Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 94 The beginning of Wano Country

The country of Wan, Jiuli.

After the six people emerged from the coordinate point in the nearby sea area, they directly took basic moon steps under the influence of floating. The reaction force of stepping on the air allowed their bodies to move forward at extremely high speeds.

After possessing the ability to fly, the so-called natural danger of Wano Country is just a lie to a few people.

After the fall of Kuri, Shigezuki Hikoichiro was very excited to return to his hometown and was eager to know the changes in Wano Country in the past few years.

Could it be that that bastard Orochi and Kaido have already caused great harm to the country of Wano?

However, it is obvious that the lives of ordinary people in Jiuli are no different from those a few years ago, and there does not seem to be any bad change.

Roger touched his beard: "That's not right. Judging from Kaido's brat's character, he should be interested in the Wano Sea Stone and weapon forging."

Reilly looked at the ordinary people nearby, and there didn't seem to be anyone who was being bullied miserably.

Also, when I first entered this street, why was everyone staring at my group?

"Foreigner, how did you get to the island?"

A warrior holding a long sword came over, one hand still holding the long sword at his waist.

At this time, Shigetsuki Hikoichiro behind a few people rushed out: "Your Excellency Yoshino Juro!"

The two seemed to know each other, and they quickly paused to reminisce and left the street with Kevin and others.

"Hikoichiro, you should be very aware of how conspicuous Wano is when wearing overseas clothes. Why don't you let your benefactors wear them?"

"I didn't sleep last night. I haven't been back for many years. I really forgot. I'm so sorry!"

Shigetsuki Hikoichiro bowed slightly and whispered as he walked: "I need to take my benefactors to see Oden-sama immediately. Oden-sama..."

Yoshino Juro sighed: "Master Oden went to Baiwu today."

? ? ?

Shigetsuki Hikoichiro was stunned for a moment, and then he said, "Is Oden-sama still dancing like that?"

Yoshino Juro replied: "Now everyone calls Lord Oden a fool. Only we, because of Lord Yasu, have always believed that Lord Oden has his reasons. has been five years."

Yes, it’s been five years...

Shigetsuki Hikoichiro was stunned on the spot. At that time, it was Lord Yasu who asked him and others to go to sea to find foreign aid. At that time, only Lord Yasu still believed in His Highness Oden.

But it has been five years, no matter what the difficulties, five years should be...

"Having been a pirate for several years, he believed a pirate's promise. Maybe he thinks that all pirates are Roger and Whitebeard?"

A voice came, and Kevin, still wearing a mask, stepped forward and said: "The revolutionary army's troops will arrive here in a day. What you need to do now is to take us to see Oden, or your master Shuoyue Yasushi. Home."

"The top combat power should not be a big problem at the moment, but Kaido and the World Government are cooperating. If you can ask for help, the other party can also let the power of the World Government join this war."

"What I need to tell you is that if the World Government joins by then, the Revolutionary Army will have no choice but to withdraw. Because of a head-on confrontation, Wano Country may be wiped off the map."

After the words fell, Shigetsuki Hikoichiro trembled.

"I, I understand."

Immediately, the two Wano warriors looked at each other and sped towards Kuri Oden's residence.

Behind the two of them, Roger and Reilly looked at each other and also understood the meaning of Kevin's words just now.

The existence of the ancient weapon Pluto is crucial. If the World Government knows about the appearance of the Revolutionary Army and Kevin in Wano, then given the special characteristics of the three dead Celestial Dragons and Kevin, the World Government is really possible. Join this war.

By that time, if the existence of Pluto is exposed again, the blow that will destroy the Valley of Gods will really fall on Wano Country.


At this time, Dorag on the side began to breathe heavily, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

Kevin heard the sound and looked over: "Haven't you been doing transportation in the past few years? Why aren't you used to it yet?"

Dolag twitched his lips: "Can a single-masted sailboat carrying supplies compare with ten large two-masted sailboats carrying nearly 4,000 people? Maintaining such a weight afloat requires too much physical strength."

Roger on the side heard this and thought of the specialness of his body, so he said, "Maybe I can try it."

