hidden places in this world, so one hundred years after Rafdrew learned about the blank, we all found it very interesting, even about the future. Anticipation of great changes in the world.”

"But if this is a destined fate... then the ordinary people who were involved in the great pirate era and died, the scholars who voluntarily died under O'Hara's demon-slaying order, and the dead slaves of this Chambord Islands, didn't they become a joke?"

The frowning Rayleigh was silent for a while, and finally looked up at Roger and said, "Captain, you have changed a lot. The Roger I had in mind at that time was not what he is now."

Roger heard this and touched his face: "Is there any? Although the little boss said it is like a container, but after the soul fell, it became my original appearance. There should be no difference, right?"

Reilly said helplessly: "Captain, you should know what I'm talking about. Besides..."

"The island behind the Valley of the Gods was directly wiped off the map. With such power and the great purge mentioned in the records, I don't think the revolutionary army has the power to compete."

The Valley of the Gods was wiped out in a physical sense. Such an attack would simply make everyone fearful and give rise to irresistible thoughts.

Even Rayleigh himself didn't know how he would counteract this power in the so-called future.

And the revolutionary army...

Although the cloaked man had killed three Celestial Dragons, in fact, the power on Mariejoia would not have much influence as long as the Celestial Dragons were not killed.

The only thing he saw in the Revolutionary Army so far was a cloaked man.

"You'll see."

Roger smiled and said: "You have to know, Rayleigh, the reason why I can endure this state of being neither human nor ghost is not because I want to see the future twenty years later."

"As you should have guessed, the ability to teleport and the ability to change appearance. In our opinion, these are two devil fruit powers, but they are mastered by one person."

"The little boss's ability does not come from Devil Fruit. And don't you think it's a good time to go to Wano Country now? You and I should be very clear about what Wano Country has."

Seeing Reilly's change, Roger spoke quickly: "He didn't ask me anything about Rafdru, and I didn't tell him either."

The answer that came back made Lei Li hold back his question.

Isn't it the ability of the Devil Fruit?

And support Wano Country at this time...

The other party has been planning the power of Wano Pluto from the beginning, and the reason why it has been delayed until now is because now the other party is sure to fight against the Beasts Pirates.

This is the reason why you don’t go to Whitebeard!

The second half of the Grand Line, the new world, the desert island.

Looking at the pirate ship in front of him, Roger looked at Kevin on the side: "Little boss, you have always been deadly against pirates, but you actually let the revolutionary army use the identity of a pirate?"

As one of the high-end combat forces heading to Wano Country this time, Dorag said: "No matter what your identity is, as long as you can keep the revolutionary army lurking, it is the best choice. Indifferent persistence will only make more people sacrifice. , they are the force that will change the world in the future.”

There are a total of ten large ships, and the skull and crossbones flags are all the flags of the Wolf Pirates.

It's very cheesy, but the captain of this pirate group is a user with animal devil fruit abilities, and he was captured by the revolutionary army before.

Because he was worried that the devil fruit would leak out after killing him and arouse unnecessary suspicion, this guy with more than 700 sin points was still alive and was imprisoned.

"Now is not the time to play it safe with the world government."

Kevin said and looked at Roger: "Rav Drew should have mentioned the methods on Mariejoia, right? What I want is to change the world, not to destroy the world government and the world."

The big bear on the side clenched his hands: "No matter what methods they have, the fire of revolution will not be extinguished after it is ignited. One day, they will be overthrown."

A large amount of weapons and supplies were moved onto the ship.

The revolutionary army brought nearly 4,000 troops to Wano this time. They were basically members who had mastered armed haki and could become lower-level combatants in the new world.

Such low-level combat power surprised both Rayleigh and Roger. Even if the use of domineering power in the new world was like a crucian carp crossing the river, the number of nearly four thousand did surprise them both.

In addition, even those in the lower ranks of the Revolutionary Army would look at Kevin wearing a mask with fiery eyes whenever they were carrying supplies to the ship.

In addition, the Barthomiro Bear from the Kingdom of Solbey in the South China Sea just now is equally fanatical in his determination towards the revolutionary army.

After the meeting at the Chambord Islands, Roger and Rayleigh came because of their former partner Oden. Xia Qi, on the other hand, continued to wipe the wine glasses at the rip-off bar because her position was different.

