Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 196 This system is a big pit

Hearing this, Chen Mu was slightly startled: "Why? Isn't it the same if I directly use race to create or create gem life?"

They both create life, the creation of atoms and the creation of races, aren't they the same?

"Of course it's different. There are restrictions on both race creation and gem life."

"Currently, you use the templates needed for race creation. There is no template creature that can survive in an environment like the earth, unless it uses instant adaptability. And the energy obtained by races that use instant adaptability cannot be used. You get it.”

"As for gem lives, they can continue to live in the current environment without using their instantaneous adaptability. However, they are not suitable for gem sharing, so the energy they obtain has nothing to do with you."

"One more thing." The system continued to add: "The life you created through your race can indeed help you obtain energy, but it is derived from the ability shared by the race. As long as you evolve next time, you will become another species. , then the racial life you created will have nothing to do with you.”

When Chen Mu heard this, his eyes lit up slightly: "Do you mean... you mean... the life created by atoms will not have these side effects?"

The system said: "The lives you create using atoms will evolve and evolve over time. You are their creator, and the energy they obtain will be simultaneously converted into your evolutionary energy progress. No matter you next time Whatever you evolve into, they will provide you with evolutionary energy.”

"As their reproduction increases, the evolutionary energy you gain will increase geometrically."

Hearing this, Chen Mu suddenly became excited!

In other words, life created with atoms can provide Chen Mu with unlimited evolutionary energy progress! !

This is more than ten thousand times better than racial creation or something!

Chen Mu said: "Okay!"

Chen Mu said: "Then I want to use atoms to create life..., then this..."

Although Chen Mu had made a decision, making the decision was one thing and doing it was another.

What to create next?

Chen Mu had no clue at all.

Of course, it doesn't matter. The system now has a knowledge base, so you don't have to worry about it not knowing.

Chen Mu said: "What should I do?"

The system said slowly: "You can split the template you have to get the atoms you want, and then use the atoms to combine new creatures."

"Okay." Chen Mu glanced around and looked at one of the stones.

The stone glowed with golden light and turned into a tiger.


The tiger turned into countless atoms, and the atoms turned into golden light.

There was a sound.

"Congratulations on obtaining iron atom, oxygen atom, nitrogen atom, hydrogen atom... and other templates." The system's voice rang in Chen Mu's ears one by one.

This should be enough.

Chen Mu said: "What's next?"

"Atomic vision turned on."

As the sound sounded, Chen Mu's conscious vision was replaced by atomic vision.

"The atomic creation function has been turned on."

A blue interface appeared in front of Chen Mu.

"Please select the life basic template." The system's voice sounded slowly.


Do you let yourself choose the shape and appearance of the creature?

Still doing this?

Chen Mu was a little confused, but he still did it.

Chen Mu thought about the biological templates on the earth.

In the end, I still decided to use humans. After all, humans have flexible hands and feet. If new life is created, then human hands and feet can do more things and keep it alive.

"Human Template."

A blue square transparent box appeared in front of Chen Mu.

"Choose the basic elements that make up life." The system's voice sounded slowly.

Chen Mu said: "The basic elements of life?"

What's the meaning?

The system gave an explanation.

"Life on earth is basically composed of carbon atoms, so it is a carbon-based organism." The system gave an explanation: "There are many elements in this world, and these elements can be used as new life."

As currently known on the earth, the main component of all life forms is carbon atoms, so humans are carbon-based life forms.

Chen Mu thought for a moment.


There is a pit!

This system always likes to tell half of what it says. Just like before, it asked itself if it could grow larger than the earth if it has been created with atoms. At that time, the system answered "yes", but later it told itself that it would take 1 billion billion years.

This time, it will probably be a trap.

Just be careful.

Chen Mu said: "What would happen if I used carbon as a carbon-based organism to form a new life according to the current template?"

"Will die." The system directly gave Chen Mu two words: "Carbon-based life cannot survive at high temperatures. The current earth environment is not suitable for carbon-based life to survive."

The corner of Chen Mu's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, there is a pit.

Now Chen Mu finally understood.

This system does have a knowledge base, and there is knowledge in the knowledge base, but it will not actively tell Chen Mu the knowledge. It will only tell Chen Mu if Chen Mu takes the initiative to ask.

What the hell kind of system is this? It’s obviously a big scam.

Fortunately, I kept an eye out.

"What element of life can survive in the outside environment?" Chen Mu asked subconsciously.

The system said: "There are many, silicon-based life, tungsten-based life, lead-based life..."

Chen Mu said: "Then use silicon-based life."

"Acquiring silicon atoms, automatic acquisition successful."

"Creating silicon-based life."

Chen Mu could see particles appearing one after another on the human template in front of him, and those particles were silicon atoms.

Silicon-based life is an imaginary life. Compared with carbon-based life like humans, its strength lies in its high temperature resistance.

Speaking of silicon-based, everyone may be unfamiliar with it, but there is one thing that everyone should be more familiar with, that is silicone.

Things like the elastic pressure cooker are made of silicon, and some dolls are also made of silicone.

Silicon atoms began to build according to the template given by Chen Mu.

Soon, a body was built.

"Creation successful." The system prompt sounded.

Chen Mu closed the atomic vision and opened the consciousness vision to look at the human-shaped creature created by the atomic creation.

Silicon, this thing, Chen Mu had seen it in chemistry class before.

Silicon crystals seem to be black.

What would human-shaped silicon-based life look like?

When Chen Mu saw the creature in front of him with his conscious vision, he was stunned.

Is this silicon-based life?

Is this a bit too exaggerated?

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