Kevin frowned and shook his head slightly.

"Once an object floats and is replaced, the previous floating object will fall directly. Flying at high altitude, the ship may fall apart, and your speciality is not unlimited physical strength in the true sense, and the one-time output may not be good. Just hold on for more than an hour.”

To be fair, Kevin sighed. He had not used the Chicken Charm many times before.

The power of the spell is unlimited to some extent, but it depends on the basis of the holder.

At the beginning of Donghai Shuangyue Village, the sudden explosion could even make the island shake. But now it seems that it was an explosion based on the unlimited setting. If it lasts for a long time, it is really not as good as Piaopiao Fruit.

At least Shiji, the golden lion, can control the island and fly into the air. Not only can he float, he can also fly.

"Can you hold on until tomorrow?"

Dorag wiped his sweat: "I need to eat, it should be fine."

Kevin nodded.

Come over to help fight, at least the food must be enough.

In addition, for comparison, the Flying Thunder God and the Chicken Talisman both belong to the level of the golden treasure chest. Compared with the teleportation fruit and the fluttering fruit in this world, without the restraint of P substance, there is not enough blue.

Flying Thunder God requires space coordinates to land, and cannot move a large object such as a ship. The teleportation fruit does not require coordinates, but the distance is definitely not as far as Flying Thunder God.

At least in the Eggjian Island chapter, teleportation between islands was not possible.

"Everyone, we'll be having dinner soon."

Hikoichiro was very aware of current affairs and quickly expressed his position.

The big bear behind pointed at Dorag: "Just let him eat enough, he is very good at eating."

Hearing this, Kevin smiled. People in the Garp family were gifted with the ability to sleep and eat at the same time, but I didn't know if Dorag would inherit this talent.

Soon, everyone arrived at Daming Mansion, which was once nine miles away.

At the beginning, Kuri was a lawless zone in the country of Wano. There were too many gangsters and samurai, and basically 90% of the people were not engaged in production. Later, Oden changed the place and became a famous name here.

"Everyone, please wait a moment."

Yoshino Juro entered with Shigetsuki Hikoichiro, but Kevin looked at the tree beside him.

Roger, who was wearing a mask and lowered his head, smiled. Those were the cats and dogs who followed Oden. They were the race of Zou, the furry principality, and they could also be considered as his own crew.

However, Roger did not take off his mask. His identity during this rescue operation would not be revealed to Oden until the end. After all, things like the resurrection of the dead should be kept low-key.

Shigetsuki Hikoichiro had also given instructions before.

Soon, a dark shadow on the tree disappeared.

Afterwards, the two people who entered the report came out again. Apparently, Viper, the cat who knew Rayleigh, went in and told Kozuki Toki after confirming it.

Before Oden returned to Wano five years ago, his family members, Kozuki and Momonosuke, were attacked. If Oden danced like that, his family would naturally need to be protected and cautious.

In the reception room, the once relatively luxurious Daming Mansion in Jiuli was now somewhat dilapidated due to the inability to make ends meet.

At least there wasn't even tea in this reception room. It wasn't until I heard, heard, and felt that the cat hurried out, and Kozuki came in to entertain the guests.

The clothes, which are full of patches, don't look like the clothes of a famous person in the country.

And this wife of Oden would always look at Kevin who was wearing a mask unconsciously.

"Vice Captain Reilly, please use it."

As a former member of the Roger Pirates family, Kozuki still uses the title on the pirate ship.

After the ceremony, Madam Shi came to the opposite side of the crowd, then knelt on the ground and saluted.

"Everyone can come here for Oden-sama, I am very grateful!"

As the person in charge, Kevin drank all the tea in the cup and said, "Rayleigh is here to help Oden, and I am here for another reason. Although you are Mitsuki Oden's wife, you still cannot represent him. He, so please ask him to come back quickly so that he doesn’t have to do that embarrassing dance again.”

Kozuki raised his back and paused for a moment, but still said: "Lord Oden will be back soon. But what you said is embarrassing, I don't agree with it."

Seeing Mrs. Shi's eyes were very firm, Kevin did not mock her, but just waited for Oden to return.

