Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 125 Peacock looks good, you can use him

Inside the tent.

The man in the white coat looked at the picture on the screen. He stared blankly at the figure of Chen Mu flapping his wings and leaving.

He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

for a long time.

He slowly adjusted his mood and murmured to himself: "It...can speak human language."

The woman looked at the man in the white coat next to her.

The teacher had already determined that the creature in front of him was a god, but when an animal-like creature spoke human words, the shock felt was difficult to describe in words.

"Teacher..." the woman said subconsciously: "Since it can use human language, does that mean we can communicate with it?"

When the man in the white coat heard this, he subconsciously looked at the woman beside him: "Communicate..."

He looked away and looked at the screen in front of him: "Communicate with God...?"

He shook his head, slowly pulled up a chair and sat down, resting his head on his hands and closing his eyes, as if thinking.

He said: "Are human beings today suitable for contact with God... I don't know about this question..."

The woman looked at the teacher, she didn't know what to say.

She could only choose to look at the screen and remain silent.

For Chen Mu, human actions are just a small episode.

As a human being, Chen Mu naturally knew the greed of some humans.

It was completely expected that humans would attack him.

But Chen Mu is still a little disappointed. As a former human being, he is disappointed with mankind.

Chen Mu returned to the place where the lion-cow ant queen was, and continued his breeding life as usual.

The reproduction speed of lion ant queens is so fast that they can basically give birth to one million lion ant queens in one month.

Therefore, in order to allow the grass in the grassland to keep up with the growth progress and the reproduction progress of the lion and cow ants, to achieve a balance.

Chen Mu chose to devour and eliminate lion ants every fifteen days to control the number of lion ants.

Of course, lion ants will eat anything. Basically, wherever the lion ants are, other creatures will either run away or become food directly.

In this way, time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, two months passed.

On this day, a lion ant caught a creature, and it was carrying the creature back to the lion ant queen.

Chen Mu, who was resting on the side, saw what the lion ant was holding.

Upon seeing it, Chen Mu subconsciously raised his head.


The corpse held by the lion ant was clearly that of a peacock.

To be precise, it was a blue peacock.

There are several species of peacocks.

The more common ones are blue peacocks and green peacocks. To distinguish blue peacocks from green peacocks, it is very simple. Just look at the neck. A blue neck is a blue peacock, and a green neck is a green peacock.

And the peacock in front of me is the blue peacock among them.

In fact, in Africa, Chen Mu had seen a peacock before, but Chen Mu didn't recognize it at the time.

There is a kind of peacock here in Africa called the Congo peacock.

In Chen Mu's impression, peacocks' tails are very delicate, looking like round eyes one after another, colorful and gorgeous.

The reason why peacocks have long and gorgeous tails is because they are male peacocks. In order to attract female peacocks during the breeding season, male peacocks have such tails to attract female peacocks.

The Congolese peacock has the body of a peacock, but even the male peacock does not have such a gorgeous and iconic tail, so Chen Mu failed to recognize it.

But the peacock in front of me has a gorgeous peacock tail.

Obviously this is not a Congolese peacock, but another species of peacock.

This is a peacock that is not native to Africa.

There are generally two ways for non-native creatures to appear in that place. One is to introduce them to zoos, and the other is to raise them by humans. They directly purchase adult peacocks from other countries, or buy eggs and return them to the country for artificial hatching and breeding.

Of course, Chen Mu didn't know these things, but he didn't expect to see the peacock at this time.

Chen Mu suddenly had an idea.

Before, when he transformed into that big bird, he looked like a large gray albatross, which looked a bit unsightly.

How about changing your appearance?

Thinking about it, Chen Mu stood up, flapped his wings, flew over, and stopped the lion ant.

The Lion Bull Ant took a look and looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said, "I want this."

When the lion-cow ant heard this, it put the peacock on the ground and turned away.

Lions, cows, and ants all regard Chen Mu as a being whose power is equal to that of the queen of lions, cows, and ants. Naturally, none of them dare to violate Chen Mu's orders.

Chen Mu looked at the peacock, raised his wings and played with it.

One of the peacock's wings was gone, leaving only a wound, which stained its body red.


Chen Mu thought for a moment.

So far, Chen Mu has not preyed on dead animals to evolve predators.

So dead animals, okay?

Will he end his predatory evolution and die?

Give it a try.

Just do an experiment.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu looked at a lion, cow and ant next to him.

Directly use the control ability to control the lion and bull ants to come here.

Through ability sharing, predatory evolution is shared.

The lion ant evolved to prey on the peacock.

Accompanied by a burst of golden light.

The body of the lion ant transformed into a peacock under Chen Mu's gaze.

The body is complete and the body is gorgeous. It is standing there with no injuries at all.

Seeing this, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

The experiment was successful.

Predatory evolution can prey on corpses.

Chen Mu walked over and performed predatory evolution on the peacock that was transformed from a lion-bull ant.

Chen Mu's consciousness slowly disappeared, and after he came to his senses, he subconsciously looked at himself.

Is this a peacock?

The color is quite gorgeous.

Combining the color of this peacock with the giant bird, it is estimated that a better-looking thing can be made.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu decided to give it a try.

Chen Mu's eyes fell on the lion-bull ants that were passing by Chen Mu and looking for food.

Chen Mu turned into a giant bird, stood aside, and looked ahead.

A lion-bull ant in front turned into a giant bird, and a lion-bull ant next to it turned into a peacock.

The giant bird used gluttony evolution to devour the peacock.

After nearly devouring five peacocks transformed from lion-bull ants.

The giant bird exuded golden light all over.

The body began to shrink, becoming only as small as a peacock, and then began to take shape.

A small blue whale with peacock feathers appeared in front of Chen Mu. It jumped and struggled for a few times, and then stopped moving.

It was obviously dead.

Chen Mu's mouth twitched.


Chen Mu continued to use the control ability, ability sharing, sharing change ability, and gluttony evolution ability to carry out gene fusion.

This time it was not as simple as the blue whale swallowing the albatross.

Chen Mu's experiment lasted for more than a month, and he did more than a thousand experiments.

Fortunately, the reproduction ability of the lion-bull ant queen is very strong.

Otherwise, at the speed of Chen Mu's experiment, if he had to use a real peacock, it is estimated that the peacock would have to be extinct.

Finally, a brand new creature appeared in front of Chen Mu.

It was only two-thirds the size of the giant bird, but its feathers were extremely gorgeous.

Because it incorporated the genes of the blue whale and the albatross, its appearance was still somewhat different.

Especially the tail.

Unlike the peacock's tail that folds like a fan, this new creature has only five tails, and the end has a peacock-like eye.

It has a slender body and stands tall, with a unique temperament, that of a king.

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