Chen Mu raised his paw and looked at it.

As time went by.

Chen Mu's body completely turned into golden light, and then slowly shrank under the gaze of the female leopard.

Soon, the golden light began to condense into a brand new body shape again.

The golden light slowly disappeared. Looking at the strange creature in front of her, the female leopard suddenly felt uneasy and took a few steps back.

Chen Mu came back to his senses. He opened his eyes and saw the female leopard.

But the female leopard looked at him with uneasy eyes.

Chen Mu subconsciously raised his paw and looked at his paw.

This paw is much larger than the paw of the leopard.

Chen Mu couldn't see his appearance, but after looking at his body, he roughly knew what he had become.

Of course, in order to confirm his appearance.

Chen Mu still chose to open his conscious vision and look at himself through the perspective of God.

"Is that so..." Chen Mu whispered.

Sure enough, what he saw through the conscious vision was the same creature as Chen Mu expected.

A male lion with a mane.

Chen Mu looked at the female leopard in front of him and said, "Don't be afraid, it's me."

The female leopard blinked when she heard it.

Through language sharing, Chen Mu can communicate with other creatures regardless of their race. Although Chen Mu's body has become a lion, he can still communicate with this female leopard.

The female leopard recognized Chen Mu and said, "You... this is...?"

Chen Mu said, "Because of some special reasons, I can change my appearance according to my thoughts."

As he said that, Chen Mu's body changed into the appearance of a leopard.

However, when he turned into a leopard, his shoulder height was more than three meters, and he still looked very scary.

Chen Mu lowered his head and looked at the female leopard, saying, "Isn't it?"

The female leopard opened her mouth slightly and looked at Chen Mu, a little dazed.

"But this... is a little too big?"

When Chen Mu heard it, he changed back to the appearance of a male lion and shrunk to the size of a male lion.

Chen Mu said, "After my body becomes bigger, I can't get smaller."

The female leopard looked at Chen Mu, and it slowly came over, rubbing Chen Mu's shoulder, while making gurgling breathing sounds.

After confirming that Chen Mu was Chen Mu, it naturally accepted Chen Mu's identity.

"Congratulations on completing the evolution, and getting the evolution reward, predator evolution."

Predator evolution?

Chen Mu was a little confused: "Predator evolution? What does it mean?"

The mechanical voice of the system sounded: "Prey on a creature of the same species, and then use predator evolution, you can evolve into that creature."

Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly.

What does it mean? In other words, what kind of creature you evolve into now can be decided by yourself?

"Congratulations on completing the evolution, and getting the evolution reward, glutton evolution."

Hearing that another evolution reward was also a reward that he couldn't understand, Chen Mu suddenly became interested: "Gluttony evolution, what is it?"

"Use gluttony evolution, and then eat five animals, it can cause gene mutations and gain some unique abilities." The mechanical and emotionless voice of the system came.

This explanation made Chen Mu feel a little strange: "Then, are all the abilities gained by gluttony evolution positive?"

Chen Mu, who used to be a human, had read books and knew a little about gene mutation.

Gene mutations can be good or bad, and the proportion of bad ones is much higher than that of good ones.

If I use gluttony evolution and it causes an accident, wouldn't it be the end?

"Gluttony evolution has good and bad, and it may fail to evolve, and failure may also lead to death." The system's emotionless voice came.

Sure enough, just as Chen Mu expected, there will still be bad things about the evolution of gene mutation.

However, Chen Mu is still interested in gluttony evolution.

Wait a minute.

Chen Mu suddenly found a problem.

"Are there no tasks?" Chen Mu asked the system subconsciously.

The system said: "All tasks have been completed."

In other words, there are no more tasks.

Chen Mu raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

However, if he wants to evolve next, he can completely evolve through predation, that is, he does not need to evolve through swallowing.

At night.

Chen Mu raised his head and looked at the female leopard resting on the tree. He retracted his gaze and stood up.

It has been more than a year, and it is time to leave.

The female leopard was resting. It heard the movement. It opened its eyes and saw Chen Mu, who had turned into a lion, walking away step by step.

The female leopard came down from the tree. It watched from a distance and watched Chen Mu leave.

After a year, Chen Mu has figured out the location of many animals nearby.

Chen Mu is not interested in turning into other animals at present. He is more interested in this gluttonous evolution.

What will the evolution brought by gene mutation be like?

"Gluttonous evolution belongs to gene mutation evolution. If I come, I may die if I am unlucky. It is best to pick a lucky person and let it replace me to carry out gluttonous evolution."

Chen Mu was a little moved.

"I use my control ability to capture an animal, and then share the ability of gluttony evolution with it, feed it, and after its gene mutation evolves, I use predation evolution to prey on it, so that I can get the benefits brought by gluttony evolution." Chen Mu's blood surged when he thought of this.

This way, he can perfectly avoid the dangers brought by gene mutation and get the highest benefits!


So which animal would be better for gene mutation?

Chen Mu paused slightly, and his eyes moved not far away. There was a lion group in front of him.

Lionesses were resting one by one.

There was also a male lion in the lion group. The male lion was resting under a tree. It seemed to have heard the noise and looked towards Chen Mu.

Their eyes met.

The male lion bared his teeth, stood up suddenly, and rushed towards Chen Mu.

Seeing this, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

"Then it's you."

Under the gaze of the lionesses, the male lion ran quickly to Chen Mu.

Seeing that a big battle was inevitable, the lionesses were very nervous.

In a lion group, there is usually a male lion as the leader.

If the foreign male lion is very strong, he can challenge the male lion leading the lion group. If the challenge is successful, the leader of the lion group will be replaced.

The first thing the victorious male lion did when entering the lion group was to kill the lionesses' children and induce them to go into heat again.

In other words, the battle in front of them might affect whether their children would die or not.

However, at this moment, as the lion king approached the foreign male lion.

The lion king slowed down.

The foreign male lion took the lion king away with him.

The lionesses were stunned when they saw this scene.

They looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion and puzzlement, as if they didn't understand what was going on.

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