After hearing this, Deng Yu came back to her senses.

The most important thing now is to see if Yingying can be saved.

Deng Yu said: "Tell him that your instructor is me, Deng Yu, the human woman he met before, please... him, please forgive you."

On the other side.

Chen Mu was puzzled.

After Yingying heard Deng Yu's voice, she hurriedly said: "My instructor is Deng Yu, the human woman you met before."

After Yingying finished speaking, she looked at Chen Mu and said: "Don't kill me, please... don't kill me."

Hearing this, a human woman's face appeared in Chen Mu's mind.

Deng Yu.

Is it her?

So that's the case, no wonder she can recognize me.

Before, when Chen Mu was still in the cactus state, he was recognized by Deng Yu.

Now it's not surprising to be recognized again.

The doubts were resolved.

Chen Mu looked at Yingying and said, "So, the device on your body has a live broadcast function, which can transmit the images you see to where Deng Yu is?"

Obviously, this is the case, because this is the first time Chen Mu has appeared. Unless Deng Yu sees him now and talks to her, it is impossible for this person to recognize him.

Chen Mu glanced at the wingless gem man.

The wingless gem man got Chen Mu's signal and waved the long sword in her hand.


Yingying's head fell to the ground with a loud noise.


Dust flew.

In the South Asian Command Center.

Deng Yu and Lan watched the screen instantly turn into a blue screen with no signal.

Deng Yu clenched his fists.


She punched the table in front of her.

Lan looked at the screen in front of her showing no signal, and she frowned: "Why is he..." At this point, she didn't continue, but subconsciously turned back to look at Deng Yu.

Deng Yu said: "The meaning is very clear. The reason why he didn't take action when he heard Yingying calling his name was just because of doubt. Now that the doubt is resolved, he will take action, that's all."

"He doesn't intend to communicate with us." Deng Yu said: "This is a declaration of war, a declaration of war on all mankind."

Lan was stunned.

"Can we win?"

"Do you think humans can defeat God?" Deng Yu's eyes were only gray and desperate.

At the same time.

Chen Mu looked at the giant wingless gem man in front of him.

Currently, Chen Mu needs rubies and alumina, that is, he needs aluminum ore.

And currently all the aluminum ore on the earth is occupied by humans.

If you want to get aluminum ore, you have to fight with humans.

He waved his hand.

The gems copied.

Accompanied by golden lights one after another.

One after another, giant wingless gem men appeared in front of Chen Mu.

In the blink of an eye, millions of wingless gem men stood densely in front of Chen Mu, like a giant army of one million people.

This million-strong giant wingless gem man army was dispatched.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

This terrifying giant gem army made the earth tremble with every step they took.

Accompanied by waves of sounds that made the earth tremble, the places where these wingless gem army passed by were filled with dust.

After the dust settled, all animals and plants disappeared, leaving only pits one after another made by the giants' feet. There were too many pits, and they were connected together, making the bare earth uneven.

Chen Mu watched these giant gem army leave.

This can solve the problem. As long as all humans are gone, won't all the aluminum ore on the earth belong to him?

A week later.

In order to gain some knowledge about minerals, Chen Mu found that human and chatted for a week.

This day.

Chen Mu sat on a bench, and in front of him sat a person who was made of rubies all over his body.

And this gem person was no other than the woman that Chen Mu had captured a week ago.

Now, from the appearance, she is not much different from humans, but in fact her body is already made of gems.

Like other gem people, she has no gender, does not need to eat, drink, defecate or urinate, and does not need to sleep.

The reason why Chen Mu wanted to turn her into a gem person was naturally to save time.

Chen Mu did not want to wait for her to sleep, so he gave her food and turned her into a gem person to save a lot of trouble.

Chen Mu looked at the woman in front of him who still looked a little uneasy and fearful, and said: "Do you know Huaxia?"

Chen Mu asked a question casually when he was free.

Huaxia was the human country where Chen Mu lived when he turned into an animal, and his only relative, his sister, lived there.

The things he did seemed to affect all mankind, so what about his own country?

The woman raised her face and looked at Chen Mu: "Huaxia?"

There was confusion in her eyes.

Chen Mu frowned slightly, he did not like others to use rhetorical questions to him.

The woman was stunned, and she hurriedly said: "No... No, it's just that I haven't heard of Huaxia..., so I am a little confused."

"Never heard of it?" Chen Mu showed confusion.

How could he not have heard of it?

"Isn't this Earth?"

"It is Earth."

"Aren't there Africa and Asia here?"


"What about China?"

"There is no China."

Chen Mu frowned, could it be...

"What about M Country, R Country, E Country?"

The woman looked at Chen Mu, her eyes full of doubts, and she shook her head.

Chen Mu said: "What is the largest country in Asia?"

"Asia." The woman answered Chen Mu.

After hearing these words.

Chen Mu completely understood.

Since the moment he traveled through time and space as a sea squirt larva, he was no longer on his original Earth.

This is indeed Earth, and it does have the same geographical environment as Earth, but this is not the Earth that Chen Mu is familiar with. This is in another parallel world.

Chen Mu originally planned to pay attention to China and his sister, but now it seems that he was overthinking.

Since he was reincarnated as a sea squirt larva, he no longer belongs to the human world.

As time goes by.

Wherever countless wingless giant gem legions pass by, whether it is animals, plants, buildings, vehicles, or humans, they all become wasteland under their feet.

When humans see these giant gem men from a distance, they have already announced their death.

The speed of the giant gem legion is simply walking, not running.

A giant gem man walks about two steps per second, and one step is about one-fifth of his height, which is 20 meters.

Two steps per second means a distance of 40 meters per second, which is 72 kilometers per hour.

Groups of giant gem man armies walk side by side, and millions of gem men cover a very wide range, covering a width of about 25,000 kilometers.

With this width and speed coverage, when people see these giant gem man armies appear in front of them, they are already corpses.

There is no need for the gem man army to attack, as long as they walk by, all that is left is death and despair.

One city after another turned into ruins amid panic and screams.

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