Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 165: One tree becomes a forest! Crazy growth

Chen Mu was planning to use his swallowing ability.

But Chen Mu suddenly realized something, he couldn't use his devouring ability.


Chen Mu subconsciously looked at the moon in the sky with his conscious vision.

Because it is night, without the participation of sunlight, Chen Mu, as a plant, cannot use photosynthesis.

For plants to 'eat' photosynthesis is indispensable.

Chen Mu slowly suppressed the boiling emotions in his heart and waited quietly, waiting for the morning to arrive.

As time passed, a ray of sunshine penetrated the clouds from the east, and the morning sunshine fell on Chen Mu.

Chen Mu felt the sunshine and reopened his consciousness.

Chen Mu saw the little guys rushing back.

These little guys are flying in the mid-air, flapping their pure white wings and holding small wooden buckets. They are working very hard, just like the little bees helping the queen bee collect honey.

"Elf...?" Chen Mu thought of what the two humans said.

Indeed, it looks like one elf after another.

These little guys flew over, and then, as usual, they gathered around Chen Mu, ready to rest.

Look at them.

Chen Mu originally planned to ignore them and start devouring them directly.

But Chen Mu knew that if he ignored them now, he would definitely have an impact on them if he grew larger while devouring them.

Think of this.

Branches sprouted on both sides of Chen Mu's trunk. A thick trunk appeared, and was quickly wrapped by tough branches.

There are more and more branches, slowly intertwining.

Chen Mu used tough branches as muscles, thick trunks as bones, and bark as skin to create a pair of huge arms.

Chen Mu raised his hands and shook hands.

Not flexible, but functional.

The elves below saw the movement here and looked here.

Notice what they do.

Chen Mu slowly stretched out his hands and placed them among the elves.

The elves were still a little confused.

Chen Mu said: "Everything is on the palm of your hand."

The elves looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

But they didn't think much about Chen Mu's order. They flapped their wings one by one and landed on Chen Mu's palm.

However, the number of these elves is very, very large.

In these two months, Chen Mu has created a hundred thousand elves, and there are a lot of them.

Although Chen Mu's hands were very huge, he couldn't blend in with all the elves.

"Ancestor, there are too many sisters to stand on." Luyi said aloud.

Chen Mu looked at his palms and saw that his palms were full of people, and there were many elves outside.

Chen Mu thought for a moment, and it seemed that he had underestimated the number of elves he had created during this period. He originally planned to hold them in his hands and then devour them.

Now it seems, no.

He said: "You all fly to my canopy and remember to connect to my body with the aerial roots in your hair."

Along with Chen Mu's voice fell.

The elves didn't think much at all. They flapped their wings one by one, flew to the top of Chen Mu's tree canopy, and found a place to sit down.

The vine-like aerial roots in their hair were connected to Chen Mu's body.

These elves were created by Chen Mu and were connected by blood with Chen Mu. From a certain point of view, they were Chen Mu's "doppelgangers"... Of course, Chen Mu would never think so.

The banyan tree has the largest crown of all trees. Although there are many elves, Chen Mu's size is so huge that it is enough to blend in with these elves.

These elves were still a little confused and didn't know what Chen Mu wanted to do.

At this time, Chen Mu started.


One of Chen Mu's tree roots is connected to the 'lake' next to it.

The fresh water in the lake turned into bits of golden light, quickly submerged into the roots of Chen Mu's tree, and entered Chen Mu's body through the roots.

Chen Mu's body was growing, and while growing, one of his tree roots began to stretch crazily under Chen Mu's deliberate manipulation, heading straight towards the nearest seaside.

Soon, the tree root entered the sea water.

The moment it touches the sea water.

The sea water also turned into golden light, passing through the tree roots and sinking into Chen Mu's body.

Chen Mu continued to grow in size, somewhat slowly.

But as more and more seawater was desalinated into fresh water by Chen Mu and absorbed by Chen Mu, more and more tree roots grew and entered the seawater.

As more and more tree roots submerge into the sea.

Chen Mu began to grow in size at a shocking speed.

Chen Mu could hear the sound of the system.

"Congratulations on getting evolutionary energy. The current evolutionary energy progress is 1%."

"Congratulations on obtaining evolutionary energy. The current evolutionary energy progress is 2%."

And at the same time as this sound sounded.

Chen Mu's body size is also increasing crazily.

From the first three hundred meters, it started to get bigger.

It became four hundred meters high, five hundred meters high...

Six hundred meters high, seven hundred meters….

One thousand meters.

One thousand and one.

One thousand and two.

In the process of growing, his canopy becomes wider and wider.

Countless aerial roots hang down from the branches and fall to the ground. When they hit the ground, they take root and become new branches, supporting the crown of the tree.

After the aerial roots of the banyan tree fall to the ground, they will take root, absorb nutrients, transport water, and form new branches. It will not branch or grow leaves, but become new branches.

The banyan tree is a plant that can form a forest, and their aerial roots are new small trees.

In fact, if the aerial roots did not fall to the ground and become new trunks, the banyan tree with the largest crown among all trees would inevitably collapse under Chen Mu's endless growth, but these aerial roots helped Chen Mu to support his crown.

Chen Mu madly absorbed fresh water from the sea, carbon dioxide from the sky, and sunlight from the sun.

Those things turned into golden light and sank into Chen Mu's body under the effect of the devouring ability.

He is growing wildly!

Growing wildly at an extremely terrifying speed!

1,300 meters!

1,400 meters!


2,000 meters!

The largest tree recorded in the world is the Australian almond eucalyptus, which is 156 meters high, and Chen Mu's current height is completely out of common sense!

And he is still growing wildly.

As time went by, as Chen Mu's body gradually grew bigger.

The island that was so huge in Chen Mu's eyes was completely trampled under his feet.

Chen Mu's trunk was already thicker than the island!

Countless dense tree roots went down, deep into the seabed, directly sank into the seabed, and took root directly on the seabed.

At this moment, Chen Mu's roots were already dense and extremely thick.


The island was directly swallowed by Chen Mu under his crazy growth.

The island disappeared.

And Chen Mu's roots were directly rooted in the sea.

He continued to swallow the sea water and continued to grow!

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