This is an action taken by the Roger Pirates to help their former partners, and behind Xia Qi's position is the Nine Snake Island. Neither Kaido nor the revolutionary army that the World Government has noticed can compete with the Nine Snake Island.

"What an incredible revolutionary army."

Reilly looked at Kevin with emotion: "Everyone seems to believe in their hearts that they can change the world. Is this also the key to their ability to use armed domineering?"

Kevin replied: "They were rescued when they were starving to death due to lack of food. They were rescued from the pirate invasion. After they knew that their future would no longer be like them, they naturally understood why they were fighting."

Spiritual will.

Roger laughed heartily: "How could they not try their best to fight for their own future? They are ordinary people. They have no inherited will or past. The only reason to persevere before this is to survive."

Kevin also smiled: "And now they have one more person, that is, when they can't survive, they overturn the entire table at the cost of their own lives."

At this time, team leader Ahu ran over and leaned over to Kevin without even wiping off his sweat: "It's ready sir, we can set off."

Kevin reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work. Arrange everyone to stand tight and hold on tightly. We can finish it next."

With this movement, Ah Hu stood up straight, his face flushed with excitement.

"Thank you sir."

After a while, Kevin nodded to Dorag beside him after Ahu was notified of boarding the ship.

Rayleigh was a little confused, as was Hikoichiro Shigezuki who was leading the way.

All ten ships were ready to sail, but the sails had not been opened, or even showed signs of being opened.

"Well... benefactor, are we leaving?"

Kevin looked at him: "Our way of traveling is a little different. We will set off when they are ready. Don't worry."

The next moment, Dorag, who was holding the chicken talisman tightly, frowned. His physical strength was being absorbed by the talisman and transformed into floating power.


Ten huge two-masted sailing ships rose from the sea level, and the water was brought up and then fell into the water, creating waves of spray.

Rayleigh on the side was stunned, looked at Dorag and said: "Golden Lion Shiji's Devil Fruit ability? I remember that he attacked Marine Fando after the captain was executed, and was arrested with the cooperation of Garp and Sengoku, and then he was arrested again. Did you escape?"


Roger's hand patted his shoulder: "This is not Shiji's Devil Fruit ability, but the ability given by the little boss."

The ability given?

Even though I already knew last night that the opponent's ability was not a Devil Fruit, could I still let others possess it?

The past history that Raff Drew had learned flashed through Reilly's mind.

Devil Fruit is not a fruit that comes from a certain tree, but a special ability that arises from a firm will and desire deep within.

Some people long for the power of animals, some long for their legs to bounce like springs, and some even hope they can have healing flames like the legendary phoenix.

The awakening of the Devil Fruit is also related to whether the spiritual will of the esper matches the will of the Devil Fruit.

So is this what we rely on?

At this time, the big bear on the side rose into the air, stretched out his hand and began to fly away the ketch boats one by one.

Under the influence of the chicken talisman, the weight of ten large schooners carrying nearly 4,000 people has reached the range that a bear can fly away.

However, this weight also continued to consume Dorag's physical strength.

"Floating and the flying ability of the meat ball fruit can form the flight of large objects. It just takes some money and stamina."

Roger said and looked at Rayleigh: "The weapon that destroyed the Valley of the Gods, maybe one day the little boss can do it with a single blow."


Rayleigh was really shocked by these words.

You must know that the Battle of the Valley of the Gods really allowed the pirates to see part of the true face of the World Government.

Charlotte Lingling, Kaido, or the Golden Lion Shiji at that time, these three people were behind the Valley of the Gods...

BiGMOM's Ten Thousand Nations uses the marriage of their children to form a force like Ten Thousand Nations. Kaido wants to create an army of beasts, and the Golden Lion has always wanted to form an alliance with the captain.

That's because all of them are aware of the power of the World Government.

"time to go."

Kevin's voice interrupted Riley's thoughts, and then he reached out and put his hand on Roger's shoulder.


The group of people disappeared directly on the spot.

The next moment, he appeared directly in the sea near Wano Country.

"We need to hurry up."

Dorag's voice was trembling.

At this time, not only did he need to keep ten large schooners afloat, but the few people around him also needed to stay afloat in mid-air.


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