Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 169 Can cactus release oxygen at night?

Snow is just water that has evaporated. After turning into clouds, it is affected by low temperatures and condenses into small ice crystals.

The ice crystals fall down, and they are white. In people's eyes, they have another name, snow.

In fact, snow and water are just caused by some physical phenomena.

Snow is a physical phenomenon of water, which is within Chen Mu's control.

Chen Mu can easily convert the snow into fresh water.

And this fresh water is exactly what Chen Mu needs now.

Chen Mu picked up the flower pot, flapped his wings and flew up.

The movement on the roof attracted the attention of the people below, and those people raised their heads and looked at Chen Mu one by one.

"Daddy, look." The little guys who were making snowmen hurried to the middle-aged man, and one of the little girls pointed at Chen Mu.

The middle-aged man looked up and looked at Chen Mu flying in the air and flying away.

His mouth opened slightly, and his expression was a little surprised and unbelievable.

Chen Mu flew out of the city and happened to find a river.

See this river

Chen Mu flew over and landed by the river. He placed the flower pot by the river.

His huge griffin body glowed with golden light, and his body entered the flower pot and turned back into the small cactus before.

Chen Mu looked at the river next to him: "Phenomenon control."

"Uncontrollable." The system's voice sounded.

Chen Mu was slightly startled, and before Chen Mu could ask a question.

The system's voice continued to sound: "Phenomenon control can control existences with a smaller mass than you. If the mass is larger than you, it cannot be used."

Sure enough, just like many abilities, there are restrictions on mass or size.

Chen Mu wanted to control this river, and the water in this river was connected together, so the mass was equal to the mass of this river.

Chen Mu's small cactus could not be compared in mass.

But it didn't matter.

Chen Mu looked around. Under the flower pot was a piece of ground covered with snow, and snowflakes were still falling from the sky.

The snowflakes turned into fresh water droplets little by little and sank into Chen Mu's flower pot.


Chen Mu used the swallowing ability.

The fresh water turned into dots of light and was swallowed and absorbed by Chen Mu.

The carbon dioxide and sunlight in the air followed the fresh water into Chen Mu's body and also sank into it.

The cactus is different from ordinary plants, and it is completely different from the banyan tree that Chen Mu had transformed into before.

Common plants, like the banyan tree, use the chloroplasts contained in the leaves to photosynthesize and provide nutrients to the plants.

But the cactus has no leaves. It can be said that the leaves of the cactus have degenerated into thorns, and the thorns have no leaves, so naturally there are no chloroplasts.

The body of the cactus we see is actually its stem. In the words of the banyan tree, the round body of the cactus can also be regarded as its trunk. The stem and the trunk are actually the same concept.

But the stem of the cactus is different. It has chloroplasts in its stem.

That's right, the chloroplasts of the cactus are located in its stem.

The cactus uses the chloroplasts in its stem to photosynthesize to obtain energy.

Through photosynthesis, Chen Mu absorbed carbon dioxide in the air and fresh water from the snow.

There was a lot of snow, both on the ground and floating in the sky.

Chen Mu's body began to grow slowly.

Maybe because Chen Mu's initial size was too small, his growth rate was much slower than that of the banyan tree.

Soon, the space in the flowerpot was filled with Chen Mu.

Chen Mu obtained evolutionary energy by swallowing, while observing the surroundings through his consciousness.

As time passed.

The light gradually dimmed.

Soon, it was completely dark.

It was already night.

But what surprised Chen Mu was that even at night, his body continued to absorb carbon dioxide.


When many merchants sell cacti or cacti, they will introduce these creatures to some buyers who intend to buy flowers, saying that they will release oxygen at night and are praised as natural oxygen bars.

It's the same for cacti or cacti. They used to grow in some tropical places. The temperature was too high during the day and they consumed too much water, so they had a very special way of survival.

During the day, they would choose to close the stomata used to absorb carbon dioxide and choose not to absorb carbon dioxide to reduce the water consumed during the day.

At night, they would open their stomata, absorb carbon dioxide, and then fix the carbon dioxide in their own vacuoles. When it was daytime, they would photosynthesize and synthesize the energy they needed, and generate oxygen at the same time.

During the day, in order to reduce water evaporation, the stomata were closed. The oxygen generated by photosynthesis naturally could not be discharged.

So the oxygen accumulated in the body would be released while absorbing carbon dioxide at night. Of course, the amount was not much and could not change much air..., so just listen to the merchant's words.

Originally, under normal circumstances, Chen Mu, as a cactus, could not absorb carbon dioxide during the day, but Chen Mu used the devouring energy to forcefully absorb it.

At night, Chen Mu felt that he was absorbing carbon dioxide, which was naturally caused by the unique living habits of the cactus.

Chen Mu didn't understand. You know, when he was the banyan tree, at night, basically all activities stopped and the only thing left was rest.

But, since it can be absorbed, then continue to absorb it.

Absorbing carbon dioxide earlier now can also grow faster tomorrow morning.

The next day.

Chen Mu's roots have touched the flower pot.

This is not a good thing.

If the roots are restricted by the flower pot, there is no way to enter the ground.

So, Chen Mu thought about it and the flower pot cracked.

Chen Mu's roots sank into the soil on the river bank.

The soil absorbed the fresh water in the river, and this fresh water now directly entered Chen Mu's body along the roots of Chen Mu's cactus.

Chen Mu used his devouring ability and used the revival of all things at the same time.

The roots of the cactus quickly grew larger, and then passed through the soil and sank into the river.

When the roots touched the river.

Chen Mu no longer had to deliberately slow down his speed.

He began to grow wildly!

A cactus grew wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the size of a ping-pong ball at the beginning, it became the size of a fist, and from the size of a fist to the size of a football.

From the size of a football, it continued to grow larger.

The entire giant cactus ball glowed with golden light, and countless golden lights around it penetrated into Chen Mu's body from all directions.

Chen Mu grew and became bigger quickly.

Of course, this speed was far slower than the speed of the banyan tree before, but it was definitely not to be underestimated.

In just one day, Chen Mu's figure had become a behemoth of half a meter in height.

An old man who was fishing by the lake looked at Chen Mu's changes, and his eyes widened.

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