Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 135 I finally evolved again, I am a snake

Tang led the way, Chen Mu followed Tang, looking for lion-bull ants and devouring them.

While devouring, he couldn't help but think of one thing.

Am I using the two-legged apes of Jiaolan Country as feed to feed the lion-bull ants?

Using the two-legged apes as feed, after half a year, devour these lion-bull ants and turn them into its own evolutionary energy.

This method is really like what a ferocious beast would do.

Of course, all this is just an accident for Chen Mu.

And this accident brought Chen Mu endless evolutionary energy.

In the past six months, these lion-bull ants have divided countless ant nests and countless queens.

You know, the queen will give birth to six eggs that can become the next queen or king at a time, as well as more than a thousand winged male ants, which can become new ant colonies.

After a queen settles down and has a stable food supply, it means that countless lion-bull ants and countless queens and kings can be created every once in a while.

That is not as simple as one changing to two. It may be one changing to three or four at the beginning. Later, the queens and kings of each ant nest began to fly and marry. The number of new ant nests that can be produced by just one flying marriage is a very terrifying number.

Without Chen Mu's control, most of the territory of Jiaolan Country was taken away in the past six months.

In that large part of the territory, all animals, all humans, and all plants became food for these endless lion-bull ants.

All Chen Mu could see along the way was only charred land, broken buildings, and the land that had turned into a desert, and of course those dense and endless lion-bull ants.

"Successfully obtained evolutionary energy, and the current progress of evolutionary energy is 3%."

"Successfully obtained evolutionary energy, and the current progress of evolutionary energy is 4%."

"Five percent..."

"Six percent..."

"Ten percent..."

"Twenty percent..."

"Fifty percent..."

"Ninety-nine percent."

Although it was harvesting vegetables, Chen Mu still needed to do it himself.

Eat, you have to eat by yourself.

The distribution area of ​​these lion-bull ants is too wide, and there are too many of them.

It took Chen Mu half a month.

Finally, these lion-bull ants were almost dealt with.

And on this day.

Chen Mu heard the familiar and surprising voice.

"Successfully obtained evolutionary energy, and the current evolutionary energy progress is 100%."

"Congratulations on obtaining 100% evolutionary energy progress, start evolving."

It's been almost a year, and it's finally full!

Somewhat excited.

He was not excited about what he could evolve into next, but what kind of ability he could get next!

Chen Mu was wrapped in golden light.

Tang, who was next to him, looked at Chen Mu's changes, and her eyes were full of doubts: "Master Divine Beast?"

Chen Mu's whole body turned into a ball of light, and the ball of light began to shrink and gradually became smaller.

Soon, the ball of light shrank to the size of a fist.

Tang was confused.

Suddenly, under Tang's gaze, the ball of light went straight up to the sky, and under her gaze, it turned into a meteor and disappeared into the night sky.

Tang Zheng was standing on the desertified land, looking at the scene in front of her, but she didn't know what to do for a moment.

There were fewer lion-bull ants in Jiaolan Country, and almost no lion-bull ants could be seen outside.

But half a month after Chen Mu left.

One after another, lion-bull ants ran out of the ant nests of lion-bull ants.

As the lion-bull ants began to reproduce again, Jiaolan Country once again became a purgatory on earth.

Chen Mu did devour countless lion-bull ants, but the problem was that Chen Mu never personally went to find the queen ants hiding underneath.

What he devoured were just some worker ants and soldier ants.

As soon as Chen Mu left, the queen lion-bull ant began to reproduce again, and the entire Jiaolan Country once again became a purgatory on earth.

On the other side.

When Chen Mu was devoured by the golden light, his consciousness disappeared.

I don't know how long it took.

Chen Mu came back to his senses.

"It's so cold..."

As soon as Chen Mu regained consciousness, he immediately felt the cold.

This chill came from all over his body.

What's going on?

Chen Mu was a little confused.

Just a moment ago, Chen Mu was still in the African continent where the temperature was relatively high, but now he felt cold.

This made Chen Mu confused.

He came back to his senses and looked around first.

At first glance, everything he saw made Chen Mu slightly stunned.

The picture he saw was not what the normal naked eye saw, but a night vision device that looked like thermal imaging.

This is...?

Could it be....

Chen Mu subconsciously opened his conscious vision and looked at himself.

At first glance, he found that the place where he was was full of dense forests, and he himself was perched on the branches of a big tree, his body was slender and slim.

This is a snake! !


Seeing this, Chen Mu understood.

Every evolution will have something, either evolving directly on the spot, or being transported to another place by the system and becoming another creature.

And this time he obviously became an animal.

"Could it be that I feel cold."

It is night now, and the temperature around is relatively low.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals and are very sensitive to temperature. Snakes are much more sensitive to temperature than humans.

Ordinary snakes are cold-fearing creatures. If they stay below 5 degrees Celsius for a period of time, they will be frozen to death. Some large snakes, such as pythons, will die at 10 degrees Celsius.

Of course, snakes can hibernate, but this does not mean that snakes will not die in hibernation. If the temperature is always low, some snakes will die while sleeping, so most snakes like places with higher temperatures.

Humans are warm-blooded animals. If the body is too cold, the body will use some methods, such as: speeding up its metabolism to lose energy in the body to convert it into temperature.

If the body is overheated, it will sweat through sweat glands to dissipate excess heat in the body.

As cold-blooded animals, snakes cannot maintain a constant temperature and cannot maintain their own body temperature.

The only way for them to raise their body temperature is to find an external heat source. The most common way is to find a place to bask in the sun to get temperature.

When the temperature is sufficient, the body can return to normal.

If the temperature is lower than the body's needs, the snake will become very lazy and even stop moving.

Movement also dissipates heat.

When some people catch snakes at night, they will not catch them directly at first, but will choose to tease the snakes with a long stick.

This forces the snake to move when it cannot obtain heat energy, and movement will lose heat.

After teasing for a while, the snake loses a lot of heat, and even loses the ability to resist, and can only be caught obediently.

Of course, for Chen Mu, it doesn't matter.

He turned his body and turned into a griffin, standing on the treetop.

After turning into a griffin, the body temperature naturally recovered.

He flapped his wings and flew up.

"Congratulations on completing the evolution and getting the evolution reward, gene editing."

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