Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 151 After going around in circles, I'm back

During this period of time, Chen Mu's evolutionary energy gained was somewhat rapid.

It was even faster than when Chen Mu raised lion ants to devour them in Africa.

Even if Chen Mu didn't swallow the gray whale, he was still gaining evolutionary energy at a certain rate every day.

Chen Mu naturally knew that these evolutionary energies were given to him by the same race.

In other words, those who create new species by themselves share the evolutionary energy with themselves when eating.

However, to be honest, Chen Mu was a little shocked by the speed.

When he was breeding lion ants to devour them, it took Chen Mu half a year, but he only achieved one percent of the evolutionary energy progress.

But this time, in the past six months, Chen Mu had gained a full ten percent of his evolutionary energy.

You know, every time you evolve, more evolutionary energy is required.

Now that I have evolved into a snake, although my body seems to have become weaker, the amount of evolutionary energy required to evolve next time is more.

And the new species he created, coupled with the common food of the races, brought him so much evolutionary energy.

This was enough to surprise Chen Mu. Of course, after being surprised, Chen Mu could only enjoy it.

at the same time.

"Yuanyuan, have you heard about it?" Xiaonian said suddenly.

Manor Garden was sitting on the sofa watching TV. When she heard what Xiaonian had just come out of the bathroom, she was a little confused and said, "What did you hear?"

Xiaonian wiped his hair with a towel and said, "It's the thing that was posted on the Internet recently."

She sat on the sofa and said: "It's about a small village in Italy. Those small villages worshiped a giant dragon. They established a relationship with the giant dragon and sent it pigs, cattle and sheep every month. It eats, and then it protects the village from other dragons."

When the manor heard this, she was slightly stunned: "Is there still such a thing?"

"Yes." Xiaonian said, "Yes, but there are also some villages that want to learn from that small village, but they are eaten by the evil dragon before they can communicate with each other."

"It seems that those giant dragons are all intelligent. Some are willing to cooperate with humans, and some seem to simply regard humans as food." Manor Garden said softly.

According to mythological records, dragons have the character of a dragon, are kind-hearted, and will take the initiative to help humans without any reward.

Some dragons need human sacrifices before they can help humans.

And some dragons are what humans call evil dragons, completely treating humans as food.

other side.

Chen Mu, who had nothing to do, was swimming in the sea and observing the situation in his breeding area.

The carcass of a mutated gray whale caught Chen Mu's attention.

"I remember that a gray whale was killed half a month ago. Is there another one now?" Chen Mu looked carefully and found that the mutated gray whale was killed, but from the outside, the body was intact, only the tongue was damaged. Eat clean.

Seeing this, Chen Mu knew who the guy who did it was.

If it only eats tongues, then there is only one kind of creature.

killer whale.

Killer whales have a wide distribution range and can be seen in almost all oceans around the world.

As for a behemoth like a gray whale, generally no predators will stare at it. The only ones that will stare at it are killer whales like killer whales.

There is currently only one natural enemy of gray whales in the ocean, and that is killer whales.

The death of the gray whale had little impact on Chen Mu. Considering the appetite of the killer whales, even if they were a group, killing one gray whale would be enough to keep them full.

At present, Chen Mu has lost count of the number of gray whales he raises. On the contrary, if you look casually in the ocean, you will see gray whales floating and breathing on the sea surface. These mutations are densely covered in this large ocean.

Coupled with ample food, these mutated gray whales also grow very quickly.

Now that the number of mutated gray whales is always somewhat beyond control, Chen Mu can only use his devouring ability to clear out some every other month.

Therefore, the death of one or two mutated gray whales had little impact on Chen Mu.

However, he felt somewhat uncomfortable when the things he raised were eaten by other animals.

Chen Mu expands his horizons of consciousness.

The area with a radius of 10,000 meters from Chen Mu is Chen Mu's field of vision.

Through this extremely wide field of vision, Chen Mu saw countless creatures. Of course, the one that attracted Chen Mu's attention the most was the six playing killer whales.

Obviously, those six killer whales were the culprits who killed his own gray whale.

Chen Mu swam his huge body towards the six killer whales.

His huge head was exposed, staring in the direction of the killer whale, roaring closer.

When the six killer whales discovered Chen Mu's presence, they were immediately frightened and quickly turned around and ran away.

He was afraid of being caught up by Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said calmly: "Can you run away?"

As the sound fell, Chen Mu's speed suddenly doubled, his eyes locked on the nearest killer whale, and he opened his mouth and bit into it fiercely.

The killer whale seemed to realize something, but it had no choice but to run forward crazily.

Suddenly, at this moment, Chen Mu's pupils condensed slightly.

He found a sense of familiarity through the appearance of the killer whale.

Could it be...?

Chen Mu stopped chasing and looked at the killer whale flying madly forward. Chen Mu subconsciously said, "Hey, wait a minute."

The flying killer whale heard Chen Mu's voice. The moment it heard the voice, the speed of the flying killer whale slowed down.

It slowly stopped, then turned its head and looked at Chen Mu.

The small eyes under the big white spots were staring at Chen Mu, and it seemed a little unbelievable.

It stopped swimming and looked at Chen Mu.

It was indeed it.

Each killer whale group has its own unique dialect, and each killer whale in the killer whale group has its own different voice. Killer whales can recognize different individuals from the voice, just like humans.

Of course, to humans, killer whales look the same, but to killer whales, each killer whale looks different.

But in fact, the killer whales seen by killer whales are all different.

Chen Mu had stayed with killer whales for a while before, so he could naturally recognize their differences.

Chen Mu's body turned into a golden light and turned into a killer whale.

When the killer whale saw Chen Mu, it was immediately happy, jumped up, and swam towards Chen Mu.

After it approached Chen Mu, it rubbed Chen Mu's head affectionately with its head and said happily: "Great, you are finally back."

It was indeed it. Hearing the familiar voice, Chen Mu was puzzled. How could he meet it here?

Chen Mu raised his head and looked around. At this glance, Chen Mu noticed the floating ice on the sea.

Seeing these floating ice.

Chen Mu was slightly startled.

So that's it.

When Chen Mu was engaged in the breeding business, he had unknowingly expanded the breeding area to the Antarctic.

From Antarctica to Australia, from Australia to North Asia, from North Asia to Antarctica, from Antarctica to Africa, from Africa to Southeast Asia, now it has gone around and returned to Antarctica.

The killer whale next to Chen Mu was the sister killer whale who had taken care of Chen Mu for a long time before.

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