Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 110 Successful, but not completely successful

However, the flying lion had only been flying for half an hour.


Chen Mu saw the winged lion falling from the sky.

The force of its flapping wings became weaker, and the wings seemed to be unable to flap.

No matter how Chen Mu used his control ability and how he drove it to flap its wings, it could not flap, and its whole body quickly fell to the ground.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The head of the winged lion was directly smashed, and the whole body fell to the ground, blood spilled, dyeing the wings red.

Chen Mu rushed over and looked at the lion lying on the ground without a sound.

He frowned.

"What's going on?"

Chen Mu knew that genetic mutation evolution would have good and bad effects, but he didn't expect that this lion who had just gained wings would die like this.

This made Chen Mu completely clueless.

Is this gluttonous evolution too rubbish?

Chen Mu felt inexplicably unhappy, and he said, "System..., are you kidding me? What's going on? If I was the one who used gluttony evolution, I would have died, and died inexplicably."

"Analyzing the cause of death..." The system's mechanical and emotionless voice came.

"Analysis completed, the target has evolved through gene mutation and gained vulture wings, but there are no changes in the body. Flying requires a lot of energy, and the target cannot adapt, resulting in a rapid heart rate and sudden death."

"It is recommended that you devour some animals of the same kind when using gluttony evolution, which can reduce this situation." The system's prompt sounded.

Hearing this, Chen Mu's somewhat messy clues were sorted out at once.

He understood.

The body structure of mammals and birds is different.

Whether flapping wings or reducing oxygen due to high altitude during flight, it will cause the heart rate to increase.

In order to adapt to flying, the body structure of birds is completely different from that of mammals.

Birds have powerful lungs, and they also have a unique way of breathing. We call birds' breathing double breathing.

During one breath, part of the oxygen is used directly, and part is stored and used later.

One breath is equal to two breaths.

But mammals can't do that.

It's a good idea to give wings to lions, but because the lions cultivated by Chen Mu only have wings, but they don't have the organ structure of birds, this makes the lions unable to adapt and die suddenly due to excessive heart rate.

In fact, the price birds pay to be able to fly is much higher than imagined.

Now the system gives Chen Mu a friendly suggestion, which is to let Chen Mu devour other animals for gluttonous evolution.

Indeed, if you give up your wings and devour other mammals instead, it will be much simpler, after all, they are all mammals.

Chen Mu thought about it: "System... Is it true? Mammals really can't evolve by devouring birds to get wings?"

"According to data calculations, mammals can evolve by integrating the genes of birds, but it is extremely difficult." The system continued in an emotionless voice.

This system will generally answer Chen Mu's questions.

Of course, sometimes it won't answer.

But now it will answer, that is to say, it will still explain to Chen Mu about the ability problem.

Since the system said so, it means it is possible.

Then... .

Chen Mu said: "Is it extremely difficult... Then come on."

Chen Mu said lightly, anyway, he has plenty of time now, and the difficulty is just to consume more time.

Perhaps it is indeed much easier to devour other mammals to carry out gluttonous evolution, but what's the use?

Now Chen Mu wants to get the pair of wings and evolve the genes of the lion.

What else? Where can I find a winged lion that makes my blood boil?

Since I want to do it, Chen Mu doesn't plan to give up.

Chen Mu continues to use his control and transformation abilities to turn the captured animals into lions, and then capture vultures to feed the lions to obtain new creatures.

The new creature generated again has no wings, and it fails.

It has wings, a lion body, a griffin head, and is too small, and it fails.

It has wings, a lion body and a lion head, and a perfect body shape. It died after flying for two hours, and it fails.

With wings, lion body, vulture head, perfect body shape, too ugly, failed.

Without wings, failed.

With wings, vulture body, failed.

Chen Mu experimented for a full 120 times.

Finally, Chen Mu got a brand new creature.

Looking at the creature in front of him.

Chen Mu was slightly startled, and he walked around the creature in front of him.

"It has wings, the front half is a vulture body, and the back half is a lion." Before, the whole body was used directly, whether it was a vulture body or a lion body, but this time why is it half vulture and half lion?

This body size is slightly larger than that of an ordinary male lion, and the body shape is perfect.

If Chen Mu hadn't used his ability to double his body size, it is estimated that he would not be able to control it.

However, the vulture's unique big head and long neck made this thing's appearance a little lower, a little ugly.

"Forget it." Chen Mu said, "Let's fly and see first."

It's rare for a mutant creature to appear, so let's fly and see.

Under Chen Mu's control, the lion vulture flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

Chen Mu stood on the stone, raised his head and looked at the half-lion, half-vulture animal flying in the air.

"Just watch it first."

The new things he had acquired before basically died suddenly after flying for a few hours.

This lion vulture was a little special, but Chen Mu didn't have much hope.

Time passed by, from morning to evening.

Chen Mu was a little surprised to see the lion vulture still hovering leisurely in the air.

"Half a day..., it's not dead?"

Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly: "Did it succeed?"

No, Chen Mu planned to wait patiently for a while.

As time went by, two days passed.

The lion vulture was still fine, and even under Chen Mu's control, it could carry out various hunting operations.

Because of its huge size, coupled with the body of a male lion and the flying ability of a vulture, its hunting success rate was almost 100%.

Chen Mu looked at the special creature in front of him.

"It looks like it should be successful." Chen Mu muttered.

However, the creature in front of him was completely different from what Chen Mu imagined.

What Chen Mu wanted was just a lion with wings, but this one was simply a combination of a lion and a vulture.

And the big head and the bare vulture neck without feathers made Chen Mu very uncomfortable.

Chen Mu raised his claws and waved.

"Puff!" With the sound of blood and flesh being separated, the lion vulture died directly and fell to the ground without a sound.

Chen Mu said lightly: "Even if it is alive, it has power, but it is too ugly and does not meet my needs. No."

Next one.

If you want to do it, do the most perfect one. Don't do it with flaws.

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