Just because Kevin ignored her, it didn't mean that these brainless warriors would feel happy.

Above the roof, a woman wearing a pink ninja tights was glaring at Kevin below.

At the same time, Baiwu Damingfu was also impoverished.

Oden, who had finished dancing and had an inspection, was sitting on the steps of the courtyard, looking into the distance.

The five years are almost here, and those guys have to keep their promises and leave. I have become a joke, but I must persevere from now on until the founding of the country of Wano.

The significance of Wano Country to the world...

"I don't know what you are thinking, but if this continues, the hopes of everyone in Wano will become a joke."

Behind him, Shuoyue Kangjia frowned and came to sit next to him: "Half of the people who forced themselves to go to sea before were confirmed to have died in the sea whirlpool, and a third were missing. The rest were lucky enough to be swept away. return."

Oden gritted his teeth, but still didn't make a sound.

Shuoyue Yasujia continued: "The captain of the pirate ship you followed out to sea has been executed. Our people can only focus on Whitebeard for help."

Oden closed his eyes and spoke after a while: "Don't... don't let them go again."

With one sentence said, the floodgates seemed to open.

"The harbor was guarded by them, and Wano didn't even have the technology to build a ship. At that time, even I failed to go to sea thirty-eight times. How could they go out?"

The Shuoyue Kang family's eyes were equally moist: "I made them believe that you have your own reasons. They are willing to die under the humiliation of the Lord. So tell me, what are your reasons, you bastard!"

Amid the roar, Kozuki Oden fell silent again.

Five years are coming soon. At this time, he cannot let anyone know that as soon as the time is up, they will leave the country of Wano!

At this time, a retainer of the Shuangyue family ran over with a happy face.


"Slow down, there is no more bad news now, you can speak slowly."

Shimotsuki Yasuie patted the retainer on the back, but the news he heard afterwards made his hand stop and even tremble slightly.


"Hikoichiro is back? He brought support?"

"Yes... yes, Lord Yasuie. They are all in the Daimyo's mansion in Kuri now, and you and Lord Oden need to go there quickly."

Kozuki Oden also looked up suddenly.


That guy, after Captain Roger was executed, still rushed to Wano Country to help him.

So Jabba and the others are here?

The two looked at each other and quickly got up and started to go to Kuri.


At the same time, Kevin, who had been sitting for a while, was still drinking tea, and Dorag next to him had already started eating frantically.

It is estimated that this meal may have eaten up all the food for the next ten days in this Daimyo's mansion.


Kozuki looked up at Kevin and bowed slightly.

Kevin said, "I want to meet Oden's nine retainers first."

Kozuki frowned slightly, and only agreed after seeing Rayleigh nod, and then asked Kin'emon, who had been guarding behind him, to call for help.

There were two ninjas on the roof, and a cat and a dog outside the window. Kin'emon made a gesture and left the reception room.

Not long after, Kin'emon came in with a few people.

Kanjuro was not there.

Kevin frowned, then said: "I remember there should be a Devil Fruit user who can make fake things come true. You call it witchcraft here. Is that retainer not here today, or did he leave after we came?"

When this was said, Shutenmaru was the first to be dissatisfied, and immediately said: "Your Excellency, are you doubting something when you say that?"

Kevin looked at the fat man in front of him and shook his head slightly: "No. You should also know that I am here with the power to fight against the Beasts Pirates, and there are nearly 4,000 combat forces. I am not playing house here."

"Before this, Shimotsuki Hikoichiro begged me for nearly three years. This is one of the reasons why I came here. The policy of Wano Country's isolation has made you know nothing about many things in the outside world, so now I need to know where Kanjuro is."

Kinemon was about to step forward, but was grabbed by Denjiro behind him.

At this time, Denjiro, who was still wearing glasses, looked gentle and walked out by pulling Kin'emon.

"Kanjuro left a minute ago. He said that the gentleman had a good appetite, so he wanted to find some more food."

"It's really incompetent. Everyone came to help us, but even the most basic food, we can't..."

Before he finished speaking, Kevin stood up and said to Rayleigh and Roger: "Stop them, don't chase them out."


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