Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 113 In order to find a powerful gene, I turned into an ant

Chen Mu devoured the animals in Africa like crazy.

This lasted for a month.

However, what surprised Chen Mu was that...

After a month, there was no progress in his evolutionary energy.

"System, how much energy do I need to evolve next time?"

The system answered Chen Mu in a mechanical voice: "The evolutionary energy required for the next evolution is 100 million evolutionary energy points, and it is currently 211 points."

Hearing this, Chen Mu took a breath of cold air.

100 million? !

And now Chen Mu has been devouring for a month, and there are only more than 200 points?

Then when will it be full? !

Isn't this nonsense?

Chen Mu suddenly had a headache and was depressed.

"Now the number of animals is getting smaller and smaller because of my devouring. If I continue like this, I guess all the animals in Africa will be gone before I complete the next evolution." Chen Mu was thinking.

"What should I do? I have to devour organisms to obtain evolutionary energy. If I want to devour organisms, where can I get enough organisms?"

Chen Mu's mind suddenly moved: "Farming?"

Chen Mu's mouth twitched: "No way, do you want me to do farming?"

Thinking of this, Chen Mu suddenly had a headache.

"If I want to do farming, it will take me a long time..." Chen Mu muttered.

But Chen Mu thought again: "No."

"If I use my abilities to breed, it will be different."

"According to the energy stipulated by the system, the higher the creature is in the food chain, the more energy it can obtain. In this African savannah, the creature at the top of the food chain is the lion. If I want to obtain evolutionary energy quickly, then the lion is the most suitable. But it takes too long to breed lions."

A lioness needs to be pregnant for more than 100 days to give birth to 1-6 lion cubs. The most terrible thing is that lions cannot be kept in captivity for feeding. In other words, if the lion cubs are fed with the help of Chen Mu, they will also have to go through the elimination of nature and will still be depressed in the end.

"Simply raising lions is definitely not enough. But... what if I catch a lioness and let her devour the queen ant to obtain the queen ant's genes? In this way, I can get more evolutionary energy by devouring these new creatures, and at the same time, these things reproduce very quickly, which can be said to be endless. In this way, I can devour them crazily to obtain evolutionary energy!"

Thinking of this, Chen Mu's blood boiled!


He did it as he said.

Lions are not difficult to obtain, but the problem is that queen ants are not easy to get.

Chen Mu's conscious vision can't see things in the land.

"Well..." Chen Mu thought for a while: "There is a way."

Chen Mu slowly landed on the ground, looked around, and locked his sight on a small ant climbing on the tree.

Chen Mu walked over, raised his claws, and touched it.

"Evolution by predation."

The ant turned into golden light and was devoured by Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's huge body was also wrapped in golden light and slowly shrank.

The golden light dissipated.

An ant appeared on the ground, it was Chen Mu.

Chen Mu looked around through the eyes of the ant.

"Hmm... really interesting." Chen Mu saw a blurry world. He subconsciously lifted his feet and looked around. When he was close enough, he could barely see clearly.

"High myopia is just like this, forget it." Trying to see the eyesight through the eyes of an ant is a joke in itself.

Ants have a lot of compound eyes, and these compound eyes are many, many small holes. Ants are equivalent to seeing the world through countless small holes. Their eyesight is very poor. Compared with humans, they are almost blind.

Chen Mu opened his conscious vision, and his vision became clear all of a sudden.

As an ant, Chen Mu can capture a certain biochemical hormone that permeates the surroundings through the two antennae on his head.

Through this biochemical hormone, Chen Mu's head can clearly realize that this is left by his companions.

Ants' antennae are their communication tools. They have no language, so they communicate through antennae and the biochemical hormones they release.

If two ants meet, they will touch their antennae to communicate.

Or tell your companions where there is food, or judge whether the other party is your companion or your enemy.

After all, ants are not all from the same group.

If ants from different groups meet, it will be a fight.

Chen Mu's purpose of becoming an ant is very simple. He wants to find the queen ant, so the easiest way is naturally to become an ant.

Through the translation ability given by the system, he can communicate with the ants after becoming an ant.

At this time, Chen Mu happened to see an ant passing by in front of him.

Seeing the ant, Chen Mu walked over: "Hey."

The ant heard the sound and looked over here subconsciously.

Ants cannot make sounds, and their communication methods are almost all based on biochemical hormones.

But Chen Mu has a system, and the system can send what Chen Mu wants to express directly into the target's head.

At the same time, the target's words are sent into Chen Mu's head through language.

The external expression is directly language, but in fact, if outsiders look at the ants, they will find that the ants are not speaking.

Chen Mu said: "I have something important here, I have to find the queen ant, can you lead the way?"

The ant came over and touched Chen Mu's antennae with its antennae.

"Follow me." After confirming that Chen Mu was a companion, the ant went straight in one direction.

With its intelligence, it naturally didn't know what Chen Mu wanted to do, but it received the information conveyed by Chen Mu. If a companion wanted to do something, it would naturally help.

Ants are very united animals.

Chen Mu followed the ant forward.

While walking, Chen Mu observed the ant.

The belly and feet of the ant in front of him were dark orange, and the head and body were black.

What kind of ant is this? Chen Mu is not sure.

The ant that Chen Mu has turned into now is called an army ant.

There are many varieties and types of ants, and the one in front of him is an army ant.

Not long after, Chen Mu saw the nest in front of him. When he saw the nest, Chen Mu felt his soul was shocked.

If Chen Mu, as a griffin, saw this scene, he would not feel anything, but because Chen Mu's body size has shrunk, the world he sees feels bigger.

This scene shocked Chen Mu.

Countless ants intertwined to form a nest.

This nest was actually made up of ants' bodies? !

These ants were still alive, but this scene still shocked Chen Mu.

Are there ants that use their bodies to build nests?

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